If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 398 The decisive battle, Qin Ziteng takes action!

At the moment.

Qin Hao used two kinds of magic. There were not many people of the same level who could withstand this attack.


The sword light exploded, and billions of magic swords turned into nothingness, becoming a stream of light and dissipating in the void.

But after the magic sword dissipated, a giant claw quickly enlarged in Qin Yuan's pupils.

Seeing this scene.

Qin Yuan's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed:

"How is this possible?!"

The attack just now was so terrifying.

How could Qin Hao's two magic beast phantoms still have one left?

In his current situation, if he was really hit by this attack.

The final outcome would definitely not be good.

Although it is unlikely to fall, it is inevitable to be seriously injured.

Once seriously injured, I am afraid that today's battle will be completely settled.

When I think of this.

Qin Yuan had no time to hesitate, he turned his palm, and a bronze stone seal suddenly appeared in his palm.

The moment this stone seal appeared, it grew in the wind, and instantly covered hundreds of miles, blocking in front of him.


A loud noise was heard.

The giant claws of the Suanni divine beast collided with the stone seal, making a huge sound of golden swords clashing.


The stone seal Qin Yuan sacrificed was a low-grade Taoist weapon, which blocked this attack.

But even so.

Qin Yuan himself was also very uncomfortable.

He was shaken and flew out, and his internal organs were about to shift. The blood in his mouth gushed out crazily, dyeing the sky red, looking extremely miserable.


Qin Yuan shouted angrily.

He flew backwards, took out a jade bottle, poured out a golden pill from it, and was about to swallow it into his stomach to resolve his injuries.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, Qin Hao suddenly killed him quickly, with a posture of not letting him go.


The pill in Qin Yuan's hand was blown up before he could take it.


The two fought again, and this time was different from the previous time. Not long after, Qin Yuan was knocked out again.

He wanted to use the magical power of the double pupil, but Qin Hao did not give him the opportunity at all.

Every time at the most critical moment, Qin Hao would change his moves directly to prevent the opponent from imitating.

In just half a day, the two had countless wounds on their bodies.

In the battle near the end, both of them took out their best skills, with the purpose of defeating the opponent as soon as possible.


Qin Yuan screamed.

In this battle, he suffered a great loss.

The whole right arm was completely transformed, blood all over the body, and the white bones looked shocking.


Qin Hao rushed over.

He tried his best to suppress Qin Yuan and punched him continuously, wanting to kill the opponent completely here without giving him any chance.

Seeing that Qin Yuan was about to lose, Qin Ziteng and others could not hold back any longer.

In their Qin family, Qin Hao had almost been expelled.

And Qin Yuan was the future of their Qin family.

It could be said.

In the Qin family, anyone could lose, or even...


But only Qin Yuan could not be in trouble!

He could not even lose!

Because he represented the face of their Qin family!


Qin Ziteng shouted loudly, shaking the sky, and even time seemed to stop for a moment. A sage-level pressure swept out, sweeping the sky.

Everyone present seemed to be completely submerged by the boundless ocean, almost unable to breathe.

"Qin Ziteng?!"

"Hehe... Is he finally unable to hold back and take action?!"


Everyone present felt the pressure of the sage-level, trembled in their hearts, and looked in the direction of Qin Ziteng.

But the pressure of the sage-level fell on them, let alone turning their heads.

Those who were slightly weaker at the scene could not even move their fingers.

Countless creatures could not maintain their flying state and fell from the sky.

If the cultivators were not thick-skinned, I am afraid that many people would have fallen to death!

Time seemed to have completely stopped at this moment.

The power of a saint is unpredictable!

Outsiders did not know how many levels of heaven Qin Ziteng had passed.

But from the power he exuded at this moment, he was definitely not an ordinary saint.

At least a five-tribulation saint!

Just relying on his breath, he almost froze the void!

Such an existence may even be a six-tribulation or even a seven-tribulation saint!

Qin Hao's figure was pressed from the sky to the ground, his legs sank into the depths of the earth, as if he was carrying a mountain and wanted to press him into the center of the earth.

Even in his prime, Qin Hao would find it difficult to resist the pressure of the saint.

Not to mention that he was already seriously injured now.

The battle between him and Qin Yuan was a life-and-death struggle.

The reason why he was able to hold on until now was all because of his last breath, and he wanted to see who was better.

At the same time.

He also wanted to see who lived or died!


Being interrupted at this most critical moment, the injuries in his body also broke out completely at this moment.

"Puff puff puff..."

Bloody wounds burst open, and blood dripped, dyeing Qin Hao into a bloody man.

Although he had refined a lot of black blood stones, it could help him recover quickly from his injuries.

But at this moment, with the pressure of the saint, his recovery speed is far behind the speed of injury.

The wound that had just healed, broke again in the next second, and it repeated over and over again.

His spiritual power was also constantly consumed, and the whole person began to wilted.

The reason why he can continue to support now is just relying on his unyielding will.

On the other side.

Qin Ziteng stepped into the air.

Ah, he didn't pay attention to Qin Hao.

In his opinion, he has now appeared, and a mere Nirvana-level genius is not a concern at all!

Unless Su Chen takes action!

But Su Chen has not shown up until now, so no one dares to stop him at this moment!

The top priority now is Qin Yuan's injury!

Everything seems very unimportant compared to Qin Yuan's injury.

"Yuan'er, how is your injury?"

Qin Ziteng came to Qin Yuan, helped him up, and a pill appeared in his hand. He put it into Qin Yuan's mouth and asked with concern.

Everyone present was speechless about this scene.

The life-and-death battle between the two geniuses is about to come to the final moment.

You, a figure of the older generation, actually went down in person.

This is more or less unreasonable!

However, due to the reputation of the Qin family and the Shadowless Palace not far away, many people who wanted to speak for Qin Hao swallowed their words helplessly.

It is not difficult for them to speak for Qin Hao, but they have to consider the situation they will face after speaking.

After all.

The two major forces of the Qin family and the Shadowless Palace are not a joke!

They don’t dare to deal with Su Chen now, so are they afraid to deal with others? !

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