If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 4: Break through two levels in a row and develop believers!

But then she shook her head and continued:

"No, I have seen brothers who are at the eighth level of Qi Condensation, and their auras are not so powerful."

"Brother Su, you... you can't have broken through to the ninth level of Qi Condensation, right?"

As she said this, the sister showed a look of surprise.

Su Chen did not comment.

He naturally could not admit it at this time.

If he admitted it, it would be clear that he violated the system's regulations.

After all, he is not at the ninth level of Qi Condensation now.

"Brother Su Chen can rely on himself to remove the poison of Wuji Sect, he must be at the ninth level of Qi Condensation!"

Cao Yun was also shocked.

Previously, he thought that Su Chen would only improve one level this time, but now it seems that he has improved two levels!

Elder Xie told him that if Brother Su Chen wanted to clear the poison, there was only one way.

That is to break through to the ninth level of Qi Condensation in a short period of time!

There is no other way!

Looking at Brother Su Chen's indifferent face, he must be at the ninth level of Qi Condensation.

[Breakthrough to the ninth level of Qi Condensation: 1/25]

[Breakthrough to the ninth level of Qi Condensation: 2/25]

The virtual panel that only Su Chen could see popped up again.

Cao Yun believed from the bottom of his heart that Su Chen's realm had reached the ninth level of Qi Condensation, so he started to flatter him.

The other disciples heard his words and agreed with him from the bottom of their hearts.

The characters on the virtual panel jumped rapidly.

In just a moment, the progress bar was full.

[Breakthrough to the ninth level of Qi Condensation: 25/25]

A stream of energy was used from Su Chen's Dantian and spread towards his limbs and bones.


A huge breath emanated from Su Chen's body.

"Sure enough!"

"This is the breath of the ninth level of Qi Condensation!"

Cao Yun took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

He was not unfamiliar with this level of breath. He had felt it many times on other brothers in Taixuan Sect.

"Brother Su is so strong!"

"I said that Brother Su is a lucky person. Not only did he clear the toxins in his body, but he also broke through to the ninth level of the Qi Condensation Realm."

The eyes of several sisters present were shining with a strange light.

In their opinion, this was Su Chen's response to everyone, indicating that he was undoubtedly a cultivator of the ninth level of the Qi Condensation Realm.

In fact, Su Chen just broke through suddenly and had no time to control his own breath.

"Brother Su is extremely talented and has great luck. I don't know how high his future achievements will be..."

"I must interact with Brother Su Chen more."

Cao Yun said secretly in his heart.

I must do everything I can to hold on to this thigh.

He believes that in the near future, this thigh will definitely become a towering tree.

For people with great luck, such people are destined to have extraordinary achievements in the future.

I don't expect to be Brother Su Chen's right-hand man and follow him around. As long as I can receive a little blessing, my future achievements will also surpass most cultivators.

Moreover, Su Chen is not like other senior brothers who hide their cultivation insights. As long as you ask sincerely, he will give you a few words.

It is difficult to find a second senior brother like this. It is completely my luck to meet him.

Cao Yun is not the only one who has similar ideas.

Su Chen's three adventures, plus the good impression he left before, and this time he said that he would take revenge personally.

All of a sudden, everyone's trust in him increased layer by layer, and a seed of trust was planted in their hearts.

"Senior Brother Su, you haven't told Elder Xie about the recovery of your meridians yet?"

Cao Yun's eyes lit up and he spoke quickly.

"No, I was just about to tell Elder Xie, and you came."

Su Chen shook his head gently and said.

"Senior Brother Su, the poison in your body has just been cleared, and you have broken through two realms in a row. You should consolidate it first."

"Leave these trivial matters to me."

Cao Yun's tone was full of expectation.

Su Chen nodded slightly upon hearing this and said, "Okay, then I'll trouble Junior Brother Cao."

Cao Yun was right. He had broken through two realms in succession, and it really took time to consolidate.

Su Chen could also see that Cao Yun wanted to please him.

If he wanted to develop followers, he needed someone like Cao Yun.

After obtaining Su Chen's consent, Cao Yun dispersed the disciples around him and then went to the Elder Hall.

The other disciples also returned to their rooms. Su Chen turned back to his thatched cottage and began to sort out the memories in his mind.

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