If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 409 Ancient Teleportation Array, Ancient Dragon Family!

"Fellow Taoist, don't be anxious."

Su Chen chuckled and spoke.


Hearing this, Zhen Nanxing turned around in confusion, looked at Su Chen with a puzzled face, and asked:

"Fellow Taoist Su Chen, what else can I do?"

"No big deal..."

Su Chen said very casually:

"I have a question I would like to ask my fellow Taoist. Do you know where in the Eastern Wasteland there is a teleportation array that can lead directly to the Southern Territory?"

"Southern Territory?"

Hearing this, Zhen Nanxing looked at Su Chen with confusion.

But then, his eyes fell on Long Wu beside Su Chen, and he suddenly understood. He didn't ask more why, but said with a smile:

"That's easy to say."

"In the Shadowless Palace, there is a teleportation formation that leads directly to the Southern Territory. It can be lent to fellow Taoist Su Chen for use."


"Before Fellow Daoist goes to the Southern Territory, there is something I want to warn Fellow Daoist Su Chen."

"Appreciate further details!"

Su Chen's expression suddenly became serious and he spoke quickly.

It is obviously not a trivial matter for Zhennan Xingdu to take it so seriously.

"The Southern Territory has been... a bit uneasy lately."


Speaking of which.

Zhennan Xing paused, glanced at Long Wu beside him, and continued:

"That place is not controlled by the human race. If fellow Taoist Su Chen goes there, you need to be more careful!"

"Especially, you just killed a servant of the ancient dragon family. I'm afraid they won't let you go."

In the current world, generally speaking, the territory occupied by the human race is still very vast.

Take the Eastern Wasteland as an example, although there are thousands of races reproducing here.

But it is still a situation where the human race is the dominant family.

However, this is not the case in the Southern Region.

The Southern Territory has been controlled by the demon clan since ancient times.

The human race has always been in decline there.

Monster creatures like Long Wu and some ancient races are the well-deserved overlords.

The reason why the human race has never controlled the Southern Territory is because the water in the Southern Territory is too deep. No one is sure whether a strong man from ancient times will suddenly wake up from the seal in a corner.

"Su will bear in mind what fellow Taoist said."

"Su, I would like to thank my fellow Taoist in advance."

When Su Chen heard this, he nodded slightly.

Long Wugang had already told him about the Long family in secret.

In ancient times, the Long family was indeed very tyrannical.

But now.

How many strong men the other party has retained is still unknown.

Southern Territory.

This is a very vast and boundless continent.

To a certain extent, the Southern Territory is wider than the Eastern Wasteland.

Countless creatures live in various mountains.

If a powerful person comes here and scans the void with his spiritual thoughts, he will find that almost every large mountain range is occupied by a powerful ethnic group.

Long family!

This is a branch of the ancient royal family, very powerful.

In recent times, many clan members have broken out of the seal.

The moment they appeared, they occupied hundreds of millions of territories in the Southern Territory.

at this time.

Within the Long family.

Countless powerful auras are dormant.

Anyone who steps into the Long family's clan will feel countless powerful auras at the first moment.

They would be trembling with fear at the first moment, walking on thin ice and not daring to make any changes.

In front of a cliff.

The fairy spirit floats and the sea of ​​clouds billows.

A man with wings and flying red hair stood on the cliff with his hands behind his hands. His blue eyes were very deep, and countless stars were reflected in them, which was unfathomable.

"Zhang Feng..."


The man murmured softly.

His voice was very calm, as if an ant had died and he didn't care about it.

But even so.

A servant behind him had a bent body, a pale face, and was sweating profusely. He seemed to be under great pressure and almost fell to his knees.

The servant suppressed the fear in his heart and responded with great respect:

"Don't hide it from the master."

"My subordinates also just received the news that Zhang Feng died shortly after leaving for the Eastern Wasteland..."

"How long have you been dead?"

The man asked again casually.


"Has it been a long time?"

The servant said solemnly.

"What a pity!"

The man said with unclear meaning.

Others may not know it, but he still knows it very well.

Not long ago.

He sent Zhang Feng to the Eastern Wasteland with the main purpose of finding the Immortal Body.

But now.

I don’t know if the Immortal Body has been found yet, but Zhang Feng died first.

Think again.

The trump card that I gave to Zhang Feng before he set off.

It was not difficult for the man to deduce that the person who killed Zhang Feng was probably a strong man at the Saint King level!

He really couldn't figure out how Zhang Feng, a monk with a quasi-sacred realm, could provoke a terrifying being in the holy king realm?

Could it be that……

The current Donghuang has not declined?

The Eastern Wasteland is still the same as it was in ancient times. Saint kings are everywhere, and the great sage is not as good as a dog?

This is somewhat unbelievable.

He wanted to verify it, but he couldn't get away.

Because the current Long family has just begun to unblock, some members of the clan are still sleeping.

It is far from being restored to the scene of ancient times.

If it was in ancient times, I'm afraid Zhang Feng would have known the whole story as soon as he fell.

But now...

He still needs to send someone to find out.

"Okay, you can leave first."

The man waved his hand and said casually.


As soon as he finished speaking, the servant did not mean to leave, but stood there with a hint of hesitation on his face.

"What else?"

The man frowned and asked, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

"To be honest with you, master, not long ago, I got two pieces of news. The first one is that the ancient teleportation array in the Tianxing Sect is working again."

The servant said in a deep voice.


The man raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

During this period, he woke up from the seal and didn't know much about the outside world.

Although he didn't know much about the remote area like the East Wilderness.

But he already knew a lot about the things in the South Region.

The Tianxing Sect was a force under the Wuying Palace a long time ago.

In the past, when the Southern Region was prosperous, the exchanges between the two sides were very close.

The Tianxing Sect relied on transporting the Tianjiao disciples of the Southern Region to the Wuying Palace, and it was indeed well-known in the Southern Region.

But as time passed, the Tianjiao in the Southern Region became increasingly withered, and those ancient royal families proclaimed themselves.

The Tianxing Sect did decline, and it was a miracle to be able to survive until now.

But now.

The ancient teleportation array in their sect lit up again.

This means that someone from the Wuying Palace far away in the East Wilderness has crossed over again.

"Is all this... a coincidence?"

The man looked down at the distance and whispered to himself. (End of this chapter)

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