If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 422 Dragon Clan Secret Technique!

Purple Dragon Xuanyang Pill.

The most important effect is to increase life span.

One Purple Dragon Xuanyang Pill can increase life span by a thousand years.

Although the effects cannot be superimposed, a thousand years is enough to change many things.

Shengyuan Sheng held the jade bottle in his hand, and his palm was faintly swollen.

This favor was a little too precious for him.

He was a little at a loss for a moment.

He never thought that the master mentioned by Senior Longwu would be so generous.

He gave him a whole bottle of Purple Dragon Xuanyang Pill at once.



At this time.

The saint in golden armor could no longer bear it and said angrily.

It's okay to rescue, but isn't it a bit too much to give pills now?

One Purple Dragon Xuanyang Pill went down.

The Saint of Shengyuan, who was struggling to death, would probably be alive and kicking in a short time.

Then, wouldn't everything they did today be wasted?

Thinking of this.

The saint of all races wearing golden armor shouted coldly:

"Long Wu!"

"Have you forgotten the ancient covenant?"

"The ancient covenant?"

As soon as these words came out.

Long Wu slowly turned her head and looked at the man in armor, her eyebrows slightly frowned, with a puzzled look on her pretty face.

She was obviously unfamiliar with these four words.

She looked puzzled.

Seeing this scene.

The hearts of the saints present were shaken.

They had never expected that Long Wu would not know about the ancient covenant.


This also understands why Long Wu waved to rescue these human cultivators.


"You only need to know that the human race is the enemy of all races."

The creature in golden armor glanced at Kuncheng below with a cold look on his face and said in a cold voice:

"In the future, there will be a war between us and the human race."

"Some talented human prodigies may be able to contribute to our efforts, but others must not be left behind!"

He actually wanted to say more.

But due to the large number of creatures here, and his cultivation level of only a saint, it is hard to guarantee whether there will be other strong people hiding nearby.


In the end.

Some words that were about to come to his mouth were forcibly held back by him.

Hearing what he said.

The human race in Kuncheng were shocked and angry.

At the same time.

They were a little sad.

They really couldn't understand.

Why were the ancient royal families in the southern region so bold?

They actually wanted to fight against the human race!

You know.

The ancient royal family now is different from the ancient times.

The gap between them is really too big.

Now they can only act arrogantly in the South Region.

Once they leave the South Region, I am afraid that their situation will not be much better than the human race here.

Even in the East Wilderness.

The situation of the Jinwu clan is not worse than that of other demon clans.

But it is just not worse.

They do not have much say in the East Wilderness. ,

But what makes the human race feel helpless is.

People said these words so openly.

None of them can pass on this news.

It is really that the gap in strength between them and the Ten Thousand Clans is too big.

The ancient saints of the Ten Thousand Clans did not take these human races in Kuncheng seriously at all.

"As slaves?"

When Long Wu heard this, her eyes narrowed slightly and she could not help but sigh in her heart.

Although she did not know where the courage of the ancient royal family came from.

But from the various situations she saw in the East Wilderness, she knew that this was just the other party's wishful thinking.

After all.

The human race on the land of the East Wilderness can be said to be a group of geniuses.

There is no need to say more about my master.

Even those Qin Hao, Cao Yun, Qin Yuan and others, how many of them are easy to deal with?

Wait until they grow up completely.

Just relying on a few of them, it is enough to overthrow the ancient myriad races.

At this time.

These people don’t even think about how to keep their own little piece of land, but actually think about how to provoke the human race...

Do they really think that the human race has no temper?

The longer she follows Su Chen, the more Long Wu understands the horror of Su Chen.

At present, even she herself does not know how terrifying her master’s strength is.

If it weren’t for her master’s concern for the safety of his fiancée, he would have entered the Chaos Sea Star Region first.

I’m afraid that today, just based on the words of this golden armored saint.

All the saints present, except Saint Yuan Saint, can’t escape the disaster of falling.

“What if my master is also a human?”

Thinking of this.

Long Wu looked at the creature in golden armor and spoke lightly, as if she was talking about something unimportant.


Her words were like thunder, exploding in everyone's heart.

Even the other Saint Realm masters couldn't help but change their expressions.

The thought that just flashed through their minds actually became a reality at this moment.

The members of the True Dragon Clan actually surrendered to the human race and became the strong men under the human race.


"You actually recognized a human race as your master?"

The creature in golden armor narrowed his eyes upon hearing this.

A dangerous aura was revealed in the depths of his eyes.

Just these words made him consider Long Wu and the position of the True Dragon Clan behind Long Wu.

There were too many things involved in the Ancient Covenant.

If Long Wu really didn't know, it would be fine.

If she pretended not to know, perhaps the things in the Ancient Covenant had been revealed by her.

This was a devastating blow to the Southern Region, the demons in other regions, and the ancient tribes.


Long Wu nodded, looked at him indifferently, and said:


"Can't you submit to the human race?"


"In that case, there's nothing to say."

The creature in golden armor sneered upon hearing this, and a rune in his palm glowed, breaking free from Long Wu's control.


His figure retreated silently, intending to leave here and spread the news that Long Wu surrendered to the human race to all the tribes.

As for the human race here...

Now it seems that we can only let them go like this.

After all.

Even if the saints join forces, they can't hurt Long Wu.

In the end, it is the chance that they will die here that will be greater.

"Do you think you can leave?"

Long Wu said softly.

After the words fell.

She walked slowly, like a fairy dancing, and turned into a white light, flashing away.

It seemed to transcend time and space, and even the saints could not catch any traces.

"Dragon clan secret technique!"

The creature in golden armor saw this and a great alarm bell rose in his heart.

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