If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 426: The Great Saint falls, the Supreme Being takes action! [A 4,000-word chapter, please gi


The moment the seal collided with the palm, it was completely knocked out, and cracks appeared on it.


The seal was damaged, and Mu Qingxue was naturally hit back.

She spit out a mouthful of crimson blood, and her whole body was completely depressed.

She looked up at the palm that continued to press down on her head, a trace of pain flashed in her eyes, and she took out a piece of talisman paper in her hand.

This is a large teleportation talisman.


Just when she was about to crush the large teleportation talisman.


Just see.

At the end of the sky, a loud rumbling sound came, and thunder swept across the sky.

Looking around.

The dense sea of ​​thunder and lightning swept across the sky and the ground, completely blocking this world, as if a heavenly calamity had descended, and the power was so strong that it was unbelievable.

Indistinctly, a huge creature came from the void outside the sky.

It fell down at a very fast speed. The size of this creature was so huge that you couldn't see the end at a glance, just like a wall of blue sky falling down.

It was full of thunder power, with wings on its back, and opened its bloody mouth, roaring loudly, and fell down like this.

Wherever it passed, several stars were directly smashed by its huge body, and not even a bit of dust was seen.

Such a shocking scene immediately made many people present scream.


"What is this?"

"What the hell is this?!"

Someone spoke in surprise with a face full of horror.

Even Mu Qingxue, who was standing next to them, they didn't care at this moment.

The scene in front of them was really too shocking.

After so many years of cultivation, they had never seen such a terrifying creature.

Logically speaking.

The creature in front of them was already powerful enough.

But now.

From this appearance, this huge creature seemed to have been severely damaged...

It is really hard to imagine, who could have damaged such a powerful creature to such an extent?



Just when everyone was stunned.

The huge creature turned over in the void, and it roared like the eternal blue sky.

In an instant.

The endless void within a radius of ten thousand miles was trembling under its roar.

Countless dim stars, at this moment, bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

Then, it exploded above the sky.

The scene in front of him was very shocking and also very terrifying.

It was just a roar, but even the stars were shattered by it...

It is hard to imagine how terrifying its strength is...

Fortunately, dozens of them were very far away from the battlefield, so they avoided the impact.

But even so, they would not feel too good.

Everyone present was pale and weak.

Some even spit out a mouthful of black blood...

It was just a breath of impact, but it was so hard for them to resist.

It's hard to imagine.

If they were in the battlefield, what would it be like!

"Who are you?"

Just then.

The huge creature roared.

There was reluctance in its voice, and a bit of fear, and even a bit of fear in the depths of its voice.

It was obvious.

The other party encountered a great enemy!

Even if it had reached such a level of cultivation, it could still make it feel terrified.

It can be seen that the great enemy's strength was terrifying.


Above the endless sky, the vast sea of ​​thunder, nothing could be seen clearly, only the thunder covering the sky.

Among them, a golden fist fell down, as if a supreme heaven and earth had taken action.

This fist was condensed to the extreme, like a golden sun, falling from the sky at a high speed.

The golden fist light illuminated the sky, and the terrifying fist intention swept the world.

Billions of golden rays of light burst out at the same time, smashing towards the huge creature.



The huge creature, emitting blood-colored light all over its body, used the supreme demon clan magic to resist the opponent's punch.

It just shattered the universe void with a move of its hands and feet, causing countless void cracks to spread in all directions.

The fight between them was too terrifying.


The deafening roar came out, and the scene was extremely scary, as if the end of the world was coming.

Where the two of them fought, the golden divine light and the blue thunder power intertwined.

Both of them seemed to be able to create the world and destroy everything in the world with just a casual blow.


Another loud noise came.


The body of the giant beast flew out horizontally, flying backwards for hundreds of miles.

The azure blood filled the void, which was very terrifying.

It kept wailing from its mouth.

The wailing made everyone who heard it shudder.

This was really too creepy...

Everyone present could see that the creature in front of them was a member of the ancient royal family of their southern region.

At this moment.

It had already revealed its true form.

For the demons, or the ancient royal family, the moment they revealed their true form, it meant that they were about to fight to the death!

But even so.

It is still no match for that powerful creature.

What's even more despairing is.

The being who took action secretly only used one fist from beginning to end.

That is to say.

The opponent crushed this supreme being of the ancient royal family with just one hand.

And how powerful is the fighting power of the one in the dark?

They can't guess, and they don't dare to guess at all.


The golden fist appeared again.

In an instant.

The sky fell apart.

When faced with this punch, the stars in the universe seemed to have turned into dust and were directly blown to pieces.

The chaotic aura flowing on it is like a giant hand from God, unstoppable.


The fist landed on the head of the giant beast.


The giant beast's head was crushed into pieces like a huge watermelon, and azure blue blood immediately splashed out and flew in all directions.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The golden fist slowly retracted.

The body of the headless beast fell powerlessly from the void, and its bright eyes gradually became dim.

In the apparently very lonely universe, everyone seemed to hear a loud noise at this moment.


As the body of the headless beast fell, everyone present had their hearts in their throats.

Their gut tells them so.

You should leave this place of right and wrong now.

after all.

Such a confrontation between supreme beings is not something they can spy on or look directly at.

Every scene they saw before could be the trigger for their downfall.


Their reason tells them.

Now that I am waiting for others, if nothing unexpected happens, I should have been discovered by the supreme being in the dark.

If they leave at this juncture.

It is possible that they will die directly before they can take any action.

Since the supreme being in the dark can easily kill a supremely powerful person.

Killing them is no more difficult than squeezing a few ants to death.


"This, this, this..."

The creature that looked like a middle-aged man swallowed hard.

At this moment, he no longer had the arrogance he had before.

Instead, he is walking on thin ice, trembling.

Now they don't dare to make any changes, for fear that they will be the next to die.

"Everyone... Taoist brothers..."

"No... I wonder if you have seen anything?"

"This is a bit hard to say!"

Hearing this, Zhu Jiu slowly shook his head. He looked at the boundless void of the universe. His eyes were full of solemnity and fear, and he said in a deep voice:

"If I read it correctly..."

"The senior who died just now should be a strong man from the Lei Yunxuan clan..."

"It's just that I don't know which existence the other party provoked, and he actually hates it."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone present had a look of shock on their faces.

Lei Yunhuan!

This is a very powerful and ancient ethnic group.

They are naturally very good at the way of thunder.

In ancient times, this group was very domineering, and few people were willing to provoke them.

Times have changed.

The Lei Yunxuan clan had just been released from their self-seal and reappeared in the world.

This is the time for them to regain their ancient reputation.

But I never thought that I would die here.

"The senior of the Lei Yunjian clan just now is a..."

"A strong man in the Great Saint Realm!"

The burly woman sitting on top of the wolf was silent for a long time, and finally spoke slowly.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhu Jiu.


But the other party just smiled bitterly and did not defend himself.

He acquiesced to what the burly woman said.

As a result, the hearts of everyone present were immediately chilled.

Great Holy Realm...

This is not some cabbage on the roadside!

Nowadays, the ancient royal families in the Southern Region have all just released their self-seals, and there is no time to cultivate the next generation of talented people.

At this juncture, let alone a strong man who has fallen into the Great Saint realm...

Even if a strong man in the saint realm dies, it will be a huge blow to their tribe.

No surprise.

With today's incident, the Lei Yunjian clan will definitely not let it go.

And the mysterious being who took action secretly might not want to spread the news.

If the other party really thinks this way, then they and others may not survive today.

Not only did they witness everything, but they also witnessed the death of the senior of the Lei Yunjian clan.

The mysterious being in the dark would never let them go.

It's impossible for them to end well...

"There is no need to be pessimistic. Behind us is the Heavenly Demon Alliance. That supreme being will probably let us live for the sake of the Heavenly Demon Alliance."


"And to put it bluntly, we are just a few ants. The Supreme Being should not care about us ants."

The creature who looked like a middle-aged man had a smile that was uglier than crying.


"Would you mind squeezing a few ants to death?"

Some people spoke very pessimistically, with despair on their faces:

"That supreme being in the dark dared to kill even the great saints of the Thunder Cloud Hound clan, how could he give face to our Heavenly Demon Alliance!"

"Besides, let me say something unpleasant, what is our Heavenly Demon Alliance! Even the one in the dark of the Thunder Cloud Hound clan doesn't care, so how could he care about the identity of our Heavenly Demon Alliance?"

Although this sentence is very ruthless, it is very realistic.

Although their Heavenly Demon Alliance is not weak, it depends on who they are compared with.

If we really talk about the foundation, their Heavenly Demon Alliance is slightly worse than the Thunder Cloud Hound clan.

They dared to kill even the strong men of the Thunder Cloud Hound clan, so it is impossible for them to take the little ants of the Heavenly Demon Alliance to heart.

Maybe if the leader of their Heavenly Demon Alliance comes in person, the other party may let them go.


"But our Heavenly Demon Alliance is in ancient times anyway..."

The creature that looks like a middle-aged man trembled and spoke.


He hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Da Da Da..."

A series of crisp footsteps came from the end of the sky.

Although the sound was not loud, it sounded like a bell in everyone's heart.

Every step seemed to step on their hearts, making their hearts seem to stop beating.

"Here it comes!"

Everyone present couldn't help but think of this.

Before the other party appeared, a supreme aura surged out. This was simply too terrifying, as if the ancient gods were resurrected and ruled the world.

Even the creatures at the peak of the quasi-saint realm, when facing this aura, were like a small boat in the boundless ocean, and could be capsized at any time.


The next moment.

A tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

His figure was very upright, wearing a purple robe, three thousand strands of hair fell like a waterfall, and boundless divine light flowed.

His face was covered by the hazy chaotic air, making it difficult to see his true appearance.

But they could feel that under that layer of divine light, there was a pair of very deep eyes that had swept across everyone present.

He was like the high and mighty Immortal King, standing proudly on the top of the nine heavens, overlooking all living beings.

"What a terrifying existence..."

Everyone present screamed in their hearts, their legs were a little weak at this moment, and their faces were pale and weak.

A deep sense of powerlessness rose in their hearts, and their bodies could not help but tremble.

From the day they were born, they had never felt such fear as today.

All of their eyes could not help but lower their heads, trying to avoid any contact with each other.


The moment their eyes lowered, they saw a scene that was enough to shock them for the rest of their lives.

Only to see.

That supreme existence, holding a round...

head in his hand!

It was a head that was constantly dripping with blood!

The owner of the head had been dead for a long time, but his eyes were still wide open.

They saw the fear deep in his eyes and...

Endless unwillingness!

He was unwilling to die at the hands of this man, unwilling to die here before receiving the inheritance of the Sword Master of the World.

The hearts of the people present were almost broken by fear at this moment, their bodies began to tremble, and their hearts were already beating in their throats. (End of this chapter)

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