If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 444: The Four Holy Spirits, unable to sleep or eat!

Is it possible...

An idea suddenly popped up in their minds.

The two of them looked at each other, as if to confirm the idea in their minds.

At the end of the path, two living creatures suddenly appeared.

One of them is still in the quasi-sacred realm.

Then there is only one explanation that can make sense.

That is, these two living creatures are from the previous era!

But if this is really the case, it would be a bit unexplainable!


The last era was more than tens of millions of years away from now?

Even a strong person in the Great Emperor Realm, or a strong person in the True Immortal Realm, would never have survived until now if he had not sealed himself.

It is impossible for a mere quasi-holy realm to survive to this day in such a formation full of murderous intent.

"Those two figures are both alive. They can't really be living creatures, right?"

"Is it really an existence from the previous era?"

The white-haired old man looked at the two figures in front of him, feeling a little panicked.

That white figure is not bad at all.

Now her back is turned to them. Judging from her body shape, she should be a woman. Her strength is only in the middle stage of the Quasi-Saint Realm, so there is nothing to worry about.

But the black figure at the end of the path was very strange.

A quick look just now revealed that he was only at the peak of the Saint Realm.

But now, as they slowly approach, the strength of the black figure seems to be gradually increasing...

What does this mean?

This means that the closer they are, the stronger the opponent will be.

If he walked up to him, God knows how much the other party's strength would increase.

The most important thing is...

The path under the feet of the three of them was no more than a foot wide. The other party was just one person and completely blocked the road ahead, making it impossible to get around.

Beyond this path, there is a sea of ​​clouds everywhere.

These seas of clouds seem to have no murderous intent, but no one can guarantee what kind of air-forbidden formations they contain.

Flying over this sea of ​​clouds, even if a powerful person from the Great Emperor realm comes in person, he or she would not dare to be so arrogant.

after all.

The formation here is not vegetarian.

"That black figure should be the gatekeeper here. It's a bit tricky to deal with!"

The middle-aged man from the Golden Crow clan stopped and said solemnly.

just now.

After he, Su Chen and the white-haired old man took a step down, the originally motionless black figure suddenly split into four, from one person to four!

What's even more exaggerated is that the opponent's strength jumped from the peak of the Saint Realm at the beginning to the late stage of the Great Saint Realm in an instant!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't be able to believe what was happening in front of them.

The existence of four late-stage great saints is no joke!

after all.

There are only three monks in the Great Saint Realm here.

And that white-haired old man was only in the middle stage of the Great Sage Realm.

One-on-one, he is no match for the opponent.

Not to mention, the current three versus four.

If you take action rashly, it will definitely lead to death but not life.


They didn't know if that black figure had any special means.

after all.

This is the test left by the sword master who passed through the world in the past.

And those who can become world-transferring sword masters are all the most amazing and talented beings of an era. How can ordinary practitioners be allowed to pass the test?

"We have already come this far, do you still want to retreat?"

"Besides, don't fellow Taoists of the Golden Crow Clan have some other means? It shouldn't be a problem for you and I to work together to survive this disaster."

Su Chen felt fear from the expressions of the two people, so he quickly spoke.

"That's what Fellow Daoist Chen said."

The middle-aged man from the Golden Crow clan was silent for a moment when he heard this, and finally spoke with a smile.

But out of the corner of his eye, he secretly fell on Su Chen and the white-haired old man next to him.

He doesn't have many cards in his hand.

Use one and there will be one less.

After a while, when he uses his trump card, he can consider killing these two people together.

By the time.

He can monopolize the entire inheritance left by the World-Transcending Sword Master.

Think of this.

He felt a little excited in his heart.

That is the inheritance of the World-Transcending Sword Master!

As long as he can obtain the inheritance of the World-Transcending Sword Master, he will be able to break through to the realm of the Great Emperor or even the True Immortal Realm.


He can also restore their Golden Crow clan to its peak and become the royal family among demons again!

"If that black figure is the gatekeeper, then who is this human woman?"

The white-haired old man did not notice the murderous intention shown by the middle-aged man of the Golden Crow clan.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the human woman in front of him, and said somewhat depressedly.


He just finished speaking.

far away.

The woman in white seemed to feel something and slowly turned around.

In an instant.

The sky and the earth have lost their color, and the sun and the moon have lost their light.

This is a woman who can make the sun and moon eclipse.

She was dressed in a white robe, unstained by dust.

This kind of beauty should not appear in the world, it makes people feel very unreal.

The woman in front of her seemed to have no flaws. She was like the reincarnation of Luo Shen. She was crystal clear, had bright eyes, and a peerless appearance.

Her figure was very slender, and her three thousand strands of hair gently drooped down, each strand was crystal clear, and her every frown and smile could move people's hearts.

The woman's eyes slowly swept over the two people.

But when her eyes fell on Su Chen, she was stunned at first.

But she soon reacted and smiled.

This smile made the bright moon dim, the stars dim, and everything in the world seemed to have lost its luster.

Only she was so bright and beautiful.


The white-haired old man and the middle-aged man of the Jinwu clan were stunned when they saw this smile.

Even though they had practiced for many years and their hearts were as calm as water.

But at this moment, their hearts could not help but surge.

They had never seen such a woman before in their lives.

It was not because of her appearance, but because of her temperament and her physique!

Four Spirits Holy Body!

This physique has not appeared for countless years, and it is not much worse than Qin Hao's immortal body.


It's even better!


"This is really a living creature!"

The middle-aged man of the Jinwu clan took a deep breath and slowly uttered two words.

If it was a creature that had already fallen, it would not have much impact on them.

But now, a living creature, and it also has the Four Spirits Holy Body, plus she is still a human!

The meaning is completely different!

If it cannot be wiped out early, it will only leave endless troubles!

"Kill her!"

"Otherwise, our ancient races will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

The white-haired old man's eyes were cold, and there was almost no hesitation.

He stretched out a skinny palm and condensed infinite divine light on the sky, trying to suppress it.


At this moment, a sudden change occurred. (End of this chapter)

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