If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 461 The most talented person in the Eastern Wasteland!


The old man from the Long family and another Saint King Realm expert had planned to wait outside the palace left by the World-Transcending Sword Master.

But when he heard the words of his junior, Long Aotian, he suddenly felt like he was enlightened and suddenly woke up.

after all.

The Chaotic Sea Star Territory is the territory of the World-Transcending Sword Master.

There are countless back-ups left by the World-Transcending Sword Master.

Even those who are powerful in the quasi-emperor realm will be killed by the extremely terrifying immortal-level formation.

If they really wanted to stay there and wait for Chen Su from the White Jade Elephant Clan, they were afraid that they would die in the Chaotic Sea Star Territory the moment he came out.

Not to mention snatching the inheritance from the other party.

It's just giving people's heads for nothing.

No need to doubt.

The immortal-level formation left behind by the World-Transcending Sword Master can accomplish this.

Even the powerful ones at the Great Emperor Realm couldn't survive that Immortal Level Formation, let alone two of them who were strong at the Saint King Realm, plus a quasi-Saint Realm monk.

Think about it.

The only safest way is to stay outside the Chaotic Sea Star Territory.

after all.

Within the Chaotic Sea Star Territory is the territory of the World-Transcending Sword Master.

But outside the Chaotic Sea Star Territory, that is the world of their ancient races.

By then.

When Chen Su from the White Jade Elephant Clan comes out, he will have no choice but to be slaughtered by them.

As for whether Chen Su will always stay in the Chaotic Sea Star Territory, the old man of the Long family has also thought about this issue.

But he believed that Chen Su could not always hide in the Chaotic Sea Star Territory.

after all.

He also has his own tribe.

Outside this chaotic sea star field, there is also their White Jade God Elephant clan.

If he didn't care about the life and death of the White Jade Elephant Clan, then he wouldn't have to come out.

In the past three years, it was not like their ancient tribes had done nothing.

The ancient tribes have conquered the ancestral land of the White Jade God Elephant Clan.

They have brought them here, from monks who have reached the realm of saints to ordinary people without any cultivation.

As long as Chen Su dares to come out, they can use the members of the White Jade Elephant Clan to threaten Chen Su and make him hand over the inheritance of the World-Transcending Sword Master!

To know.

Before Chen Su fought for the inheritance of the World-Transcending Sword Master, he spoke very righteously.


He couldn't ignore the life and death of his family members for the sake of inheriting the sword master of the world, right?

This is the trump card of their ancient Ten Thousand Clans side.

Since Chen Suneng morally kidnapped them before fighting for the inheritance of the World-Transcending Sword Master and asked them to reveal their trump cards.

Then they could also morally kidnap Chen Su and make him hand over the inheritance of the World-Transcending Sword Master.


"Let's talk about it again. Three years ago, there was no news about Su Chen, the first genius of the Eastern Barren Human Race, since he stepped into the Chaotic Sea Star Territory. I don't know whether he is dead or alive?"

at this time.

A tall man suddenly spoke, with a hint of curiosity on his face.

The muscles all over his body were tangled, and his blood vessels swelled as if they contained real dragons. He looked extremely terrifying.

His physical strength has reached an extremely terrifying level.

With a single movement of his hand, he can even turn mountains and seas.

This person is none other than Zhu You from the Heavenly Demon Alliance.

In the past three years, he has not gone anywhere. He has been staying here all the time, just to wait here and wait for the genius of the Eastern Barren Human Race, Su Chen, to show up.

In the past three years, he has seen some people go in.

But also, he saw a lot of people coming out.

But more often than not, there is no return.

But the strangest thing is.

Ever since three years ago, Su Chen, the first genius of the Donghuang human race, asked one of his true dragons to take action, and after he killed the Great Saint Realm expert from the Lei Yunhuan clan, he mysteriously disappeared.

His whole person seemed to have disappeared from the world, and there was no news about him.

The Sky Demon Alliance also sent many people into the Chaotic Sea Star Territory to search for and inquire about Su Chen's whereabouts.

But without exception, they all got nothing.

As if he had never entered the Chaotic Sea Star Territory, he disappeared without a trace.

If not, he personally killed two powerful men of the Great Saint Realm among all races, I am afraid no one would believe that he had entered the Chaotic Sea Star Territory.

Su Chen suddenly disappeared without a trace.

This, no matter how you look at it, is a bit unusual.

Zhu You wouldn't believe it even to death that Su Chen, the most arrogant person of the Eastern Barren Human Race, could fall into the chaotic sea of ​​stars so easily.

Among all the ancient races, there was no one so strong who could kill Su Chen silently.

In the past three years, they, the Sky Demon Alliance, also sent people to the Eastern Wasteland to inquire about the news.


As they learned more and more information, their fear of Su Chen became more intense.


They have become afraid of Su Chen!

In just a few decades, Su Chen has reached this point.

Even in ancient times, this would be enough to kill all the geniuses instantly!

It can be said.

Just like in ancient times, the first generation of any clan, a genius with extraordinary talent, would only be crushed when faced with Su Chen.

Everyone present, even in ancient times, thought that they could not be as stunning and talented as Su Chen.

Only those powerful men from the Immortal Realm who reincarnated and re-cultivated could have the power to fight Su Chen.

It can be said.

Su Chen of Donghuang, no matter from which angle you look at it, is a person with great luck.

For such a person, there is almost no such thing as falling.

Now that the other party does not show up, perhaps he has also obtained some extraordinary inheritance in the Chaos Sea Star Domain.

As for being trapped by the formation...

Zhu You has never thought about this.

According to the information they have found out, Su Chen knows the formation.

For people like them who have great luck, it is normal to encounter some opportunities in the Chaos Sea Star Domain.

For example...

The corpse of the quasi-emperor realm strongman!

And the inheritance left by the quasi-emperor realm strongman!

The quasi-emperor realm corpse.

This is the only clue they can find about Su Chen's appearance in the Chaos Sea Star Domain.

After Su Chen obtained the corpse of the quasi-emperor realm strongman, he disappeared as if he had evaporated from the earth, and there was no trace of him anymore.

Everyone present, as long as they are not stupid, can almost guess it.

The human Su Chen might have found a Feng Shui treasure land and secretly refined the inheritance left by a quasi-emperor.

That was the inheritance left by a quasi-emperor.

Although it was not as good as the biggest inheritance in the Chaos Sea Star Region, it was already a great fortune compared to those who got nothing.

As long as he was a normal person, he would definitely secretly find a Feng Shui treasure land to digest the inheritance and strengthen himself. (End of this chapter)

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