If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 50 A fish that slipped through the net, Su Chen arrives! [Please read! Please give me a mont


Mu Qingxue pursed her lips and looked at the mountain not far away.

There were corpses lying there, and there were as many as three or four hundred of them!

These were all inner disciples of Taixuan Sect!

A quarter of an hour ago, they were still alive.

But a quarter of an hour later, they turned into cold corpses!

You know.

All the inner disciples who took the inner sect test this time added up to only more than a thousand people!

Nearly half of the corpses were already placed here, plus some disciples who died in other places.

Conservatively estimated, more than half of the inner sect test this time may have been killed or injured!

Witnessing all this, even Mu Qingxue, who practiced the Three Thousand Qinggong Jue, had the idea of ​​rushing out to save people countless times in her heart.

But they were all stopped by her master.

She is only at the first level of Qi Hai Realm now. Even if she has many martial arts skills and strong combat power, she can't provide any substantial help to the overall situation!

"You are practicing the Three Thousand Qinggong Jue. You need to slowly adapt to these and be calm, not..."

The old female voice was about to persuade Mu Qingxue.

But the words were not finished yet.

On the mountain peak, a dark creature suddenly stopped what he was doing.

It turned around and looked at the remaining 400-odd Taixuan Sect inner disciples not far away.


A long knife appeared in its palm, and it raised the knife and swung it.

A jet-black knife light that was dozens of feet long shot out instantly.


Dozens of inner disciples were beheaded like grass.

The bright red blood gushed out like a water column, instantly dyeing the ground under their feet red.

More than a dozen headless corpses stood on the black stone pillars, completely losing their breath of life.

The blood flowed, gathered into a stream and slowly flowed into the blood pool not far away.

With the addition of fresh blood, the brilliance in the blood pool became brighter.

"Asshole! Fight me fair and square if you dare!"

"Beast! Kill my Taixuan Sect disciples. One day I will exterminate all of you!"

"Let us go if you can!"


The rest of the Taixuan Sect disciples saw this scene, their eyes were bloodshot, and they roared angrily.

At this moment, they really wanted to rush over and fight to the death with the other party!

Unfortunately, they were all tied to this strange black stone pillar and could not break free at all.

They could only watch their fellow disciples die one after another in front of their eyes.

Some disciples looked ashen and almost completely desperate.

These dark creatures killed people too quickly!

Every time they attacked, dozens or even more than a hundred inner disciples would lose their lives.

If they continued at this speed, I am afraid that by the time the elders of Taixuan Sect arrived, they would have been completely dead.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon..."

"Hehehe, you should feel honored to be the sacrifice of the Demon Lord!"

The dark creature holding the long knife suddenly grinned and laughed strangely.

His eyes swept over each disciple, making people shudder.

It was as if they were being stared at by a terrifying existence.

"Damn it!"

Not far away.

Mu Qingxue, hiding behind a big tree, witnessed dozens of fellow disciples falling at this moment.

She, who had always been calm, had the intention to kill for the first time.

A wisp of real killing intention lingered around her.

If she was strong enough, I'm afraid she would have killed the two dark creatures by now!

"Don't let it affect your mind. You have just started the Three Thousand Qing Palace Jue. Don't let these things break your practice!"

"Quickly restrain your killing intention!"

In Mu Qingxue's mind.

Her master's tone was a little anxious.

Only she knew how difficult it was to practice the Three Thousand Qing Palace Jue.

If Mu Qingxue was defeated because of this, it would affect her life!

As soon as she finished speaking.

The dark creature that had just taken action seemed to have noticed something.

It suddenly turned its head and looked towards Mu Qingxue's hiding place.


"It turns out there is still a fish that has escaped the net!"

It laughed hideously and walked slowly towards Mu Qingxue's hiding place.

Every step it took was a long distance.

"Not good!"

A cry of surprise came from Mu Qingxue's mind, and the old female voice shouted:

"Disciple, run!"

Mu Qingxue did not dare to hesitate when she heard it, and quickly stood up and ran towards the distance under the Phantom Moon.

At this moment, she used the Phantom Moon to the extreme, and her speed was very fast.

But compared to the dark creature, it seemed a little slow.

In the blink of an eye.

The dark creature appeared behind Mu Qingxue, slowly raised one hand, and slapped Mu Qingxue's back.

This was a dark creature of the ninth level of Qi Hai Realm.

If such a terrifying palm fell on Mu Qingxue, she would have no chance of survival!

In the distance.

Many inner disciples tied to the black stone pillars could not help but close their eyes, unable to bear to see the cruel scene that followed.

"Disciple, this time only the master can take action!"

"I will borrow your body to take you out of here, but I will fall into a deep sleep for a long time, and the next road may depend on you alone!"

"Remember, after escaping from the dead this time, you must practice well and strive to awaken your physique before your master wakes up!"

The old woman's voice was full of heaviness.

Faced with such a crisis, she had to take Mu Qingxue out of the dead.

"Master, I'm sorry, I've dragged you down..."

Mu Qingxue heard this and said in her heart with great guilt.

Because of her momentary impulse, she and her master fell into danger...

"Silly girl, it's okay, remember not to let these things affect your mind in the future."

"When you encounter something in the future, remember to recite the Three Thousand Qinggong Jue in your heart. As long as you can maintain your state of mind, practice the Three Thousand Qinggong Jue well, awaken your physique, your master..."

The old woman's voice spoke again, ready to comfort Mu Qingxue.

But before she finished her words.


A figure bathed in golden light instantly came in front of Mu Qingxue.

He was heavy and calm, and he also hit with his palm, meeting the palm of the dark creature, as if holding up a piece of heaven and earth.

A heavy, majestic aura rose from his body, as if it could suppress everything in the world!


A loud noise spread throughout the entire mountain.

The two palms collided with each other, making a sound like a huge bell.

The terrifying aftermath spread wildly in all directions with the two people as the center.


After a palm strike.

The dark creature instantly flew backwards in the air.

But Su Chen stood still.

His eyes were sharp, his body was shining, his robes rustled, like an invincible god of war, standing quietly in place.


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