If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 77 What can you use to fight me? [Please read on! ]

The mysterious figure was silent for a whole stick of incense, and then said in a deep voice:

"I can give you the Shenhai Pill in advance, but whether you can get it depends on how capable the Ninth Princess is!"

The voice fell.

She waved gently in the direction of the Ninth Princess.


A jade box appeared out of thin air and flew straight towards the Ninth Princess.

Seeing this, the corners of the Ninth Princess' mouth curled up slightly, and she stretched out her slender jade hand to catch it steadily.

But as her consciousness popped out, her face suddenly turned cold.

Because there is a restriction on this jade box that she has never seen before!

As long as this restriction exists for one day, she will never be able to take out the Shenhai Pill!

"What do you mean?"

The Ninth Princess said with a somewhat unfriendly look.

"I have already handed the Shenhai Pill to you as agreed. Is Your Highness the Ninth Princess going to break her promise?"

The mysterious figure said calmly.


As soon as these words came out, the Ninth Princess couldn't help it immediately. She wanted to get angry, but she finally held back.

The Earth Spirit Lotion does have a chance to let her comprehend the mysteries of the Divine Sea Realm, but it is hard to say how much she can comprehend.

It is a bit of a pipe dream to want to improve her martial arts by one level with just this Earth Spirit Lotion.

Therefore, before she enters the Divine Sea Realm, this Divine Sea Pill is crucial to her!

Right now.

If she and this mysterious person fall out, it is indeed an unwise choice.

Thinking of this, the Ninth Princess suppressed her anger and said in a cold tone:

"I will keep my promise to send you into the Hundred Demons Battlefield. Similarly, I will send people to wait for you at the exit of the secret realm!"

"I hope you don't break your promise, and it's best not to lie to me!"

"If you dare to lie to me, I will definitely keep you from leaving Huangji City!"

"Your Highness can rest assured. As long as I come out of the Hundred Demons Battlefield, I will definitely give you the method to break the ban!"

The mysterious figure also said in a cold voice.

"Hmph! It's better!"

The Ninth Princess snorted coldly, with frost on her pretty face, and left with a wave of her sleeves.

The mysterious figure stood there and watched her leave, frowning slightly, and whispered:

"What happened to the Ninth Princess? Why does she have the Earth Spirit Lotion?"

"How could the original history change so much? Who is helping her behind the scenes?"

She couldn't figure it out no matter what, which process went wrong?

Originally, she had completely stabilized the Ninth Princess with the help of the Divine Sea Pill.

But she didn't expect that the other party would take out the Earth Spirit Lotion and almost control her in turn.

Luckily, she kept a hand.

Otherwise, this trip to the Hundred Demons Battlefield would be in jeopardy!

"Who could it be?"

The mysterious figure kept reviewing the memories of the previous life in his mind, trying to find out who helped the Ninth Princess.

The Ninth Princess walked out of the secret room with a smile on her pretty face. She turned her head and looked at the closed door of the secret room, and whispered softly:

"You are still a long way from fighting with me!"

"Fortunately, I have the Earth Spirit Lotion of Su Daoyou, otherwise, I would really be controlled by you."

"Hehe, now all the luck is gathered on my side, and it's time to start taking action..."

"My eldest brother! What are you going to use to fight with me!"

The Ninth Princess looked at the place where the eldest prince lived and shook her head gently.

After saying that.

She turned and walked towards her bedroom.

At the same time.

Su Chen had just returned to his residence and was about to practice.

But at this moment, a knock on the door sounded.

"Mu Qingxue wants to see you!"

A hesitant voice sounded outside the door.


Su Chen heard the words, his expression moved, looking at the closed door, a smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

"Please come in!"

A gentle voice came from the room.

Mu Qingxue, who was outside the door, heard this, and a trace of trepidation flashed across her lavender eyes. Then she stretched out her white jade hand, pushed open the door, and walked in.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw a slender young man in a purple robe standing with his hands behind his back.

"Su... Senior Brother Su Chen..."

Mu Qingxue said hesitantly.

Because Su Chen was promoted to a core disciple, even though Mu Qingxue joined Taixuan Sect earlier than Su Chen, she had to call him "executive" at this moment.

Su Chen turned around, looked at her gently, nodded slightly, pointed to a chair on the side, and said casually:

"Please sit down!"

"Thank you, Senior Brother..."

The two sat down separately.

Su Chen looked at Mu Qingxue meaningfully and said:

"Tomorrow we will start competing for the place to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield. Junior sister, why did you come to me without preparing well?"


Mu Qingxue pursed her red lips, took out a black stone, and said stiffly:

"I came here today to thank you, senior brother!"


Su Chen looked at Mu Qingxue with a strange expression.

He thought that the word "thank you" would never come out of Mu Qingxue's mouth.

Immediately, Su Chen looked at the stone in Mu Qingxue's jade hand again, and asked with a smile:

"What do you want to thank me for?"

"Thank you, senior brother, for blocking what happened in Huangji City today. If you hadn't helped me, I..."

Mu Qingxue said with a complicated expression.

What happened in the Ninth Princess's mansion today has been completely spread in Huangji City.

Many people marveled at Su Chen's dominance, but also felt that it was not worth it for him!

If Taixuan Sect had not confronted Wuji Sect, no matter what, as long as Su Chen was there, Taixuan Sect would have gained a lot in this trip to the Hundred Monsters Battlefield.

But in order to protect an inner disciple, Su Chen put Taixuan Sect in a very dangerous situation.

This was obviously very unwise.

In their eyes, Mu Qingxue was just a pretty pendant.

It was hard to say whether she could enter the Hundred Monsters Battlefield this time, but Su Chen chose to offend Situ Feng just for such a pendant.

No matter how you look at it, it was a losing business.

They were not clear about Mu Qingxue's talent.

Taixuan Sect only publicized Su Chen's deeds, and did not choose to publicize Mu Qingxue.

One was to protect her.

Second, if Taixuan Sect had two extremely talented monsters in succession, it would definitely attract the hatred of other sects in Dachu, which would be extremely unfavorable for this trip to the Hundred Monsters Battlefield.

Of course, many people also felt that Wuji Sect's current situation was not much better.

Countless people believed that the fight between Su Chen and Situ Feng was destined to end in a lose-lose situation.

Once these two top geniuses were both hurt, the others would have a chance.

Many sect disciples had a look of watching the show on their faces while discussing today's events.

As a disciple of Taixuan Sect, Mu Qingxue was one of the triggers of this incident, and she would not miss the news that shocked the whole city.

After hearing about what happened in the Ninth Princess's mansion, she felt extremely complicated.

She didn't expect that it would be Su Chen who saved her.

If it weren't for Su Chen, even if she would not be handed over by Taixuan Sect, she would probably miss the trip to the Hundred Demons Battlefield.

Even though she practiced the Three Thousand Qinggong Jue, her heart was extremely complicated at this moment.

ps: Thanks to Yu @er for catching bugs. I have corrected all the typos you found. Thank you.

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