If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 81 Do you want to compete with me? [Please read on! ]

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone looked towards the opposite mountain.

At this moment, at the edge of the cliff, fifty disciples of Taixuan Sect gathered together, but none of them had the intention to cross the mountain.

"Maybe they want to preserve their strength..."

A neutral sect genius saw that the atmosphere in the field was not right, and hurriedly spoke to smooth things over.



Gu Xuanyun sneered when he heard this, and continued to say in a yin-yang tone:

"Sooner or later, we have to pass, so how can we preserve our strength?"

"In my opinion, Taixuan Sect is afraid of being embarrassed. This group of disciples has no strength..."

"Will you die if you don't speak?"

Gu Xuanyun's words were not finished.

Su Chen, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at Gu Xuanyun.


Two divine lights burst out from his eyes, like two peerless swords shooting at Gu Xuanyun.


At the same time, a sound of breaking through the air came from the void.


Gu Xuanyun's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly dodged to the side.

But he was extremely shocked at this moment.

He didn't expect Su Chen to dare to attack him at this time.

How dare he!

Doesn't he know that the prince of the Great Chu Dynasty is not far away?

But Gu Xuanyun didn't have time to think about it.

Because the divine light had already arrived in front of him.

Two divine lights completely blocked his retreat.

Gu Xuanyun had to put down his legs that he had raised, and raised his hands to resist Su Chen's attack.

Su Chen was famous after all.

Although it was not known whether he had really killed dark creatures, it was a fact that he had entered the forbidden realm in the Qi Gathering Realm.

Such a casual attack from a being, no one of the young generation present dared to despise it.


Gu Xuanyun put his five fingers together, and nervously grabbed the divine light that was hitting him.


The horrible scene imagined did not appear.

The moment the divine light touched his fingers, it turned into pure spiritual power and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Instead, his hands suddenly grabbed the void, making loud noises.


"Am I... being fooled?"

Gu Xuanyun quickly reacted, his face turned blue and white.

Anyone who was fooled for no reason would not look good.

After all.

There were not only geniuses of the same generation present, but also elders from major sects and a prince of the Great Chu Dynasty!

If nothing unexpected happened, I'm afraid that my performance just now has been seen by these people.

Su Chen just glanced at me, and I had to do my best to deal with it.

If he really made a move, it would be fine.

But he was just fooling me!

Not only did I not see the truth, but I also responded with all my strength.

The face of the entire Xuanming Sect was completely lost when he stood up to deal with it!

"Su! Chen!"

Gu Xuanyun clenched his teeth and uttered two cold words from his teeth.

At this moment, he was extremely angry.

He was even angrier than Situ Feng yesterday.

Because, Situ Feng yesterday just didn't get back his ground.

And he was played like a monkey by Su Chen.

Gu Xuanyun's blood was boiling, and his face flushed.

"Why, do you want to spar with me?"

"I'm very happy to, anyway, there are still many empty seats on the arena over there, I don't mind helping them warm up the field, what about you?"

Su Chen said with a faint smile on his lips.

He was not at all panicked about today's competition.

Because Mu Qingxue is here, Taixuan Sect will definitely be the first!

There may be some twists and turns in the process, but the final result has been determined.

Su Chen didn't want to come to watch, but Elder Fan asked him to be there.

Su Chen had no choice but to come here patiently, ready to sit here for a whole day, practice Tianyan Shen Jue, and go through the motions.

He wanted to practice quietly, but Gu Xuanyun didn't think so.

Gu Xuanyun had provoked him again and again. If he did not express his opinion, the face of Taixuan Sect would be completely trampled under Gu Xuanyun's feet.


Gu Xuanyun snorted coldly.

He looked at Situ Feng, who looked indifferent and seemed to be unaware of all this, and just suppressed his anger and threatened:

"Su Chen, don't be too arrogant!"

He did not have the strength and confidence of Situ Feng, so he had to threaten.

As for taking action?

Don't joke!

Su Chen was a peerless evildoer who had entered the forbidden realm in the Qi Gathering Realm.

And his cultivation was completely achieved by taking drugs, and it was easy for him to bully those with a lower realm than him.

But if he compared it with a genius like Su Chen, he would never dare to do it.

After all.

The difference between the two was more than one level.


"The Xuanming Sect is just like this, and it's just good at talking."

Seeing this, Su Chen sneered and said with disdain.

It was impossible for him to let Gu Xuanyun go so easily.

Moreover, in this situation, he could use the system to improve his strength.

As soon as these words came out, they instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Su Chen's words did not hide anything from the people present.

This was not just aimed at Gu Xuanyun alone, but the entire Xuanming Sect was trampled under his feet.

I guess someone in the other stand was going to get restless, right?

Thinking of this.

Everyone looked at the other stand.

As expected.

On the stand, there was an old man with gray hair, who was looking at this side with anger.

This person was none other than the elder of Xuanming Sect who accompanied him this time!


"Su Chen, one day, I will make you pay for what you said today!"

Gu Xuanyun clenched his fists, his face flushed, and looked at Su Chen with scarlet eyes and said a cruel word.

Then, he came to the other end and sat cross-legged.

"Alas, you only know how to talk..."

Su Chen saw this and knew that his plan was going to fail, so he had to shake his head helplessly and said a mocking word.


Time passed.

Soon, an hour passed.

The team of tens of thousands of people originally went through the first round of valley screening, leaving less than 3,000 people!

The elimination rate almost exceeded everyone's imagination.

Nearly half of the disciples of many sects fell to the bottom of the valley.

Even the Wuji Sect with monsters had several disciples who did not come.

It is conceivable how cruel this level is.

The situation of Taixuan Sect is not very good, but it is not bad either.

Thirty-one disciples came from fifty people.

When Mu Qingxue crossed the valley, it caused a sensation.

Because she was the only disciple in the whole audience who successfully crossed the valley with the third level of Qi Hai Realm!

Although she successfully crossed the valley.

But in the eyes of everyone, her journey ended here.

Any one of them who was picked out at random was a cultivator of the fourth or fifth level of Qi Hai Realm. It was impossible for her, a cultivator of the third level of Qi Hai Realm, to defeat these geniuses.

Even if she could win a game by chance, it would be impossible for her to win continuously.

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