If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 83 Could he be at the ninth level of Qi Hai Realm? [Please read on! ]

Su Chen first shook his head gently at Lin Xuan, indicating that the other party did not need to worry, and did not rush to answer Gu Xuanyun.

He looked up at the fierce battle in the field, sighed softly, and then said:

"What you have done is still not enough..."

"Huh? Not enough?"

When Gu Xuanyun heard this, his expression turned ugly.

After pondering for a moment, he turned to look at Situ Feng, hoping that the other party could help him.

And Situ Feng did not disappoint him.

Feeling Gu Xuanyun's gaze, Situ Feng coughed lightly and waved his hand, and two top-quality magic weapons suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

A long sword, a long knife.

Every piece is shimmering with cold light, and the aura is compelling.

Situ Feng looked at Su Chen and said calmly: "What about adding these two items from me?"


Su Chen glanced at the two top-quality magic weapons with some dissatisfaction and said vaguely.

He knew that this was the limit for both of them.

Gu Xuanyun had no money left to speak of, and it was impossible for Situ Feng to bleed heavily for Gu Xuanyun's bet.

With this bet established.

Everyone in the stands turned their attention to the competition stage where Mu Qingxue was sitting.

at this time.

The battle between Mu Qingxue and the Xuanming Sect disciple was coming to an end, and the winner was about to be decided.


The sky trembled, and endless black mist poured out of the void.

This disciple of Xuanming Sect is also very powerful.

He formed a seal with his hands, and black mist suddenly emitted from his palms.

The black palm prints covered the sky and sun, like a dark cloud shooting towards Mu Qingxue.

It was so dark that it made people's hair stand on end.


Mu Qingxue stood on the competition stage.

Facing the attack of the black palm prints, her bumpy figure burst out with a layer of lavender brilliance, like three thousand purple gases pouring out of it.


Mu Qingxue gave a soft drink, stretched out her slender hand and collided with the black palm print.

The collision between the two is like the tip of a needle against the awn of wheat.


There was a loud noise.

I saw black mist surging in the field, purple energy exaggerating, rushing in all directions.

The terrifying power fluctuations have even affected everyone who is competing in other competition stages.


"What a terrifying strength!"

Some people took a breath and exclaimed.

Although Mu Qingxue was only at the third level of the Qi Sea Realm, the strength he displayed was no less than that of someone at the sixth level of the Qi Sea Realm.


The two palms collided together again.

This time the sound was not loud, but the power was more terrifying than before.

The dark clouds disappeared, but the purple divine light enveloped the entire competition stage.


The disciple of Xuanming Sect spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, and his whole body flew backwards in the radiance that filled the sky.

It landed directly outside the competition platform and made a muffled sound.

This sudden scene made the hearts of everyone present skip a beat.

Looking at the Xuanming Sect disciples who were outside the field, Gu Xuanyun was filled with disbelief. He stood up suddenly and shouted loudly:


"How can this be?!"

"Thank you two fellow Taoists for your gifts."

Su Chen stood up with a smile on his face and gently cupped his hands towards the shocked Gu Xuanyun and Situ Feng.

The words fell.

He waved gently towards the items Gu Xuanyun and Situ Feng had just placed bets on.


Those items instantly flew in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen picked up the two storage rings, cut off the contact with Gu Xuanyun in front of everyone, and poured a drop of blood into them.

I have to say that there are indeed many good things in these two storage rings.

Spiritual stones, elixirs, weapons, natural materials and earthly treasures...

It can be said that it has everything.

Although the grades are not very high, the advantage lies in the quantity.

after all.

Gu Xuanyun can also be regarded as a respectable person.

That he can become the leader of the Xuanming Sect this time shows his status in the Xuanming Sect.

As for Chuan Yunshuo and Situ Feng's two top-quality magic weapons, Su Chen just glanced at them and put them away.

He planned to wait for the competition to end before returning to the small courtyard to identify the master.

"I didn't expect that there is a more convenient method in this world than killing people and stealing goods!"

Su Chen said with some emotion.

In the past, why didn't I think of making bets with others?

"Su! Chen!"

Gu Xuanyun's face was gloomy and his eyes were scarlet.

At this moment, his heart was bleeding.

In the bet just now, he directly put all his wealth on it.

As a result, all the money lost was lost.

It can be said that his pocket is cleaner than his face at this moment.

Situ Feng, who was standing next to him, looked very pale.

He didn't have a good attitude towards Su Chen, but now he didn't have a good attitude towards Gu Xuanyun.

You can't hide the look in someone's eyes that wants to kill you.

Situ Feng now wanted to kill Gu Xuanyun.

If it wasn't for Gu Xuanyun's instigation, how could he have acquired two top-quality magic weapons?

To know.

These two top-quality magic weapons were borrowed by him from the leader of the Wuji Sect.

Now that he was getting advantage of Su Chen in vain, he didn't even know how to explain it when he went back.

"Su Chen!"

"Tell me, did you do it on purpose? Did you already know that Mu Qingxue practiced body-training techniques, so you deliberately bet against me?"

Gu Xuanyun was like a madman, roaring at Su Chen.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the dazzling purple light on Mu Qingxue's body after the last blow was definitely caused by the body-refining technique.

And the grade of this body-refining technique is definitely not bad!

The most important thing is, judging from its power, Mu Qingxue seems to have cultivated it to perfection!

With this trump card.

An ordinary Qi Hai realm sixth-level cultivator can't break Mu Qingxue's defense at all!

"Do you want to default?"

Su Chen did not answer his question.

Because even he didn't know when Mu Qingxue practiced the body-refining technique.

As his voice fell, a terrifying pressure spread instantly.

The powerful oppressive force made the people present feel deeply powerless and terrified.

This was an unparalleled pressure.

It was like the arrival of an ancient god, and they were completely powerless to resist.

Especially Gu Xuanyun, who was the first to bear the brunt, as if he was carrying two mountains on his shoulders.


A muffled sound.

Gu Xuanyun fell to his knees in an instant.

With him as the center, the entire stand was cracked with tiny cracks, as if it would collapse at any time.


Everyone took a breath of cold air.

This was the first time that Su Chen showed his power in front of everyone.

But just this tip of the iceberg directly made the Xuanming Sect's prodigy, Gu Xuanyun, fall to his knees.

"What realm is he in?"

"Such a terrifying pressure, is he in the ninth level of the Qi Sea Realm?"

"It should be right, after all, he entered the forbidden realm when he was in the Qi Condensation Realm, and it is not surprising that he can have such power in the ninth level of the Qi Sea Realm!"


Some prodigies from neutral sects looked at Su Chen, who was like a god, and spoke one after another.


ps: Three more votes, please read!

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