Qin Chuan woke up slowly.


"My head hurts so much!"

He felt like his head was splitting!

It was so uncomfortable!

This way of improving combat power is really not something that can be used often.

The side effects are too strong, too torturous!

Qin Chuan saw himself lying on the somersault cloud.

Wuhun Jiujianxian was sitting cross-legged beside him, with the fairy sword lying across his legs.

Not good!

How long have I slept? Have I missed that opportunity? !

Qin Chuan stood up hurriedly.

Wanted to see where he was now.

At this moment.

His mind emerged with the memory of himself after he fainted.

It turned out that after he fell asleep, Jiujianxian controlled the somersault cloud and continued to fly to the destination.

After arriving at the destination, it has been floating high in the sky, mixed with other clouds.

During this period.

He also encountered several giant eagle monsters, all of which were killed by Jiujianxian controlling the fairy sword.

Qin Chuan was shocked!

This, this, this...

Drunken Sword Immortal actually has self-awareness and can act alone when I am asleep? !

This is simply unheard of! ! !

As we all know.

Human martial soul is an extremely rare form of beast martial soul.

Its advantage is that it can replace the main body for cultivation.

To a certain extent, it is equivalent to a warrior's clone.

Having said that.

But it still needs to be controlled by the warrior himself like other martial souls.

If the warrior loses consciousness, the human martial soul will return to the warrior's body.

Can't act alone at all!

But why is my Drunken Sword Immortal not like this?

Can actually act independently!

Is this the strength of the martial soul from the system?

Drunken Sword Immortal also stood up and glanced at Qin Chuan expressionlessly.

It seems to be saying.

Are you awake?

I have sent you here, and I will leave it to you next.


The Drunken Sword Immortal returned to Qin Chuan's body.

And the immortal sword in its hand also turned back into the Ruyi Jingu Bang.

It returned to Qin Chuan's hand.

He felt a little weird.

I seem to be... despised by my own martial spirit?

Forget it, let's not worry about this for now.

Qin Chuan put away the Ruyi Jingu Bang and looked at the ground through the somersault cloud.

It was exactly the destination of his trip.

Floating Cloud Valley!

This place was originally the territory of the demon clan. After a demon hunting team accidentally discovered the Holy Dragon Fruit, it became a battlefield for various forces to compete.

Floating Cloud Valley is foggy all year round, and it is also foggy at this time.

On a tree in the center of the outer periphery of the valley, there is a fist-sized fruit hanging.

It is the target of Qin Chuan's trip, the Holy Dragon Fruit!

On the skin of the fruit, you can see obvious dragon scale patterns.

The color is light red, which is a sign of maturity.

At this time, the area around Fuyun Valley was already densely packed with people.

Except for some little Karami who came to join in the fun.

Generally speaking, they can be divided into four forces.

The first party is the Qin family's Wind Squad.

This is an extremely powerful demon hunting team, and the martial arts realm of all members is at least the Moon Realm!

Standing in the center of the team is the illegitimate son of the Qin family patriarch, Qin Hai, who has been in the limelight recently.

And standing next to Qin Hai is Luo Yudie!

The second party is the Sky Hunter Team.

This is a demon hunting team that is not affiliated with any force, which shows how powerful it is.

It is only stronger than the Wind Squad!

The other two parties are the demon tribes living nearby.

The wolf tribe and the bear tribe.

Fortunately, the Holy Dragon Fruit was almost ripe when it was discovered.

If we wait a few more days, I believe there will be more people rushing over!

After all.

Every time the spiritual fruit appears, it will cause a bloody storm!

The situation at this time is very tense.

The four parties are staring at the holy dragon fruit.

As long as the fruit is ripe and falls, a war will break out.

At that time.

Who will live and who will die, who can get the holy dragon fruit.

It depends on one's luck.

"Brother Li, the current situation is not good. Can we get the holy dragon fruit?"

Qin Hai looked at the holy dragon fruit and was very jealous.

He wanted to eat the fruit now to see what kind of ability he could get!

"Seventh Young Master, don't worry!"

"Not long ago, we just got a good thing."

"I believe that with it, the success rate can be greatly increased!"

Li Jie whispered.

"Brother Hai, I believe the holy dragon fruit will definitely be yours!"

"When the time comes, you will be even more powerful after eating it!"

Luo Yudie hugged Qin Hai's arm and said very flatteringly.

A little licking dog!

This is completely different from her attitude towards Qin Chuan!

"That's good!"Qin Hai was relieved immediately.

He couldn't help showing a triumphant smile on his face.

Of course, I will be very powerful after eating the Holy Dragon Fruit!

I will be even more powerful in bed!

You stinky woman, you will definitely experience my power at that time!


What a joyful life!

"You humans are so shameless, this is obviously the territory of our demon race!"

"The treasures here should also belong to our demon race, and you have the nerve to rob them!"

A wolf demon with a wolf head and a human body cursed.

"Brother Wolf, don't you know yet?"

"They humans claim to be the highest creatures on the blue planet, and they don't take our demon race seriously at all."

"Massacre our demon race and occupy our territory, this is their routine operation!"

A tall black bear was not as angry as the wolf.

It had long seen the ugly face of humans.


"A beast is a beast, and the treasure belongs to the capable!"

"Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

"We humans and your demons have been fighting for thousands of years, and we have long been incompatible."

"Whoever has the bigger fist is right, and you are still talking about territory here, it's a joke!"

The captain of the Sky Hunter Team, Tian Yong, laughed.

"You! Who do you say is a beast?!"

The wolf demon was furious and was about to take action.

But he was stopped by his men in time.

Before the Holy Dragon Fruit matures, it is not appropriate to have a conflict!

"Captain Tian is right, a beast is a beast!"

"You demons can't take this Holy Dragon Fruit away today!"

"I said!"

Li Jie said proudly.

He has a killer weapon that can win the game, and he has already won the game.

When Tian Yong heard this, he frowned slightly.

He couldn't help thinking:

"The overall strength of the Gust Squadron is not as strong as ours."

"But why do they look so confident?"

"Does it have a killer move? Can it crush the three forces?"

Tian Yong immediately became alert.

Sometimes, humans are more insidious than the demons!

And I don't know when.

Qin Chuan, who had already hidden in the fog next to him with the help of the Somersault Cloud, also frowned slightly.

He had been admonished many times that the Qin family's demon hunting team must keep a low profile when outside.

It's only been a short time, how come Li Jie has become so arrogant?

And his former fiancée, Luo Yudie.

He got together with Qin Hai so quickly!

Qin Chuan looked at the couple, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

Let's see if we can kill them here!

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted:

"Look, the Holy Dragon Fruit is about to ripen!"

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

Sure enough.

The light red Holy Dragon Fruit is turning dark red visibly!

The whole fruit has begun to shake.


A dragon roar came from the fruit!

Everyone felt as if they had suffered a soul shock, and their brains felt slightly dizzy.

Wow, just the fruit has such power.

If you eat it, what will happen? !

Some people are already jealous.

It is a sign of going crazy and grabbing.


The sound of the branch breaking suddenly sounded, and the Holy Dragon Fruit immediately fell to the ground.

"The Holy Dragon Fruit is ripe!"

"Everyone hurry up and grab it!"


For a while, everyone rushed around with big moves.

The battle for grabbing fruit in Fuyun Valley broke out!

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