Longteng Martial Arts School.

Meeting room.

In addition to the school owner, nearly half of the senior staff have already attended the meeting.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows.

Meetings of this level are usually held only a few times a year.

Very important.

Judging from previous selections.

But there has never been a major meeting like this one, specifically for the champion and runner-up!

"The video just played is all the surveillance videos of Qin Chuan and Chu Yanran in this selection."

Gao Liang said respectfully.

Although he is the general person in charge of this selection, he is just following the process and going through the motions.

It was not a big deal.

With his identity, he was not qualified to participate in this level of meeting.

But who made this year's selection, two very rare SSS-level martial arts contestants appeared!

Especially the champion Qin Chuan.

His amazing points are unprecedented, and it is estimated that there will be no more in the future!


Gao Liang was very fortunate to participate in this meeting.

He is even an important participant!

He will explain all the details about Qin Chuan and Chu Yanran throughout the whole process.

This is definitely a highlight for him!

It is a highlight in his career!

If nothing unexpected happens.

He will be promoted!

Thinking of this, Gao Liang became even more excited.

Deputy curator Zhao Qiankun said:


Gao Liang hurriedly continued his explanation:

"Below are the personal information of Qin Chuan and Chu Yanran."

He first put Qin Chuan's information on the big screen.

Above is Qin Chuan's photo, and below is the specific information.

[Qin Chuan, male, 23, the sixth son of the third generation of the Qin family... his parents are missing... he is abused by the family...]

[Failed to awaken his martial soul after graduating from high school... a business genius of the Qin family, he will make the Qin family a first-class force within five years...]

[Three months ago, he was suspected of being the illegitimate child of the head of the family, and severed ties with the family... the Qin family has now fallen to a third-rate small family...]

[It was discovered that he had no blood relationship with the Qin family... he founded his own company, Baichuan Technology, and its valuation is soaring...]

[He had never shown his martial soul until he signed up! ]

These are the information Gao Liang found out after discovering that Qin Chuan was an SSS-level super genius during the selection.

Slightly improved.

[On the first day of the selection, he toured the outer area...]

[On the second day, he treated Chu Yanran who was suspected of being poisoned... He continued to tour... He severely injured Qin Hai, who had an SS-level martial soul, and scared away Xia Shaodong, who had an SS-level martial soul...]

[He killed almost all the Nether Wolves and the Wolf King in seconds, and the demon killer from the Star Realm who appeared was also easily dealt with...]

[During the period, he showed the dragon state of the Holy Dragon Fruit. It is conservatively estimated that his real combat power has reached the peak of the Star Realm...]

"This is all the information about Qin Chuan. The following is the information about Chu Yanran."

Gao Liang continued to explain.

[Chu Yanran, female, 22, the only child of the Chu family in three generations...]

[When she was studying, she was recognized as a peerless beauty that only appears once in a thousand years, and a top student...]

[After graduating from high school, she returned to the family to awaken secretly, and the information of her martial soul is unknown...]

[She did not practice in the martial arts academy, and has been secretly cultivated by the family...]

[On the first day of the selection, she showed her extremely strong strength and extremely fast hunting speed to slaughter the outer area...]

[On the second day, she encountered Xia Shaodong and Qin Hai sparring, and then fell to the ground, suspected of being poisoned, and was rescued by Qin Chuan...]

[Then the two of them went together and continued to slaughter monsters... Killed five Nether Wolves in the core area, reaching the limit...]

"My story is over."

Gao Liang said respectfully.

Zhao Qiankun nodded:

"You go down first."

Gao Liang left quickly.

He knew.

His mission was completed.

The content of the next meeting was not something he could listen to.

That will be top secret information!

"You all tell me what you think."

Zhao Qiankun continued.

Everyone looked at each other and expressed their opinions one by one.

"Although both of them are SSS-level super geniuses,... Qin Chuan's value is undoubtedly much higher than Chu Yanran!"

One of them said.

"Old Wang is right!"

"To put it bluntly, Chu Yanran is a rich lady who has grown up smoothly and has super high talent."

"There is a problem that cannot be ignored, that is, the ability to withstand setbacks!"

Everyone agreed with his words.

"Since the martial arts era, Longguo has never lacked geniuses."

"But...how many geniuses have really grown up?"

"Not to mention those who died young. There are also geniuses who have been devastated by setbacks and lost in the crowd!"

"So, the true value of Chu Yanran,It remains to be verified!"

Zhao Qiankun nodded in agreement.

Although the probability of a super genius encountering setbacks is not high, the possibility of being unable to recover after a setback is also relatively low.

But that possibility cannot be ruled out after all.

Sometimes the higher the talent, the worse the fall!

"As for Qin Chuan, his experience has proved his strong ability to withstand setbacks!"

Parents disappeared when he was a child.

Family abuse.

Failed to awaken martial arts spirit in high school.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have collapsed long ago!

Not committing suicide is already a sign of inner strength!

"With such a tragic experience, he can still show his amazing talent in making the Qin family a first-class force!"

"Just for this reason, his value is no weaker than most warriors! ”

Everyone present understands.

Although in the era of martial arts, warriors are the most valuable.

But the important role of logistics cannot be ignored.

Without some enterprises coordinating, accumulating and providing resources, the growth of warriors will be limited.

The combat power cannot be fully exerted!

"Speaking of his martial arts talent, one is an SSS-level martial spirit, and the other is the Holy Dragon Fruit."

"The value of the Holy Dragon Fruit is also very clear to everyone."

"In my opinion, it is completely comparable to an SSS-level martial spirit! "


The Holy Dragon Fruit is comparable to an SSS-level martial spirit!

This sentence shocked everyone present.

This conclusion seems to be correct.

They realized it then.

Qin Chuan is equivalent to a super genius with two SSS-level martial spirits!

How amazing is such a talent!

Unique in history!

Even the founders of the three major martial arts halls only have one SSS-level martial spirit.

Qin Chuan's future achievements may surpass those of the founders of the three major martial arts halls?!

Deputy Hall Master Zhao Qiankun felt that the blood in his body was boiling!

It's so exciting!

Longteng Martial Arts Hall must strive to get Qin Chuan, this super genius!

No matter what the price!

This is a task that must be completed!

Of course.

We must also strive to get Chu Yanran, the SSS-level super genius!

"Let's discuss what resources we are going to use to win over Qin Chuan and Chu Yanran. "

Said Zhao Qiankun.

The same scene.

Pojun Martial Arts School and Shenglian Martial Arts School are also playing!

Ten Thousand Mountains.

Deep inside.

Ten Thousand Demons Palace.

Four of the nine giants of the demon race have gathered.

Each of them releases the tyrannical pressure of the Milky Way Realm.

At this time.

They are all quietly watching a fox girl standing in the center of the palace.

On her outstretched right hand, a small compass floats.

That is the girl's spiritual S-level martial soul.

Heart Abyss Compass!

There are dense and strange patterns on the compass, and it flashes with brilliant light from time to time.


A spiritual wave suddenly released from the compass.

The pointer, which was originally rotating non-stop, suddenly slowed down at this moment.

And it kept flashing golden light.


The pointer was only on three scales, rotating back and forth non-stop.

There were two scales that were almost overlapping.

When the pointer pointed to one of the scales.

The golden light was the strongest, almost completely covering the other two scales!

Seeing this, the girl frowned.

The five demon clan giants saw her reaction.

They knew.

This was not a good result.

Their hearts suddenly became gloomy.

"Four kings, my compass divination results show..."

"Another SSS-level martial spirit was born in Dragon Country."

"There are now three SSS-level super geniuses. "

"Their position has been determined..."

The fox girl said respectfully after putting away her martial spirit.

As soon as she finished speaking.

The whole hall fell into a deathly silence!

She was immediately attacked by five faint pressures.

She turned pale in an instant!

Sweating like rain!

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