The complaints are still going on

“Sure enough, nothing is perfect in this world. Lin Bai is obviously a handsome guy, but God gave him a mouth.”

“When I think about how I felt sorry for him just now, I feel like a fool.”

It can be said.

Yang Mi’s words made many people respond.

After all, it’s hard not to feel resentful when someone is so irritating.

That’s why.

Now some people are complaining about him on the spot.

Of course they will agree one after another.

Only in this way can some of their grievances be resolved.

“There’s no way”

“I always advocate sincerity”

“It’s up to you whether you like to hear it or not, but I won’t lie.”

Speaking of this,

Lin Bai even shrugged.

He never felt that there was anything wrong with what he said. After all, he told the truth.

As for whether it would irritate others, that is not what an honest person like him should care about. Question.

If you are stimulated by other people’s truth, shouldn’t you reflect on yourself?

“Now, three judges are invited”

“Based on Lin Bai’s performance just now, make your choice”

“If you think he can advance, please give him a light!”

He Jiu finally announced this link.

This also cheered everyone up instantly.

Although their young hearts were greatly shocked.

However, they were still very concerned about the outcome of this matter.

At this time,

Xue Zhiqian deliberately showed a malicious smile to Lin Bai in front of him.

This smile seemed to be telling the other party directly,

“I am going to take revenge on you.

To retaliate against the other party and say that he sang is just an ordinary show off” Feeling, and the endless Versailles mentality.


Xue Zhiqian showed this expression.

However, everyone knows that he did it deliberately, mainly for the effect of the show.

But even so, it made the audience more curious, What will happen next?

Just listen to Xue Zhiqian continue to say

“Lin Bai”

“I like the song Tears Behind Bars very much”

“This song will make people feel a kind of regret unconsciously”

“But this song can also serve as a warning to people, so that they will not break the law and commit crimes easily.”

“So, this song is a very positive song.”

Xue Zhiqian said directly.

These words undoubtedly expressed his approval of the song.

Of course.

This is just an approval of the song.

But at least, the attitude is not a problem.


“I think your singing skills are very good”

“Your interpretation of the song was very good, and even achieved an effect that made the audience feel the same.”

“Although this song doesn’t quite match the style of the show, after discussion, we still think it can accommodate more styles of songs.”

“So, congratulations!”

As soon as the words fell,

Xue Zhiqian pressed the light without hesitation.

Xue Zhiqian supported Lin Bai

‘s promotion, not to mention. From his words, we can also see his appreciation for Lin Bai.

He paid tribute to both songs and singing skills. high recommendation

“What Lao Xue said is really accurate!”

“Lao Xue is really fair.”

“Although he was criticized by Lin Bai for not being able to sing well, he still gave a fair evaluation.”

“Thanks to Lao Xue for being willing to discuss with the program team. I think the program should be able to accommodate more music styles.”

“yes! No one should decide which kind of people should listen to which kind of songs”

“As a person born after 1905, I just like listening to these old songs. What can I do?” Almost all the audience expressed their support for Xue Zhiqian’s decision. Because in the last episode of the show, Lin Bai was eliminated because of the style of the song. But this made many viewers feel very dissatisfied. Therefore, the program team can adjust and change the rules so quickly. This also makes many viewers feel very satisfied.

“Thank you, Teacher Xue!”

Regarding Xue Zhiqian’s decision,

Lin Bai felt very calm.

He was not surprised at all by this result.

As long as the program team no longer restricts the music style.


Based on Xue Zhiqian’s appreciation for him, it will definitely The light was on.

At this moment.


On the judges’ bench, a light was suddenly turned off.

This surprised everyone, and then they looked over.

Hua Chengyu directly photographed the light-off button.

But at this moment, everyone thought he just pressed it accidentally.

After all, if Lin Bai was to be eliminated, he hadn’t said a word yet.

“Let’s not talk about your singing skills.”

“Just talking about this song, it’s really terrible.”

“This style was eliminated decades ago”

“Music also needs to keep pace with the times. When it’s time to sweep away the things from the past, let him sweep them into the past!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was very surprised.

It was almost beyond everyone’s expectations.

Hua Chengyu did not speak during the whole process. He said such ugly words as soon as he spoke.

Forget it, he will be eliminated.

There is no need to say such ugly words.. And it was after already eliminating the opponent.

This seemed to be somewhat directed at others.

In this regard,

Lin Bai was not only not angry.

He even showed a smile.

This smile.

At first glance, it was the kind of sincere one. Smile.

This makes people feel a little confused. The lights are obviously turned off, why are they still so happy?

“It’s not a big deal”

“A style of music, some people like it and some don’t”

“If you don’t like my songs, I’m totally fine with that.”

“However, just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that my songs are not good. For example, I don’t like your songs at all”

“After listening to your song just once, I felt uncomfortable all over, but I didn’t ask you to quit the music scene just because I felt uncomfortable. Lin

Bai smiled slightly. As soon as he finished speaking

, everyone present exclaimed.

Lin Bai’s counterattack against Hua Chengyu was still so sharp and merciless.


Lin Bai ‘s counterattack against Hua Chengyu was still so sharp. When Bai said these words, his expression was very calm.

He didn’t seem to be angry at all, but the attack power of these words was overwhelming.

This made the glass-hearted Hua Chengyu immediately change his expression.

His expression changed for a moment. Looks ugly

“I would like to call Lin Bai the strongest, and if you don’t feel like it, just do it”

“Yes, I feel uncomfortable too, otherwise Hua Chengyu should quit the music scene”

“Can Hua Chengyu not afford it? Only state officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps.”

“Is he the one whose musical innovation depends entirely on dancing? I remembered”

“I just like Lin Bai’s singing, his songs are very nice. Does this Hua Chengyu have any outstanding works? If you don’t understand, just ask.”

For a while, the audience also started to complain.

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