T/N: Trying a different approach to translating, less 1-1 formatting with the original text to make it flow smoother.

As the greedy ambitions were being checked behind the scenes, Sylia and Luna faced each other in the hallway, holding each other’s hands.

“I’m sorry,” Sylia said, “I couldn’t stand just listening to them talk…”

“Don’t apologize for anything,” Luna replied. “It was surprising but you helped me out.”

When Sylia reflected on her actions, there were many points where she rushed in too far. No matter how angry she was, she’d just smashed her way into a talk between an aristocratic house and the royal family.

“But, fufuh…” Luna chuckled.

“What’s wrong?” Sylia asked.

“I couldn’t have possibly expected you to go, ‘I don’t know how to get back to my room’… fufufu,” Luna chuckled, her shoulders shaking.

“Uuh, tha-that’s because,” Sylia muttered as she scratched her head.

Luna slowly lets go of Sylia’s hand and cheerfully steps in front of her. “Now, let’s head back,” she said. “Supper will be soon but I’m a little tired so I’d like to rest a bit.”

“… Yeah,” Sylia muttered.

Looking at Luna’s small hand, the one she’d just been holding, Sylia remembered what they talked about earlier.

After busting into the drawing-room, Luna’s hand quivered slightly as Sylia held it.

Sylia had no way of knowing what went on inside, but she finally understood it must not have been anything good from Luna’s trembling hands.

What did House Enry say to a 13-year-old girl, no, no matter what they said, just by the way Luna’s small hands are shaking, Sylia was unwilling to forgive them.

“I wish I’d barged in earlier,” Sylia muttered with deep regret.

Luna laughed, her eyes shining. “Don’t say that,” she said. “I’m glad you came when you did.”

They continued walking through the halls silently, and when they came back into their room, they sat down on a soft sofa, both a bit exhausted.

“Hey, Luna,” Sylia said.

“Yes?” Luna asked.

They sit beside each other, speaking without turning to look.

“Did the Enrys ever propose a marriage with you?” Sylia asked.

“That’s right,” Luna said. “Well, it’s not just House Enry… there are a lot of noble houses who come forward proposing a marriage with me.”

Just from this, Luna’s clearly a popular individual. Then, she said with a bitter laugh, “But the reason I’m so desired is not me, myself, but the power that they can gain through familial ties with us royalty.”

“Do they really want power so badly?” Sylia asked. “To ignore your feelings in the process…”

Sylia doesn’t know the nobles’ perspectives. She could understand the desire to raise their status, but she can’t imagine what they’re willing to do to get it.

“It’s just the nature of power,” Luna said. “You desire it, and because it’s invisible, you try to get more than you’d ever need, as you can’t tell how much you do have.”

The politics of this kingdom rely on succession by inheritance. However, it was by no means a dictatorship. Since some aristocrats had long been family friends and trusted associates, those Houses are part of national affairs.

However, the other “powerful aristocrats” trying to skip the process by marrying Luna into the family have no such built-up trust.

From Sylia’s perspective, though Luna is only 13, she’s a beautiful girl, fleeting and something she wants to protect. She’s certain Luna will become a beautiful woman in the future and that she is certain she wants to be by Luna’s side.

“If I refuse without a formal reason, they’ll think that’s a sign that the relationship between the royals and the aristocrats is deteriorating and we’ll have unnecessary turmoil in the end,” Luna said, “so as a consequence, we’re continuing to deceive them as much as possible.”

But, Luna then turned to face Sylia and said, “But, that all ends today because we already have you, Sylia.”

“Can you repeat that again…?” Sylia asked. “I don’t think I have anything of worth?” she said sadly.

Although she’s got battlefield knowledge and combat skills from making a living as a mercenary, there were many other matters she did not have a clue in.

Luna shakes her head. “Don’t say you have nothing of worth,” she said. “Weren’t you thinking of me when you got me out of that situation just now?”

“Y-Yeah,” Sylia stammered.

Honestly, she didn’t know what she was feeling then. Was she thinking for Luna’s sake or was she angry at the selfishness of the other party? Or it could have also been-

“That’s enough,” Luna said, suddenly swaying and talking slower. “That’s all I want…”

“Lu-Luna?” Sylia said, her eyes darting to her.

Sylia panics, wondering what happened to her all of a sudden, then Luna collapses.

“Wa-Wah…!” Sylia yelped.

In a hurry, she caught Luna with her arms, she could feel how soft her body was as Luna sleeps peacefully. She seemed to have been much more exhausted than Sylia had thought.

“Uh, what do I do here…?” Sylia muttered, turning her eyes to the ceiling.

She could feel the heat of Luna’s skin gradually growing cooler, she gradually began to fall asleep in Luna’s arms, and before Sylia knew it, her eyes were closed, too.

“Suu… suu…”

Then, a few minutes later, they were both sleeping together on the sofa.

“Mm, mmm…” Luna muttered, stirring and slowly opening her eyes. “Huh… I…?”

The room was dark, the only light was the moon beaming in through the window. She’d finally realized she’d fallen asleep this long.

At the same time, she realizes that her body is gently held in the sleeping Sylia’s arms…

“… Hah,” Luna sighs as she stares at Sylia’s exhausted face, still sound asleep.

“Please forgive me,” she murmured so quietly that Sylia couldn’t hear it. It was as if she was just telling it to herself.

“Mm, uuuh…” Sylia moaned. She may not have heard Luna’s words, but she slowly opened her eyes. “Ah…?” she gasped.

“Um, good evening,” Luna said. “It looks like we fell asleep.”

“Mm, mmm…” Sylia muttered.

“Sy-Syila?” Luna whispered.

With sleepy eyes, Sylia saw Luna wrapped up in her arms, and slowly began to hug her tighter than before.

“Uh-um, hold up…” Luna muttered.

“Mmm…?” Sylia hummed.

It seems she’s totally in love. Luna’s confused words don’t seem to reach her, and it looks like she’s about to be completely embraced.

“Sylia… please wake up,” Luna said as she’s hugged, she can’t help falling asleep twice like this. Then,

“… Hmm?” Sylia hummed.

It wasn’t much but there was a light in Sylia’s eyes. Then, she made direct eye contact with Luna, who was smiling nervously as she was wrapped up in Sylia’s arms.

“Um….” Luna started, wondering how what to say.

But before she could figure it out, Sylia panicked, going, “S-So-Sorry!”

“Oh, no, don’t worry about it,” Luna said with a bitter smile. “It looks like you fell asleep…”

Sylia pulled away with her face bright red.

“You make it seems like we did much more than fall asleep,” Luna said.

“I, I see,” Sylia said. “Sorry, I just fell asleep before I knew it.”

“Maybe we were both tired,” Sylia said. “Anyway, let’s figure out what time it is, shall we?” she said, turning her palm to the chandelier on the ceiling.

“Eh…?” Sylia muttered.

The candles on the chandelier light up, the room was bright in an instant.

That was normal for Luna, but not for Sylia.

“Ma-Magic?” Sylia stammered.

“Yes?” Luna asked.

“Luna, you can use magic?” Sylia asked.

“Eh?” Luna asked. “Yes… to about the same level as anyone else.”

Sylia cannot use magic. The magic of this world can’t be used without having an innate talent for it, and it could not be supplemented by mundane efforts.

Sylia hadn’t assumed that Luna couldn’t use magic, but she hadn’t expected it to look like this and was taken aback.

Luna explained that the chandeliers here have magical mechanisms that can be ignited by coursing mana through them.

It was at that moment that Sylia realized this country was more technologically advanced than she’d thought.


As Sylia was wondering if this would be inconvenient for someone who couldn’t use magic like her, Luna’s surprise brought her back to the moment.

“This wasn’t here before, was it?” Luna asked as she gazed at the table.

As Sylia followed her line of sight, she found a large basket of sandwiches with glasses, water, and a bottle of that grape juice from dinner.

There was a memo in beautiful handwriting, it read, “Please eat this when you wake up.”

“Wah, that’s amazing…” Sylia muttered, her eyes shining as she’d never seen sandwiches in such beautiful colors.

“It looks great, so let’s eat it,” Luna said.

“Y-Yeah,” Sylia said.

They decide to wet their throats with the water before they have a slightly late dinner.

And as Sylia takes a bite of her sandwich, she looks back on today’s events.

(This may be the most luxuriously I’ve ever lived.)

From being fetched from the royal castle, you could say that should have been it, but then Luna became her bride, the feast proceeded without Sylia knowing why, Sylia took a luxurious bath, and when they thought she wouldn’t come to after passing out, she got a knee pillow. Then, she barged in and interrupted the talks between House Enry and the Grieds.

(This is all just a dream, isn’t it?)

She half expected to find herself in her bed at the inn neighboring the arena. With all that’s happened, it’s little wonder she was convinced of this.

“Um, what are you doing?” Luna asked as she holds up a glass as Sylia pinches her cheek.

“Ah, no, just a small thing,” Sylia said.

“I-I see…?” Luna asked.

She decided to drop it and go back to her meal for the moment. And Sylia had confirmed that the pain in her cheeks meant this was all real.

(Regardless, let’s just go to sleep now.)

Her vision is clear because of that nap, but she’s still exhausted. Perhaps if she jumps into bed, she’ll be easily invited back into the dream world.

(Hmm, the bed…?)

And with that thought, Sylia suddenly remembers that today’s biggest problem was still there.

(Ah, aaah, the “double bed”!!)

There were two pillows in one bed.

“…?” Luna stares at Sylia her facial expression changing from earlier, but it seems like Sylia hadn’t noticed her.

(Wh-What do I do?)

Sylia is about to celebrate their first night as newlyweds.

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