Illustrated Book of All Races: You call this an F-level talent?

Chapter 1971: Just having hands is enough, love has no boundaries!

Today's first update: Chapter 1971! 1/3!

Jixia Academy has its own criteria for ranking a certain path.

Although Xu Kun ridiculed himself for ranking only 20th in casting ability, he was still very sure of it.

This is just like ranking the winners and losers at the Ten Thousand Races Casting Conference.

The higher the realm of the weapon, the more difficult it is to cast.

For example, the Supreme Artifact of the Peak Emperor Weapon, without considering the type, is definitely not comparable to the Half-Step Supreme Artifact of the Peak Saint Weapon.

You can cast a Peak Emperor Weapon of the Supreme Artifact Grade, but it doesn't mean you can cast a Peak Saint Weapon of the Half-Step Supreme Grade!

Especially in this Ten Thousand Races Casting Conference, Ou Yezi worked hard to cast the Fortune Artifact of Blue Star, the Huaxia Dragon Cauldron, but he couldn't win the championship!

It wasn't until the Seven Realms of the National Fortune Sword, the Qie Man, came out that he overwhelmed the crowd!

In other words, a pure second-level supreme artifact, compared with a holy artifact, is at most comparable to a holy artifact of ordinary artifact grade in terms of value!

But if you calculate it this way, it is a bit unreasonable.

After all, in the second level, casting a second-level supreme artifact, and casting without a blueprint, you ask the 19 people in front of Xu Kun, can they do it?


At least Ou Yezi, who ranks seventh, can't do it!

The premise is that the person who cast this sword is only in the second level!

In terms of difficulty, it is higher than casting a seventh-level supreme artifact with a peak body of the sixth level!

In terms of potential alone, Xu Kun can be the top of the casting of the human race throughout the ages. The ranking is comprehensive, so Xu Kun can only rank 20th at present.

But with the help of this second-level Zhanlu, he successfully became a Jixia scholar.

From now on, Xu Kun is a member of the Jixia Academy, and he can enter the Jixia Academy to study anywhere and at any time.

After touching the Zhanlu, the incarnation of Ou Yezi looked at Xu Kun and said sincerely: "Xiao Kun, your casting skills are far better than my master. In time, you will become the strongest craftsman in the world!"

Affirmation from the master!

Xu Kun chose the incarnation of Ou Yezi as his first Jixia teacher just to prove himself.

What can make him happier than getting the affirmation of his master?

"Master, I will live up to your trust and lead the human race to the top of all races!"

"Good, good, good!" The incarnation of Ou Yezi was very pleased.

"You still have a long way to go, keep going!"


With the casting skills as a stepping stone, Xu Kun's status in the Jixia Academy is already higher than others. Even if he does not have the SSS-level qualification certificate, the entire Jixia Academy will allow him to walk around, including the people he wants to study with, various Jixia teachers, and even the generations of Jiji, who can be his teachers.

But he was not in a hurry to learn other things, but was curious about how Afu, who came in with him, was doing.

After the two came in, they were assigned to different places because of the different subjects they chose.

Normally, unless two people choose to study the same path and the same teacher, they cannot meet in Jixia Academy.

But now Xu Kun has the identity of a Jixia teacher, and it is natural to go to Chuanchuantang.

"I don't know how Afu is doing."

It only took Xu Kun one day and one night to cast the Supreme Zhanlu. Through the investigation of Jixia Academy, he learned that Afu chose the path of love.

But when he entered the area where Afu was, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"Please accept our greetings, sir!"

A woman, holding an apple, sat proudly in the center, surrounded by a group of Jixia teachers who each took "love" as their path, bowing to her.

Before Xu Kun could speak, a beam of light shot up into the sky from the ruins of Jixia Academy!

At the same time, all those who have obtained the status of Jixia Scholars and Jixia Masters in Jixia Academy have sensed this scene.

Jixia Academy has welcomed a new chief priest!

Honorary chief priest of the Way of Love!

Xu Kun stared blankly at Afu not far away, and was completely dumbfounded.

Jixia Academy also began to spread the Tao left by Afu in due time.

It can be summarized in four words: "Love is boundless!"

How to become a chief priest?

To convince all Jixia masters who talk about "love", and to successfully win the discussion with the chief chief priest of the academy who is good at "love".


Afu turned around and saw the dumbfounded Xu Kun, and took two steps at a time and threw herself into Xu Kun's arms.

Xu Kun's mouth twitched and he said, "Afu, how did you do it?"

"Eh? Isn't it enough to have hands? They gave me lessons first, and then I learned their way, and then I surpassed them, and there was no opponent, so they let me be the chief wine!"

Xu Kun:...

You just need hands, but you can't do it for me!

I spent more than a day of hard work and finally got the identity of the Jixia Master of Casting. As a result, you told me that you only spent one day to become the second honorary chief wine since the Jixia Academy ruins appeared?

And Xu Kun further learned that the one who granted Afu the status of honorary chief wine was an ancient human god, Yuexia Laoren who mastered the way of love!

He said with relief that Afu's understanding of the way of love could surpass him in the future.

Of course, although he was surprised, after learning what Afu did that day, Xu Kun felt normal again.

It is the embodiment of love. As Xu Kun said, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty in the past, only understood personal love, that is, love between men and women.

But she is just like what Mencius said. All those who enter the Jixia Academy are like a sponge, and can quickly absorb the knowledge in the Jixia Academy.

Some people are born geniuses.

Afu is not a good student, but she listens to Xu Kun very much. Xu Kun asked her to learn what great love is, so she came to learn.

The speed of learning is jaw-dropping. She has mastered all the knowledge about the way of love left by the sages.

But it should be pointed out that the way of love is not a university subject in the Jixia Academy.

There are only three people who serve as the chief wine in this way. One is Yuexia Laoren who personally granted the honorary chief wine status to Afu, and the other is Hanshan and Shide, who are called the two immortals of harmony!

Yuexia Laoren's way is the way of the gods in the past, and the way of the two immortals of harmony is the way of demigods.

All of them entered the Dao with love, and today, they welcomed another like-minded person on their road!

In fact, the Jixia Academy itself has a one-sided understanding of the so-called "love".

For example, Xu Kun believes that Afu's personal love is lacking in great love, so the saints in the Jixia Academy lack this small love, and the path they take is the so-called great love.

Including but not limited to...

Like the "compassion" of Buddhism, the "love others as yourself" passed down from the angels, the "universal love and non-aggression" of Mohism, the "virtue of loving life" of Taoism, and the great love of Confucianism represented by Confucius.

Confucius' "benevolent people love others", the "worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later" of the sages surnamed Fan, and the "benevolence and benefit the people" of Dong Sheng, the master of the Imperial Capital Academy...

All the schools of thought have their own theories about "love".

But Afu's words made Xu Kun suddenly realize.

"They keep saying they love the world, but they love themselves and their families less. But how many of them can put the country first and the family last?"

"I am different from them. I think that only by loving yourself first can you love the world."

"I don't go to hell if I am not a Buddhist. I don't agree with anyone going to hell. I don't want to go to hell for the wicked, but if it is for you, my dear, I am willing to be sent to the underworld!"

"Moreover, the three chief priests of the Jixia Academy also adhere to the way of personal love."

"Love between men and women seems to be a minor path, but it is actually an opportunity for the reproduction of the race. However, many people who talk about love require that there is no love in the world. Isn't this going in the wrong direction?"

"If you don't love yourself first, how can you talk about love?"

"If they don't even cherish themselves and their lovers, how much true and how much false is their love for the world? It's just the name of false love to fulfill their other ideas. This kind of love is not pure and perfect!"

This may be the purity of Afu's love after rebirth!

In the past, influenced by desire, Afu's so-called love was not sure how much love and how much desire.

It's hard to tell love from desire!

Now, she has been reborn, she only knows to love Xu Kun and is willing to listen to everything Xu Kun says.

Love is persistence.

If love is compared to the heart of Tao, then Afu's heart of Tao is stronger than before!

Her love is the true way to become a god.

Most of the theories about love in Jixia Academy are not pure enough.

Most of them are just inspired to show off their own theories.

In terms of conspiracy theories, these so-called loves are just a layer of smooth coat they put on in order to promote their own main ideas.

When discussing Tao, it is not necessary to surpass the sages in language, nor is it necessary to do greater things than the sages.

Only through practice can we gain true knowledge!

Their love has flaws, but Afu's love is pure and flawless!

Xu Kun hugged Afu tightly and said sincerely: "Afu is awesome!"

For Afu, this time the harvest is actually quite fruitful. Although the great love of Jixia Academy has flaws, the road is not wrong.

Her original small love road, which was like a single-plank bridge, has now been successfully expanded after learning many great love theories.

But to practice this road, Afu needs the help of one person.

This person is naturally Xu Kun.

"Dear, I will love the world like you in the future and spread love to all races."


Afu's study in Jixia Academy has actually ended here.

In Jixia Academy, her other two roads, the doctrine of desire and beauty, are smaller than the one of love in Jixia Academy.

And there is a close relationship between these three roads.

The way of beauty is more about the so-called aesthetics.

The way of desire is more about "abstinence"!

For example, the doctrine of Wang Sheng of Jiangnan Academy is "preserve the principles of heaven and eliminate human desires"!

These doctrines are contradictory to Afu's doctrine.

You can learn them or not.

And now she has become the second honorary chief priest. Although she became the honorary chief priest in the way of love, the Jixia scholars of Jixia Academy have become juniors in front of her.

If she wants to learn, it is a question of inferiority.

"Then you can follow me." Xu Kun glanced at Afu, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Because Afu became the second honorary chief priest since the ruins of Jixia Academy were unearthed, but she has not changed in any special way.

Compared to Xu Kun's status as a Jixia scholar, she has no other advantages except that she has a higher status and can make Jixia scholars from all walks of life serve her.

"Honorary Priest, is there nothing special about it?"

"Or is it that Afu, who only became the Honorary Priest with the Way of Love, is really just an honorary principal?"

Xu Kun couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

Next, he chose the Way of Fire!

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