Illustrated Book of All Races: You call this an F-level talent?

Chapter 092 The high-level officials intend that the strong will not come out

A thousand years since the arrival of Haotian Tower, a total of nine Lords of the Age have appeared in the human race. There has never been a situation where the Lord of the Age has fallen!

These nine Lords of the Age have also allowed all races to see the potential of the human race. In the course of a thousand years, the human race has faced many difficulties, but it still has the eternal fire. It is precisely because of the support of these Lords of the Age that appear once in a century!

Now, the millennium period has just arrived, and Yang Yao, as the latest generation of human SSS-level talents, still has a long way to go before she can grow up!

In this era when the human race is flourishing and creating greater glory, Qian Manlou actually said that the Kite God, who was the contemporary of the God of Light Odin, fell five hundred years ago?

How dare you believe it?

How can you believe it!

When Xu Kun first heard the news, he felt his heart being held tightly. The suffocating feeling made him feel as if he was drowning and unable to extricate himself!

"Tell me...this news is not true!" Xu Kun said with difficulty.

Xu Kun somewhat understood why Qian Manlou came to him in such a hurry!

At this point in time, the Kite God, who had been silent for eighteen years, suddenly reappeared on the 69th floor and launched a massive attack on the Black Turtle Clan. What was his purpose?

Based on my own experience, there is only one answer to explain!

The Kite God is standing up for himself!

But I have never met the Kite God, and my understanding of her is only on paper. Moreover, I have not been forced into a desperate situation by the Black Turtle Clan, even when the Sky Eye is regulating it on the surface but actually suppressing it. I chose to compromise!

Kite God, why is she like this?

"You... don't worry, the situation is not as bad as you think..." Qian Manlou said with some embarrassment.

"What...mean?" Xu Kun said in a hoarse voice.

If a leader of the human race fell because of himself, Xu Kun felt that he would never be able to pass the test in his heart!

"Have you forgotten those buffs that were superimposed on the entire human race after you cleared the first level?" Qian Manlou said.

Xu Kun suddenly came back to his senses, and the light returned to his eyes: "What do you mean?"

Qian Manlou smiled and nodded: "After the Kite God was killed by the ancestor of the Black Turtle Clan, he was resurrected with the help of the immortality buff you superimposed on the entire human race!"

Xu Kun let out a long breath: "Brother Qian, don't speak half of your words, you will scare people to death!"

Qian Manlou gave Xu Kun a thoughtful look, as if he was judging whether Xu Kun's current performance was adulterated!

But with his eyesight, which has been ups and downs in the business world for many years, he can't see any flaws in Xu Kun.

I couldn't help but wonder in my heart: "Is it possible that this stupid boy really doesn't know this hidden secret?"

Qian Manlou couldn't help but complain that his boss always didn't talk enough and asked him to talk to this guy, but he didn't tell him specifically what to talk about!

After heaving a sigh of relief, Xu Kunyou said slightly nervously: "Now that the Kite God is resurrected, aren't the ancestors of the Black Turtle Clan hunting him down anymore?"

"Of course there is. The Black Turtle Clan has suffered a big loss this time. How could they let the Kite God leave just like that? But... I, a strong human being, am no longer a vegetarian!"

"While the ancestor of the Black Turtle Clan lowered his avatar to pursue him, the one at the top of our human race took action. It is said that the moment he took action, the entire Haotian Tower trembled. According to the expert from our human race on the 69th floor, According to the information that came back, the clone of the ancestor of the Black Turtle Clan was broken into pieces, became extremely angry, and finally left in anger..."

"That one..." Xu Kun said a little confused.

Qian Manlou opened his mouth silently, and Xu Kun's pupils shrank when he saw it.

Qian Manlou’s mouth shape is... Cang!

It turned out that Cang Shen had taken action, and Xu Kun's anxious heart suddenly relaxed.

"Brother Qian, tell me, there was turmoil in the original mine layer where I was. Was this turmoil due to that person's action?"

Qian Manlou nodded affirmatively.

It turns out that it was because Cang Shen took action, and the aftermath shook the second floor where he was!

The era when Cang Shen was born was four hundred years away from Kite God. Both of them performed extremely well, but Cang Shen had already stood at the pinnacle of the world and could stand shoulder to shoulder with the ancestors of those top clans!

Kite God, compared to Cang God, can only be regarded as a rising star. After hearing Qian Manlou’s words today, Xu Kun learned that the Kite God, who is considered by the human race to be second only to Cang God in expressiveness, is currently on the sixty-ninth floor. !

The sixty-ninth level is also the highest level of combat power left by the major clans in Blue Star. This kind of strong people can be called Taoist saints. Their strength is extremely terrifying. The strong ones above are easily unborn!

Xu Kun scratched his head and said: "I have always heard that among the nine lords of the human race, the most powerful at the same level is the Cang God, and the Kite God is second only to the Cang God. Although there is a difference of four hundred years between the two, I did not expect that the Kite God God is still at the sixty-ninth level!"

Qian Manlou rolled his eyes and muttered: "Don't you know why she is still staying on the 69th floor after so long?"

"Brother Qian, what did you say?"

"Ah, it's nothing. The masters of the human race each have their own plans. The Kite God naturally has the strength to aspire to higher levels, but why he chose to stay on the sixty-ninth floor, we, the younger generation, don't know!"

Xu Kun nodded. Naturally, he would not doubt that the Lord of the Human Race would be stuck at the same level as a coward like Ao Guang!

There are also some speculations in my heart. The reason why the Kite God stays at this level is because the highest level for all races to stay on the Blue Star is this level. In other words... the Kite God has always stayed at the Blue Star to protect the entire human race?

Xu Kun believes that his guess should have a certain possibility!

"Brother Qian, since the Kite God is not in danger, then your purpose of coming to me is..."

"You Xu Kun, are you so heartless? You still don't understand why Yuan Shen did this?"

Xu Kun had some guesses, but he didn't dare to say they were all correct. He immediately said humbly: "Brother Qian, please make it clear!"

"Silly boy, Kite God is doing this just to stand up for you!"

Is it really because of myself?

"How can I... be so virtuous as to allow a Lord of the Age to stand up for me?"

"Okay, stop pretending to be a brat. The unprecedented SSSS level rating was achieved twice. If our human race still despises people like you, then we are really stupid!"

"People like the Kite God are so terrifying. Some of the things that can be foreseen are beyond the reach of mortals like us. Even if my boss sees her, he will treat her with the courtesy of a junior. His thoughts must be more far-reaching!"

"But this is also true. Not long after the Kite God attacked the Black Turtles, you created another miracle and completed another SSSS-level rating!"

"You brat, don't you think that the Black Turtle Clan won't know about the SSSS rating of the second level if it is only reported within the human race?"

Xu Kun shook his head when he heard this.

There is no airtight wall in the world. The news that I have been paid attention to by the Black Turtle Clan and that I have completed another SSSS grade rating will be sent to the desk of the top management of the Black Turtle Clan as soon as possible!

"It's good to know, but do you think the Black Turtles will give up after knowing that you have completed another SSSS grade?"

Xu Kun frowned: "You mean, the Black Turtle Clan will figure out how to deal with me as soon as possible?"

Qian Manlou nodded without any hesitation: "That's for sure. Those old bastards of the Black Turtle Clan have always been ruthless in doing things. I, the human race, have suffered countless losses in their hands!"

"Although these old bastards are famous for their defense, they are the least courageous among all races. They will nip all hidden dangers in the cradle!"

"With the power on Blue Star, is it possible that the Black Turtle Clan won't be wary of Lord Tianyan's existence?" Xu Kun asked seriously.

"Be wary...of course I am wary!" Qian Manlou gave an affirmative reply: "But with the background of the Black Turtle Clan, if they want to take action, it must be with the power of thunder. Although my boss is powerful, he cannot take care of everything. everything!"

"Don't underestimate the Black Turtle Clan's determination to kill the geniuses. In terms of ruthlessness, the Dragon Clan, the overlord of all races, may not be able to match these old bastards!"

"Once they learn about your deeds, they will make a high-level decision to assess your danger level and estimate the cost of killing you!"

"On top of all the data, the Black Turtle Clan will dispatch a stronger lineup in order to be safe. It has only one purpose. To kill you, it will be foolproof!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that according to the inference of my boss, once the Black Turtle clan decides to kill you, they will not hesitate to pay the price of losing ten or more saint-level powers!"

Xu Kun's eyes widened suddenly, and he pointed at himself and said, "Am I... worth so much?"

Qian Manlou shook his head: "Of course you are not worth it now, but you can be converted into my boss. Think about the price, is it worth it?"

With a grunt, Xu Kun swallowed hard.

If converted into Heavenly Eyes, let alone ten saint-level powerhouses, if this value is doubled ten times, it will be worth it!

If the Black Turtles decide to do that, they will only have one choice left...

Leave it to fate!

If a strong human being can protect him, it will be considered a success, but if he cannot protect himself, he will really have no way to go to heaven or earth!

He is also planted with a mysterious seal that can identify his movements at any time. As long as the Black Turtle Clan sends a few masters, without the protection of a strong person, he will definitely die!

"The Black Turtles are cautious in doing things, but they don't look forward or backward. Instead of waiting for you to continue to grow for ten years or a hundred years, let alone wanting to pay the price to kill you, I'm afraid they will have to think twice about even dealing with you!"

"So instead of waiting for you to grow up and pose a threat to their entire group, it is better to make an immediate decision and pay a high price at this time to nip all dangers in the cradle!"

Xu Kun frowned more and more as he listened.

"Brother Qian, there's something I don't understand!"

"Say it!" Qian Manlou waved his hand.

"When it comes to the relationship between our human race and the Ten Thousand Races, our human race has to rely on the Black Turtle Clan and become its affiliated race before we can step into the order of the Ten Thousand Races!"

"Between the two races, we cannot say that there is harmony, but it can be regarded as mutual benefit and reciprocity. Compared with other races, the relationship between our human race and the Ten Thousand Races should be the closest to that of the Black Turtle Clan!"

"But according to what you just said, the Black Turtle Clan not only does not have the proper attitude towards the subordinate races, but they even seem to be extremely jealous. They wish that our human race would be in ruins... Why is this?"

Hearing Xu Kun's question, Qian Manlou also rarely fell into deep thought.

"Boy, there are some things I can't tell you because you don't have enough authority..." Qian Manlou sighed first.

Xu Kun's eyes dimmed, but he didn't force it.

"I can only tell you that it is absolutely helpless for the human race to become a subsidiary race of the Black Turtle Clan!"

"If there is no other choice, how can we, the human race, be willing to live under others for so long!"

"The way the Black Turtles behave is the most shameless and has no limits. Every time my boss talks about his relationship with the Black Turtles, he hates this race!"

"You are still young and cannot understand some of the helplessness of the higher-ups. Let's put it this way, to the Black Turtle Clan, our human race is just a sword in their hands!"

"They want this sword to be obedient and sharp, but they definitely don't want this sword to have independent consciousness or even the strength to resist its master!"

It's just...a sword held in the opponent's hand!

Hearing this, Xu Kun's heart ached. It seemed that the ordinary people who seemed peaceful on the surface and lived and worked in peace and contentment under the protection of the strong men of the human race could not understand the helplessness and bitterness involved.

"Brother Qian, I understand. The meaning of my human race to the Black Turtles is just to use them!"

Qian Manlou smiled: "There is no need to be so pessimistic. Sometimes, the human race seems to suffer, but in fact, isn't it true that our human race has also relied on this piece of tiger skin from the Black Turtle Clan to successfully complete some things that our predecessors could not do!"

Xu Kun thought for a while, and yes, the human race's ability to enter the order of ten thousand races also depends on becoming a subsidiary race of the Black Turtle Clan. Otherwise, how can they rebuild their homeland on the original Blue Star homeland!

"So, everything has pros and cons. As for the final decision, it is something that the person sitting in that position should consider!"

"You and I are both mortals, we just need to think about ourselves now!"

"Brother Qian, I understand!" Xu Kun nodded seriously.

Qian Manlou narrowed his eyes and said, "Boy, do you really understand?"

Xu Kun was stunned: "Brother Qian, what are you referring to..."

Qian Manlou stopped talking, mainly because he didn't know where to go, so he deliberately pretended to be inscrutable and let Xu Kun guess by himself.

Xu Kun stood up and looked out the floor-to-ceiling window at the bustling Huaxia Trading District.

Slowly said: "As Brother Qian said, originally after I completed the SSSS grade again, the Black Turtle Clan would choose to use their greatest strength to kill me before I grew up to eliminate future troubles!"

"With the background of the Black Turtle Clan, it can be said that it is easy to deal with me now!"

"Normally speaking, next, I will face a greater crisis than the previous joint attack by Ao Guang and Xuan Shiba!"

"Even if we gather the power of the entire human race, it will be difficult to protect me!"

"Then what's the only way to break the situation?"

"It's to intimidate! It's to force! It's to scare the Black Turtles from moving!" Xu Kun said in a calm tone.

Then he turned around, his whole body was bathed in the sunlight, and said calmly: "With my human race background, naturally I can't go against the powerful Black Turtle Clan. Even if I risk the lives of the entire human race, to the Black Turtle Clan, I am no better than a worm." "Shakeshu, on the other hand, the Black Turtle Clan has been able to use it to attack our human race!"

"And this is not what our senior human race officials want to see!"

Qian Manlou couldn't help but feel a little lost as he looked at Xu Kun's slightly majestic figure under the sun.

"As for our human race, the only one who is not suppressed by the Black Turtle Clan is the Lord of the Age who appears every hundred years!"

"Kite God is the most suitable person to represent the entire human race and threaten the Black Turtle Clan with force this time!"

"Kill one saint with the same level of innate power, kill five SS-level innate saints with power, and force the ancestor of the Black Turtle clan to die personally!"

"In a battle of the same level, life and death depend on destiny. The Kite God made a lot of gains in this attack, but within the rules, he severely trampled the face of the Black Turtle Clan on the ground!"

"The ancestor of the Black Turtle Clan has already broken the rules by taking action. It is reasonable for Cang Shen to protect my descendants of the human race!"

"Under such circumstances, how can the Black Turtle Clan, which has already been so humiliated, have the nerve to hold the Human Clan accountable?"

Fighting at the same level is like a fight between two children. No matter who wins or loses, once anyone sues the teacher or calls the parents, they will fall into the inferior category and lose face among all races!

The ancestor of the Black Turtle Clan probably couldn't bear it anymore, so he ended up personally. He thought he could use the power of thunder to save the face of the Black Turtle Clan!

It's a pity that since Xu Kun passed the first level with SSSS grade, every human has an extra layer of insurance!

The ancestor of the Black Turtle Clan could kill the Kite God once, but he couldn't do it a second time. Even the clone he came to was completely shattered!

This kind of confrontation between top powers is like the ultimate weapon within a clan and cannot be used indiscriminately!

The Kite God can kill strong men of the same level, but the Cang God can't do it?

The two era masters of the human race took action to tell the Black Turtle Clan a truth!

In a battle of the same level, you can do whatever you want, I am invincible!

If you dare to bully a small one, then fine, if you beat the young one and the old one comes, I can do it too, but the big deal is, everyone should stop playing, the fish will die and the net will be broken!

Naturally, I won't say this clearly, but if those old bastards can't understand such a simple truth, then they might as well just stop living!

Before the Black Turtle Clan launched an attack, the human race gave the Black Turtle Clan a slap in the face with the force of thunder. The key point was that they couldn't find any reason!

"Before the Black Turtle Clan had time to make any move, the two masters of the era, Cang Shen and Yuan Shen, had already told them with practical actions that they had no right to control the fight between the same level, whether life or death. If the big one bullies the small ones, we, the human race Not everyone can be bullied!”

"Brother Qian, you don't know what I said, right?"

Qian Manlou shook his head to dispel the familiar feeling in his mind. In a daze, he saw the shadow of his boss in Xu Kun, who had just spoken confidently!

Back then, people like me followed the boss. When the boss was guiding the country by himself, people like me just looked at him with such obedience and admiration, listening to him analyze the secrets!

"I understand my boss's intention. A person with a heart does not need to be taught. You can already understand the whole body from a small part and understand their thoughts at that level!"

"Yes, just as you said, those old bastards who were scared by the beating really dare not make any unusual moves!"

"At least, it is impossible to hunt you down at all costs as my boss guessed. The consequences of that are not something that the top leaders of the Black Turtle Clan are willing to face!"

This time it was the Kite God who took action, and next time it could be the Lord of another era of the human race!

The fall of several saint-level powers is within the acceptable range of the Black Turtle Clan, but if pushed to the limit, the rabbit will bite. I just ask you, the ancestors of the Black Turtle Clan, whether they are afraid of death!

This is the tough attitude shown by the human race!

"Since the Kite God can easily deal with so many strong men of the same level, it is not impossible for her to personally go out and wipe out the Black Turtle strongmen left behind in the entire Blue Star once she is forced into a corner!"

"However, having said that, boy, you can't just sit back and relax!"

Xu Kun narrowed his eyes: "The strong men were intimidated and could not take action openly, but it does not mean that the Black Turtle Clan is willing to suffer this loss and sit and watch me grow up!"

Qian Manlou swallowed back what he was about to say: "Okay, I think I'm overthinking it. Boy, you should have thought about the opponent you will face next, right?"

Xu Kun raised the corners of his mouth a little, and said lightly: "The new generation of the Black Turtle Clan headed by Tian..."

"And the traitors lurking in my human race!"

"Brother Qian, you are referring to these two types, right?"

It is easy to dodge an open knife, but it is difficult to guard against an arrow from the dark!

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