"Ghahahahahaha! What do you say, balls. My shield!!

The end of the second layer of the labyrinth...

While Stella raised her excited voice, Oak said, 'Bugaaaa!?' and it blows to the back screaming.

Stella used her shield... No, is it correct to say that she was using it in a way?

Stella's style of combat is still luxurious. When I found the oak, I first stormed it, snapped the enemy's head under one sword with a swing by the Great Sword.

- Then, when two orcs showed up, he said, "It's finally time for the shield!!," he said, once again storming when his eyes were messed up.

One of the orcs blew up a powerful charge attack by a shield. The rest of the hell puts a Kyotong look at his buddy being blown away.

Stella waved a great sword in that gap, now hitting the face of the oak hard.


Too powerful, the face of the oak blew up every neck. Stella walks with a spectacular grin as blood pounds from her lost neck.

On our way, Stella's charging attack slammed the oak against the wall. Apparently, I hit him hard in the head and he doesn't have a vain look on his face.

"Huh, I didn't know you were going to keep your enemy in front of you... That's why you're mutton fish."

Stella threw up that line and swung through the Great Sword. Needless to say, Oak's head didn't leave the prototype behind.

… these battles have been repeated several times and continue to this day. The balls look slightly stunned that they have never used a shield as a means of defense.

Aria and Vulcan are once again drawn to the overbelligerent character of Stella and her overprized style of combat.

"Though Dragonut, I'm surprised Stella's so strong"

"Nha, give me the end of the Tiger Ear Clan, too. I was confident in my power, but I just can't stand it."

Not only does the battle-style aria weigh on the instant leg, but even the rigid Vulcan that draws the tiger's blood surrender to Stella's power.

But where I said that, Aria and Vulcan have an invincible grin on their faces. The third layer of the labyrinth - thinking of a certain monster lurking there (...)......

The third floor of the labyrinth...

Just a little bit......!

In a space with even more skin chills than the second layer, one anomaly shows a movement that is likely to hear such phonetic sounds.

"Ugh... what the hell is that? I can't tell you how much I feel inside my body...!

Whew! Stella glances at her face in such a way that she shivers burly. Born in the labyrinth, in the lower layers for the first time, this monster will only appear here and in the next hierarchy for her, who also came to the lower layers through another route when she played balls and chase plays when she was reborn.

The name is also Roper. It's a monster that once forced Aria to struggle, too, to awaken her derivative skills, The Wind Slash.

The multiple tentacles stretching from its body and moving around with the Uneune are not tired of capturing the movement of the opponent, and if the subject captured is a female, they slide the tentacles into the clothes of the person, humiliating and conceiving them.

Stella, a former monster, instinctively felt the danger in the presence of such a woman's natural enemy, Roper.

"Yikes! You disgusting monsters! You must win first!!


Saying, Stella kicked the ground in momentum and jumped out.

Apparently, the idea is to slap the body before it gets caught by the tentacles.



Uneune and the tentacles that were moving, along with such wind-cut noises, peel their fangs toward the running stellar.


Stella's face opens in amazement.

By the looks of it, the tentacles of the ropers are surprisingly handsome.

Then, the tentacles stretch somewhat.

For Stella, who decided that she would never exceed herself in both speed and range, it would have been just stunning.

"This ooh!!


Against the looming tentacles, Stella swung a great sword.

Looks like he's going to sweep away his tentacles with a wide-ranging attack.

I can't say that the slashing taste of the Great Sword is good.

But I could tangle my tentacles.

Stella's aim is success.

So far (...) but......


If I tangle my tentacles, I'll only attack the main unit after!

Judging by that, he sees Stella approaching suddenly with momentum, and the roper squeals.

At the same time, from both sides of the roper--

Uneune...... and the tentacles put their heads out.

Yes, the ropers still had their tentacles hidden.

Two tentacles strike her as she passes by the steep approaching Stella.

"Ugghhh --!"

Stella growled.

And what did you think, you threw down the Great Sword and the Mega Shield and started waving your arms around?

"Stella, what the hell!?

"Bad Nyan! You're losing me for fear!

Aria and Vulcan raise their voices to Stella's actions.

It's not like I've been forced to conceive of one of my people.

The two ran out to help Stella.

In the meantime, my balls...

(Stella, did your memories of your previous life come back because of your predicament!

I watched Stella move and thought that.

How to swing Stella's arm ——

That was grossly similar to the motion of releasing an attack against her confronted balls when she was a dragon.

In other words, for the first time, he is terrorizing the relative roper and trying to wield his body with the same sensation as in his previous life, when he was a giant.

(It's bad as it is. Stella is in dragon neut condition. If the attack hits your husbands who came in to help you, it won't be free! I don't have a choice......!

With the thought of a calm and sedentary knight, the balls say so when they make their judgment--


Roar small with a lovely voice.

Then, from his feet... Uneune Guru...!

What a multitude of tea tiger patterned tentacles have grown, just like his furrows.

Tama activated a certain skill.

That was once gained by eating a roper, Tentacle Summoning skills.


Tea tiger tentacles each popped up super fast.

Tentacles stretching toward Stella, coupled with tentacles freed from the Great Sword, take the movement.

Engage the remaining tentacles in Aria and Vulcan and gently draw them backward so that they are not strained by the two bodies.

To the new tentacles that have suddenly grown, Aria and Vulcan look at the surprise, but observe it is his skill when he realizes it stretches from the feet of his balls, and obey it with great care.

"Nha (" Water Howling ")!

My balls roar again as I seal all the tentacles of the roper and make sure it's safe.

A unique skill, Attribute Roar, activated one Waterhowling.

The breath of highly compressed water...... Boom!! and roaring and attacking the roper ——


Brilliantly pierced the heart area.


Roper collapsed with such a weak voice.

—— Hey, Stella, calm down.

--... ugh!? My balls! No? The tentacle enemy is down. What happened to you?

Such a response came back to Stella, who still waved her arms indifferently, when her balls sent her readings. After all, you seem to have forgotten me and gone wild.

If it's a roper, my boy cleaned it up. Hey, what's up? It's not about dragons like forgetting about me to a junior monster opponent.

—— Ugh... sorry, apparently I've become afraid of unknown enemies. They're fighting you so well...

--…… ugh.

Stella answers her balls questions weakly. I hear that, and my balls get stuck in words. Why she stormed out this time ——

A month ago, it came from the fear of being slaughtered against an unknown, powerful enemy named Tama.

--... don't be cowardly. I didn't mean to kill you, but I'll protect you. So fight what you can now.

—— Huh!! Oh...... Tama, I'm so glad to hear those words from you, my love...! Ok, I'll throw away my fears and all that already, I'll fight you to the fullest!!

As a man, my balls couldn't turn away from the fact that I had wounded my heart. That's why I decided.

As a man's responsibility, I'm going to put my life on hold about Stella--

Stella responded quietly with tears and a full grin at her balls' determination.

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