"Nha (" Water Howling ") Heh!

Follow Lilli and Ferri's navigation and go a little further inside the labyrinth...

You smelled the arias, four small torrents appeared.

SmallTorrent looks like a botanical monster, but has a ferocious personality with carnivores.

They attacked me to eat the meat of the Arias.

To such small Torrents, the balls "Attribute Roar" unleashes one "Water Howling".

The aim is a thick left and right branch that has developed like an arm.

The breath of highly compressed water, spunk! and cut the branches all over.

"Wow, that's amazing, balls!

"It's so tiny and so cute and so strong ~!

Lili and Feri raise their excited voices, not knowing that Tama, who looked adorable in Moffmoff, had the fighting power to this point...

If it's true, Tama can wipe out the Small-Trends by using Flame Howling instead of Water Howling, but she won't.

Because this is a forest type labyrinth, if you use flame attribute skills, it will quickly become a sea of fire.


The pain of being cut off the left and right branches, or the anger caused by it, or both - the small torrents scream and set up an attack of abandonment.

Losing both branches is the only way to attack.

"This is my turn!

The impending Small Torrents, Stella leaps to the lead at that time.

Hard to say perfect formation, but still shield Aria and her balls to shelter them and intercept the Small Torrents.

A small torso collides with Stella's mega shield.


The thin stellar of the line lightly prevented the blow of one's own full body, which weighed considerably, prompted SmallTorrent to say, "Stunning!" Raise your voice in such a way.

With such a small torrent approximate, Stella applies more force to the mega shield, bouncing off the enemy's body.

Small Torrent falling backwards out of balance.

Let's stay behind. Involve the whole small torrent and fall to the ground.

"Nha (Tentacle Summoning) Huh!

The balls have one eating skill and activate the Tentacle Summon.

Multiple tentacles jumped out of the foot of his balls in momentum, further succeeding in the restraint of two bodies that were looming from the rear.


In that gap, Stella swings the Great Sword down luxuriously toward the two fallen bodies.

Thanks to my balls restraining the two rear bodies, I can release my grand moves without worries.

SmallTorrent smashed two together and slapped them in two straight across from his belly.

"Gahhhhh -!?"

The screams of two severed demons echo through the labyrinth.

In the meantime, one shadow rushes into the restrained small torrents at a hell of a speed.

Needless to say, it's Aria who activated Acceleration.

A Vulcan knife is held in both hands.

Jumping into the nostalgia of the small Torrents, unable to move, he pokes his knife at once, slightly upper-left than the center of his torso.

In small torrents, in places similar to those of the human heart, there is what is called the nucleus essential for life activity.

Vulcan told me that Aria, who was studying how to deal with all kinds of monsters, knew that.

My two bodies start to cramp heavily.

I thought he would fall down without making a loud noise on the spot.

"Phew, I can't say it's perfect yet, but you've been working a lot together. Stella is the tank, I'm the ambush, and my balls are the cover..."

Hearing that he could hold his balls, Stella, who was even more motivated, was starting to tank smoother than earlier.

You can still see the enemies holding back in the rear, or the overwhelming part of power, but it's impeccable as a degree of growth.

Plus I can say that this level of labyrinth is enough, and I have accurate support for my balls, so I have no problems.

If we continue, we can also hope to increase our cooperation even further.

With the addition of Vulcan, who is leaving a message in the labyrinth city, the avant-garde will also gain the ideal shape as a party, as there will be one more.

"Hehe ~ Surprised, you're not just balls, you're also strong Aria and Stella!

"Aria is as fast as the wind, and Stella has power like a dragon ~"

Where Aria holds a knife in her hips sheath, Lili and Stella leak their voices in a way that impresses them.

"Before this labyrinth was reincarnated, what was the way Lili and Feri fought the adventurers they had ever seen?

"Well, we were all fighting together for what we saw from the shadows!

"But I don't think there were many people like Aria today who excelled in individual combat ~"

Aria, who cared about Lili's conversation, asked, and they returned such an answer.

I guess it's still one of the few parties where individual skills have stood out so far.

"More than that! You mean that treasure box Aria wanted, right?

That said, Lili points to the first one.

There were decorated little boxes left unmade that seemed to fit in both palms.

"This is the treasure box......!

Aria hurriedly rushes out and hands close to the box in such a way as to fear.

Seeing Aria like that, her balls looked panicky and piong on her shoulder! and jump on board.

The labyrinth of a labyrinth city, where metastatic crystals were transferred to the lowest layers.

In the unlikely event of such a thing, Aria would not be able to return alive on her own.

Aria holds the treasure box in her hand.

The box is made of metal and decorated everywhere with gemstones.

Just selling this box is going to make you a lot of money.

"Haha! Humans all react like that when they find that box!

"Looks happy and most importantly ~"

Seeing Aria striking and trembling with emotion, Lili and Feri exchange words looking interesting.

I guess I've seen a similar sight many times before this labyrinth was reincarnated.

"Then let's open it, what's in it..."

Open the treasure box lid in the way Aria was thrilled.

"Oh, my God, it's a lot smaller stuff, but the liquid inside is sparkling and beautiful!

Look at the contents of the treasure box, Stella says.

There were vials inside that looked like clear glass finishing.

In the vial there is a clear blue liquid… somehow the liquid itself emits a galactic glow, as Stella said.

(this color, and this brilliance, no way this is......!

"" The Shizuku of Truth...? "

Where my balls gave me an idea of the contents, Aria seems to have come to that as well.

Shizukuishi of Truth - Once (once) taken, it is a secret medicine in secret medicine that can represent the true meaning and truth hidden in your chest without falsehood.

"I have heard that it does not convey any method of purification, is that..."

Aria holds the Shizukuishi of truth in her hand with trembling hands.

She's right, the Shizuku of Truth is assumed to have an unknown purification method.

That's what they call a secret medicine in secret medicine.

And by "that sort of thing" Aria means that perhaps only a treasure box in the labyrinth will produce a true Shizuku.

"Stella, please don't say anything else about finding this item. If the bad guys find out, they'll be after you."

"I don't care about liquids like that because I'm not interested in anything other than balls and food."

The effect of the Shizukuishi of truth is immense, but can therefore also be abused.

Even as Aria drew Stella's attention so that she could not be blinded by the bad guys, Stella answered as if she didn't care what she said.

"Hey Aria, sounds a lot touching..."

"There are other treasure boxes ~?

"... Huh!? Do you still have it, Lili, Feri!

Aria's eyes shine brighter in Lili's and Feri's words.

Following the navigation of the two fairies, a line goes further into the labyrinth -

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