I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1001: Ask if there are immortals in the world?

Chapter 1001: Are there immortals in the world?

"what did he say?"

Kevin Wright turned to look at Huang Huotu and asked with a frown.

Even though he doesn’t understand Chinese, judging from the tone of his voice, he must be questioning himself.

Huang Huotu hesitated for a moment and translated: "He said that you should investigate first before making a judgment. It is not nonsense to ask scholars for confirmation. Because the murderer killed according to Taoist logic, and we should understand this logic."

Qin Yao gave him a meaningful look and said in Chinese: "I don't need you to cover up for me. If you can't make him understand that I'm scolding him, what's the point of scolding him?"

Huang Huotu was helpless and turned to look at Chen Guoqiang.

Chen Guoqiang coughed dryly and advised: "Taoist Master Qin, calm down, calm down, you are a foreigner, you don't need to be on the same level as him."

Qin Yao paused slightly and said with a smile: "I understand, Bureau Chen, you go ahead and do your work. I will hand over the work to these two."

 Chen Guoqiang nodded and said to Huang Huotu: "This Taoist Master Qin is the Taoist scholar invited by Zhengyi Sect. He will be responsible for this case together with you. If you have any questions, you can ask him directly."

 “Okay, Director.” Huang Huotu nodded slightly.

 “Mr. Wright, thank you.” Chen Guoqiang waved.

Kevin Wright was confused, but still politely said: "bye-bye."

 Later, after watching Chen Guoqiang leave, he turned to Huang Huotu and asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

“Okay, stop talking nonsense and show me the runes.” Qin Yao had no intention of listening to their translations and said directly in English.

 “Do you know English?” Kevin’s eyes widened.

Qin Yao ignored him and just looked at Huang Huotu.

"This is it." Huang Huotu pulled out a black and white photo from the table and handed it to Qin Yao: "It was taken from the third corpse. I asked some Taoist masters on the Internet, but no one recognized this talisman. "

Qin Yao reached out and took the photo, looked at it carefully, and said, "This is a spy."

 “Gutter stack? What is it?” Kevin said blankly.

 He had never heard of such a term.

  "The spy is a term within the Taoist sect. To put it simply, it is a reminder." Qin Yao explained.

 “A reminder?” Kevin frowned: “This is too fantasy.”

Qin Yao said seriously: "You have worked in the FBI for so many years, but have you never seen a case that cannot be explained by science?"

ˆKevin: “…”

Huang Huotu pursed his lips and said, "Taoist Master Qin, do you know why the other party dug out the priest's intestines and then used thread to sew such runes on his belly?"

 “I know.” Qin Yao said.

 “You even know this?” Kevin looked shocked.

Qin Yao pointed at Huang Huotu and said slowly: "What he just said is right. The murderer killed people according to the logic of Taoist knowledge. Then according to this logic, the purpose of the other party can be known.

Mr. Wright, this is what respecting other people's cultures means. If you don't understand the logic, you will never know what the murderer is thinking.

 For example, three murders have occurred. Can you guess the relationship between the victims? "

ˆKevin: “…”

Three deceased, a chairman of a chemical industry group, a high-ranking official’s mistress, and a church priest. He tried his best but could not find any connection between the three people. It was as if the murderer had no logic at all in his murder.

 But now listening to what the Taoist priest said, things are obviously not that simple.

"Taoist Qin, what's the logic in this?" Huang Huotu asked humbly.

Qin Yao said: "The logic is very simple. The chairman died of freezing to death because of the ice prison. The mistress died of self-immolation because of the fire pit. The priest died of intestinal evacuation because of the prison of the intestines. These three types Prison killing is the first three links among the five **** killings. In addition, there are also heart-gouging prison killing and tongue-pulling prison killing. "

"Five hells to kill..." Huang Huotu muttered, and then asked: "Why did the murderer kill like this?" Qin Yao smiled: "Because she wanted to become an immortal."

 “Become an immortal?” Huang Huotu looked shocked.

 In this land of China, the theory of immortals has been around since ancient times.

 Throughout the ages, Taoist alchemists and even emperors of all dynasties have sought immortality and medicine.

I will not mention the Taoist alchemists who are promoted as immortals. Among the emperors for whom data can be found, there are Emperor Qin and Han Wu, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, etc.

By the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Jiajing was even obsessed with this and became a loyal believer in Taoism.

Who dares to say that Emperor Jiajing is not smart?

Who dares to say that Emperor Jiajing was not suspicious?

 But in this matter, he really devoted himself wholeheartedly, and was called the Taojun Emperor by later generations.

 So, the Chinese have always had a special plot when it comes to immortals and gods.

For example, if you ask a person, do you believe in the Jade Emperor or aliens, at least nine out of ten people will believe in the Jade Emperor...

Qin Yao nodded: "That's right. In the Five Prisons Killing, those who kill are mandrills, and the murderer must be a double-pupiled person. In ancient times, there was a double-pupiled man named Huang Shang. Legend has it that he became an immortal by killing five mandrills. ”

 Yellow fire and earth are silent.

“It’s really crazy.” Kevin said: “How could someone believe this and kill someone because of it?!”

Qin Yao ignored him and said to Huang Huotu: "She will become an immortal if she kills two more mandrills, so she must be stopped."

 “How to stop it?” Huang Huotu was confused and had no idea at all.

He can control and control the crimes of ordinary people, but based on the current situation, it is obvious that the murderer is not a human being.


Qin Yao thought for a while and was about to speak when the cell phone in Huang Huotu's pocket suddenly rang.

“Excuse me, answer the phone.” After looking at the call notification, he quickly stretched out his hand and said.

 “It’s up to you.” Qin Yao said.

Huang Huotu turned around and came to the window sill. As soon as he answered the phone and said a few words, his voice suddenly became louder: "What?"

 Then he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll be there right away."

“Huang, is there another murder?” Kevin asked nervously.

Huang Huotu shook his head and said apologetically: "No, it's about my daughter. She got into a fight with someone at school. I have to..."

 “Let’s go together.” Qin Yao said.

 “Huh?” Huang Huotu’s face was full of astonishment.

“Isn’t it convenient?” Qin Yao asked.

 “It’s not that…”

Huang Huotu hesitated for a moment, remembering the strange thing that happened to his daughter, and thought it would be a good idea to ask Taoist Master Qin to take a look at it: "Then let's go together."

Shao Qing, Huang Huotu drove, Qin Yao sat in the passenger seat, and Kevin sat behind Qin Yao. The car drove smoothly towards the school.

On the way, Huang Huotu looked at Qin Yao several times, but stopped talking.

“Drive well and speak directly if you have anything to say.” Qin Yao suddenly said.

Huang Huotu quickly looked ahead and asked: "Master Qin, the bullet turned when it hit a person. In terms of Taoist thinking, how should we explain it?"

 (End of this chapter)

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