I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1009: Sister with double pupils


 In the suite.

The double-eyed girl Xie Yali stood in front of the wall-mounted TV, quietly watching Chen Guoqiang on the screen. In front of countless media, she solemnly stated that the three murders were all man-made. The murderer has been arrested. All major media are requested to report the truth. Report, stop making random guesses.

"Master, the disciple has sent a message. Kevin Wright shows no sign of returning to China." Behind him, a man in dark blue robes and a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose took out his mobile phone from his pocket, glanced at it and quickly said.

Xie Yali stared at Chen Guoqiang with an indifferent expression: "No need to stare at him anymore, we have a better goal."

The man with glasses looked at the TV and hesitated: "Master, could this be a trap?"

Xie Yali said calmly: "Have you ever seen a trap that is fake and real at a glance?"

The man with glasses lowered his head and said: "What I mean is that that person is probably using the deputy director as bait..."

 “Taosheng, use your brain.”

A flash of disappointment flashed in Xie Yali's eyes, and he said: "This is not a trap or a conspiracy, but a battle of tactics. The core content of the battle is assassination and protection."

Lin Daosheng said obediently: "Yes, Master."

Xie Yali had no expression on his face. He picked up the remote control on the table and turned off the TV: "Go ahead, don't let me down..."

 That night.

 Taipei Police Station.

 Office of the Deputy Director.

Chen Guoqiang looked at Qin Yao with a confused look on his face and said in astonishment: "Daozhang Qin, are you kidding me?"

Qin Yao spread his hands and said, "Do you think I'm even remotely joking?"

 Chen Guoqiang was a little hard to accept, and stretched out his hand to scratch his scalp: "Just because I said in front of the media reporters that there are no ghosts and gods in the world?

If I openly declare that there are ghosts and gods in front of the media, can I still be the deputy director? "

Qin Yao said: "Do you want criminals to understand your difficulties?"

 Chen Guoqiang: “…”

Seeing that he was speechless, Qin Yao said solemnly: "Huang Yifeng was here to be the scapegoat, but if I hadn't been in that office at that time, Kevin, who also claimed to the media that he didn't believe in ghosts and gods, would definitely have died. He Just rushing to kill Kevin.

I tell you this in advance not to be alarmist, but because I don’t want to watch you die.

  After all, the methods used by cults to kill a person are hard to guard against. I can only protect you from attacks on the surface. Similar to killers like Huang Yifeng, you need to pay more attention to some killing moves in life.

 For example, poisonous smoke, bombs, food poisoning, etc..."

 Chen Guoqiang’s cheeks twitched.

Isn’t this troublesome?

If you are so careful in everything, how can there be any fun in life?

"Master Qin, is there really no other way?" After a while, Chen Guoqiang stabilized his mind and said seriously: "What I mean is to apprehend the culprit and end this case completely."

Qin Yao said: "Yes!"

 Chen Guoqiang was overjoyed and asked quickly: "What can we do?"

"Do you remember the mold collected from the other three deceased people? If I can get live mold, I will definitely be able to locate the other party." Qin Yao said in a deep voice.

 For divination and divination, using the other person’s belongings is ultimately inferior to using the other person’s limbs.

The mold used for prison killing was cultivated using the double-pupiled girl's body as a parasite. It has the same origin as the twin-pupiled girl and is equivalent to the other's limbs and organs...

“How can we get this mold?” Chen Guoqiang asked.

Qin Yao took a deep look at him, with a meaningful expression on his face.

A chill suddenly shot up from the bottom of his heart to Tian Ling Gai, causing Chen Guoqiang's expression to change instantly, and he grasped the cup in front of him tightly: "No!"

A gentleman has long passed the stage where he dares to use himself as bait, regardless of his status or age.

Qin Yao took out a silver needle as long as his **** from his pocket and placed it gently on the table: "Then you can only rely on yourself to be more careful. Whether you can survive depends on your own luck.

By the way, this silver needle has been enchanted by me. It can sense toxins and evil forces. You should test everything that goes into your mouth with the silver needle before entering it.

 If the silver needle changes color, remember not to take it. "

“Thank you, Taoist Master.” Chen Guoqiang quickly put the silver needle away, feeling slightly relieved in his heart.

 With this silver needle, although you have to **** it every time before eating or drinking, it is better than having to test it every time before eating or drinking.

If he really did this, he would not be able to have another hot meal until the culprit was brought to justice.

Not long after, Qin Yao turned around and walked out of the director's office, slowly came to the foreign affairs team, and knocked on the wooden door of Huang Huotu's office.

“What did Director Chen say?” Huang Huotu closed the wooden door of the room, turned around and asked.

"I would rather believe that there is something wrong than believe that there is nothing, so he believed that there were other murderers. But he also felt that a gentleman would not stand behind a dangerous wall, so he rejected the suggestion of using his body as bait to invite the murderer into the game." Qin Yao smiled. Said: "To sum it up in four words, greed for life and fear of death."

 Yellow Fire Earth: “…”

 “Are you going to protect him personally?” Kevin asked nervously.

 He was afraid that something bad would happen to him after Qin Yao turned around to protect Chen Guoqiang.

Based on his experience of thoroughly investigating so many murder cases, it is not impossible. There are many perverted murderers who prefer to use carbine.

Qin Yao smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have arranged people to protect him."

  One week later.

 Late night.

 Qin Yao's clone followed Chen Guoqiang into a hotel in an invisible state, and stepped into an unusually decorated room. Watching him take a shower, blow dry his hair, and shave his beard, he had a vague suspicion in his heart.

Not long after he had packed himself up, the doorbell rang. Chen Guoqiang quickly came to the door, opened the door, and a young body threw himself into his arms.

The two kissed passionately and lingered, from the entrance to the bed. Just as the clothes on the two of them were getting less and less, and they were about to meet honestly, countless golden runes suddenly appeared out of thin air, suspending the time and space in the room, causing the clothes on the bed to The two of them were fixed in this time period.

The clone appeared, slowly came to the bed, separated the two people hugging each other, then pinched Chen Guoqiang's mouth open, and shot out a small ball of black mold from the air.

Qin Yao never expected that the True Immortal Sect followers would use a woman's mouth to get rid of the poison. If he hadn't had a clone that could follow Chen Guoqiang secretly 24 hours a day, this guy and his lover would have died today.

The girl with two eyes was full of tricks, but she underestimated his methods...

Hold the small ball of black mold in the air with his right hand. Qin Yao used this as cause and effect and deduced in reverse.

In an instant, a scene of a suite appeared in front of his eyes. He saw Xie Yali wearing a long white dress, lying flat on a bed as white as snow, eyes closed tightly.

With a thought in his mind, Qin Yao quickly flew out of the room and saw the name of the hotel clearly.

 In the Taipei Police Station.

 Qin Yao, who was sitting on the sofa in the office, suddenly stood up and said to Kevin opposite and Huang Huotu behind the desk: "Bulgari Hot Spring Hotel."

Subsequently, without waiting for the two to respond or ask, he ran away on the spot and disappeared into the police station. He has never been to this hotel before, so he can only reach it by escaping from the ground, not by air.

A few minutes later.

 Qin Yao appeared outside the door of Xie Yali's room. Using his hand as a pen and his immortal energy as ink, he drew a golden sealing talisman in the air on the door.

When the talisman was completed, countless golden lights suddenly spread towards the walls on both sides with the talisman as the center.

 In the room, on the bed.

Xie Yali suddenly opened his eyes, sat up straight, and saw a man appearing at the end of his bed.

“We have been fighting in the air for so long, and I finally see you.” Qin Yao said with a smile.

Xie Yali slowly flew up and looked down at the figure below: "How did you find this place?"

Qin Yao suppressed his smile, turned his finger, and Lingfeng turned the direction of the sofa and sat down facing Xie Yali: "It's not important."

Xie Yali: "What is important?"

Qin Yao said lightly: "The important thing is that you should not exist in the world."

Xie Yali frowned: "What did I do wrong?"

"Developing the True Immortal Cult, challenging secular laws, and taking human lives into consideration. Now you ask me what I did wrong?" Qin Yao said in surprise.

Xie Yali's words were stern: "Those I killed and those I want to kill are all human beings with great evil in their bodies. Just like Huang Shang in ancient times, he eliminated evil and promoted good. What's wrong with that?"

Qin Yao sneered and said, "I just have a question, how can not believing in ghosts and gods be considered a bad deed?"

Xie Yali's face was full of indifference: "Not believing in ghosts and gods means disrespecting ghosts and gods. This is a sin in the eyes of ghosts and gods believers."

Qin Yao’s mouth twitched: “Why?”

Xie Yali said confidently: "If someone despises you, don't you think that person deserves to die?"

Looking at her with a determined face, Qin Yao sighed: "I understand."

“Do you agree with this view?” Xie Yali laughed.

Qin Yao shook his head: "No, I have realized that reasoning with a cult leader is nonsense. Xie Yali, in the name of the underworld judge, I will demote you to **** now. If you want to become an immortal, just do it. Go to **** and practice hard.”

Xie Yali suppressed his smile and said coldly: "You don't know my past, so you are not qualified to judge me."

Qin Yao stopped paying attention to her, raised his hand to imprison the time and space in the room, sealed Xie Yali in mid-air, and then took out the Five Elements Luo Geng from the space bag.


Suddenly, the bathroom with the closed door was rushed open by a wave of blood. The blood quickly filled the entire room, breaking Qin Yao's lock on time and space.


 Qin Yao made a seal on his hand, and the white fairy light condensed into a bubble, wrapping his whole body inside, blocking the erosion of blood and water.

“Taoist Priest, we are leaving Taipei immediately. How about you let our sisters go?” A ethereal figure with an unclear face appeared in the blood, floating next to Xie Yali. After lifting the restraint, he lowered his eyes and looked at the white bubbles.

Qin Yao didn't say a word. He held the Five Elements Luo Geng in his left hand and pressed the five fingers of his right hand on the shrapnel. He instantly expanded the Five Elements Domain and opened up the blood.

Seeing the power of the Five Elements spreading rapidly, the misty figure immediately hugged Xie Yali, his body covered in blood waves, and quickly returned to the bathroom, finally escaping Qin Yao's seal through the toilet.

Qin Yao walked into the bathroom step by step with blood on his feet. He frowned as he watched the blood under his feet gradually disappear.

Xie Yali underestimated his ability, and he also underestimated the ability of his twin sister.

He is worthy of being a strong man who can walk out of the immortal way in this era of approaching end of law. Even though he had made complete preparations in advance to prevent the other party from escaping, he still let the other party rescue Xie Yali in the end.

“Even if you all become immortals, I will send you to hell.”

Qin Yao took out a small bottle from his hands, poured out the mold he took out from Chen Guoqiang's body, and said quietly.

“Sister, where are we going?” After escaping from the hotel, Xie Yali turned to look at his twin sister who was flying through the air with him, and asked.

Sister with double pupils has a cheek exactly like Xie Yali. Perhaps this is the appearance she transformed after she appeared.

 The only difference is that she has long hair, which makes her look a little more feminine.

 “Go and get more fat.” Sister Shuangtong held her waist with one arm and headed straight into the sea under the cover of night.

 “Is this necessary?” Xie Yali asked in astonishment.

Yuebi, called Jiaozhi in ancient times, was a vassal state of China. It was not until the signing of the New Treaty between China and France that it became an independent country of Yuebi.

More than a thousand years ago, she and her sister practiced cultivation in Jiaozhi in their first incarnation and founded the True Immortal Temple.

 It can be said that Jiaozhi is their real hometown, and Taipei is just the place where they were born.

"If you stay in China, the Taoist priest can find you once and find you a second time. The risk is too great." Sister Shuangtong explained: "Only by going to the Zhenxian Temple in Jiaozhi can we have time to wash away Besides, it will be easier for you to become an immortal in Jiaozhi..."

Xie Yali was surprised: "You mean, he will keep chasing us?"

The twin-eyed sister nodded slightly: "Didn't you hear just now? He said that he is the underworld judge. Just because of this status, he has a reason to arrest us. Just like the police are born with the duty to catch thieves, this is The mission given to him by his office.”

Xie Yali said bitterly: "Sooner or later, this account will have to be settled with him."

Sister Shuangtong advised: "It's not necessary. Okay, don't think about these things. The most important thing is to seize the time to become an immortal."

Xie Yali's face changed slightly and he said: "But after arriving in Jiaozhi, it is easy to find people who are unfaithful and unfilial and do not believe in ghosts and gods, but it is difficult to find the second Huang Huo Tu."

“At that time, I will personally guide you to become an immortal.” Sister Shuangtong said.

"No, this will affect your practice." Xie Yali refused immediately.

Sister Shuangtong asked back: "Do you think it is possible for Huang Huotu to help you transcend?"

 Xie Yali: “…”

 In the hotel, Qin Yao has been unable to leave.

 Because he discovered that Xie Yali had been moving at high speed, and deduced that the surrounding scenes he could see were either the sky or the sea.

 Obviously, the other party left Taipei, and it’s hard to say where he went.

If we extrapolate from the plot of the original novel, the sisters are most likely going to Cochin.

 But the problem is that the original book only gave Jiaozhi a place name and did not say where the Zhenxian Temple ruins in Jiaozhi were.

So even if he sets off for Jiaozhi now, by the time he finds the True Immortal Temple, he will probably have done everything he wanted to do...

"will you come back?"

 Putting the mold back into the jade bottle, Qin Yao faced the direction of Jiaozhi and whispered.

 Somewhere, he had a premonition that Xie Yali would definitely come back to find him again.

 After all, there is no winner in this chess game...

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