I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1017: Blessing all people, great virtues

 Linhai County.


After being informed by a turtle man, Bai Xiaoyu held a Xiang Fei fan tightly in her hand and slowly came to the noisy main hall. She bowed to the burly Taoist among the three people in the center of the main hall: " Xiaoyu meets the real person."

Qin Yao nodded slightly, turned around and pointed at the beggar: "He wants to see you, I am only responsible for bringing him here."

Bai Xiaoyu followed his fingers and asked doubtfully, "What's the matter with you?"

"It's me, Xiaoyu...sister." Da Zhong rarely looks into other people's eyes, and habitually lowers his eyes when speaking. But at this moment, he raised his head and showed Bai Xiaoyu his pustule-covered face. big face.

"Who are you?" Bai Xiaoyu couldn't remember him anymore.

"One winter three years ago, in Yihongyuan, Tiantai County, you gave a beggar food to survive when you entered the door. That beggar was me." Da Zhong explained.

"It's you." A smile appeared on Bai Xiaoyu's face and asked: "What's your name?"

 “My name is Da…” Da Zhong spoke.

“Ahem.” Qin Yao suddenly coughed and looked at Xiaoyu: “His name is Zhu Dachang.”

Dazhong looked at the other party in astonishment, but then he thought about the other party's magical methods, and felt that it was not surprising that the other party knew his real name.

 “Zhu Dachang…”

Bai Xiaoyu called out and then asked curiously: "What are you looking for me now?"

 The way she thinks about it, she can’t come here to repay a favor, right?

Da Zhong smiled naively and said: "Nothing, I just wanted to come and see you."

 Li Xiuyuan's eyes kept moving on the two people, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he said: "Da...Chang, anyway, you have nothing else to do now, why not stay here and be a servant."


Dazhong was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands repeatedly: "I can't do it, I can't do it, just with my dignity..."

Qin Yao stretched out his hand and pointed, and a beam of spiritual light flew out from his fingertips and penetrated into Da Zhong's face, eliminating the ugly and disgusting pustules one by one.

Da Zhong saw the white light, and immediately felt a coolness on his face, and subconsciously reached out to touch it.

 The smooth touch between his fingers clearly told him that the pustules on his face had disappeared...

"Take a shower, change your clothes, and then you can join the job." Qin Yao put down his arm and turned to look at Bai Xiaoyu: "He works here, and you take care of his food. Is that okay?"

"No problem, of course no problem." Bai Xiaoyu said without hesitation.

 “I…” Da Zhong said.

"What are you doing?" Li Xiuyuan raised his elbow and hit him, saying, "Don't you want to stay here and guard Xiaoyu every day?"

 Da Zhong was speechless.

Qin Yao had a panoramic view of the expressions of everyone in the room, and thought to himself: Yes, as long as you hit the point, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Let Da Zhong give up his identity as a beggar, and there is no need to have a life-or-death separation like in the original work.

"Miss Bai, please treat Da Chang well." Li Xiuyuan begged sincerely.

“Don’t worry, if you work here, as long as I have a mouthful of meat, I won’t deprive him of a bowl of soup.” Bai Xiaoyu said solemnly.

 “Thank you.” Li Xiuyuan cupped his hand.

 “We’re leaving.” Qin Yao said lightly.

   "Better farewell to the real person."

Bai Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief silently and bowed to salute.

This Master Qin put too much pressure on her, far more than the notorious Yuan Batian.

 In the blink of an eye, a few days later.

 The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching.

Tiantai County, Li Mansion, the walls, doors and even the trees are all decorated with lanterns and colorful lights, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Li Xiuyuan invited Qin Yao from Jiuzhe Mountain to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival at Li's Mansion, so the master and apprentice would enjoy the moonlight and enjoy the cool air in the courtyard every night for the past few days.

 “Woo, woo, woo…”

 The evening before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Qin Yao and Li Xiuyuan sat opposite each other in a stone pavilion drinking tea.

Wearing a pair of brown linen trousers on the lower body and a red bellyband on the upper body, Fuhu simulated the sound of strong wind in his mouth and scurried back and forth in the yard illuminated by the moonlight and lights.

"I went to Linhai County yesterday and saw that Da Chang was doing well in Yihongyuan." Li Xiuyuan poured tea for Qin Yao respectfully and said softly: "Master, let's not mention Bai Xiaoyu. We have changed Da Chang." Chang’s fate, right?”

Qin Yao nodded and said: "As long as there are no major changes, to be precise, nothing happens to Yihongyuan in Linhai County, we can count as changing his fate. Having said that, although the status of a servant is low, it is better than being precarious. beggar."

Li Xiuyuan's expression changed slightly: "Will the gods in heaven stand in the way?"

Just as Qin Yao was about to answer, dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky. A beam of white light fell from the dark clouds and manifested into the figure of a golden-armored **** general in the courtyard.

 “The crouching tiger Arhat appears in his true form.”

Dark clouds covered the moon and obscured the stars. Fuhu, who was running around the yard, suddenly stopped, raised his palms outwards and raised his head, and shouted loudly.

“Subdued the dragon, subdued the tiger.” The golden-armored **** general called.

"Qilin monster, you have finally appeared." Fuhu Arhat lowered his arms and asked, "What is the situation in the heaven now?"

 “You are miserable.”

The Qilin Monster opened his mouth to tell the bad news: "Now the Jade Emperor has found out that you secretly went down to earth to help subdue the dragon. Long Yan is furious and has sent the God of Plague down to earth to arrange a plague in the world. How many people will die and how much karma will appear? , it’s all on you.”

 Fuhu: “…”

"Why?" Li Xiuyuan couldn't hold back and asked with a frown: "Even if it is to punish Fu Hu directly, it is better than this, right? What are the mistakes of all the people, why bother them?"

Fuhu's cheeks twitched and he thought to himself, if he had subdued the dragon, he would definitely not have said such cold words.

 What do you mean by punishing me directly?

 I was reincarnated just to help!

The Qilin Monster said helplessly: "Why are you questioning me? It's not me who ordered the God of Plague to come down to earth."

Li Xiuyuan felt powerless and explained: "I'm not questioning you, I just feel that the people are so innocent."

Fuhu said with an angry face, "I want to go to heaven to confront the Jade Emperor."

Qilin Monster: "Then the Jade Emperor ordered you to be thrown into the mortal world and turned into a pig?"

 Fuhu: “…”

"Be prepared for epidemic prevention." Qin Yao said, his body suddenly split into two: "Tiantai County and Linhai County cannot afford to lose anything."

There are Li Xiuyuan’s parents in Tiantai County, and the target person is the Ninth Generation Evil.

In Yihongyuan in Linhai County, there are even more pheasants and beggars from the ninth generation. If the plague closes down Yihongyuan, I'm afraid these two people will end up on the streets...

 This Mid-Autumn Festival is destined to be extraordinary.

Qin Yao himself sat in Tiantai County and kept drawing talismans in Li's mansion.

 The clone went directly to Yihongyuan in Linhai County and told Bai Xiaoyu about the upcoming outbreak of the plague. The next day.

 A human-to-human plague suddenly broke out in Yuhang. Many cities, towns, and even villages fell instantly. The plague was like the most terrible curse, and madness spread throughout the world.

Tiantai County, Qin Yao set up a pot to boil talisman water in the Li Mansion to treat the people infected with the epidemic.

Linhai County, the avatar was distributing talisman water in Yihongyuan. All the ladies became helpers at this moment, and they were busy.

 With his full support, it cannot be said that there were no deaths in the two counties, but the epidemic did not cause large-scale deaths.

But after word of this incident spread, countless people from other places poured into these two counties, bringing new diseases and hidden dangers.

Faced with this situation, Qin Yao could only do his best, ignoring the weakening of his combat power, and created a total of thirty-six clones, and went into each county to treat diseases and save people.

 In the original work, the way for Ji Dian to be promoted to Dragon Subduing Master is really to achieve the goal of destroying thousands of bones with one general.

Compared with all the people who died in the plague, Bai Xiaoyu, who had disfigured himself and felt ashen as death, and Da Zhong, who had his soul sucked away by the Black Rakshasa after being killed by Yuan Batian, all seemed so insignificant.

In the process, Qin Yao’s emptied moral value also began to increase crazily, from one hundred to one thousand, from one thousand to ten thousand...


But he had no time to see this, firstly because he was too busy, and secondly because the people suffering from the epidemic were so miserable that he had no joy at all.

Until this moment, he truly realized that even if he had the ability to be prophetic, it was still useless in the face of power.

Even if he could prevent the reincarnation of the Crouching Tiger Arhat, the Jade Emperor might find other excuses to let the God of Plague descend to earth and cause harm to the world due to other thoughts or reasons.

This is power. If the responder is not strong enough, he will not even be qualified to refuse.

All we can do is do our best.

However, blessings never come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone. Every time there is a natural disaster, there will be a human disaster.

On this day, Qin Yao was distributing anti-epidemic talisman water in the Li Mansion, but he heard a stranger from afar said that there were Taoist priests in distant places distributing talisman water, but these talismans were not free. If you want it, you must You have to spend money to buy it.

Hearing this, he didn't take it seriously.

In the world of "Ji Gong", there is definitely more than one magical mage of his own. Even if some mage wants to take advantage of the chaos, as long as the opponent's talisman water can really cure diseases and save people, he will not find trouble.

The purpose of saving people for free is to accumulate moral virtue, but forcing others to work for free is a bit hegemonic.

But what he didn't expect was that the foreigner immediately changed the topic and said that the Taoist priest who saved people also claimed to be a descendant of the Wuyin Sect, and he and Qin Yao were brothers. After forming a relationship like this, the other party There is no shortage of sales for the talisman water sold.

Hearing this, Qin Yao immediately changed his expression and asked, "Can the talisman water that man sells really ward off the epidemic?"

The sallow-looking foreigner shook his head and said, "I don't know. I can't afford it at five taels of silver a bowl, so I can only drag my sick body here to pray for free talisman water."

"Do you remember what county it is?" Qin Yao asked.

 “Wuyi County.” The outsider said with certainty.

  An hour later.


Qin Yao came to Wuyi County and saw a group of people surrounding a firewood pile.

A skinny Taoist wearing a yellow Taoist robe with a large mole on the right side of his face stood in the crowd, pointed at the girl tied in the middle of the firewood and shouted: "Burn her, burn her to death, and the disease will be lifted."

As soon as he finished speaking, several villagers standing in front of the firewood threw their torches as if they were electrocuted.

 “It’s not me...it’s not me!”

 In the pile of firewood, a little girl who looked to be only seven or eight years old shouted loudly with tears on her face.

“Bang, bang, bang.” Just as the whistling torch was about to fall next to the girl, several rays of white light suddenly fell from the sky, turning the torch into smoke and dissipating.

Then, in the astonished eyes of Da Mole Taoist Priest and all the villagers, a figure fell from the sky, slowly landed on the pile of firewood, and landed next to the girl.

 Seeing the gaze of the man from heaven looking at him, the Taoist Priest's heart trembled and he turned around to run away.

“Stop him.” Qin Yao looked at the villagers and said.

The villagers didn't know why they obeyed his orders, but they subconsciously stopped the Taoist priest.

Seeing this, the Taoist Priest Da Mole suppressed the fear in his heart, turned around slowly, cupped his hands and said, "Who is my friend?"

“You say you are a descendant of the Wuyin Sect, but you don’t know who I am?” Qin Yao asked.

Taoist Priest Da Mole's whole body went numb instantly: "You...are you Zhenren Qin?"

Qin Yao's face paused and he said: "You have heard of my name, but you don't know me personally. It seems that you are just using the name of Wuyinmen, or you are using my name to make money."

As he said that, he looked back at the little girl with blank eyes, and said: "It's enough for you to make a fortune. Even pretending to be one of my disciples is not a big crime, but why do you want to burn her to death? Why is this?"

Taoist Priest Da Mole quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind, then fell to his knees and kowtowed heavily: "Master, it was my delusion and greed that made me do this kind of thing. Please spare my life, I know I was wrong." ”

Qin Yao shook his head: "You don't know that you were wrong, you know that you must admit your mistake. If you don't admit your mistake and get forgiveness, you can't bear the consequences."

Taoist Da Mole: “…”

Qin Yao turned to look at the other people and said calmly: "You should understand now, right? This person is a fake mage. He has deceived you."

The crowd was silent, looking dazed and overwhelmed.

Suddenly, a shabby-dressed woman rushed out of the crowd, forced her way behind Taoist Da Mole, and with a pop, stabbed a sharp knife into his back.

At the same time, Qin Yao clearly heard the little girl beside him softly calling her mother...

 Taoist Da Mole is dead.

His belongings were robbed.

 In this time period shrouded by natural disasters, the death of a person is no different from the death of a dog.

   If the people don’t promote it, the officials don’t investigate it…

Qin Yao, however, settled down in this county, boiled pots of talisman water, treated illnesses and saved people, and accumulated yin virtues.

  Two months later.

The epidemic in the counties gradually subsided, and many clones of Qin Yao, full of praise and virtue, embarked on their way back to Tiantai County.

 When all the clones gathered together and merged into one, he had the intention to take out the white jade official seal and check the Yin De.

 You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

 In just over sixty days, more than 49,000 points of Yin De were harvested.

The current total Yin De balance is: 40,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or Not to Be in the Balance but 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 1000,000 or 100,000 or 100,000.

Looking at all the stories I have experienced in the past, none of them can achieve this level of achievement.

Of course, in those stories, he did not have the opportunity to save so many people...

 This is in the true sense, a blessing to all people!

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