I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 103: Asking prices all over the sky (please subscribe)

Chapter 103 Asking for Price (please subscribe~~)

Liu Dalong frowned and shouted to the non-commissioned officer who had just come to inform him: "You are a shameless person, why don't you take Commander Duan down quickly!"

"Yes, Commander!" the sergeant responded quickly, hurried to Duan Shirui's side, bent down, and tried to help him up.

"Bang!" The ruthless warlock stepped on the center of Duan Shirui's chest, raised his blood-stained saber with a swish sound, and placed it on the sergeant's neck.

The sergeant immediately froze on the spot with his bent posture, smelling the fishy smell emanating from the knife. His heart was trembling, his legs were trembling, and cold sweat was dripping on his forehead.

 "Mr. Qin..." Liu Dalong said.

Qin Yao raised his right arm, the warlock nodded slightly, put away the sharp blade, and stepped away, allowing the stiff-limbed sergeant to lift the dazed Duan Shirui from the ground.

“Mr. Qin, please follow me.” Liu Dalong exhaled a breath and took the lead to walk towards the main hall of the front yard.

Qin Yao followed him with the warlocks. A group of soldiers looked at each other in confusion, and finally dispersed one after another under the command of Qian Guangming, leaving only twelve soldiers to guard the lobby to prevent anyone from rushing in.

"Commander Qian, could you please come and bring tea and water?" Qin Yao was led to the round table in the main room. Liu Dalong looked at Qian Guangming, who was standing outside the door like a servant.

"Yes, Commander." Qian Guangming nodded silently, walked quickly into the main hall, came to the stove, and burned wood and boiled water with his hands and feet.

"Everyone, please take a seat." Liu Dalong stood next to the main seat and said to Qin Yao and a group of ruthless warlocks.

Qin Yao lifted up his clothes and sat opposite the main seat.

Glenqing pondered for a moment, then stood behind Qin Yao with his sword in both hands. If she didn't sit down, a group of subordinates naturally didn't dare to steal the limelight, so their feet seemed to be rooted to the spot, making the scene very embarrassing.

 “Sit down.” Qin Yao looked at Glen Qing and said softly.

Grandma felt that he was respected, his heart was happy, his face was bright, and he sat next to him obediently.

 As for the other gangsters…

 The boss is talking, they have no right to sit down!

"I'm very curious about something, I don't know whether to talk about it or not." Liu Dalong opened his mouth to warm up the situation.

 “Commander, it’s okay to say so.”

“I dare to ask how you made your copper skin and iron bones so that even foreign guns can’t penetrate them.” Liu Dalong looked curious.

Qin Yao turned to look at Granqing, but the latter shook his head and said softly: "My life is at stake, so I can't speak directly."

Hearing what she said, Qin Yao suddenly remembered that in the movie, the group of ruthless warlocks all practiced evil arts. Human blood must be applied to the sharp blade to pierce the bronze body of the evil arts.

If this is the case in reality, it is indeed a secret that cannot be told.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. What I want to know is, can you make me like this? If it is possible, money is not a problem." Liu Dalong asked with eager eyes.

 Normal human beings, who doesn’t want to have a body like steel and iron bones?

"You have missed the best time to practice. It is impossible." Glen Ching said without euphemism.

 Liu Dalong was extremely disappointed and speechless for a moment, and the hall suddenly fell into silence.


At this time, the water boiled, Qian Guangming poured three cups of tea, the first cup was given to Liu Dalong, the second cup was given to Qin Yao, and the third cup was given to Ge Lanqing, and then stood aside with hands tied.

 “Mr. Qin, please have tea.” Liu Dalong said.

Qin Yao shook his head: "It's not too late to have tea after finalizing the compensation."

Liu Dalong slowly narrowed his eyes: "What compensation does Mr. Qin want?"

"Two of my guys died. Each guy was worth 10,000 yuan. The smashed things were worth 10,000 yuan. The total is 30,000 yuan. How are you going to pay?" Qin Yao asked.

Qian Guangzhao's cheek twitched.

 What does it mean for a lion to open its mouth wide?

 This makes the lion open its mouth.

 It’s simply outrageous!

"The asking price is too exaggerated. Even if your two guys are made of gold, they are not worth the money." Liu Dalong said sincerely.

Qin Yao said in a deep voice: "I say it's worth it, because they are following me."

Liu Dalong waved his hand: "It's not that I can't pay 30,000 yuan in cash, but I can't accept the price. Mr. Qin, if you can ask for an exorbitant price, you have to allow me to pay you back on the spot."

"How much do you prefer?" Qin Yao said expressionlessly. “Up to five thousand yuan.”

“How about I kill the counselor Qian behind you and pay you two thousand and five lines?” Qin Yao raised his head and said.

 Liu Dalong: “…”

 Qian Guangming: “…”

“Mr. Qin, this is the staff officer.” After a long time, Liu Dalong couldn’t help but say.

 “I am a brother.” Qin Yao said confidently.

 Liu Dalong was speechless.

"If you kill me, I only need to pay you 2,500 yuan, and I am willing to die." Qian Guangming held the teapot tightly and said.

 A trace of surprise flashed in Qin Yao's eyes.

This is not the time to talk big... Since the other party dares to say this, it means that he is really determined to die.

"Looking at your blood and loyalty, I will give you a discount of fifteen thousand yuan, no less."

Liu Dalong still shook his head: "Six thousand yuan, this is my bottom line."

“Isn’t the bottom line just for breaking through?” Qin Yao said: “Ten thousand, if I lose, I will lose.”

 You are at a loss!

 How can human life be so valuable?

Liu Dalong's face darkened: "Seven thousand yuan, I swear, this is the limit."

“Twelve thousand, I swear, I will never give you more than you asked for.”

Liu Dalong's breathing was a little rapid: "Eight thousand, just eight thousand. If you want an extra ocean, just kill me."

Qin Yao observed his expression carefully and sighed: "Forget it, I will give your wife another face, eight thousand is eight thousand, just pay."

 Liu Dalong: “???”


 Why do you want to give face to my wife? !

  Half an hour later.

Until Qin Yao led a group of gangsters carrying sacks out of the Marshal's Mansion, Liu Dalong didn't even think about what happened to his wife...

 “Are we asking for 8,000 yuan?” For a long time after walking out of the Marshal’s Mansion, Granten didn’t come back to his senses.

What's even more exaggerated is that her gangsters are carrying sacks of money as if they are walking on clouds.

  What they do is business without capital, but unless they are looting towns, they will not be able to get so much silver paper in three years!

"Ordinary people may never see eight thousand yuan in their lifetime, but for some people, this is just a number." Qin Yao smiled slightly: "Brothers have worked **** this trip. Let’s divide the three thousand yuan, it’s hard-earned money.”

 Grandma: “…”

There are only eighteen of them in total. If divided by head, each person is worth more than one hundred and sixty yuan.

The trip lasted for less than three hours, and the average person was 160... This is too great!

 “Thank you, Mr. Qin!”

 “Thank you Mr. Qin for the reward!”

While she was in shock, the group of charlatans and magicians were overjoyed, and even clasped their fists to express their thanks in order to prevent her from refusing.

Grandma: "???"

 My people rebelled so easily? !

 (End of this chapter)

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