I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1022: End of Volume: Seven Tribulations Immortal

 The Black Rakshasa is dead.

 Yuan Batian was reincarnated as a pig.

 Bai Xiaoyu and Zhu Dachang got married.

Three levels and one difficulty have come to a successful conclusion. The next day, Qin Yao received a notification from the system regarding the completion of the plot.

But he did not return with the opportunity. Instead, he settled down in Jiuzhe Mountain with the help of the roots he had purchased earlier, and protected Li Xiuyuan to prevent gods and Buddhas from coming. In order to release Jianglong himself, he casually killed the child with a thunderbolt. .

The next sixty years, he drank Li Xiuyuan's wedding wine, drank Li Xiuyuan's son's full moon wine, and finally watched Li Xiuyuan's son get married, have children, and flourish.

 The second year of Jiading in the Southern Song Dynasty (1209).

 The old residence of Li Mansion.

Wearing a loose Taoist robe and with a full head of silver hair, Li Xiuyuan, who looked very old, dismissed his children and grandchildren and worshiped in front of the hall illuminated by the bright moon: "Teacher..."

 A beam of white light descended from the sky, landed in front of the hall, manifested into a burly figure, and slowly stepped into the hall: "Culture the relationship."

“Teacher, can I really not cultivate immortality?” Li Xiuyuan asked in a hoarse voice while holding the disciple ceremony.

He asked this question many times in the first thirty years. Even though he knew the result, he still expected a miracle.

 In the next forty years, there have been fewer and fewer questions. Today’s time has been ten years since the last time I asked.

Qin Yao nodded slightly: "As a teacher, I can only stay here to protect you for your whole life, but I cannot stay here to protect you for the rest of your life."

Li Xiuyuan took a long breath, finally resigned to his fate, and knelt on the ground facing the other person: "Thank you for your support over the past seventy-nine years, my mentor. My disciple is grateful."

Qin Yao helped him up, looked at his long hair, and sighed: "Come out."

The tiger-crouching Arhat in black robes and the Qilin monster in golden armor appeared at the same time. The latter stared at Li Xiuyuan and said in a solemn voice: "Your time has come."

Li Xiuyuan nodded and looked at Qin Yao with grateful eyes: "Master, come and see this disciple off."

"No, I can't do this." Qin Yao refused.

 “I’ll do it,” Fuhu Luohan said.

  Early after Bai Xiaoyu married Zhu Dachang, he returned to heaven and has now re-cultivated the golden body of Arhat.

Li Xiuyuan breathed out silently and said: "I'm going to die."


Fuhu held the seal with his hand and pointed his finger at Li Xiuyuan's forehead. A bolt of thunder quickly flew out from his fingertips and hit Li Xiuyuan's forehead directly.

 Under the lightning strike, in an instant, countless memories flashed back to this body's mind.

 “The Dragon Subduing Arhat appears in his true form.” Suddenly, he turned one hand over and shouted loudly.

 “Subdued the dragon.” Fuhu called with excitement on his face.

“Fuhu.” Jianglong nodded and responded casually, quickly digesting Li Xiuyuan’s memory.

The Qilin monster chuckled and said: "That's it...Jianlong, hurry up and follow us back to the heaven to receive the title. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has made an agreement with the Jade Emperor to make you a venerable one."

 “No hurry, no hurry.”

Jianglong waved his hand and after digesting all Li Xiuyuan's memories, he looked sideways at Qin Yao and said leisurely: "Under normal circumstances, I should have recovered my true self when I was nineteen years old in this body, but you delayed this time. A whole month, is this your reward for me?"

Qin Yao said calmly: "It's not Li Xiuyuan who subdues the dragon, but doesn't Li Xiuyuan subdue the dragon?"

Jianglong raised his eyebrows, and finally nodded slightly: "That's right...seeing that you helped me complete three tasks and protected Li Xiuyuan for seventy-nine years, you and I have eliminated the cause and effect."

"Okay." Qin Yao cupped his hands and said, "I'll say goodbye."

 “Go slowly, don’t send me off.” Jianglong returned the gift.

Qin Yao took a deep look at him, and a piece of flame suddenly rose from the ground under his feet, and he quickly disappeared with him...

  Half an hour later.

 Jiuzhe Mountain.

 Qin Yao wore a wide robe, put his hands behind his back, quietly looked at the distant stars in the sky, and said softly: "System, return!"


The white divine light fell from the sky and instantly drowned his soul. Before the gods who were spying on him could react, they disappeared into this world with him.

 Jiu Shu world.

Peach Mountain in the Heaven.

Qin Yao's soul returned to his true body and slowly opened his eyes.

 In an instant, a powerful aura was released and then retracted from his body, and the power of his soul began to feed back into his physical body.

 Qin Yao summoned a space bag with his hands, took out the two remaining flat peaches, and chewed them. His soul cooperated with the refining of the physical body, rapidly increasing the physical mana...

 Half a day later.

After Qin Yao strengthened his body, he opened the door and walked out of the room. He stayed with the girls until late at night. After satisfying everyone's physical and psychological needs, he rode the wind and went straight into the netherworld, and finally landed in the Hall of Yama.

A "Ji Gong" has accumulated 49,789 points of Yin virtue for him. He will exchange all these Yin virtues into resources, and then practice together with the Dragon Subduing Golden Body, trying to touch the Eight Tribulations Immortal. threshold.

 The exchange process was smooth.

 In fact, unless you take the initiative to get into trouble, it is impossible for a person to encounter setbacks in anything he does.

  Ordinary and ordinary, it is the norm in the world.

Silently putting away the piles of fairy grass and elixir, Qin Yao escaped to the Black Mountain Saintess Palace. The door **** saw him and opened the door automatically, so he walked into the courtyard under the light of the blood moon.

 “You’ve been coming here quite frequently recently.”

The stunningly beautiful ghost dressed in red and naturally charming moved her lotus steps lightly and slowly flew out of the main hall, carrying a fatal allure.

Qin Yao strode to her, stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the other person's slim waist, and took the other person's fragrant body into his arms: "But I feel like not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns." …”

More than just Sanqiu?

The time in reincarnation can be long or short, just like this time in the world of "Ji Gong", he has actually stayed in reincarnation for more than seventy years. After returning, the feeling of being separated from another world cannot be eliminated in a short time. dropped.

 “Glib tongue.” Xiao Zhuo snuggled into his arms and scolded with a smile.

Qin Yao shook his head, hugged her tall body tightly, sat down in the pavilion, and said sincerely: "Everything I said is true, and everything I said is true."

Xiao Zhuo put his ear against his heart, suppressed his smile, and said softly: "I know."

The two of them stayed clinging to each other for more than three hours, expressing how much they missed each other.

When the blood moon as big as a millstone gradually set in the mid-air, and the lights lit up in the palace, Qin Yao just let go of the opponent, took out the space bag, summoned the true form of Jianglong and the resources he had gained from emptying all his yin virtues.

“Xiao Zhuo, come and protect me.”

 “Okay.” Xiao Zhuo agreed immediately.

Qin Yao then sat cross-legged, his left hand pressed on the golden skull, and his right hand pressed on the piled fairy medicine. He chanted mantras, circulated fairy energy, and frantically plundered the essence of the resources in front of him.

Soon after, a large amount of essence poured into the body, which could not be swallowed up by the body. The glow shone through his pores, and the light became brighter and brighter, eventually making his body as dazzling as the sun.

Xiao Zhuo's complexion changed slightly, and he acted quickly, forming seals and casting spells, sealing the entire Holy Lady's Palace, blocking out the dazzling light and strong fluctuations.

Because of her existence, Qin Yao was very at ease, turned a deaf ear to external affairs, and devoted all his efforts to refining resources.     Half an hour later.

One by one, the large hole scripture runes came out of his mouth and flew around him, forming rune chains. When the chains were formed, they fell on him, trapping the bright flames shining outside his body.

 “Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing.” Looking at this mysterious scene, Xiao Zhuo’s eyes were filled with brilliance.

There are countless scriptures in the world, but only a few can directly reach the immortals. The Shangqing Dadong scripture is one of those few. Those who are not from a great religious background must be cultivated and cannot be learned...

Countless essences poured into his body crazily, and Qin Yao felt as if his body had turned into a furnace. The immortal energy turned into flames, burning these essences into energy that could be directly absorbed, and then integrated into his body and soul.

This practice that looked like fireworks lasted for a full nine hours. When the rune chains surrounding his body could no longer block the flames coming out of his body, a blazing white-gold light suddenly shot into the sky. It broke through Xiaozhuo's seal, went straight into the night sky, and stirred up the situation in all directions.



The strong wind swept away the dark clouds, and the dark clouds piled up in layers over the Holy Lady Palace.


  After a moment, purple thunder was born within the dark clouds, condensing into thunder dragons, and kept moving through the thick dark clouds. The sound was so terrifying that countless gods and ghosts in the Black Mountain became silent, and even sat on the ground, dumbfounded.

 Inside the palace.

The old monster of Montenegro, who has returned to his youth and appeared like an eight-year-old child, sat on the throne and said quietly: "Heishan has not seen such a scene for a long time."

 In other words, there has been no human immortal in Montenegro for a long time.

In the Palace of Saints, Qin Yao suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at Xiao Zhuo: "Remove the palace defenses."

Xiao Zhuo did not insist, and waved his sleeves to close the entire defensive array of the Holy Maiden's Palace. The dangerous aura from the thunderclouds suddenly pressed in, like a human being being targeted by a venomous snake.


 After a cup of tea, a huge thunder dragon roared out of the calamity cloud, bared its teeth and claws, and rushed downwards.

 Qin Yao raised his hand to summon a three-pointed, two-edged knife. A steady stream of white-gold mana poured into the handle of the knife along his palm, causing the black blade to shine with a layer of white light.


Qin Yao stood up and lightly stepped on the ground with his right foot. As a circle of air waves dispersed, his body shot straight into the sky like a missile, with his black hair flying and his unruly eyes.


Shao Qing, he swung his long knife and struck the top of the Thunder Dragon. A circle of divine power spread from the Thunder Dragon's head to all directions, and the loud noise was deafening.

"Pfft." The thunder dragon snorted, but it did not collapse under Qin Yao's shocking blow. Instead, it swung its long tail, and the tail cut through the void like a long whip, and hit the person in front of him who was in danger.

“Break it for me!” Qin Yao held the three-pointed two-edged sword with both hands. The blade was black and shiny, with a special power and a terrifying light.


 The light of the sword struck the dragon's tail, instantly cutting off half of the dragon's tail.

The limbs were separated, and a whine came out of the Thunder Dragon's mouth, which immediately turned into countless thunder rays.

Qin Yao opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath at the countless thunder and lightning. The overflowing thunder and lightning suddenly came one after another and was taken into his mouth and swallowed into his belly.

Just before he could swallow up all the lightning, the second thunder dragon rushed down, its purple scales shining brightly, and its face was ferocious.

Qin Yao was fearless and stepped into the air with his sword. The blade struck down hard with a whimpering sound.

Facing the murderous weapon that was speeding towards him, this brontosaurus did not choose to confront it head-on. Instead, it suddenly exploded.

The intensity of the explosion at that moment almost created a black hole in space and time. Qin Yao's body was blown away uncontrollably, and he hit a roof of the Holy Maiden's Palace with a bang, and fell into the house.

 "Qin Yao..." Xiao Zhuo called worriedly.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Qin Yao quietly wiped away a trace of blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and slowly flew out from the hole in the roof of the house.

Xiao Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief and stopped where he was.

Without giving Qin Yao the slightest chance to breathe, three thunder dragons flew out of the clouds at the same time, swooping down together with endless ferocity and determination to kill.

 Qin Yao shouted angrily, his golden body overlapped with his physical body, and the power in his body suddenly increased. He waved his sleeves, and countless swords of faith that had been blessed by his magic flew out quickly, blasting three thunder dragons, causing lightning to surge.

 “Boom! Boom!”

Still not giving him time to recover, two thunderbolts flew out of the clouds and merged together in mid-air, condensing into a round-headed thunder hammer that roared down.

Qin Yao used his magic power to pull the remaining thunder and lightning from the three thunder dragons, condensed into a thunder and lightning shield, and blocked it in front of him.

The thunder hammer hit the center of the thunder shield, and the aurora shone in the sky and earth for an instant, spreading thousands of miles.

Qin Yao's body trembled and he flew upside down again. His back hit a pillar with a bang, knocking the pillar away instantly.

next moment.

Two thunderbolts flew out of the clouds again, condensing into a purple millstone, spinning slowly, and grinding down with the aura of annihilating everything.

Qin Yao quickly swung his long knife, and the blade continued to cut through the void, forming a semicircular knife network.

The grindstone and the knife network collided together, the metal trembled continuously, and sparks flew everywhere.

Thirty breaths later, the purple millstone was obliterated by the knife net, and the dark clouds that shrouded the Holy Maiden Palace gradually dissipated.

Qin Yao's heart relaxed, and his hands lost all strength. He couldn't even hold the three-pointed two-edged sword.

Just when he was staggering and about to fall, Xiao Zhuo reached out to help him, and summoned the Holy Maiden Palace Restriction again, trapping all the energy spilled from the thunderstorm in mid-air.

 “Thank you.” Qin Yao forced a smile.

Xiao Zhuo rolled his eyes: "Just talking nonsense...hurry up and refine the power of thunder and lightning."

Qin Yao nodded, sat cross-legged in the void, and refined all the gifts hidden in the heavenly tribulation into his own magic power...

  Eight Tribulations Human Immortality has been accomplished since then.

 After a long time, Qin Yao finished his work, picked up Xiao Zhuo and rushed straight to the boudoir.

This night, thunder also sounded in the room, which lasted for a long time.

 Three days later.

 On the big bed.

Qin Yao turned his head to look at the sleeping beauty next to him, secretly exhaled a breath, and immersed his consciousness into the fantasy house: "System, machine selection reincarnation."

  【Random transmission starts - locking the world - locking the world to "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons". 】

As soon as he finished speaking, a line of characters appeared in front of him.

 Qin Yao was stunned.


 He is so talented now.

With this level of strength, wouldn’t he be given food when he went to Journey to the West? !

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