I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1031: Cultivating Xuanzang’s leadership charisma

 A few days later.

A group of people passed by a stream, but not far ahead, they saw a village next to the stream with flames rising into the sky and screams. The strange laughter that sounded from time to time in the village made Xuanzang's hair stand on end and his heart sank to the bottom of the lake.

"Looking at this situation, there must be big thieves committing crimes and plundering the village. Wukong, Bajie, and Wujing, please go and have a look quickly to stop the trouble."

 After regaining consciousness, Xuanzang said quickly.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing looked at Sun Wukong at the same time, and saw that his feet were rooted to the ground like old trees, unmoving, so they stopped in place and did not move.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Xuanzang asked loudly.

Sun Wukong scratched his ears and asked: "Thieves are also human beings. Robbery is their job. They rely on their own work to make a living. Is there anything wrong with that? You said they kill people and more people die when the two countries fight. You Why don’t you go to various countries to encourage peace?”

Xuanzang was so angry that he pointed at him and was speechless.

Qin Yao watched this scene quietly, thoughtfully.

The question about Xuanzang's character that he had previously wondered about seemed to have an answer at this moment.

 Xuanzang in the chapter Conquering Demons has a great heart and is kind and compassionate; while Xuanzang in Conquering Demons is sinister and hypocritical. He is an unscrupulous actor, so his mantra is - I put on my makeup first.

Since it is known that the two stories are connected plots, the main reason for Xuanzang's dramatic change in temperament is these three disciples.

Xuanzang was just an ordinary person. He relied on Buddha's cheating to subdue Sun Wukong, not his own ability to subdue the King of Demons.

On the way westward, the only things he could rely on were the whip given by the Buddha and the Mahavairocana Sutra.

You can see from the current state of the three demons that they lack respect for Xuanzang, let alone obey his orders.

In this situation, in order to manage these three goblins and confirm his authority as a leader, Xuanzang could only abandon his innocence, put on a mask called an actor, and manage by beating, scolding, humiliating, and bluffing. Team, work hard to keep the team together.

 But if you use this method too much, your mind will naturally become distorted, and it is not surprising that you will become a hypocritical actor.

This is in line with the saying: People are subject to change, and they will eventually become something they hate...

Fortunately, Xuanzang still has a friend by his side, a friend who can really take care of things.

So he didn't need to take out the whip and beat Sun Wukong to make the three demons obey. He only needed to look at the figure beside him with pleading eyes, and there was a way to solve this dilemma.

"Xiang Liu, go and have a look." Qin Yao pulled out a three-pointed two-edged sword from his ear and threw it in the air.

The long knife kept flipping in the air, and finally turned into a monster with the body of a hydra, quickly crawled into the screaming village, and knocked out a bandit holding a sharp knife, and fell to the ground like a dumpling.

 “Monster, monster!”

 Some of the robbers panicked and struggled to get up.

Then, Xiang Liu crawled out, and countless tiny electric currents were emitted from his eighteen eyes, which shocked the more than thirty bandits to the point where their whole bodies went limp and they collapsed to the ground.


Seeing Qin Yao open his right hand, Xiang Liu suddenly turned into a black light and fell into his hand in the form of a mini knife.

“All donors, put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.” Xuanzang came to the middle of the group of thieves, clasped his hands and said sincerely.


A burly robber slammed the long knife in his hand to the ground, stared at the bull's eye, and said angrily: "I put down the butcher knife, please let me become a Buddha."

Xuanzang's face stiffened and he quickly said: "The Buddha mentioned here refers to someone who takes refuge in Buddhism and begins to do good deeds and become a Buddha. It does not mean that he will immediately attain Buddhahood."

The robber sneered: "So, are you playing word games with me here? If we listen to your deception and put down the butcher knife, then we may become ghosts before we become Buddhas, and we will still be the most pitiful starving ghosts."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing Xuanzang being beaten, Sun Wukong laughed unbridledly, and this laughter pierced Xuanzang's heart like a steel needle.

Xuanzang subconsciously touched the whip on his waist, and his heart surged with anger.

 “Xuan Zang, calm down.” Qin Yao said in a condensed voice.

Xuanzang took a deep breath, put down his right hand, and looked at the thieves: "Why do you want to do this kind of killing? Do you have any difficulties?"

 “Of course.” The burly robber spoke loudly.

Xuanzang breathed a sigh of relief.

 If he has a hard time, he has reason to let these people go.

 “What are your difficulties?” He asked after a while.

Hulky Bandit: "The money can be earned quickly by looting, and it's not hard work. If you have the ability to make money, why bother farming with your back turned to the sky?"

  Xuan Zang: “…”

 “Pfft.” Sun Wukong couldn’t hold back and burst out laughing.

He naturally understood Xuanzang’s intention to save these bandits, but in the end they didn’t appreciate it at all.

 “Is it funny?” Xuanzang twitched his cheek and asked Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong slowly suppressed his smile and said expressionlessly: "Master, giving good thoughts to good people is good. Giving good thoughts to evil people is not called good, it is called evil.

You want to save them and become Buddhas, so let me ask you, what about those people who were killed by them? Even if you can save them from death, are they willing to die? "

Xuanzang was speechless.

“Puff puff puff puff puff…” Just as he was gradually falling into a vicious circle of self-doubt, nine flying swords suddenly rose across the sky and killed all the robbers on the ground.

 “Brother Kong Kong.” Xuanzang raised his eyes.

Qin Yao held up the sword box, put the Nine Swords of Emptiness back into the sword box, and said calmly: "Xuan Zang, don't make things complicated. They killed people and committed karma. If there is karma, then killing is .

 Doesn’t Buddhism talk about cause and effect? This cause and effect is that people who kill people will always kill them. Good and evil will eventually be repaid. It is not that they will not be repaid because the time has not come yet. "

The thick fog that shrouded Xuanzang's memorial platform seemed to have been lifted away at once, making the memorial platform clear and clear, and his thoughts clear.

 “Thank you, brother Kong Kong.”

Qin Yao waved his hand: "You're welcome. Humans always find themselves in trouble. Just think about it."

At the same time, the three demons looked at each other, and Sun Wukong secretly sent a message: "If you want to be free, let's break up the gang first. If you want to break up the gang, the master must die. If you want the master to die, you must first get rid of the guardian of the void. Let's discuss **** the void. ?”

 Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing looked at each other and saw the heartbeat in each other's eyes almost at the same time.

With the exception of Xuanzang, no one in their team was willing to leave their hometown to learn Buddhist scriptures.

 The evening of the next day. The sky is filled with red clouds.

Xuanzang was riding on a white horse, stretched out his hand to press his hungry belly, and said sideways, "Brother Kong Kong, do you still have some solid food?"

Qin Yao, who was lying on a flying sword on the side of the white horse, sat up, shook his head and said, "No more."

 Although he could exchange food through the system, he was not Xuanzang's disciple and had no obligation to provide him with food and drink all the time.

“Wukong, go and prepare some vegetarian food.” Xuanzang said.

Sun Wukong shook his head repeatedly: "Master, look at my dignity. Let alone begging for food, no, it's alms. Even if I just appear in front of an ordinary person, it can scare people."

“Then you can pick some wild fruits to satisfy your hunger, right?” Xuanzang asked again.

Sun Wukong: "I don't know which wild fruits can be eaten and which wild fruits cannot be eaten. What if I picked a few poisonous fruits and poisoned you to death? Wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

"Xuan Zang, whip him." Qin Yao suddenly sent a message secretly.

Xuanzang was stunned for a moment, then he pulled out the soft whip from his waist and hit Sun Wukong hard with a snap.


Sun Wukong was immediately knocked away by the force of the whip and fell dozens of meters away, twitching on the ground.

 Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing both shrank their necks and remained as silent as cicadas.

Shortly after.

Sun Wukong left on a cloud, Xuanzang asked Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing to look at the white horse, while he took Qin Yao to a hill, facing the evening breeze, and asked doubtfully: "Brother Kong Kong, why didn't you let me go before?" Whip Sun Wukong, but he was whipped by me just now?”

"Don't keep asking, think about the reasons yourself." Qin Yao said.

Xuanzang thought for a moment and said, "It was because he did nothing wrong before, but this time it was because he did something wrong?"

“That’s not accurate.” Qin Yao said, “Think again.”

 He knew that he would not be able to complete the journey, so he wanted to help Xuanzang train the team before he left.

 In this process, the most important thing is to improve Xuanzang's personal leadership ability.

If Xuanzang's personal leadership skills still fail to improve, then he can only follow Xuanzang's old path in Conquering Demons and manage the team through intimidation, threats, whipping, deception, and hypocrisy.

 In this case, the master and the disciples in the chapter Conquering the Demon were able to work together in the end. It can only be said that Xuanzang’s protagonist’s halo has been greatly expanded...

This kind of illogical thing is harmless in the story, but it is basically impossible to happen in reality.

Unless everyone from Sun Wukong to Zhu Bajie to Sha Wujing has Stockholm Syndrome, they will have emotions for the perpetrators.

Xuanzang racked his brains again and finally said helplessly: "I can't think of any other more accurate reason."

Qin Yao exhaled and said: "The reason why I didn't let you whip him last time was because he laughed at you and you were in a state of extreme anger. If you hit him, it would be a subjective act of anger.

 Once you move this hand, it will leave him with the feeling of a chicken with a small belly. People will not really respect a person with a small belly, let alone a naughty monkey like Sun Wukong.

 At that time, you hit him, but he could still laugh at you. Because your various actions do make people laugh.

 This time, he has made it clear that he will not listen to you. If you don't hit him and let him know that this is wrong, then he will definitely get worse in the future. I say this, can you understand? "

Xuanzang was silent for a long time and concluded: "You can beat him, but it cannot be to vent your anger. There must be a more legitimate, at least convincing reason."

"That's right." Qin Yao nodded: "After he comes back, tonight, you go to him again, explain the reasons to him, and tell him your heart. Although he may not accept it for a while, but as time goes by, he will definitely There will be changes.”

Xuanzang nodded and said gratefully: "Thank you for teaching me this. Otherwise, I have never experienced such a thing, but I still have to take three unruly monsters on the road. Just thinking about it makes me feel big."

Qin Yao said leisurely: "You must learn more, think more, grow up as soon as possible, and cultivate leadership charisma, otherwise, after I leave, you will have to eat rice with squid..."

 Half an hour later.

Sun Wukong flew back on somersault clouds, landed in the middle of the crowd, and said: "I haven't transformed into a vegetarian. When people see me like this, they are so scared that they don't even dare to open the door. Even if I become an ordinary person, , people also say that I don’t look like a monk, but more like a liar.”

  Xuan Zang: “…”

Perhaps it was because he was extremely hungry, and the anger in his heart was rising. But thinking of Qin Yao's explanation, he stopped his anger and said, "Well, if that's the case, I can't blame you."

Sun Wukong was stunned, but he did not expect Xuanzang to answer like this.

In fact, according to his method, it is easy to transform into a monk, but he refuses to transform. He just wants to starve the monk and force him to lose his temper and become angry.

 He was dissatisfied, resentful, and manic, and wanted to turn this monk into such a person and suffer with him.

 But...why is this guy so generous?

Why is he so generous?

“Take us to the nearest human gathering place.” Xuanzang said warmly.

Sun Wukong pursed his lips and turned around: "Thirty miles southwest of here, there is a troupe called What Country. It is quite lively now."

 “Please come and lead the way.” Xuanzang smiled.

Sun Wukong nodded, flew at a low altitude and walked at the forefront, secretly asking Zhu Bajie: "Old Zhu, did this monk take the wrong medicine?"

Zhu Bajie sent a message and said: "Why did you take the wrong medicine?"

“Can’t he see that I didn’t come to Zhai on purpose?”

"I must have seen it." Zhu Bajie said: "But is it useful to accuse you?"

Sun Wukong frowned: "This is not a question of usefulness or not. When people are angry, they usually don't consider whether it is useful or not. They only blame or even scold."

"After you left, Young Master Kong stayed alone with him for at least one stick of incense. He should have given instructions to the monk," Zhu Bajie said.

Sun Wukong turned his head and glanced at the figure on the flying sword next to the white horse, and his mood was complicated for a moment.

 This is indeed something the other party can do.

From the fact that the other party left early before he could get out of trouble, it can be seen that this guy survived by his brains, not by force.

 Compared with him, Xuanzang, who was just starting out, was too young. But precisely because of his presence, Xuanzang is not so easy to manipulate...

Not long after, a group of people came to a theater troupe under the moonlight. They saw countless colored lights hanging on the wooden walls, illuminating the huge courtyard.

In the yard, dwarfs in colorful clothes were tossing and turning on wooden barrels, a big man in commoner raised his hand to swallow a sword, a strongman with a big belly and a woman's make-up raised a stone lock, and an uncle with a big breast and a beard holding a handful of red paper Umbrella, shout loudly...

At a glance, everyone here is strange and strange, as if they are evil spirits.

Xuanzang was secretly frightened. He looked sideways at Qin Yao who put away his flying sword and asked: "Brother Kong Kong, are you sure this is a human troupe?" (End of this chapter)

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