I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1036: Pigs are thick-skinned and will take advantage of the situation

Chapter 1036: Pig-faced and thick-skinned, he will take advantage of the situation

 “Meet the Emperor.” Master Jiugong took the lead in saluting.

 “The national teacher does not need to be polite.”

 King Bhikkhu turned over and dismounted, still holding the bunch of candied haws tightly in his hand, and looked at Xuanzang and others with excitement: "National Master, who are they?"

Jiugong Zhenren stood up straight, turned around and said, "Master, please introduce yourselves."

Xuanzang coughed dryly, clasped his hands together, bowed and saluted: "Xuan Zang, a poor monk, has met the emperor."

“But Chen Xuanzang, the best exorcist in the world?” King Bhikkhu asked excitedly.

Xuanzang couldn't figure out what he was excited about and what he was excited about, so he responded cautiously: "It's Chen Xuanzang, but the title of being the best in the world... I can only say that it is not worthy of the name."

“In other words, you are a parallel importer?” King Bhikkhu asked.

  Xuan Zang: “…”

Qin Yao was already used to this.

Since Master Jiugong can say the word "depend", is it strange that the Bhikkhu King knows what "parallel import" means?

 In the nonsensical world of Journey to the West, there is no point in pursuing linguistic rigor.

“Speak, you are mute. Are you a parallel import?” King Bhikkhu asked.

Xuanzang took a deep breath. He was not as knowledgeable as this "ten-year-old" child: "It can be understood this way."

 “I don’t believe it,” the bhikkhu king said loudly.

Xuanzang was speechless.

If you don’t believe it, you don’t believe it. What are you shouting about?

 King Bhikkhu lowered his head and took a bite of the candied haws. While chewing it, he said, "Come and prove to me that you are indeed a parallel importer."

Xuanzang didn't know how to prove it, so he turned to look at Jiugong Zhenren.

Jiugong Zhenren pondered for a moment and said softly: "How about I find someone to fight with you? If you can't even beat the person I found, it may prove that you are not worthy of the name."

This was not the answer Xuanzang wanted, but the honest man didn't know how to refuse it for a while.

Fortunately, his "mouth substitute" stood up immediately and said, "Why do you need to prove it?"

“Who are you?” The monk king stopped eating the candied haws and stared at the man in white in front of him.

“I’m the Master Kong Kong.” Qin Yao said lightly: “Do you have anything else to do?”

  "Presumptuous, presumptuous." King Bhikkhu slammed the candied haws on the ground and said sternly: "Come here, chop him down."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of guards armed with long swords rushed into the hall and slashed at Qin Yao with their swords.


 Qin Yao turned around and waved his sleeves, and a stream of immortal energy flew out from his robe sleeves, knocking more than a dozen guards away instantly. Their backs hit the wall hard, and then they fell down, wailing and vomiting blood.

"Wow even."

Two flames suddenly appeared in King Bhikkhu's eyes. His hands itched and his heart itched. Just as he was about to transform, he felt a piercing gaze cast on him, freezing his fighting spirit like ice.

 “What other advice does your Majesty have?” Qin Yao Shiran retracted his robe sleeves and raised his eyes.

 King Bhikkhu exhaled hot air from his nostrils, feeling unwilling but helpless: "Go, go, go, I don't want to see you again."

"Qiuyan, take them to the royal manor to stay first, and I will go find them later." Jiugong Zhenren turned around and said.

A maid who had been following her nodded slightly, strode to Qin Yao, and spoke in a low voice: "Masters, please come with me."

"Let's go, brother Kong Kong." Xuanzang stretched out his hand and tugged on the corner of Qin Yao's clothes and said softly.

Qin Yao took a long breath and smiled: "Okay."

He guessed that the reason why Jiugong Zhenren was so angry that he vomited blood and still refused to show his face was because he was not afraid of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong has been imprisoned by Tathagata for five hundred years. As the spiritual pet of Tathagata, it is strange that Jiugong Zhenren can frighten him.

Even Sun Wukong was not afraid, let alone himself and the other two demons. The golden eagle was afraid of only one person from beginning to end, and that was Xuanzang, who could summon the Tathagata at any time.

She is the spiritual pet of Tathagata, yes, but Xuanzang is also a disciple of Tathagata. He is just a pet. How can she compare with Xuanzang?

In this case, Xuanzang has become the key to the victory. Now he does not want to fight with Jiugong Zhenren, and Qin Yao cannot force him to do so. Otherwise, the relationship between the two of them will be the first to crack...

 “Master, I’m so angry, I’m so angry.”

 After watching the Westward Journey team leave the Jinluan Hall, the bhikkhu king stamped his feet repeatedly and his face turned red.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry." Master Jiugong was like stroking a kitten, gently stroking the other person's head, and said softly: "I have observed carefully along the way, and Sun Wukong doesn't behave in front of Xuanzang either. If he dares to show his teeth and claim to be king, it is obvious that Xuanzang still has the ability to communicate with Buddha. If we take action rashly, as long as he summons Buddha, we will definitely lose."

 “What should we do?” asked the Bhikkhu King.

Jiugong Zhenren: "For the current plan, we can only find a way to make them kill each other. If the irritable monkey can kill Xuanzang, it will be the best result for us."

King Bhikkhu frowned and said, "That monkey is as honest as a quail. How dare he attack Xuanzang?"

Jiugong Zhenzhen holds the pearl of wisdom: "If there is no external influence, he will definitely not take action against Xuanzang, but what if there is external influence?"

 “You mean?”

 “Divorce plan!”


“Brother Kong Kong, do you have any issues with Master Jiugong?”

Half an hour later, in a royal manor, Xuanzang, after sending Qiu Yan away, came to the team members and asked.

Qin Yao shook his head: "This is my first time seeing her, what can I do to celebrate her?"

Xuanzang was puzzled: "But why do I feel that you are deliberately angry with her?"

 “I feel the same way.” Zhu Bajie interjected.

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said: "You are not wrong, I am targeting her. The reason is also very simple. I feel that this national master is not simple."

  “What do you mean by not simple?” Xuanzang asked.

Qin Yao raised his eyes and looked at Sun Wukong: "Can Mr. Sun's piercing eyes see through the true identity of Jiugong?"

“It doesn’t look like a monster.” Sun Wukong said calmly.

Qin Yao: "This is not a simple thing. The sharp eyes can identify 99% of the monsters, and the half of the objects that cannot be identified all have their own destiny."

 “Can’t she be a human being?” Sun Wukong felt a little complacent for no reason, but he said deliberately.

Qin Yao said: "Do you still remember what we said in front of the inn? She came here just for us. What would an ordinary national master come for us? But as long as she is a monster, all this makes sense. ”

 “Perhaps she has a crush on the master.” Zhu Bajie expressed a different opinion.

Xuanzang's cheek twitched and he said quickly: "Bajie, don't talk nonsense."

"So, what are you going to do?" Sun Wukong said bluntly.

Qin Yao smiled and said: "Soldiers will block us, and water will cover us. As long as we don't have civil strife, no matter how many methods the other side has, they can't harm us."

 The three demons were silent.

 At this moment, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were even looking forward to it...

  Must work hard, Jiugong Guoshi.

 As long as you work hard, they can't let you down at critical moments.

This night was calm and uneventful.

Early the next morning, while members of the Westbound Group were washing and drinking tea in the courtyard, King Bhikkhu suddenly rushed in with a large group of people, and Xuanzang was so shocked that he swallowed all the mouthwash.

"Master, don't be surprised." Master Jiugong stood beside King Bhikkhu and said with a smile: "Through my efforts to enlighten you, the emperor has deeply realized that he should not have treated you like that yesterday, so I am here to apologize to you today."

Xuanzang held a pig-hair brush in his hand, with a look of astonishment on his face.

This means that she coaxed the Bhikkhu King again?

"That's right." King Bhikkhu said, "I really shouldn't have lost my temper with you yesterday. I'm sorry! To make up for my mistake yesterday, I brought all the concubines and maids in the harem over and let the Master choose."

Xuanzang glanced at the women who looked like old helpers, and the mouthwash he just swallowed almost rolled up again.

“Acknowledging your mistakes can make a lot of improvements, so there is no need for this kind of apology.”

"That won't work." King Bhikkhu shook his head like a rattle and said solemnly: "A verbal apology is of no use. It has to be practical, otherwise the apology will be insincere. In the same way, if you don't If you are willing to accept my apology and just say that you forgive me, you must be holding a grudge and you will definitely find a way to retaliate against me in the future. "

  Xuan Zang: “…”

 This is the first time I have seen such a speechless existence.

"Xuan Zang, just accept any one you want." Master Jiugong helped.

Xuanzang said helplessly: "Master, this poor monk is a monk."

"Please help me escape from the confinement of the palace wall." As soon as he finished speaking, a pure-looking girl in black suddenly squeezed out of the crowd and knelt down to Xuanzang.

Everyone westwarded the sound, and immediately found that the girl's water spirit was the same as a small cabbage.

 “What does it mean to be freed from the confinement of the palace wall?” Xuanzang asked puzzledly.

The little girl kowtowed and said: "My name is Xiaoshan. I was sold into the palace by the Yaren last year. Over the past year, I have been imprisoned in the washroom of the palace. I work from dawn to dusk. I long for freedom every day. Please ask the Master for mercy." , take me out of the palace."

  Xuan Zang: “…”

"Presumptuous." King Bhikkhu's expression changed at every turn, he pointed at Xiaoshan and shouted: "Are you saying that you were abused in my palace? Come on, arrest this woman who talks nonsense and execute her in Lingchi. "

“Wait a minute.” Seeing a group of wolf-like guards rushing into the courtyard, Xuanzang had no choice but to shout.

 King Bhikkhu raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter, Master Xuanzang?"

Xuanzang had no choice but to point at Xiao Shan and said, "Your Majesty, please give this girl to me."

 “Are you sure?” King Bhikkhu asked.

 “Sure.” Xuanzang nodded heavily.

The Bhikkhu King paused for a moment, then said to Xiaoshan: "Good luck to you. You can stay with Master Xuanzang for the rest of your life. If I find out that you escaped without permission and betrayed Master, I will send someone to arrest you." If you are caught, Lingchi will execute you."

  Xuan Zang: “…”

“Let’s go, let’s go.” Then, before Xuanzang could say anything, King Bhikkhu led the group of old monks out.

"Congratulations, Master Xuanzang." Master Jiugong said sincerely before leaving.

Xuanzang could only smile bitterly.

 “Xiaoshan, right?”

Watching the group of people arrive and leave in a hurry, Qin Yao had an inexplicable smile on his face and asked the girl who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Yes~" Xiaoshan said softly: "What are your orders, Master?"

 “Can you cook?” Qin Yao asked.


"Then you go to the market to buy some vegetables and come back to make breakfast. By the way, let's see if there are any white radish, I want to drink radish soup." Qin Yao said with a smile.

 Xiao Shan: “…”

 She is not here to be a cook.

Thinking of this, Xiaoshan immediately turned to look at Xuanzang, hoping that he could say something for him.

 In the end, Xuanzang said that he had said it, but what he said was to leave early and come back early.

Shao Qing, when Xiao Shan stood up and turned around to leave, Xuanzang looked at Qin Yao pasting a few talismans on the door wall and asked, "Did you deliberately send Xiao Shan away?"

“Yes.” Qin Yao nodded and looked sideways at the monkey who seemed to be distracted: “Did Mr. Sun see anything?”

“That little good guy is probably not a human being.” Sun Wukong said.

  Xuan Zang: “…”

  Why are there so many monsters and monsters?

"I said before that as long as we don't have civil strife, no matter how many conspiracies they have, they won't even think about harming us. I guess Master Jiugong also thought of this, so he and the king sent Xiao Shan away early in the morning. Come here." Qin Yao said in a solemn voice.

Xuanzang couldn't help but ask: "Brother Kong Kong, I either doubt you, or I just want to ask, do you have any evidence?"

Qin Yao pointed at Sun Wukong and said, "His eyes are rulers."

  Xuan Zang: “…”

Sun Wukong: “…”

 “Well, I’ll give in and solve this problem.” Zhu Bajie suddenly said.

"How are you going to feel aggrieved?" Qin Yao looked curious.

Zhu Bajie said sternly: "You all deliberately alienated her, ignored her, even ridiculed her, ridiculed her, and bullied her.

As for me, I am responsible for getting close to her, protecting her, and treating her well. In this way, she will definitely feel good about me and then fall in love with me.

 At that time, as long as I tell my true feelings, she will definitely turn from the dark side to the bright side and take the initiative to explain everything.

If the conspiracy theory mentioned by Mr. Kong is true, then the other party has a plan to alienate each other, and ours is a plan to use the plan and counterattack. "

 Everyone: “…”

The calculations were all blown off their faces.

 Pig’s face is indeed thick-skinned.

"Let me take the initiative to bully others. Even if she is a demon, I can't do it." There was silence in the courtyard for a long time. In the awkward atmosphere, Xuanzang took the lead and said.

 “I can’t do it either, it’s embarrassing.” Sun Wukong then said.

 Zhu Bajie: “…”

 You are not a human being, why should you be embarrassed?

Xuanzang thought for a while and said, "How about testing her?"

"How to test?" Zhu Bajie asked reluctantly.

Xuanzang: "Didn't she say she wanted to be free? After leaving this city, we will let her go free."

"They have been on guard against this trick for a long time, so before leaving, King Bhikkhu said that if Xiaoshan leaves you, he will be captured and chopped into pieces," Zhu Bajie said.

 He still thinks his idea is a good one.

“Then go farther and go beyond the reach of monks.” Xuanzang clenched his hands with determination on his face.

“I think we can give it a try.” Qin Yao took the lead in voting.

"I agree."

 “I agree too.”

Sun Wukong and Sha Wujing spoke immediately.

Zhu Bajie sighed and said to himself: What a good counter-intentional plan, but it’s a pity that he encountered a group of short-sighted pig teammates!

 (End of this chapter)

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