I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1041: What the **** is this parasitism? !

  【Because the level of Neptune's world is extremely high, carrying the system requires more energy consumption. 】The system responded immediately.

Qin Yao took a breath silently and said: "Carry the system!"

 The higher the world level, the more powerful people there are, and the more dangerous the situation is for him.

 There are many dangers that are uncontrollable, or even completely inexplicable. Qin Yao does not dare to gamble with his own life and that of his master that they can turn danger into disaster every time.

 Therefore, it is necessary to buy an insurance for both of them...

 【The transaction is in progress, 480 filial piety points will be deducted from this transaction, and your balance of filial piety points is: 14882 points. 】

  【Transmission under construction...】

  【Warm reminder: This reincarnation will come in the form of parasitism (possession). The parasite will not be able to leave the host body before the plot ends. 】

  【The transmission is set up successfully, the transmission starts...】

DC World.

 Late night.

 Hong Kong, Maine.

As the waves pounded the coastline endlessly, two bright white lights suddenly fell from the sky, carrying a heart-stopping majesty and heading straight towards a lighthouse on the coast.

 Inside the lighthouse, on the bed.

The woman with blond hair, snow-white skin, slim figure, and deep eyes suddenly opened her eyes, and her blue eyes turned into red gold in an instant.

She sensed the two rushing auras, but had no time to react. She watched as two white lights passed through the top of the tower and landed on herself and her husband beside her.

The woman fainted instantly, and her husband, who was lying next to her, fell into a deeper coma in his sleep.

Not long after, a middle-aged man wearing black close-fitting armor, holding a golden spear eight feet long, with eagle eyes and an eagle nose, broke open the lighthouse door with his kick, glanced at the two people on the bed, waved his sleeves and rushed The woman shot out a ball of energy.

When the energy came to the woman's side, a golden light suddenly emerged from the woman's body, blocking the energy. At the same time, her own energy fluctuations also awakened her sleeping soul.


The woman slowly opened her eyes and first checked her own condition. After finding nothing unusual, she saw the man who appeared in their home.

 “Meet Her Highness Atlanna.” The eagle-eyed man knelt on one knee and offered his loyalty.

 “Get up quickly, why are you here?”

Atlanna got out of bed in her pajamas and helped the other person up herself.

"I was just on the coast and saw two bright white lights falling from the sky, so I followed the white lights to come here. I didn't expect to see you here." Vico said.

Atlanna's expression changed: "No! It's too close to Nanami. Someone else must have discovered those two white lights. If they discover them..."

"Yes, fortunately I am nearby, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Your Highness, please leave with me quickly. I will take you to a safe place." Vico said.

Atlanna turned her head and looked at her husband, hesitant.

Vico glanced at her and said seriously: "Believe me, if you stay here, you will harm him."

Atlanna put her hand on her lower abdomen and breathed out softly: "I'll find a place to hide first. You stay here to protect my husband secretly and prevent anyone from harming him."

It was only then that Vico discovered that His Highness's lower abdomen had swelled, and said in shock: "You..."

"The situation is urgent. I will explain it to you later." Atlanna waved her hand, and it turned into a golden light and shot straight from the lighthouse into the sea.

Vico understood everything in an instant, and his eyes towards the figure on the bed were complicated. It’s really hard to evaluate how many Atlantis people dreamed of princesses, but they married such a plain-looking ordinary man.

 “Lord Vico.”

 A moment later, two Atlanteans wearing armor appeared outside the lighthouse and saluted quickly after seeing his figure.

Vico nodded and asked, "Is something wrong?"

“We saw two white lights coming. Did you find anything here?” one person asked.

Vico: "No, I also followed the two white lights. Preliminary estimation, they should be two superpowers..."

Soon after, he ostensibly left here, but in fact he secretly guarded the lighthouse.

To his relief, although there were many people from Atlantis who came to check on the situation, there were no **** who attacked the princess's husband. After one night, things gradually calmed down.

“Vico.” In the early morning, Atlanna appeared in front of the lighthouse along with the sunshine and called softly.

Vico walked out of the lighthouse and bowed: "Your Highness."

 “What’s going on at home now?” Atlanna asked.

Vico's face paused and he whispered: "After you escaped from the marriage, Ovacs succeeded the king as your fiancé, and now he is looking for you all over the world. Your Highness, you can't hide, Just go back and fight.”

Atlanna was silent for a long time and whispered: "Wait until I give birth to the child first. My current state is not suitable for returning to the kingdom."

Vico nodded silently and said: "You are right, but I do not recommend that you step into this lighthouse again. Before the struggle is won, the further you stay away from him, the safer he will be."

Atlanna took a deep look at the lighthouse, turned around and said, "Let's go."

However, what she didn’t know was that at the same time, inside the lighthouse, a round-faced man with a big nose quietly watched them leave, muttering to himself: “Possessed???”

  Three months later.

Qin Yao slowly opened his eyes in an undersea palace, and saw a blond-haired, blue-eyed woman hugging him, with a face full of love and reluctance...

He thought about parasitizing anyone, including the heroine Mera, and transforming into a substitute.

 But he never thought that this parasitism started in the mother's womb!

 What the **** is this kind of parasitism called?

 It is clearly viviparous!

“Your Highness, give him to me.” Vico stood in front of the woman and said softly.

 “He is still so young...” Atlanna hesitated.

Vico said solemnly: "He is safe only if he follows his father. The bottom of the sea is too dangerous for him."

Atlanna sighed and handed over the infant child in her arms: "Go."

 Political struggle is cruel, and she does not want her son to be involved in it.

Vico took the child and quickly turned around and left.

 Behind him, Atlanna's eyes gradually turned red...

 Four hours later, late at night,

Vico took the infant Qin Yao to the lighthouse on the coastline, placed him gently at the door of the lighthouse, and then walked away, using energy to turn into air bombs, and banged on the lighthouse door.

 Inside the lighthouse.

The man sitting cross-legged with the sword box in his arms suddenly opened his eyes, holding the sword box in his hand, and strode to the door. When he opened the door, he saw a pair of clear eyes without any impurities...

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