I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1047: The number one enemy: Black Manta

 Atlanna: “???”

 Qin Yao held the Five Elements Luo Geng in his left hand, and pressed the five fingers of his right hand on the brass-colored shrapnel. The divine power in the cave was operating, and the space-time domain based on the power of the Five Elements quickly opened up, occupying the entire hall.

The next moment, Atlanna suddenly found that she couldn't move. She couldn't even move her eyes, let alone her mouth. The only thing she had control over her whole body was her thoughts.

A huge fear suddenly came to my mind, as if I had become a lamb to be slaughtered, and my life and death were in the hands of others.

 Perhaps, the word "as if" can also be removed.

Not long after, Qin Yao slowly raised his right hand, and the Five Elements Domain instantly returned to Luo Geng, as if nothing had happened.

 But how could the Queen, who personally felt the fear, remain indifferent to it?

 “What kind of artifact is this?”

 “Five Elements Luo Geng.” Qin Yao responded.

 “Where did it come from?”

"A year ago, I saved an alchemist and he gave it to me." Qin Yao lied.

This kind of thing is completely impossible to prove, so he can tell the reasons without worrying about one day being exposed.

"I'm starting to believe what Vico said now." Atlanna said with a complex expression: "You are the Chosen One, the person closest to Neptune."

Qin Yao acquiesced to this statement and conveniently put the Five Elements Luogeng into the space bag. This behavior once again attracted the Queen's attention.

"One thing can often be judged by who is more beneficial to it." After silently putting away the space bag, Qin Yao said in a condensed voice: "So I dare to conclude that the news about the golden trident is the result of the king's release. The purpose of coming out is to lure me out of the Crystal Palace and cause harm outside the kingdom.”

Comparing to Wu Xing Luo Geng just now, the Queen was not so shocked by Qin Yao's political wisdom, and said: "I think so too, so I decided to send my most loyal and powerful guards to **** you."

Qin Yao shook his head: "It doesn't have to be like this, just send ordinary guards."

The queen was stunned for a moment and said: "If Ovax wants to do harm to you, ordinary guards will not be able to protect you."

"It doesn't matter, because I didn't want to go to Guizheyan Mountain." Qin Yao said: "Knowing that it is a trap, you still plunge into it, what a stupid behavior it is!"

Before he finished speaking, his body suddenly split into two, and the two bodies spoke at the same time: "So, I plan to let the clone go and fulfill the king's dream of killing me. Let him be happy for a few days, so that he can welcome the next one. Down suffering.”

 Looking at the two identical young men in front of her, the queen woke up, but was speechless.

 Are the skills of this clone also brought by blood?

 But if not, who taught such a monster?

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by making the king happy for a few days so that he can face the coming suffering?" After a long time, Atlanna asked with a dull expression.

The two teenagers said in unison again: "The king still has the energy to plot against me, which shows that the recommendation system has not caused him enough trouble. In this case, let's increase the intensity for him."

“Wait a minute.” The queen heard what he said: “Is the recommendation system also your work?”

"Otherwise?" Qin Yao spread his hands: "As your most loyal minister, Teacher Wei Ke cannot think of such a method, and will not even have related thoughts, otherwise his loyalty will be questioned. ”

Hearing this, Atlanna became numb and said, "What other ideas do you have?"

Qin Yao smiled and said: "I think the Kingdom of Atlantis should pay more attention to the rights of citizens, instead of treating citizens as sheep, and officials holding whips as the owners of the sheep.

 Since the recommendation system is not approved by the king, you can propose a voting system.

 Replacement of officials by popular vote, and referendum on whether an official can remain in his original position. "

 Atlanna: “…”

This child came with a mission to destroy the kingdom, right?

 A recommendation system laid a thunderbolt for the kingdom. The king only suppressed the thunder for the time being, but in the end he turned around and proposed a voting system.

You can imagine how the king would be furious if he heard about this system.

 You can also imagine how the great nobles and plutocrats in the country would be overjoyed when they heard about this system.

She can see that this kid is desperate to be in power. With this combination of punches, whoever is in power will be unlucky.

 “Arthur, I’m a little scared.”

Queen Atlanna said: "If the recommendation system is just a scary-looking beast, then this voting system is a beast that eats people. It eats the power and the royal power. The former is relatively controllable, but the latter is completely It’s out of control.”

Qin Yao said calmly: "The king does not even approve the recommendation system, let alone the voting system. It will only bring him endless troubles and make him fall into a whirlpool, but it will not be enough to knock him down.

 The royal power is not so fragile. As long as he resists long enough until I obtain the Golden Trident, then under the threat of the Golden Trident, all problems will no longer be a problem. "

 He had already planned to become Huang Chao, otherwise he would not have uttered that murderous poem.

 What do you mean I want to kill all the flowers after they bloom?

 Get rid of all the discordant sounds, and then the world will be harmonious.

  In the original work.

After Neptune obtained the Golden Trident with his blood and superpowers, he rode on the deep-sea monster Karason, and used the Golden Trident and his own superpowers to command various ocean giants, undersea creatures, and even the water ghosts of the Trench Clan, and forcefully conquered the entire ocean. The legions of the Kingdom of Atlantis were defeated...

 Political power comes from the barrel of a gun. This is an unbreakable truth.

 If all the discordant voices are really eliminated, then he will be upgraded from "Huang Chao" to "Li Shimin".

 Hai Zhongtian Khan, do you want to know?

 Looking at her eldest son who had no expression on his face, the queen fell silent again.

  Just... speechless.

 More than ten days later.

A figure covered in silver-white mechanical armor strode into the Golden Palace and knelt down in front of the throne: "Meet His Majesty the King."

 “Oli, what’s the result?” Ovacs said bluntly without saying a polite word.

Oli lowered his eyes and said: "The plan was a complete success."

 “Really?” Ovax stood up suddenly and asked seriously.

"I guarantee it with my life." Oli said solemnly: "I personally watched the other party explode like fireworks, leaving no bones."

 “No bones left?” Orvax frowned.

"Yes." Ollie said: "The target is not as fragile as we imagined. He has certain combat capabilities, but he is not as powerful as our army. The final result is that he blew himself up and no bones were left."

Ovax's brows gradually widened and he smiled: "This is the best news I have heard in recent days."

However, the noble King Ovax had not been happy for a few days when a bolt from the blue hit him on the forehead.

 Atlanna, this madman, actually proposed the voting system! !

 Is she going to completely abandon her class?

If the late king had not died, he would probably have to fight her desperately if he still had a breath left, right?

 Must we abolish the royal power and lead the Atlanteans to the republican era? When he was forced into the palace by the great nobles in the council hall, for a moment, Ovacs wanted to break the pot.

The Queen wants to give up her royal power? What is this!

 Stop it, stop it, and let’s see how the other party cleans up the mess.

 But when he thought about the consequences, he forcibly resisted the thought of ruining it.

 In order to consolidate the throne, he launched waves of purge campaigns against the kingdom and had countless enemies.

Once he loses his authority, those fish that slipped through the net will definitely unite and vow to eat him alive.

Forced to have no choice, he could only gradually increase the intensity of his iron-fisted rule during the suppression of the recommendation system, implement iron-blooded rule over the domestic nobles and military officers, as well as high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and suppress all opposition voices with power and blood.

  However, this voice was suppressed, but rebellions emerged in various places.

The wars everywhere made Orvax anxious, and his hatred for Atlanna soared.

If this crazy woman hadn't betrayed the royal family, things would never have reached this point.

There are also those great nobles who only have personal and even family interests at heart and completely ignore the national political system. They all deserve to die!

The rebellion began and lasted for ten years with no sign of ending.

Ovax knew that the root of the rebellion was not in the various places where the rebellion occurred, but in the royal palace, to be precise, in the Crystal Palace.

As soon as Atlanna dies, the nobles, sergeants, and plutocrats will stop seeing no hope.

 But the problem is that before the **** came, he did not have the authority to deal with the other party, and after the **** showed up, he completely lost the possibility of dealing with the other party.

The only thing that comforted him was that the **** was dead. When Orm came to power, he would be able to gradually disintegrate Atlanna's power.

Thinking of this, Orvax immediately asked people to spread the news of Arthur's death in the kingdom, preparing to pave the way for Orm to ascend to power...

 Arthur has been away for ten years.

 In the past ten years, no one has ever heard of anyone finding a golden trident in Guizheyan Mountain. Most of the treasure hunters have gone home, but his team has not returned.

 Therefore, there are many people who believe that Arthur has been killed.

The queen has two children in total. If the eldest son dies, then there is no suspense for the throne.

However, when Orvax ordered people to promote the virtues of Prince Orm in the kingdom, Arthur came back with only a few people...

After hearing that Arthur had entered the Crystal Palace through the city gate, Orvax's first thought was that Arthur was fake.

Atlanna, that crazy woman, has done whatever it takes to prevent Orm from ascending to power.

For this reason, he even arranged for officials to test Arthur's bloodline. As a result, the officials told him that the bloodline of the first generation king in the other party was real.

Ovax never believed that there was such a coincidence in the world. All he could think of was that Arthur had faked his own death ten years ago and thus gained the opportunity to become an adult.

But I have been living in dire straits for the past ten years, and I am miserable.

 He was furious.

This anger even overwhelmed his reason, causing him to fall into a state of dementia.

 Fortunately, Orm did not give him a chance to behave mentally, and after a long conversation, he completely figured out his father.

 Invisibly, the confrontation between the king and the queen gradually turned into the confrontation between His Highness Arthur and His Highness Orm.

 The two began to organize their own forces, and Atlantis became turbulent and undercurrents surged.

 This day.


Qin Yao and Uncle Jiu sat cross-legged on the lighthouse together, facing the sunset, constantly absorbing the essence of the sun.

During the ten years when Ovacs was in power, Qin Yao, who was in a state of growth, lived very comfortably.

The king was busy dealing with the aristocratic groups and plutocratic groups in the kingdom and had no energy to trouble him anymore. He could often travel between land and sea. He even taught the Sun-Chasing Technique to Uncle Jiu and practiced the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra with him.

  This top-level scripture is used in the world of conquering demons. Its main function is to summon the Tathagata. In the world of Neptune, it is more like a cultivation accelerator for their masters and disciples.

 As long as there is a sun, they can continuously obtain the power of the sun. Their aura is as abundant as elixir. So far, they have never seen an upper limit.

Qin Yao felt that the upper limit of this level of Immortal Scripture must be extremely high. At least before the Da Luo realm, you don’t need to worry about useless practice. Even when you reach the Da Luo realm, you can continue to practice...

 “Your Highness.”

When the sun completely set, a soldier wearing red armor and carrying a long-handled laser gun sprinted out of the sea and stopped suddenly under the lighthouse.

“What’s wrong?” Qin Yao asked in a deep voice.

“We found information about Black Manta.” The red-armored soldier raised his eyes and said.

Qin Yao's eyes flashed slightly, and he turned to Uncle Jiu and said, "Master, I'm going to do some work first..."

Just as he knew that the Golden Trident was not in Guizhayan Mountain, he simply did not take the risk there. And he knows where the trident is, and has never thought about retracing the path taken by the protagonist in the original work. He knows that Black Manta is Arthur's number one enemy, and he does not allow himself to take it like Arthur in the original work. Let him go and give him a chance to fight back.

 Struggling the number one enemy in the process of growth is what a time traveler should think about.

In the world of Eastern mythology, this is not easy to do due to the theory of cause and effect. For example, he was unable to kill Zhu Gang Hyena in the chapter on Conquering Demons.

The wonderful thing is that there is no strong person in the world of Neptune who can handle the weapons of causality. It is completely possible to kill the Black Manta in the Novice Village.

 “Be careful.” Uncle Jiu reminded.

Qin Yao smiled, held the railing outside the lighthouse with one hand, and jumped directly from the lighthouse...

  In the deep sea.

 Inside a submarine with Russian inscriptions on it.

Two men in black jackets and hundreds of hotshots moved quickly in the corridor illuminated by tube lights, killing everyone on sight. They quickly took control of the situation, successfully hijacked the submarine pilot in the cab, and hijacked the submarine pilot. This valuable strategic weapon.

“Father, have I passed the test?”

 Watching the submarine start to move forward according to the route given by him, a man wearing a black jacket took off his mask, revealing a black face.

  The man standing next to him also took off his mask, revealing a slightly old black face: "My child, you are very good. It's time to pass on the sword that your grandfather passed on to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the nuclear submarine's instrument panel suddenly flashed with bursts of red light, and the pilot shouted in astonishment: "Oh my God!"

The father and son turned their heads to look together, and saw a strong figure holding the bottom of the submarine with both hands under the submarine captured by the camera, and he was using his body strength to continuously lift the submarine upwards...

This scene is shocking! (End of chapter)

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