I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1054: The beginning of the War of Gods: Qin Yao’s plan!

Chapter 1054 The beginning of the divine war: Qin Yao’s plan!

 Gods of War World.

Ancient Egypt.

Before the first year of the century, that is, before the birth of Jesus, the ancient Nile Valley gave birth to the Nile Civilization with the help of the gods. Countless palaces and buildings and towering pyramids filled the banks of the Nile, with humans, monsters, elves, and even gods. Mixed together.

Now the person who controls the authority of the Kingdom of Egypt is Osiris, the **** of life, but he is getting old and increasingly unable to handle government affairs, so he announced to the world that he would pass his throne to his only son, the **** Horus...

On the eve of the throne transfer ceremony, a bright white light pillar fell from the sky and fell directly into the vast Nile River, attracting countless attention and speculation.

 Some astrologers are even more uneasy, always feeling that this is a symbol of disaster, but no one dares to speak at this time, lest they bring themselves to jail.

Under the sky.


A figure in a robe walked from the river. When his feet landed on the ground, there was strangely no trace of water.

Even his body was dry, and the breeze ruffled his long hair, making it somewhat flowing.

Not long after, the man came to the palace of ancient Egypt. He sensed the terrifying atmosphere in the palace, then turned around and walked to the street, blocking him in front of a homeless man carrying a wine bottle.

 “Get away!” the wanderer yelled in ancient Egyptian language.

The man seemed not to understand what he said, but instead walked straight towards him under his scolding, and then put his palm like a leaf fan on the wanderer's head.

The wanderer's vision suddenly went dark and he fainted completely. But that man was like Apocalypse in the X-Men, quickly acquiring the current language system and understanding of this society through the other person's soul.


Thanks him politely, the man left the homeless man on the street, turned around and came to a large hotel, and registered his name - Qin Yao!

The innkeeper could tell at a glance that the man was not from his own country. If the man's language was not very pure and he was generous, he would never allow the man to stay in his hotel.

 Qin Yao didn't care what the other party thought. After arriving in his room, he sat cross-legged on the bed, using the resources obtained from the Neptune World to practice while silently waiting for tomorrow's coronation ceremony.

 Time passes slowly.

 Late night.

He suddenly heard bursts of chaotic footsteps, followed them, and looked through the floor and walls, only to see a group of tall men carrying baggage checking in at the front desk of the hotel.

As his eyes moved, he quickly saw clearly what was inside the bag.

The set of standard armor and scimitar proved the identity of these people as soldiers.

Thieves, bandits, pirates and other forces, even if they capture it, it is difficult to seize so many intact armors.

 After all, how can a soldier take off his armor to his opponent without a fight?

 In this era, for ordinary soldiers, armor is more valuable than life!

"Desert Legion..." Based on the plot of the original work, Qin Yao immediately guessed their identities.

In the original work, Seth, the **** of the desert, gave the horn as a gift to the **** Horus. As soon as Horus blew the horn, the desert legions surrounded the entire ceremony site.

The Egyptian city defense would definitely not let the desert soldiers in, so these soldiers should have been broken into pieces and, as civilians, took advantage of the lax defenses on the eve of the new king's coronation ceremony to sneak into the royal city.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Yao's body suddenly transformed into a spirit state like a ghost. He walked through the wall and door and appeared in a room. He possessed the soldier who had just put down the package and read the memory in his soul.

Facts have proved that his guess was correct. These soldiers were the Desert Legion, sneaking in just for tomorrow's rebellion.

 “Come on, Seth.”

 After reading all the memories of this soldier, Qin Yao settled down in this body with peace of mind.

He believes that compared to traveling as a spirit, it is much safer to wear a layer of human skin like a fox demon.

 He saw with his own eyes that the strength of the **** Horus in the palace was unfathomable.

  Although he used some trickery, Seth, who defeated Horus by himself, must not be underestimated.

Hence, his previous idea was correct. Possessing Seth was simply impossible based on his current strength.

 In the words of Master Yuanyin in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword": My combat power is only 6,000, while his is at least 10,000.

 As for Horus...it should be 8,000 at least.

The world randomly selected by the system has no flaws at all and is challenging, but the gap will not make challengers feel despair.

 The next day, just before dawn, someone knocked on the door of Qin Yao's room from outside.

"Groot, put on your armor and pick up your scimitar. We are going to work." Just when he got off the bed, a voice of fifty people suddenly sounded outside the door.

Qin Yao paused slightly, then untied the package placed on the table.

  Half an hour later.

Qin Yao mingled among the soldiers and walked along the street towards the succession ceremony.

Along the way, there were more and more desert soldiers around him, and the team stretched very long on the street.

When they were about to arrive at the ceremony, a loud horn suddenly sounded from the front. The fifty men running in front of them suddenly drew their scimitars and shouted: "Go at full speed!"

Haunted by the scimitar, the flow of people blocking the front of the army quickly dispersed, and the desert army immediately surrounded the entire ceremony stage. Some soldiers were pointing guns at a group of civilians, while Qin Yao and groups of soldiers were guarding a group of tall people.

  To be precise, they are a group of gods.

 “Set, what are you doing?” asked the tall old man wearing a crown on the ceremonial stage.

In front of him, a **** with short black hair, a full beard, a high nose, and deep eye sockets was wearing golden armor and a black cloak, and delivered a divine spear to his brother: "Do you still recognize what this is? "

"Father gave it to you." The king took the spear.

"That's right." Seth sneered: "For countless nights, I have been thinking in the desert, how come you can have a prosperous Nile civilization, but I can only eat sand outside the Great Wall."

After saying this, he raised his palm and said, "Let's duel."

"Father." Beside the king, the handsome prince with long hair on his back spoke quickly.

"Don't interfere, my son." The king stopped him, and then said to Seth: "I will not fight you, you are my brother."

Seth came to him step by step and asked: "Brother?"

 “Yes, I love you, my brother.” The king said sincerely, trying to repair the conflict between the two in this way.

However, Seth, who had suffered from thousands of years of wind and sand, had already turned his heart into a heart of stone. He quickly pulled out the short blade from his waist and stabbed it into the king's body.

The magic attached to the short blade quickly devoured the king's life force, causing him to collapse to the ground uncontrollably.


Horus quickly knelt down beside the king and stretched out his hands to cover the other's wounds, but could not stop the flow of his life. The gods and even the crowd were in an uproar. The queen hurriedly came over and supported the old king together with Horus.

"The next step is up to you." The old king turned over and held Horus's arm and said seriously: "Your road to kingship will start from here."

After saying this, he became silent.


Horus stood up suddenly, looked up to the sky and roared, stretched out his arms and transformed into the form of a golden-armored birdman with wings on his back, and quickly rushed towards his uncle.

Set then transformed into the form of a dog-headed demon and fought fiercely with the opponent. Stone pillars were broken by the two men, and the huge palace collapsed. The gods and people who were watching the ceremony were frightened and screamed to avoid it.

  After a while.

The two monsters were fighting hard to separate each other. A group of soldiers suddenly took out golden mirrors and pointed them at the golden-armored birdman.

The dazzling golden light obscured his vision and interfered with the eye of power he relied on to fight. As a result, the golden-armored birdman was knocked down by the dog-headed demon with a stick and rolled back to his human form.

Among the soldiers, Qin Yao stared at Horus who smashed countless desks and reaffirmed his strategy.

To him, Horus is more like a legendary mecha in ancient martial arts novels. Only by driving this mecha can he be qualified to fight Set's doppelgänger in the dog-headed form.

 It’s just…

If you want to bring out the maximum power of this set of mecha, it is best to get the Eye of Power dug out by Set in advance and put into the treasure house. Then take advantage of Horus's weakest moment to possess him and equip him with the Eye of Power.

If everything goes according to the original work, and you wait in a dark prison for the little thief to save you, that would be too lame. You can just feed the dog with your god-level combat power.


At this time, a tragic cry of pain quickly brought Qin Yao back to reality, and he saw Seth kneeling on Horus, clasping his hands into the opponent's eye sockets, and forcibly digging out the source of the opponent's power - the Eye of Power.

 Subsequently, he raised his staff and wanted to give the other party a happy...

 As the protagonist, how could Horus die here?

His lover, the **** of love, suddenly knelt before Seth and lowered his beautiful face.

Seth knew what the other party meant. Perhaps he was confident of winning, or perhaps he was complacent. He made a mistake that most villains make: he did not eradicate his enemies, but just asked the soldiers to send the father and son to the early morning. Just the restored tomb of the king.

“Who else is dissatisfied? You can stand up now.” After watching the soldiers leave with the body of the old king and his nephew, Set raised his Eye of Power high and asked the gods.

The gods looked at each other, and then they all knelt down in unison to show their submission.

"God of Love, if you want King Horus to return and defeat Set, then persuade Seth to put both Eyes of Power into the treasure house and seal them up." Looking at the satisfied Seth, he walked towards the God of Love and put him Holding him in his arms, Qin Yao suddenly sent a message secretly.

 In the original work, Seth was only equipped with one eye of power and hid the other eye in the treasure house.

Qin Yao didn't dare to bet that he could still do this because of his own existence. If the opponent carried another divine eye with him, then the mecha named Horus would be completely useless.

  After all, from the perspective of the butterfly effect, when he appears in this world, the fate of each protagonist will change...

In Seth's arms, the God of Love trembled all over and subconsciously turned his head to look at the gods.

"What are you looking for?" Seth suddenly looked down at the other party and asked quietly.

 The God of Love quickly shook his head: "I'm not looking for anything, my dear king."

 “You are very witty.” Seth laughed, suddenly lifted it up and kissed the other person’s lips.

 A coup gave him everything he wanted.

The highest authority in the world and the most beautiful woman in the world are all in his control at this moment. This is the source of his complacency.


Seth and the God of Love fought in the palace for three days and three nights. After venting his anger, he hugged the most beautiful goddess among the gods and said, "Am I stronger, or is Horus?"

The God of Love cursed the pervert in his heart, but could only say with a smile: "Of course you are awesome."

Seth reached out and touched her small face, which can be called a work of art, and said: "I am very satisfied with your efforts these days. After all, what reward do you want?"

The God of Love pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Can I have anything I want?"

Seth chuckled: "Of course it's something I can give...even if it's the queen's throne."

 Ai Shen said: "I want those eyes of power."

Seth's expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously suppressed his smile: "What's the reason?"

The God of Love lowered his eyes and said, "Who doesn't desire stronger divine power?"

"If you want anything else, I can give it to you, but not the Eye of Power." Seth said decisively.

The God of Love tempted him: "Do you want to refine these divine eyes yourself?"

Seth shook his head: "The success of Horus is also the divine eye, and the defeat is also the divine eye. If I hadn't found the shortcomings of the divine eye, how could I have defeated him so easily? Therefore, I can only equip one of these divine eyes at most. , just use it to detect the enemy’s weaknesses. As for the other one..."

Ai Shen said: "I suggest you put the other divine eye in the treasure house. If you carry it with you, it will be easily stolen by the **** of thieves."

Seth murmured: "That's fine."

Not long after, he came to the treasure house in person with several guards and placed an eye of power in the deepest part of the treasure house.

Later, on the way through here, he personally arranged three layers of mechanisms to prevent the thieves from stealing.

After doing all this, he returned to the palace without stopping and began to modify the laws of the human and divine realms. The first modification was to require all mortals to present gifts to the God of Death after death in order to exchange for the opportunity to be reincarnated.

If the gift is not heavy enough, it can only wander in hell; if the gift is too light, it will be dealt with by death.

This is a naked attempt to win over the God of Death, but the God of Death is really attracted by him because of this.

Neither the Sun God, nor the God of Life, nor even the God of the Sky, who was about to ascend the throne but failed miserably, could not give him such authority...

at the same time.

 A soul spread from soldier to soldier like a virus, and finally reached a soldier guarding the treasure house.

There is no doubt that this soul is naturally Qin Yao.

 After Seth left the palace, he received Seth's decision from the God of Love. For fear that Seth would discover his traces, he used a human body as a house outside the palace to hide his whereabouts.

 The effect seems to be pretty good so far, at least Seth didn't suddenly appear in front of him.

The next thing to do is to find a way to swap the Eye of Power in the treasure house, and then make a deal with the defeated Sky God Horus...

 (End of this chapter)

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