I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1057: Kill the gods, anyone who stands in my way will die!

Chapter 1057 Kill God, anyone who stands in my way will die!

Nephthys thought for a while and said, "Perhaps, he will talk to me."

Qin Yao's voice was cold: "We must talk. But this talk must be after he breaks through this city-state and turns you into a prisoner.

At that time, if you do not know the current situation and do not kneel down and beg for mercy, then he may tear off your wings containing divine power and equip them on himself. "

 Nephthys imagined that scene, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and his skin was covered with goosebumps.

 “No, Seth wouldn’t do that!”

"What's the reason?" Qin Yao said seriously: "Do you think he still loves you?"

 Nephthys didn’t know how to refute, but still stubbornly said: “I don’t believe Seth can be so cold-blooded.”

They have been married for thousands of years, so how can they not miss their old love?

“He is far more cold-blooded than you think, we can wait and see.” Qin Yao said.

Nephthys was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Qin Yao looked at the sun that was about to set: "It's almost time. If nothing else happens, Seth's desert army will soon arrive in front of this city..."

Nephthys: "I mean, you're waiting here because of your own speculation?"

Qin Yao sat cross-legged opposite her: "That's what I mean."

Nephthys frowned slightly: "Perhaps, you can wait outside? With our status, it may not be appropriate for us to live together day and night."

“Going outside will increase the risk of exposure, which will cause you some trouble.” Qin Yao shook his head.

Nephthys was speechless.

 Luckily, she was not speechless for long.

 Unfortunately, this speechlessness was broken by a piece of military information.

The eagle-eyed spirit beast on the city wall discovered the traces of the desert army. It was so majestic that it covered the sky and the sun. It was coming towards the guardian city at an extremely fast speed.

“Auntie, come with me. If you don’t leave, it will be too late.”

 After listening to the waiter's report, Qin Yao stood up from the spotless floor.

Until this moment, Nephthys still held on to extravagant hopes: "He may be bringing his army back to the desert, but that's not necessarily the case. The guardian city is on the edge of the desert, and he is destined to pass by here."

Qin Yao was silent for a moment and said: "There is not much time left for us to escape. If you are still so stubborn after he starts to attack the city, then I can only abandon you and escape alone."

Nephthys is silent.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the Desert Legion arrived in front of the Guardian City. The bull-headed general carrying a giant ax came to Seth's speeding car, bowed and asked: "Your Majesty, before the war begins, are you still talking to the goddess?"

Seth was sitting on a golden chariot pulled by flying monsters, holding a golden sword: "It will be better to discuss after the city is broken. Order the siege!"

The Minotaur nodded slightly, drew out the giant ax behind him, raised it high, and roared sternly: "Siege the city!!"

“The desert army has begun to attack the city. After the city is broken, Seth will not let you go.”

In the attic, golden light suddenly shone under Qin Yao's feet. He stood in the center of the golden light and stretched out his palm towards Nephthys: "This is your last chance, Your Majesty the Goddess."

Hearing the sound of fighting at the city gate, Nephthys' eyes dimmed, and she reached out to hold her nephew's hand, and walked into the flames at his feet.

As the wife of Seth and the queen of the Desert Legion, she is well aware of the terror of this legion.

The city of protection will definitely not be defended. If she continues to be stubborn, she will only become a piece of fish on the chopping board.

Following Qin Yao's thoughts, the flames under the two men's feet suddenly blazed and engulfed their bodies.

Shortly after they disappeared, Seth's flying car arrived here first and stopped in front of the observation deck of this attic.


Set, who was wearing armor and holding a long sword, jumped out of the flying car, walked step by step to the attic with a transparent curtain, and shouted loudly: "Nephthys, Nephthys!!"

 But no matter how he called, the queen who was supposed to be here to accept his trial was still missing.

 “How could this happen?”

 After turning around in a circle, Seth murmured to himself.

 The guardian goddess abandoned the guardian city, which was beyond his understanding of his wife...his ex-wife to be precise.

“Your Majesty, all the rebels in the city have been subdued.”

Not long after, a terrifying-looking white giant snake came crushing countless low-rise buildings. The snake's head was raised high. Where Seth could see it, a white goddess with blond hair, blue eyes, and silver armor appeared. She spoke. Seth's meditation was interrupted.

Seth raised his head and glanced at her, and said: "Contact your sister immediately and ask her to go to the tomb of the God of Life to see if Horus is still in the tomb."

After his brother, the God of Life, was killed by him in a sneak attack, the only **** that he could take seriously was Horus, a nephew with the blood of Ra.

Therefore, as long as the crippled Horus is still lingering in the tomb of the gods, he does not need to care where his ex-wife has gone.

  No matter where he went or who he looked for, he could not influence his rule over Egypt.

 “Yes, Your Majesty.”

The white goddess nodded slightly, closed her eyes on the snake's head, and used the power of her soul to silently communicate with the sisters in the Egyptian capital.

Seth waited silently, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

He should not have let Horus go in order to get the God of Love in the first place. If he cuts the weeds but not the roots, there will be hidden dangers!

If Horus is still in the tomb of the gods, then after he leads his army back to the country, he will go to the tomb of the gods to clean up this scourge.

Shaoqing, the white goddess opened her eyes in shock and shouted: "Oh no, Your Majesty, Horus is missing!"

 “Horus is missing, and so is Nephthys…”

Seth's face gradually became serious and he said: "It is obvious that the power to resist me is gradually taking shape and growing."

The white goddess bowed slightly: "I am willing to tear this power to pieces for Your Majesty!"

Seth flew down to the snake's head, raised his hands to take the woman into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her passionately for a long time, and then said:

"As we all know, most of my divine power now comes from the desert fire. If the desert fire is extinguished, my vitality will be severely damaged. My good nephew will definitely not forget this, so now I doubt, He has already set off for the Desert Pyramids."

The white goddess looked at him with emotion on her face and said, "I will follow this clue to find him now."

 “Call your sister too.”

Seth mused: "If Horus and Nephthys get together, you can't defeat them together. I don't want to see anything happen to you."

 “Yes, Your Majesty.”

 The white goddess said with gratitude.

Hundreds of miles away, in the long yellow sand.

With a flash of golden light on the sand, two figures, a man and a woman, quickly materialized in front of a sand dune...

 “Where are we going next?”

With a daze on his face, Nephthys turned to look at his heroic nephew beside him.

Qin Yao reached out and pointed to the depths of the desert: "Go and extinguish Seth's source of power, the desert fire."

Nephthys asked, "Do you know where his desert fire is hidden?"

“I heard that it is inside a certain pyramid.” Qin Yao responded: “I have read the information about the desert pyramid from the chief architect. I just need to find it according to the recorded geographical location and check them one by one.”

Nephthys shook his head: "I'd better take you there. The information you read is from a long time ago. Set will not put the desert fire in these ancient buildings." Qin Yao said in surprise: "Listen You mean, you know where the Desert Fire is?"

Nephthys: "If he hasn't moved for the desert fire in the past two years, then I know where the fire is."

 “Then let’s set off quickly.” Qin Yao became energetic and said quickly.

"Can I ask first, what are you going to use to put out the desert fire? Ordinary water can't do this." Nephthys asked calmly.

Qin Yao explained: "I took some holy water of creation. Just one drop can extinguish the desert fire."

Nephthys was surprised and said, "You went to see the Sun God?"

The holy water of creation is only found in the residence of the sun **** who created this world...

Qin Yao lied without changing his expression: "The Sun God supports my revenge, so he gave me some holy water of creation. If he had not wanted to fight against the chaotic beast in the sky, he would have come down with me to find Set."

After hearing his lies, Nephthys suddenly felt more confident and said, "Follow me, and I will take you to find the Desert Fire..."

 A few days later, Qin Yao and Nephthys were walking side by side in the sea of ​​sand. The wind and sand blowing in their faces dyed their robes dark yellow. Although it is not embarrassing, it can still be called a journey.

As he walked, Qin Yao suddenly looked up and gradually stopped.

 “What’s wrong?” Nephthys asked.

Qin Yao pointed to the seemingly ordinary sea of ​​sand ahead and said, "There is murderous intent."

Nephthys's eyes flashed with bright golden light. He looked across the sea of ​​sand and saw soldiers lurking underground. He said, "It's the Desert Legion."

Qin Yao reacted immediately: "It seems that Seth has guessed it."

“It’s not hard to guess, just make sure you’re out of trouble.”

With a thought in his mind, Nephthys quickly spread out a pair of exquisite wings behind him: "Fly over, there is no point in killing these little minions."

Qin Yao agreed with her point of view very much, so he stood up from the ground and crossed the desert army's latent area from a high altitude.

 “Horus, Nephthys.”

Late in the middle of the night, the two gods were resting at a campfire when a dark cloud quickly covered them, and a loud sound like thunder sounded in the cloud.

Qin Yao followed the sound, and his eyes instantly passed through the illusion and saw the reality. Among the vultures in the sky, he saw a burly figure with a blue complexion, black lips, and purple eyes, standing in the void, looking at them coldly. .

 “The Vulture God—Beshmit.” Nephthys stood up, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Is it very powerful?" Qin Yao took out the space bag and summoned the Five Elements Luo Geng from it.

Nephthys flashed a spear in his hand and said, "It's very difficult to deal with."

“You two, please come with me to see King Set.” Beshmit said calmly as his head fell from the clouds in front of the two of them.

“Why does the eagle **** need to go through this muddy water?” Nephthys asked.

Beshmit sneered: "Just taking sides. You don't understand why I side with the desert god, and I don't understand why you side with this loser."

Nephthys said: "Set oppressed the gods and enslaved the people. This kind of rule is an evil power rule, and it is destined not to be forced."

Beshmit seemed to have heard some joke and laughed loudly: "How can God be divided into evil and justice?

When the God of Life ruled Egypt, the gods surrendered and acted according to his rules. Isn’t this power?

Horus next to you has hundreds of wives and concubines. He is debauched and immoral. Is he a good person? "

 Chin Yao: “…”

 If you want to fight, then fight quickly. Is it necessary to say such nonsense?

Thinking of this, he held Luo Geng in his left hand, pressed his right hand on the shrapnel, and slowly turned the compass.

With a bang, the Five Elements Realm unfolded and quickly invaded time and space, including the three gods and even all the vultures lingering under the starry sky.

Beshmit felt a faint panic in his heart. Before the opponent could attack, he quickly raised his right hand and swung it down hard.

The vultures that covered the sky and the moon rushed fiercely like rain, and for a while there was a thunderous wind and thunder, which was terrifying.

Qin Yao stood in the field and formed seals with his hands. Countless golden lights suddenly appeared from the void, turning into characters and condensing into chains.

Countless chains gathered together to form a large golden net, blocking the top of his head.

The vulture hit this big golden net. In an instant, it grew old, died in an instant, and drifted away in the wind.

 In three moments, it seemed like countless time had passed.

 “What the **** is this?” Beshmit’s heart was shaken and his face was full of astonishment.

“The law of time.” Qin Yao responded and pointed at him.

Chains of time and space suddenly appeared from beside him and quickly covered his body.


Beshmit shouted loudly, and the divine power in his body began to circulate, shattering all the chains wrapped around his body.

 However, the next moment more chains appeared, wrapping around his divine body again from all directions.

Beshmit continued to use his divine power to break open the chains, but he couldn't hold on to more and more chains, and eventually he was completely submerged.

  The power of the Law of Time began to operate on him, bringing out his divine power and longevity into the void.

 Born from heaven and earth, return to heaven and earth.

Beshmit's appearance aged rapidly, his tall and burly figure became dry, his face was wrinkled, and his beard and hair gradually turned gray.

Nephthys’ eyes widened, and her heart was trembling slightly.

 What method is this?


"don't want."

Beshmit was no longer furious, only endless horror filled his mind. He knelt on the ground and begged loudly for mercy: "I was wrong, Your Excellency, God of the Sky, I was wrong. Please spare my life. I am willing to let it go." Driven.”

Qin Yao remained unmoved and continued to devour the opponent's life force.

“Guardian God, please help me, please help me!” Beshmit shouted.

Nephthys hesitated for a moment, but finally persuaded him: "Horus, please spare his life. A true king rules the gods with great love, rather than coercing the gods with absolute force."

Qin Yao turned to look at her and said, "Guardian God, have you forgotten? He is here to kill us."

"No, I am not."

  Beshmit shouted: "I am only going to take you to Seth."

"What's the difference between this and killing us?" Qin Yao laughed. As he waved his hand, the law of time shone brightly, taking away the opponent's last glimmer of hope.

Beshmit's body instantly froze on the spot, and the light in his eyes quickly dimmed.


 In front of time.

 Life is also very fragile...

 (End of this chapter)

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