I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1060: Who am I, where am I, what is the meaning of my existence

"We can go to Thoth. He is the wisest **** in Egypt. He will definitely be able to answer the Sphinx's question correctly." Nephthys pondered for a long time, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

The God of Love's eyes brightened slightly: "Yes, Horus, Thoth will definitely do it."

Qin Yao shrugged: "Since you all think so, I have no objection to it."

The God of Love smiled and said: "It's okay now. When you get to Tot's place, you must not quarrel with him. You know, this guy always has an inexplicable sense of superiority and looks at everyone like a fool and an idiot. "

Qin Yao's expression paused: "I can only guarantee that he will not humiliate me, and I will not beat him."

Nephthys said: "Leave it to me and Hathor to communicate with him. Just protect us as we go to the ancient trees and swamps."

Qin Yao nodded: "Okay."

He was not joking. If the God of Wisdom really dared to take advantage of him and insist on showing his superiority over him, he would really beat him up and then force him to go on the road, beating him as he walked. Can speak well!


Set has not yet returned to the royal capital of Egypt, and does not know that the God of Love has escaped from the palace and joined his great enemy.

  I didn’t know that the Sphinx’s matter had been exposed, and I didn’t expect that the protagonist group would change their route to Shuize.

 Hence, the journey of the protagonist group was quite smooth. They did not encounter any enemies and not a single strange thing happened.

 For Qin Yao, the only trouble was that the God of Love kept courting him along the way.

 Yes, courtship, literally, even in front of Nephthys.

Even though Qin Yao has been an experienced driver for a long time, he still feels a little overwhelmed by this.

After all, it is neither easy to refuse nor to fall out, lest the God of Love would become dejected and cause trouble again.

 The overall situation is the most important thing.

Fortunately, after four days of hard work, he finally came to the water from the desert. After passing through the dark black water and green water plants, the three gods came to a huge sacred tree side by side.

It is really a sacred tree, I don’t know how high it is, and as wide as a city wall. On the side facing them, there is a wooden door in the middle of the trunk. At this time, the wooden door is closed, and there is no handle on the door that can be held.

Nephthys took the initiative to take two steps forward, knocked on the door and said, "Thoth! I am Nephthys, the guardian god. I have something very important to see you for."

 Inside the sacred tree.

 In a hall filled with books.

A dark-skinned **** wearing a gold crown and a green-gold half-sleeved armor, with a bald upper lip and a short beard on the lower lip, suddenly sat up from the recliner, and then quickly transformed into a thousand people, united After working together to clean the entire hall and tidying up the countless debris on the table, they shot a divine light in the direction of the door.

 “Come in, guardian angel.”

Qin Yao and the God of Love followed Nephthys, walked into the tree door, passed through a long corridor, and finally came to the hall where Thoth was.

Looking around, there were countless Thoths scattered throughout the palace, some of them meditating, some reading books, and only one was facing them, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Am I right? God of the Sky, God of Love...why are you here?"

 “You can believe your eyes.” Cupid said with a smile.

The God of Wisdom blinked and said, "Let me guess, you are here for help, right?"

 “Yes, Thoth, we need your help.” Nephthys said sincerely.

The God of Wisdom raised his right hand and rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger: "There are not many beings who can stump the three of them... Is it the Sphinx?"

 “So smart.” Nephthys did not hesitate to praise him.

The God of Wisdom forcibly controlled the feeling of joy in his heart, shook his head and said: "It's useless to praise me. I am a completely neutral God and will not take sides with any party."

"Thoth, Set is different from the **** of life. He does not allow neutrals to exist. For him, either kneel down and surrender, or die."

The God of Love said: "The reason why you can still maintain your status as a neutral is entirely because Seth is now spending all his energy on Horus to kill his nephew. When he frees up his hands, all neutrals will They will all be cleaned up.”

The God of Wisdom took a deep look at her and said, "Even so, why don't I lean toward him, but toward you? Seth is the most powerful now, not you. It would be too much trouble to get involved with you. It’s dangerous.”

Nephthys: “For Set regarded the gods as servants, and Horus regarded them as kinsmen.

 Set was not fair, but Horus inherited the legacy of the God of Life.

To put it more bluntly, Horus will not treat us gods like dogs, let alone tease us like dogs. "

The God of Wisdom shook his head: "No matter what you say, I will not place a bet easily. This is a joke with my life. I am more awake than any of your gods."

"Let's go." Qin Yao suddenly said: "He is just a coward and a fearful ghost, and he is not worthy of traveling with us."

"Who are you talking about?" Toth's expression changed and he glared at Qin Yao.

"saying you."

Qin Yao said: "Isn't that what you mean? There are only two words between the lines, fear of death."

  Thoth: "I'm not afraid of death! Don't think I don't know you're trying to provoke me."

Qin Yao shook his head: "You are thinking too much, I really think so. Besides, I don't think you are very smart, and I don't think we can't deal with the Sphinx without you."

Thoth's face turned red and he said angrily: "Are you here to provoke me?"

Qin Yao turned around and left without saying a word.

 “Thoth, don’t be angry, he didn’t mean it.” The God of Love explained.

 “Then what does he mean?” Thoth asked.

 Eros: “…”

“Stop.” Seeing that Qin Yao was about to walk out of the hall, Tote shouted.

 Qin Yao paused, turned around and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"You win." Thoth said: "I must prove to you and the world that the God of Wisdom is not a coward without courage, otherwise this stigma will stay with me for the rest of my life."

Qin Yao smiled: "Then let's go, respected God of Wisdom."

Nephthys and Cupid looked at each other.

 No, is it that simple? !

 Why do you feel that the God of Wisdom is so childish?

They talked for a long time, but it was not as good as Horus's provocation...

  In any case, the protagonist team has added one more person since then.

To Qin Yao's satisfaction, when Thoth joined the team, the God of Love finally restrained himself and no longer tempted him unscrupulously.

  It’s just that every gain must come with a loss. After his soul was redeemed, Er Genzi suffered inhuman torture.

 The God of Wisdom is so pretentious, showing off all the time, and that sense of superiority that seems to be integrated into his bones is reflected in every word he says.

 Qin Yao endured and endured, and finally reached reconciliation with himself.

 What the hell, I can’t bear it anymore.

 “Thoth, can I ask you a question?”

 At night, Qin Yao looked at Xiao Heizi who was showing off to Nephthys and the God of Love, and asked with a smile.

"Of course." Thoth smiled: "I know everything."

 “Really?” Qin Yao confirmed.

"Of course it's true." Thoth said: "If I don't even have an answer to a question, it means that the question itself has no answer."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "No, all questions will have answers. Not knowing the answers only shows that we have limited knowledge. If you don't agree with this point of view, can you name a question that has no answer?" Toth: “…”

 After a while, he discovered that this was a language trap aimed at him.

He is known for his erudition and wisdom. The more he knows, the harder it is to find unanswered questions.

 But if he couldn't even ask a question without an answer, wouldn't he be slapping himself in the face?

Thoth struggled for a while, decided to put down this troublesome matter, and said, "Let's talk about your problem first."

Qin Yao nodded: "Okay... My question is, what I told is a lie. Is this sentence the truth or a lie?"

"Of course...huh?" Thoth was stunned, his expression dull.

 There is a problem in itself.

 Because if this sentence is true, then according to the literal meaning, it is a lie, and truth and falsehood conflict. But if this sentence is false, then we will get a conclusion that is opposite to the literal meaning.

“Truth or lie?” Qin Yao asked, staring at Thoth.

Thoth's dark face turned pale and he said: "This question itself is a question and there is no answer."

Qin Yao chuckled: "Is this a question without an answer?"

 Thoth: “…”

Just now Horus asked him to tell an unanswered question, but he couldn't. Now the other party turned around and slapped an unanswered question on his face...

 Destroy it.

Tired heart.

 For him, this was more tiring than a real battle with a god.

 Later, after this fruitless debate, the God of Wisdom became much more honest along the way and even stopped talking...

 In such an environment where the other three gods were very comfortable except Thoth, they unknowingly came to a huge pyramid.

Looking up, he saw countless stones moving at high speed on the tower in front of him. The stones made a roaring sound when they collided, reflecting the powerful destructive power.

“Even gods can’t move at such a fast speed.” Thoth made a quick calculation and said with certainty.

Qin Yao shook his head: "Wait."

After saying this, his body disappeared from the spot.

Thoth looked at the place where he disappeared in astonishment, turned to the two gods and asked: "Where has he gone?"

 Inside the pyramid.

 Qin Yao flew to a huge machine turntable and closed the continuously rotating turntable gear. Outside the pyramid, the high-speed moving stones suddenly stopped, revealing a portal.

 “Come in,” he shouted toward the outside of the tower.

Thoth scratched his head: "No, is this level so easy?"

 “Let’s go.” Nephthys said with a strange expression in his eyes.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered the black witch's scream before his death.

The black wizard said that the Horus before them was not Horus.

 Originally, she did not take this sentence seriously, but along the way, Horus really gave her too many surprises.

These means are definitely not available to the God of the Sky!

Not long after, the four gods were walking side by side on the wide road. Not far ahead, a group of desert soldiers wearing armor and holding sharp spears and spears came into view...

 “There’s no way to escape this time.” Qin Yao said to Nephthys.

“Leave this level to me.” The God of Love said, suddenly taking a step forward, with a strange light shining in his eyes, and said to the soldiers in front of him: “Are you willing to fight for me?”


Thousands of legion elites whose strength is second only to gods and possess the power to kill gods raised their weapons and shouted loudly.

The God of Love smiled slightly: "Very well, let's start fighting... The last person standing can get me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the thousands of soldiers in front withdrew their arms, turned around and stabbed their companions.

Looking at the desert legions fighting each other, Qin Yao slowly narrowed his eyes, hiding the thought in his eyes.

 Sure enough, the “conceptual god” under the setting is not weak.

In the character setting of Hathor, the goddess of love, her ability is to confuse any creature with a lower godhood than herself and no love in her heart.

 So in the original work, she used only one sentence to make the giant snake spit fire and burn itself, but she couldn't confuse even Baker, a mortal without any divine power.

 After a long time…

The **** fighting finally came to an end, and on the battlefield in front of the four gods, there was no one left standing at all, let alone the God of Love.

 “Let’s go.” Cupid sighed, as if he was very sad about the killing.

Qin Yao didn't care what her mood was, he strode forward, and soon he was ahead of all the gods.

The God of Love stared at his back, a trace of contemplation appearing on her brows: Is this extremely familiar figure in front of her really her Horus?

That lingering sense of strangeness gradually began to become stronger...

After a while, the four gods walked through the long passage and came to a temple.

Just when Qin Yao's soles stepped on a piece of loess, the whole pyramid shook violently.

The next moment, a gigantic figure made of condensed loess swayed out of the ground. Its two front paws slapped on the ground with a bang, and a loess human face with a loess crown blocked the entrance to the temple, with cold eyes. looked at them.

“Invaders of the Temple of the King, answer my riddle, or die.”

 The God of Wisdom waved his arms, put his right hand on his chin, and made a pose: "Come on, I'm ready."

The Sphinx approached him with a roar, and said with a fierce look: "I do not exist in the past, but I will always exist. No one has seen my face. What am I?"

 The God of Wisdom was lost in thought.

 “Tomorrow!” Qin Yao said loudly.

 If nothing else happens, the God of Wisdom should guess wrong twice like in the original work.

 The problem is, the two times he guessed wrong, it was Horus who got beaten.

 And now, he is Horus…

"Damn it! The answer is correct." Sphinx turned his head and glanced at Qin Yao, then quickly escaped into the earth like chaff.

The God of Wisdom is posing: "???"


 Big brother.

 I have already set up my posture, how can you steal the show?

Your words have killed the Sphinx.

what about me?

 What is the meaning of my existence?

Thoth's mentality was completely broken, and his eyes looking at Qin Yao were full of sadness and complexity~(End of this chapter)

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