I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1063: I am the new king

 Chapter 1063 I should be the new king

 “Horus, Lord Horus!”

When the sun sets, stars gradually light up in the night sky, and a black smoke vortex suddenly appears below the towering Babel Tower, and a Yin God holding a black steel fork appears from the vortex.

 “Who are you?” Qin Yao asked with lowered eyes.

The Yin God knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "I am the Yin envoy of Anubis, the God of Death. I came to Egypt to ask for help on the orders of the God of Death."

“Ask for help?” Qin Yao asked in a solemn voice: “What happened to the underworld?”

Yin Shen said with a trembling voice: "For some reason, the power of chaos has appeared at the gate of the afterlife, and is expanding crazily on the reincarnation platform. The Death Temple is using its own divine power to seal this power, but I don't know how long it can last, so let The little **** came to ask for help..."

Hearing this, the God of Love's expression changed drastically, and he screamed: "It's Seth, it must be Seth!"

Nephthys panicked at the same time: "Didn't you say that Seth would open the door to time and space in the Tower of Babel? Why did he escape to the underworld?"

"Calm down." Qin Yao said in a deep voice: "I believe in the judgment of the Sun God. This must be Seth's plan to seize the opportunity to attack the east and attack the west."

 “Sign up in the east and attack in the west?”

 Er Shen doesn’t know much about Chinese idioms, so he can only figure out the true meaning through the literal meaning, but he doesn’t seem to understand.

“To put it simply, he pretended to open the door of time and space in the underworld, but actually wanted to lead us into the underworld and get an opportunity for him to easily open the door of time and space in the Tower of Babel.” Qin Yao explained.

"Are you sure this is the case?" Nephthys said worriedly: "If you guess wrong and Seth opens the door of time and space in the underworld and releases the chaotic beast, then the underworld will usher in a huge disaster."

Qin Yao silently held the Sun God's staff and looked up at the sky: "As I said before, I believe in the judgment of the Sun God. Moreover, the task he gave me is to guard the human world, not the underworld!"

 In fact, he did not rush to the underworld in a hurry, not only because of the judgment of the Sun God, but also because of the plot of the original work.

In the original work, Seth opened the door to time and space at the top of the Tower of Babel, which represented his "merits", and released the chaotic beast into the world, trying to drain the life source of the Nile River and destroy the world...

As far as reality is concerned, even if Seth really opens the door of time and space in the underworld, the blame will have to be shouldered by the sun god, not by him.

 But if he goes to the underworld and causes a catastrophe in the world, then the blame cannot be thrown away.

 Hence, he cannot leave here in any way.

"What a pity..." Just when the Yinshi looked anxious, the God of Love was thoughtful, and Nephthys looked confused, a golden beam of light suddenly fell from the night sky. Within the beam of light, a dog-headed monster wearing black gold armor was released. There were waves of terror.

 ‘He actually came. ’

The God of Love and Nephthys thought at the same time and breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time.

Even though a **** battle cannot be avoided when meeting here, the arrival of the other party proves one thing:

 They can believe in the sun god!

Even if they failed to defeat Seth in the end, the sun **** might appear in times of crisis, dispelling darkness and bringing light like the sun.

"What's the pity?" Qin Yao slowly stood up with the sun scepter and looked directly at the dog-headed monster in the air.

“It’s a pity that I can’t destroy this Tower of Babel with my own hands,” Seth said.

To him, the meaning of the Tower of Babel being damaged in battle and being destroyed by himself were completely different.

Qin Yao raised the sun scepter and pointed it at the opponent's body: "It's useless to talk more, let's start a war."

"Since you can't wait to die so much, I will be kind enough to help you and go and stay with your hypocritical father."

Seth raised his hands, the heels of his hands were pressed together, and a black-gold transparent light flashed in the palms of his hands.

The next moment, a black-golden light pillar rushed out from the light group, and with earth-shattering momentum, it rushed towards the top of the tower.

Such a powerful energy fluctuation naturally alarmed the gods. Pairs of eyes looked over from all directions, like witnesses, silently waiting for a result.

Qin Yao shouted loudly and used all his divine power to converge on the sun scepter, spurting out a bright golden light that collided with the black-gold laser in mid-air.

  Divine collision, a circle of air flow spreads from the front end of the collision to the sky and the earth.

 There was no probing attack between them at all, and they tried their best once they attacked.

This is the most dangerous way of playing. The party with weaker divine power can easily be completely overwhelmed by the opponent's divine power and wiped out at the moment when its divine power is about to be exhausted.

Any skills, or fancy tricks, will be lost in this kind of duel!

Seth, who has been transformed by Chaos, is obviously more powerful. The black-golden light pillars are constantly eating away and dissolving the bright golden light, swallowing and advancing one by one.

 “Hathor, Nephthys, please help me.” Qin Yao shouted.

The two goddesses inhaled at the same time, then moved their hands, using their divine power, and placed their shining palms against Qin Yao's back.


 With the help of the two gods, the golden light beam instantly blazed, taking back the encroached space bit by bit.

"It's useless, you have no idea how strong I am now." Seth sneered, suddenly looked up to the sky, and shouted: "My Lord, please bless me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a chaotic force suddenly fell from the sky and poured onto Seth.

 “Bang bang bang…”

The black-golden light beam was so powerful that it eroded one-third of the bright golden light in an instant.

 “I won’t let you destroy this world, never!”

Qin Yao gritted his teeth, and blood flowed from his five orifices due to the high-intensity confrontation with divine power.

Hearing his words, the two goddesses who were originally afraid began to fight for their lives, with golden blood flowing from their eyes.

“Come and die once,” cried Nephthys.

 She is the patron saint.

 But he failed to protect his city.

Those who died to protect Egypt today deserved their death!

"I love God, love people, love God, and love all living beings. I fight for love and die for love. This life is enough." the God of Love scolded.

With the help of the two of them at all costs, the brilliant golden light barely resisted the overwhelming black gold light pillar, but the black gold light pillar still occupied three-quarters of the entire light pillar, and became more and more powerful.

"Working hard and going all out is not bad." Seth mocked: "Sometimes, if you don't try your best, you won't know what powerlessness is, let alone the fear of being unable to recover. Burn, burn your souls, Your divine bodies become the fireworks for me to reopen the world and bloom for me."

After saying this, he shouted loudly, and the divine power in his palm increased again, eating away the bright golden light inch by inch.

In the blink of an eye, the golden light was eaten away, leaving only three meters away.

  ‘Can’t this even impress the gods? ’

When there was only a thin layer of divine power left in the cave, Qin Yao sighed deeply in his heart.

 He did not allow Set to destroy the world.

 But he never said that he would be buried with the world.

When the divine power of Dongtian was about to be exhausted, he took the two goddesses behind him and fled into the air.

At this most difficult moment, they were the only ones standing behind him, silently supporting him, not afraid of life and death, so he wanted to save them as much as possible. As for those gods who couldn't explain anything, Qin Yao let them die!

Three meters, two meters, one meter... Seeing the black-golden light pillar approaching, Qin Yao's feet silently bloomed with golden flames rising from the ground.

But at this moment, a pair of palms pressed against the backs of Hathor and Nephthys respectively, spurting out vast divine power.

 The three gods looked back together, and the first thing they saw was a handful of ostrich feathers...

 “Wind God!”

Seth's expression changed, and he shouted: "I just want to destroy the world, and I never said I wanted to kill the gods. After I destroy the world and rebuild the world, all the gods will be able to return to the innate world and become innate gods. It's so beautiful. Why did you come to stop it?"

 Fengshen, who once deceived Qin Yao and others, paused slightly and said with emotion: "Maybe my other name is mediator. Fairness, truth, justice, order, this is my pursuit."

 “I think you are mentally ill.” Seth yelled.

How can there be fairness and justice in this world?

If there is really fairness and justice, why should he eat the wind and sand in the desert?

“Maybe my brain is also sick.” The God of Wisdom, who had disappeared for a long time, appeared on the top of the tower, sighed, and used his divine power to resist the Wind God.

Seth said coldly: "You are indeed mentally ill, and you can't even see where the current general trend is."

 “Where is the general trend?”

Following a voice of inquiry, two gods emitting divine light appeared. They placed their palms on the left and right back shoulders of the God of Wisdom, releasing rolling divine power.

"The general trend lies in the hearts of the people." Three gods appeared. The **** in the middle said, and together with the two gods next to him, he put his palms on the two gods in front.

From then on, gods appeared on the top of the tower, silently contributing their divine power.

Qin Yao looked back and felt inexplicably moved.

These guys are pretty bad, but not hopeless.


"Okay, very good." Seth gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Since you don't know what is good and do not care about my sincerity, then you will be buried with this world."

 After saying that, he suddenly raised his dog's head and sprayed out a black-gold beam of light from his mouth, which shot straight into the night sky and stirred up the wind and clouds.

 Large swaths of black clouds gradually rotated under this force, quickly forming a huge circular vortex.

 A **** mouth full of fangs poked its head out from the whirlpool, which was shocking.


Just when most of the chaotic beast's body had passed through the whirlpool and entered this world, a spear with shining golden light suddenly shot out, instantly piercing Set's chest.

 “Uh~” Seth’s eyes widened, and the divine power in his body quickly disappeared along with the blood hole in his chest. The black-gold laser that competed with the bright golden light disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, the bright golden light hit the center of Seth's chest like a golden pillar, knocking his body straight up and falling into a treasure cart pulled by countless birds.

In the back seat of the carriage, the sun **** in golden robes slowly stood up, looked down at Seth, who was bleeding profusely, and asked softly: "Do you regret it?"

Seth opened his mouth and spat out a stream of golden blood, staring at the golden eyes of the Sun God: "I regret... I regret not killing you earlier."

Sun God: “…”

 Lean less.

As the golden blood flowed out one after another, Seth returned to human form, his face was filled with gray and defeated, and his pupils gradually lost focus.

 The God of the Desert died at the hands of his father after all.

 It's just that...the war started by him did not end with his death.


Chaos finally revealed its true form in this world, opening its mouth and letting out a scream at the solar chariot.

This scream contained great energy. The birds pulling the sun chariot were instantly wiped out, and the sun chariot fell into the void.

However, the Sun God did not fall with him. Instead, he summoned his divine spear and launched a series of deafening attacks at the chaotic beast.

 “Get out of my world, you dirty, mean reptile!”

 “Boom, boom, boom…”

Under his continuous bombardment, the chaos beast continued to retreat, and finally got stuck in the vortex of black clouds and was in a stalemate with the Sun God.

 “The gods obey orders.” Seeing this scene, Qin Yao raised the sun stick in his hand high.

 “The gods have commanded,” said the Egyptian gods standing behind him in unison.

 Qin Yao used his divine power and scepter, and a golden light suddenly lit up on the top of the scepter: "Work with me to help the Sun God fight back the chaos."


Endless divine power rushed out of the bodies of the gods and was crazily infused into Horus.

 Qin Yao controlled this power and shot out golden beams of light, which continuously bombarded the mouth of the chaotic beast, and cooperated with the Sun God to beat it back into the whirlpool of the wind and clouds.

And when the terrifying snake mouth disappeared, the Sun God blasted the entire whirlpool with a divine cannonball, and immeasurable golden light slid down from the sky, like a shower of stars, beautiful and illusory.

"You really did it." The Sun God put away his spear and said to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao held up the Sun Scepter with both hands: "Thank you for arriving in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

The Sun God waved, and the Sun God's staff immediately flew back into his hand: "That being said, if you win this war, Egypt will be yours from now on."

Qin Yao looked at him eagerly and said, "Apart from Egypt, don't you have any other rewards?"

The Sun God looked at him with deep meaning and said faintly: "Allowing you to become the king of Egypt is my greatest reward to you. You understand what I mean."

Of course Qin Yao understood.

His current identity is that of a thief, or robber, who forcibly takes over the body of Horus.

The Sun God did not catch him out and kill him. It is really because his great love for the common people exceeds his love for Horus, his grandson.

 “Goodbye, by fate.” The Sun God waved.

“You walk slowly.” Qin Yao bowed slightly.

The Sun God smiled, waved his hand, and hundreds of birds flew out of his sleeves. He picked up the treasure car that had fallen to the ground and flew him into the night sky.

Qin Yao took a long breath, turned to look at the Egyptian gods, and said with majesty: "I shall be the new king!"

 “Greetings to His Majesty the King.” All the gods fell to their knees.

  【Congratulations to the host for completing the system task and ascending to the throne as king. The system rewards are ready. Will they be distributed immediately? 】

 (End of this chapter)

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