I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1071: Come and feel the terror of the Dark King!

Chapter 1071 Come and feel the terror of the Dark King!


In the kitchen, Qin Yao mobilized his divine power, and a circular disc suddenly appeared on the front of his hands, with a golden color and a hint of green.

Then, he silently increased the supply of divine power, held the circular disc in the air with both hands, and turned it counterclockwise. Hairs suddenly appeared on the plucked chicken on the plate on the table. In just a moment, it changed from a plucked chicken to a plucked chicken. Became a dead chicken with feathers.

 “Resurrection, Brother Chicken.”

Seeing that the wounds on the chicken's neck were basically healed, Qin Yao continued to turn the time disk and murmured.


 Suddenly, the chicken jumped up from the plate, flapped its wings and was about to fly.

Qin Yao felt relieved and took a long breath.

Sure enough, just as the Eye of Agamotto can resurrect the dead, he has the same ability after receiving Dormammu's Law of Time.

Of course, reversing time to resurrect living beings is not entirely without problems.

 The energy consumption of resurrecting a chicken is definitely different from the energy consumption of resurrecting a person; the energy consumption of resurrecting an ordinary person is also different from the energy consumption of resurrecting a god.

In the original work, after Thanos snapped his fingers and destroyed half of the world's population, the Doctor failed to use the law of time to resurrect his dead comrades. This is probably also the reason.

 On the other hand, there is the unpredictable cause and effect.

 The Marvel world also has laws of cause and effect.

  After a while.

 Qin Yao knocked out the chicken he had resurrected with one finger of his divine power, then skillfully slashed the opponent's throat, cut the throat to bleed, plucked the feathers and cleaned it, and finally put it back on the plate.

Before leaving, he cast another ray of fairy light to wake up the fat chef from the coma.

As the last firelight of the dimension door disappeared in the kitchen, the fat chef who fell in front of the table suddenly opened his eyes and quickly got up from the ground.



Looking at the empty kitchen, he subconsciously shouted twice.

“What’s wrong, chef?” At this time, five assistant chefs wearing chef uniforms opened the door and walked in. One of the female assistant chefs asked.

 “Have you seen Christine?” The fat chef stared at the people in front of him.

 Everyone shook their heads in unison.

 “That’s weird, is it my imagination?”

 After a moment, the fat chef withdrew his gaze, touched his bald head, and murmured.

“Perhaps you were attracted by her charm.” A male chef joked: “Kristen is now the recognized goddess of the entire Karma Taj.”

The fat chef gave him a sharp look and scolded him: "You are the only one who talks too much, so hurry up and get to work!"

 “What is so happy about?”

 That evening, Dr. Stephen walked into the library like a visitor, and Christine's smiling face reflected in his eyes.

“Is it so obvious?” Qin Yao closed the book in his hand with a snap and stood up from the semi-reclining chair.

Stephen nodded: "It's obvious, you can hum the tune. Right, Wang?"

 At the last sentence, he turned to look at the desk near the Eye of Agamotto.

 “She has been like this since an hour ago.” Wang said lightly.

Qin Yao smiled and explained: "I solved a problem in my practice and became enlightened, so I am happy."


Just as Stephen was about to congratulate her, a door in the library suddenly exploded, sending smoke and dust billowing, instantly alerting the three people here.

 “It’s London!”

Wang shouted softly, grabbed the Eye of Agamotto, and quickly walked towards the direction of the explosion.

 “What London?” Stephen looked puzzled.

 Because of the changes in the plot caused by Qin Yao, he still doesn’t know about the three major temples.

“Don’t worry about London, follow quickly.” Qin Yao quickly followed into the smoke and disappeared from the doctor’s eyes.

"Why should we follow?" Stephen didn't know why, but his body was more obedient than his mouth. He subconsciously chased into the smoke, passed through the smoke and the portal, and came to a large building similar to a museum.

 “King, Christine.”



Walking in this retro corridor filled with various collections, Stephen, who was completely confused about the situation, shouted loudly.


Suddenly, a tall man wearing a bright orange mage robe and holding a black staff landed from mid-air and stopped suddenly above Stephen's head.

 “Who is you?”

Stephen subconsciously made a defensive posture and asked loudly.

“Before asking others, shouldn’t you tell your own name first?” the orange-clothed mage asked.

Stephen frowned and said: "I am Stephen Strange, a doctor of medicine."

“Doctor, wow, that’s awesome.” The orange-clothed mage smiled, and suddenly an energy body like an ice knife appeared in his hand, which hit Stephen hard.


Wang suddenly broke a door and rushed out. He hit the ice blade energy body with the magic wand in his hand, forcibly shattering the spell crystal. He shouted: "Stephen, he is Casillas, the betrayal of Kamathaj." Take heart, otherwise you will die if you are careless.”

Stephen: “…”

 The word death is not far away from him, but killing and being killed is a future he has never expected.

"Really annoying."

 Casillas sighed, raised his hand and pointed, and the ground under the king's feet suddenly cracked.

The king's expression changed, and just as he was about to fly up, a wall suddenly came down like a slap, slamming it into the ground.

 The next second, the earth closed up, and the king suddenly disappeared.

 “It’s your turn.” Casillas looked up at Stephen and said lightly.

Stephen finally reacted and ran away desperately. In a panic, he knocked over a glass cabinet.

"Poor and humble." Casillas shook his head, and when he raised his hand, countless ice blades appeared out of thin air and rushed towards Stephen crazily.

At this time, a dark red cloak that was originally floating in the glass cabinet and was being pressed by Stephen suddenly wrapped around his body and took him flying up, avoiding the countless weapons.

Casillas was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Magic Floating Cloak? You don't choose the strong, but choose the weak. No wonder you have been abandoned for so many years, you have a stupid sense of independence."

After being saved by the cloak, Stephen's heart was beating fast, and he subconsciously wanted to grab the two axes hanging on the wall to defend himself. Instead, he was dragged by the magic floating cloak to a pair of crimson chainmail.

Stephen didn't know how to use the chainmail, so he could only lift it up based on instinct and throw it towards Casillas. "Kaka Kaka."

A magical thing happened. This chainmail seemed to have intelligence. The moment it came into contact with Casillas, it locked him up, from his head to his legs, and even forced him to kneel down in front of Stephen.

Stephen gasped for breath and shouted loudly: "King, Christine."

 Unfortunately, there is still no answer.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh." Even Casillas, whose mouth was sealed, whimpered.

Stephen hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and took off the armor that sealed the other person's mouth, and asked, "Where is this place and what did you do?"

“You look like an outsider, doctor,” Casillas said with a smile.

Stephen didn't understand how the other party dared to laugh even though he was under control. How could he still laugh? He said seriously: "No, I'm an outsider. I don't know what happened at all. After a bang, Wang Started running, Kristen asked me to chase, and then we came here.”

"No, you are now an insider." Casillas smiled and said, "I can explain to you whatever you want to know."

Stephen thought for a while and said, "The king said you were a traitor. Why did you betray Kamal Taj?"

“It was not me who betrayed Karma Taj, but the teacher you believed in, the Ancient One Master.” Casillas said.

 “I don’t understand.” Stephen became even more confused.

 Casillas smiled: "Did the Ancient Master tell you why Kama Taj exists?"

 “To resist magical attacks from other dimensions.” Stephen said.

This question is relatively easy and he knows the answer.

 “Hypocritical liar.”

Casillas sneered and said: "In fact, she used Kama Taj to gain immortality, but she kept it as a secret and refused to bring immortality to others. As a result, her followers died one after another. A batch, but she lives forever."

 Stephen: “I don’t believe it.”

"This is the fact." Casillas said: "I wanted to ask her to teach me the ability of eternal life, but she remained silent. In the end, it was me who found a way to contact the Lord of Eternity from the book. Through the Lord, Gained the ability to live forever.”

 “Are you immortal now?” Stephen was a little surprised.

"That's right." Casillas said with enthusiasm: "The Lord of Eternity, Dormammu, can grant eternal life to anyone, or even any planet. As long as you are willing to fall into His arms, you can gain power beyond time. "

Stephen shook his head and said: "I think you are crazy."

 At this time, Casillas suddenly laughed.

Stephen frowned and said, "Is it funny?"


 Suddenly, a blade of light shot out from behind him and headed straight for the back of his head.

Stephen felt the danger, turned around and saw that the sword-like light blade was close at hand.


At the critical moment, a slender and white palm suddenly stretched out a small dimensional door and grasped the light blade.

Stephen stepped back, frightened.


That beautiful palm crushed the light blade with a little force, and the ring of fire surrounding the wrist quickly expanded, eventually becoming the size of a portal, revealing a figure.

At the same time, the secretly mage quickly came to Casillas and tore open the crimson magic belt for him.

“I didn’t expect that it took you so long to break the mirror space.” Casillas kicked away the crimson magic belt and looked at Qin Yao who came next to Stephen and said.

Qin Yao shrugged and said: "When I break the mirror space depends entirely on when I want to come out. If your little brother hadn't wanted to kill Stephen, maybe I would have listened to your opinion for a while."

 Casillas should have guessed that someone would come, so he arranged many mirror spaces in the London Temple, trying to kill a few more people before leaving.

 At the beginning, he and Wang both jumped into different dimensions. Wang saved the doctor once at a critical moment, and he did the same.

"Good news..." Casillas smiled: "In other words, you heard everything I just said?"

“Yes, I heard it.” Qin Yao nodded.

Casillas said seriously: "Join us. The Ancient One is stingy and keeps the secret of immortality and refuses to let go. But Dormammu is generous and kind. As long as you believe in him, he can give you eternal life."

Qin Yao wondered: "Being a dog for an indescribable monster for eternity, is this also a bargaining chip that can be used to lure others?"

 Casillas: “…”

 He didn't know how to reply for a while.

While he was speechless, Qin Yao launched an attack without any warning. Countless golden electric currents shot out of his hands like sharp arrows and headed straight for Casillas.

The younger brother subconsciously blocked Casillas, but was instantly blown away by the electric current. Blood mist splashed across Casillas' face, successfully waking him up.


At the critical moment of life and death, Casillas quickly summoned a light shield, and the golden current bombarded the light shield, tearing it apart in an instant.


At the moment when he was about to be exploded by the electric current, Casillas shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, his pupils quickly turned dark green, and the mana in his body surged, condensing countless runes and resisting Qin Yao's all-out blow.


Qin Yao's expression changed slightly, he stamped his feet violently, and the ground suddenly cracked under his feet.

The king jumped out along the crack, and the staff in his hand shot out bright golden light, heading straight for Casillas.

Casillas raised his hand, and the ground in front of them suddenly undulated like a wave board. A wave of peaks was just in front of the golden light, absorbing all attacks, and a big crater was blasted out of the ground.

 “Praise to Dormammu.”

Casillas yelled, and quickly teleported outside the temple. He held his hands together and kept twisting them. The huge temple building in front of him twisted together, and countless things inside were rapidly shattering. The terrifying Attacks hit every corner.

 Qin Yao released a dimensional gate with a wave of his hand, then grabbed the doctor with one hand and Wang with the other, and quickly jumped in, jumping from the completely exploded inner building to the street.

 “Experience the power of Dormammu’s space and time.”

 Casillas's body gradually flew up, and he turned his palms downwards. The time and space of the street below was suddenly cut into countless pieces, the road surface appeared in the sky, and countless buildings swayed like seaweed, and then hit them hard.

"Dormammu's power strengthens his mirror dimension, blurring the boundaries between reality and illusion. Buildings in reality don't jump around like this, but if we are hit by a building, we will definitely be injured. This is not an illusion. Pay attention, this is not an illusion, run!" Wang said loudly.

Qin Yao instantly summoned a dimensional door leading to Karma Taj. As Casillas raised his hand, the space and time in front of them was suddenly cut away, floating behind them like a mirror. .

 “True, true, false, false, true, true and exciting.”

Qin Yao pulled the two of them to avoid the train coming out of the void, and then jumped onto a ship speeding through the air.

"go to hell."

Casillas sneered and turned his wrist. Countless buildings suddenly floated into the sky. The ship under the three people's feet instantly flipped over. The king and the doctor fell uncontrollably toward the spire with wires hanging below.

Qin Yao flashed in front of the two of them again, grabbed their collars, and took them flying up, dodging various buildings and strange objects that kept hitting them. There was only one thought in his mind:

 Guru Yi, is it fun to watch a play? ! !

 (End of this chapter)

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