I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1074: The counselor enters the game with his own body and beats half of the chess pieces in

"Didn't you just see that? I forced him to disconnect from the Internet." Master Gu Yi followed the call, with a puzzled look on his face.

Stephen was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered the WLAN theory that Kristen said before, and suddenly realized: "OK, OK, I understand."

The ancient mage nodded, raised his hand and opened a dimensional door again, and said solemnly: "Destroying Casillas is just a staged victory. If we don't defeat Dormammu, the war will never end. Christine, you Let's take Stephen and continue to protect the Xiangjiang Temple. It's time for me to go back and protect Kama Taj."

Compared to other places, the place where Kama Taj is located is the weakest place on earth, and she dare not leave for too long...

 “Greetings, Master Gu Yi.” Qin Yao waved his hand.

 “Bye~” Stephen followed.

The ancient mage stepped into the door of the dimension, and suddenly seemed to think of something. He turned around and pointed at Stephen and said: "You have extremely powerful potential in your heart, but you need to open a lock to activate this infinite potential." come out."

Stephen was refreshed and asked quickly: "How should I open this lock?"

 He ​​has been the most outstanding one since he was a child. His life has been smooth sailing. With his own talent and hard work, he has become a medical doctor that everyone respects. But everything changed completely after that **** car accident.

 After coming to Karma Taj, under the background of Christine, he was like a dispensable supporting character in the story. No matter how hard he tried, he could not compare with the other party.

 He was fed up with this eclipsed life and desperately wanted to change, but he didn't know where to change. At this moment, Gu Yi's words gave him infinite surprise and hope.

Gu Yi looked into his eyes and smiled: "You always succeed, not because you desire success, but because you are afraid of failure. Fear is your biggest problem, preventing you from releasing the power in your soul.

What's worse is that in addition to fear, you also have extraordinary arrogance, either pride or arrogance. This arrogance is a lock on the door of fear. If you don't break your arrogance and face your fear, you will never be able to Gain spiritual growth. "

Stephen is silent.

 After a long time, he murmured and asked: "Is my arrogance so obvious?"

 “You can ask Kristine.” Gu Yi slowly suppressed his smile, and the next moment, the dimensional door between the two people instantly dissipated.

Stephen pursed his lips and turned to look at Qin Yao: "I shouldn't have shown any arrogance in Kama Taj, right?"

“Character is engraved in your bones, Stephen, and your arrogance is hidden in the details.” Qin Yao responded.

Stephen raised his hand: "For example?"

Qin Yao: “For example, can you accept that you are an ordinary person?”

Stephen: “…”

Qin Yao asked again: "Can you accept that you are not important at all?"

Stephen: “…”

Qin Yao finally used his ultimate trick: "Can you accept being by my side like a minion but without any value?"

Stephen couldn't bear it anymore, and put the fingers of his right hand on the palm of his left hand: "Stop it."

Qin Yao: "Look, this is your arrogance."

Stephen was directly told by him that he was autistic.

 The next morning.

Stephen knocked on Qin Yao's door early in the morning and said with a strong tired look: "I figured it out."

Qin Yao said bluntly: "Then what?"

"Then, behind the Gate of Fear is connected to Emperor Weishan, and I received huge energy from Emperor Weishan." Stephen clenched his fist and said, "I never thought that one day I would be so strong."

Qin Yao looked very calm: "Then...congratulations."

Stephen was stunned for a moment and then said hesitantly: "Aren't you shocked? Even if it's not that shocking, the mood shouldn't be so dull, right?"

Qin Yao said in his heart: I am so shocked!

In the story setting of "Doctor Strange", Stephen's growth after his enlightenment is even more exaggerated than that of Sun Wukong in Journey to the West.

As far as the ending is concerned, although Stephen drove away Dormammu through the power of talking, the basis of the talking was that he trapped him and Dormammu with a time loop.

Sun Wukong cast a spell to trap himself and Tathagata Buddha. Is this possible?

So let alone Stephen gaining power from Emperor Weishan, even if he said that the potential in his body was so impressive, Qin Yao would not be shocked at all.

 As for Stephen, seeing Christine's speechless look, a strong sense of frustration suddenly arose in his heart.

Ever since Christine left the hospital, he could no longer find the familiar sense of superiority from the other person.

However, the paradox is that when this sense of superiority completely disappeared and Christine didn't care about him so much, he actually cared about him more.

Every move she makes will affect her heart and soul...

Qin Yao reached out and patted his shoulder and said: "It doesn't matter whether I am shocked or indifferent. What is important is that you have finally embarked on your own path. Keep working hard, stay vigilant, and be careful of Dormammu using anything. To seduce you in any way.”

Stephen nodded with a complex expression. He had a thousand words in his heart, but none of them could be said.

That night.

 Qin Yao stood in his room and opened a dimensional door leading to the Kama Taj Library. Inside the light door, Wang sat behind a desk and looked over with a look of astonishment.

 “Is something wrong, Christine?” Wang asked.

“Didn’t you go to guard the New York Temple?” Qin Yao asked.

King: "Compared to guarding one side, I'm more suitable to be an administrator here. Master Gu Yi knows people well, so he didn't send me there."

Qin Yao nodded slightly and said, "I want to borrow Agamotto's Eye."

 “What’s the reason?”

 “I’ve got a great idea for dealing with Dormammu.”

Wang blinked and stood up from the chair: "What's your idea?"

 “Come here with the Eye of Agamotto, and I’ll tell you.” Qin Yao said.

Wang hesitated for a moment: "In principle..."

“Which is more important, the resolution of the Dormammu crisis, or the principle?” Qin Yao interrupted.


  After pondering for a moment, he gritted his teeth, grabbed the necklace that sealed the Eye of Agamotto from the stone platform, put it on his neck, and strode into the door of the dimension.

When his body came to Qin Yao's room, the light door behind him disappeared instantly, and the connection with Kama Taj was cut off.

 “Tell me, what is your plan?” Wang subconsciously turned his head and glanced, and then asked Qin Yao.

Qin Yao: "I am ready to destroy the Xiangjiang Temple..."


The king almost jumped up, his eyes as wide as bells.

Qin Yao frowned and said, "Be careful and listen to me first."

"No, no, no, I don't dare to listen anymore." Wang waved his hands quickly: "No matter how big your plan is, you should talk to Master Gu Yi about this kind of thing, not to me, a librarian."

Qin Yao sighed: "King, Stephen's biggest weakness is overconfidence; and your weakness is... too humble. Is the librarian bad? If you are so bad, what qualifications do you have to protect the Eye of Agamotto? "


“You answer my question directly, why don’t you go to Master Gu Yi to discuss it?” After a moment, he asked seriously.

"You will know after you listen to what I say." Qin Yao waved his hand and continued: "I am going to destroy the Xiangjiang Temple, lure Dormammu's true body here, and then arrange a time and space cycle in this area to bring Dormammu over. Mamu and I were trapped in the cycle together, so as to force Dormammu to give up the earth and not to make any plans in the future." After listening, the king finally understood why the other party did not go to the ancient one to discuss it, because the ancient one was the master. There is no way he would agree to such a risk.

Once something goes wrong, the earth will be ruined, let alone these creatures on the earth...

“It’s impossible for Master Gu Yi to agree to this operation, and it’s impossible for me to agree.” Thinking of this, Wang said solemnly.

 “Then there’s nothing we can do.” Qin Yao sighed.

Wang said seriously: "Christine, the London Temple is being repaired at a rapid pace. It won't take long to return to the past. The three major temples are connected into one, and it will be no problem to stop Dormammu. If you have no other choice, don't worry anymore. , haven’t we all been here over the years?”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” Qin Yao shook his head.

Wang was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Then what are you talking about?"


Before he finished speaking, another ‘Christine’ appeared behind him and knocked him unconscious with one punch.

Qin Yao himself slowly came to the king, leaned over and took out the Eye of Agamotto from his neck, and said softly: "This is what I said. If you don't cooperate, then I can only take it myself..."

 Because of his existence, there has been a huge separation between the original plot and reality, and it is difficult to repeat the scene where Stephen verbally forces Dormammu away.

If this continues, the threat of Dormammu will last for a long, long time. Who knows when this story will end.

 So, since Stephen is destined to no longer be able to negotiate with Dormammu, then it is up to him to negotiate.

The Dark King cannot allow himself to be permanently sealed with an insignificant guy, so as long as the expected time loop can be achieved, the outcome can be decided.

To take a step back, even if he fails, he has the right to regret it.

The Moonlight Box can accurately lock time and rewind, it's not that it can't be used, it's just that it's more expensive to use.

 The Eye of Agamotto can greatly enhance the power of his laws, otherwise he would not be able to trap the Dark Lord in the time loop with his own power alone...


Not long after, when he walked out of the room wearing the Eye of Agamotto and walked towards the formation eye, Stephen suddenly shouted behind him.

Qin Yao paused, turned around and said, "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"Can't sleep." Stephen strode up to him. When he saw the necklace hanging around his neck, he suddenly froze and said in surprise: "What are you..."

Qin Yao thought for a while and said, "Stephen, I need your help."

 “How can I help you?” Stephen asked excitedly.

Qin Yao: "Destroy the Xiangjiang Temple."


Stephen's smile suddenly froze on his face, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

"You come to destroy the Xiangjiang Temple, and I am secretly preparing to negotiate with Dormammu as soon as he appears, and let him take his followers away from the earth and never come back again," Qin Yao said.

Stephen's heartbeat accelerated instantly and he waved his hands repeatedly: "Kristen, this proposal is too crazy."

“Don’t you dare to go crazy with me once?” Qin Yao asked.

Stephen's expression paused and he said: "Yes, I don't dare, I can't gamble with the world."

"In that case..." Qin Yao nodded and raised his hand to knock the other party unconscious: "Then I have no choice but to do it myself."

A few minutes later.

He came to the formation center of the Xiangjiang Temple, first pulled out a few small flags that he had planted near the formation center, then took out the golden trident, filled it with divine power, and smashed it against a stone tablet that served as the formation center.


The trident hit the stone tablet, instantly creating cracks in the body of the tablet. At the same time, the sky above the Xiangjiang Temple was filled with wind and clouds, lightning and thunder...

 Karma Taj.

 In the bedroom.

Gu Yi suddenly opened her eyes and stood up subconsciously, but just as she reached out to open the door to the dimension, countless images suddenly flashed through her eyes, and her palms paused slightly.

 “Get involved in the situation with your own body and seek to destroy your life...”

 Gu Yi murmured to himself, with an extremely complicated expression: "So brave, so crazy."

 “Boom, boom.”


Over the Xiangjiang River, among the thunder and lightning, red **** like bacteria and star chains appeared out of thin air, releasing strange light.


 Qin Yao's body penetrated the roof of the temple like a sharp arrow, shot straight into the sky, and soon came to the middle of the ball chain, landing on a blue ball of light that looked like an asteroid.

Looking around, he used the Eye of Agamotto to create a time loop, and the scope quickly expanded to the void.

Suddenly, a huge face like a tree demon appeared in the void. One eye in the face was countless times larger than his body, and it was full of endless oppression.

 “Did you welcome me?” This face spoke human words, and the voice was deafening.

Qin Yao nodded: "Yes."

"Very good." Dormammu said with a smile: "When I make this planet a part of myself, I will reward you with this planet."

Qin Yao: "I don't want any reward."

Dormammu smiled and said in surprise: "Then what do you want?"

Qin Yao said seriously: "I want you to take all your believers and leave the earth, and promise never to come back again."

Dormammu said in confusion: "Are you crazy?"

 What kind of operation is it to welcome him here and then let him leave forever?

 “I’m not crazy.”

Qin Yao said: "If you don't agree with me, just stay here with me."

 “Inexplicable.” A purple beam of light suddenly shot out from Dormammu’s mouth and went straight towards Qin Yao.

Qin Yao did not dodge or dodge, allowing the purple beam to engulf him and destroy everything about him.

 The next moment, time went back and Qin Yao appeared in front of Dormammu again and said, "Do you understand now?"

 “Time loop!” Dormammu roared.

 “That’s right.”

Qin Yao nodded slightly and said: "The starting point is when I fly into this star chain, and the cycle point is when I am killed. So every time I am killed, it is the beginning of a new cycle."

"This is impossible, it's all about you, why are you trapping me?" The reality is already before our eyes, but Dormammu still doesn't want to believe it.

Qin Yao clenched the Eye of Agamotto with both hands and said, "That's all!"

Dormammu’s eyes penetrated the shell and saw the green gem inside, and he understood everything instantly: "The Time Gem... this thing actually ended up on the earth!!"

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