I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1080: we don't drink tea

“Bang.” Qin Yao suddenly took two steps forward and pushed America’s chest with a seemingly light palm.


America's body flew up uncontrollably and fell down the Himalayas.

The screams with endless fear pierced through the clouds and sky, echoing in the ears of the two people on the cliff, until they disappeared.

 “It’s this trick again.” Stephen said with a strange expression.

 At the same place, or even the same position, he also experienced the power of this move.

That time, he used the Dimensional Gate in a thrilling manner; this time, it is obvious that he still has to open a door, but it is not a dimensional gate, but a multiverse gate!

 “The moves are not new, but they are indeed useful.”

Qin Yao suddenly jumped down the mountain and said: "Follow quickly, lest it's too late."

Stephen took a silent breath, jumped up suddenly, and fell down the cliff.

The white snow surrounding the mountains covered the sky and blocked America's sight, which also frightened her even more. She was really shouting at the top of her lungs.

As she fell rapidly, her eyes suddenly shone with bright white light, and wisps of white energy quickly appeared behind her, condensing into a five-star portal.

Just when her back was about to fall into the five-star portal, two figures suddenly appeared. One grabbed her right arm and the other grabbed her left arm, and they fell into the starlight together.


Looking at the two people holding her arms, America suddenly understood everything.

However, before she could finish her sentence, the three of them fell from the Himalayas into a universe with a huge god's head, which looked very much like the legendary Court of Life.

Then they fell from the Life Tribunal Universe into the Hive Universe. During the flip, they could still see giant bees one after another.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Due to the loss of control of the divine power in the body, the shuttle led by America continued. Just when they were about to hit a giant bee, the door to the multiverse appeared again, sending them into the underwater universe, and then from the endless The sea breaks into the dinosaur universe.

Then, they penetrated the comic universe, the doomsday universe, the paint universe, the high-tech pipe universe and other worlds, penetrating a total of twenty universes, and finally fell into the garden on the top of a building.

 “Aha, ahha, ahha…”

Stephen straightened his waist and sat up, breathing heavily with a look of shock on his face.

Traveling through so many universes at once is a huge burden on the body. Now his head feels heavy, his ears are ringing, and his stomach is churning and twitching uncontrollably.

 “Are you okay?” In contrast, America's condition was much better and she raised her head and asked.

 “It’s okay, I’m fine.”

Stephen resisted the strangeness and stood up, and asked Qin Yao beside him: "Christine, how about you, are you okay?"

 “It’s okay.” Qin Yao stood up and said.

Stephen nodded, and just as he was about to speak, a strong feeling of nausea spread from his stomach to his throat, causing him to instinctively vomit while holding a flower pot.

America curled her lips.

  She knew this would be the result.

 Because she had seen this scene more than once.

While he was vomiting, Qin Yao was thinking about future plans.

Although the process is different, looking at the beautiful rooftop garden, the technologically advanced vehicles below, and the urban beautification like a flower capital, he can basically confirm that this is Earth 838.

  This is the universe with the Illuminati in the original work. The earth's civilization here is at least two technological revolutions ahead of the planet they came from...

“Christine, don’t you feel uncomfortable?” Stephen asked pretending to be calm after vomiting everything in his stomach.

Qin Yao shook his head: "I don't feel any discomfort at the moment. Maybe it's because everyone's physique is different."

Stephen: “…”

 You directly say that my physical condition is completely bad.

“We just said that we have traveled through 18 universes, so the witch shouldn’t be able to follow us, right?” America said.

"Follow me." Qin Yao said with certainty: "If I guessed correctly, she has used the Book of Darkness to lock you, or us, not to mention traveling through 18 universes, even if she has traveled through 28 universes , she can still find it.”

America was about to cry: "Is there a way to deprive me of my ability to travel through the universe without harming my life? Although my status as a space traveler is good, it is really scary to be coveted by the powerful in the multiverse."

Qin Yao shrugged: "I didn't."

 Stephen: “Me neither.”

“Then what should we do next? Continue traveling through the universe?” America asked.

Qin Yao glanced at Stephen, and then said: "Continuously running away will not solve the problem. For the current plan, the only way to resolve this disaster is to find the Book of Weishan Emperor that can compete with the Book of Darkness and defeat the witch."

"But I lost the coordinates of the last universe, no, the coordinates of the last universe, and I can't go back." America said helplessly.

“There should be a Book of Emperor Weishan in this universe, right?” Qin Yao said.

America nodded: "Theoretically, there will be."

“Kama Taj.” Stephen said: “We can go to Kama Taj for help.”

 “Can you open the dimensional door leading directly to Kama Taj?” America asked.

“Let me try.” Stephen put on the hanging ring, made a seal with one hand, and kept drawing circles with the other hand, silently imagining the appearance of the library in his mind.

Threads of firelight flashed before their eyes, but they were still unable to construct the dimensional door.


After a long time, Stephen gave up and said solemnly: "The Kama Taj in this world must be very different from the holy land in our world."

"This should be New York, right?" Qin Yao looked around and said, "Anyway, there should be a temple in New York. Let's look for the temple first."

The two of them naturally had no objections to this, so they followed him and took the elevator down to the rooftop garden.

 “Gugu~” America’s stomach suddenly growled as she walked.

Stephen paused, touched his body, and took out a silver coin: "Silver coins should be able to buy food in this world, right?"

"it should be OK."

America pointed to a cake shop and said, "Can you buy me a cake, please?"

Stephen walked towards the cake shop with the silver coins. When he passed by a glass wall, as the sole of his foot stepped on a sensor aperture, the past between him and Christine suddenly flashed on the glass wall...

 Qin Yao twitched the corner of his mouth, and before the figure on the glass wall could speak, he strode towards the direction of the cake shop.

Seeing this situation, Stephen was embarrassed to remember the past, and quickly called America to follow him.

"I'm sorry, miss, we don't accept this kind of coins here." Shao Qing, the cake shop owner said, looking at the gold coins in Qin Yao's hand.

 “What about this kind, silver coins?” Stephen raised the silver dice in his hand and asked loudly.

 The cake shop owner still shook his head.

 “Faced with this situation, there is only one way.”

America licked her lips, suddenly grabbed a few pastries, turned around and ran away.

The boss was stunned for a moment, and Stephen was also stunned.

 “Let’s go quickly.” Qin Yao suddenly turned into a golden light and caught up with America in an instant.

Stephen had no choice but to fly up and chase the two of them.

In the bakery, the cake shop owner stared at them in astonishment, forgetting to scream for a moment. The ability to teleport and fly should only be possessed by superheroes, right?

The superhero robbed a few dollars worth of bread in his own bakery...Isn't this kind of thing outrageous?

After running for two streets with a small cake, America secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the shop owner did not catch up with her. She gradually slowed down and began to enjoy the food she had obtained through her own abilities.

“Do you do this in other worlds?” When Qin Yao came behind America, Stephen also flew down from the air and asked the girl who was enjoying the delicious food.

"No way, my ability does not guarantee that I can survive without eating." America said with her head raised.

Stephen was speechless.

“Would you like some?” America handed the small cake in her hand to the two of them and asked sincerely.

 “No, thank you,” said Stephen.

 “I found the New York Temple.” Qin Yao suddenly said.

 “When did you find it?” America looked surprised.

Qin Yao said calmly: "I have been sensing the magic aura since I came down from the rooftop garden, and I finally got something on this street."

Stephen closed his eyes and sensed it, and said slowly: "I sensed it too..."

"I have a question."

America licked the cream on her lips and asked, "How can you be sure that the magicians in the temple are friends and not enemies?

 Judging from my experience of traveling through so many universes, when traveling through the multiverse to survive, the most untrustworthy thing is acquaintances.

 Because a good friend in your universe may be an enemy in another universe who is eager to bite off your flesh. "

Qin Yao said calmly: "You'll know when you get there... the magician in a temple will never be more difficult to deal with than the Scarlet Witch."

 “That’s true.” America was convinced.

The Scarlet Witch's power left a deep impression on her, even as a shadow.

 The King of Eye Demons did not bring as much fear to her as this witch. After all, the former had never really hunted her across dimensions.

Not long after, the three of them came to a temple together. Stephen looked at the statue of himself standing at the entrance of the temple and paused slightly.

America looked down at the writing under the statue and chanted: "Dr. Stephen Strange gave his life to defeat Thanos. Let us express our endless gratitude to the greatest hero on earth... It seems that here You are a good person in this world."

 Stephen: “Shouldn’t the point be that I am dead in this world?”

“I’ve been looking forward to this day.” Suddenly, a black man with black hair and a green mage’s robe walked over from a door and said to them.

Stephen, as if facing a formidable enemy, silently stood in front of Qin Yao and America, and stood ready: "Really?"


 The black man suddenly laughed, his eyes full of sincerity: "My good brother, welcome to this world."

Stephen: “…”

“Who is he?” America tugged at the corner of Qin Yao’s clothes and asked softly.

Qin Yao sent a message: "Modu, Stephen's life and death enemy in his universe."

 America: “…”

At this time, Modu had already hugged Stephen affectionately and said: "Please come in quickly and have a good chat about your universe with me."

Stephen murmured: "Let me introduce my two companions to you first."

Modu then looked at the two people behind him, pointed at Qin Yao and said: "I know her, your ex-girlfriend, what is her name..."

 “Christine Palmer.” Stephen said.

“Yes, Christine, have you achieved righteousness now?” Modu asked.

Stephen's heart trembled and he turned to look at Qin Yao.

Qin Yao said expressionlessly: "We are now companions, or comrades-in-arms."

 “Aha, sorry.”

Modu raised his hands and said.

Stephen breathed out gently, then pointed at America and said: "Her name is America. We are here only because of her ability."

 “Across the universe?” Mo Du said.

"Yes." Stephen said solemnly: "There is a very powerful witch who is chasing us. Mordo, I need your help."

 “Let’s go in and talk.” Modu pointed at the temple and said.

In the blink of an eye, the four of them walked into the temple together. After Modu asked the three of them to sit down, he skillfully made tea for them.

 “Don’t bother, we don’t drink tea.” Qin Yao said suddenly.

How could he, who had read the original novel, not know that Modo, who was sitting in front of them at the moment, was full of evil thoughts towards Stephen, and the tea contained some hallucinogenic coma-inducing drugs.

He did not receive the magic modification message prompted by the system, which means that there is at least a 90% chance that this kind of thing will happen again.

Modu paused his palm slightly and said, "Then what do you want to drink?"

 “We won’t drink anything.” Qin Yao said firmly.

Looking at her expression at this moment, America's words flashed through Stephen's mind again, and his heart suddenly froze.

Mordu nodded and said: "I'm curious, how did you become comrades with Stephen? Did you also learn magic?"

Qin Yao explained: "I studied a little by chance, but I wasn't good at it, so I couldn't help Stephen."

“Speaking of this.” Modu suddenly turned to look at Stephen and asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”

Stephen: “I wonder who is the Supreme Mage of Karma Taj now…”

Modu smiled: "That's me in front of you, brother."

Stephen: “…”

  After a moment of silence, he asked with a complex expression: "You have become the Supreme Mage. Why are you not in Karma Taj but in New York?"

Modu suppressed his smile: "Because Kama Taj no longer exists, and now the New York Sanctuary is the residence of the Supreme Mage."

Stephen: “…”

 “You haven’t said yet, what exactly do you need my help for?” Mo Du said.

Stephen quickly regained his composure and said seriously: "We want you to help find the Book of Weishan Emperor. Even if you can't help find it, you can provide relevant information."

Modu hesitated and said: "Who are you looking for the Book of Emperor Weishan to deal with?"

 “Scarlet Witch.” Stephen said.

Modu seemed to have thought about it for a long time and said, "Wait for me."

Stephen's heart skipped a beat: "No, isn't it? Could it be that the Book of Emperor Weishan is in this temple?"

"I'm not sure, you can take a look after I bring it." Modu said, got up and left here.

 “That’s great.” America said happily: “I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly...”

Qin Yao looked at her strangely.

How did this child with such a simple temperament travel through so many universes?

Is he really the so-called son of destiny? His destiny is so strong that someone will protect him every time he encounters danger?

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