I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1082: Ways to break the situation and worst-case scenarios!

 “What kind of spell is this?” Mr. Fantastic asked in astonishment.

 The female version of Captain America turned to look at Professor X: "Professor, can you sense where they went?"


 Looking at the invincible witch inside the light screen, everyone rushed outside the conference room.

“Christine.” In front of the basement entrance, Stephen, who had just appeared, called softly.

Qin Yao knew what he wanted to say, and said quietly: "You didn't see it just now. I tried very hard and seriously to advise them, but they just arrogantly thought that the Scarlet Witch was easy to deal with..."

"In any case, Scarlet Witch was brought into this world by us, which is equivalent to us bringing disaster to this world." Stephen said sincerely: "So even though they are full of doubts about us, I think we still have an obligation to save Their."

Qin Yao looked directly into his eyes: "Stephen, they are very arrogant, but you seem to be no less generous.

Have you forgotten the fear that witches brought to us?

Even Master Ancient One is no match for her. How can we defeat her if we gather together with a group of people who are unwilling to cooperate?

 Stop dreaming, this is impossible.

If you really feel sorry for me, then give me your watch and you can go back and fight alongside them.

In this way, if I am fast enough, I may be able to turn around and save your life. "

At this time, America suddenly grabbed Stephen's arm and looked at him with pleading eyes: "Don't go to death, Stephen, Sister Kristen is right, the most important thing now is to get the Book of Weishan Emperor. "

Stephen gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

at the same time.

The Illuminati bosses and Wanda walked across from each other in the lobby on the first floor. Mr. Fantastic smiled and said: "Black Bolt, give her some color."

Black Bolt nodded, the fork above his head lit up, and then he opened his mouth to use the sonic power.

 But when he was about to open his mouth, he found that he had no mouth.

 The next moment, the sound wave power exploded inside his head, shattering his head and sending blood mist flying.

Mr. Fantastic couldn't stop laughing, but before he could launch an attack, Wanda just raised her hand, and his body began to decompose rapidly, and finally shattered.

  The so-called boss of the Illuminati is vulnerable to Wanda who is bent over by the witch!

Two minutes later, Wanda defeated the female version of Captain America and Captain Marvel. At this time, Professor X arrived belatedly in a wheelchair.

 “Are you going to stop me too?” Wanda asked.

Professor X put one hand on his temple and pointed the other hand at Wanda.

 They always have a mysterious sense of self-confidence, feeling that even if everyone else is dead, they can still defeat the enemy.

  One minute later.

Professor X tilted his head and his neck was broken.

 After killing the five troublesome people, the witch controlled Wanda's body and quickly followed America's traces.

 In the underground passage.

Qin Yao took Stephen and America, teleported to a spelled iron door, and said in a deep voice: "Stephen, watch."

Stephen quickly took out the watch and handed it to him.

 Qin Yao put the watch into the groove of the door, and the iron door suddenly opened backwards, revealing a magnificent and colorful purple time and space.

Looking around, a circular altar is suspended in this time and space; in the center of the altar, an ancient book shines brightly.

Qin Yao grabbed Stephen with his left hand and America with his right hand, led them quickly to the center of the altar, and then reached out to grab the Book of Emperor Weishan on the stone pillar.

However, the next second, his palm suddenly became empty, and then he grabbed it twice more. As a result, he couldn't get the sacred book that was clearly in front of him.

Qin Yao cursed secretly and said sideways: "Stephen, come here."

I don’t know whether it was because of destiny or because Stephen was a pure lineage of the Supreme Magician, but he easily grabbed the sacred book, and a smile appeared on his long face.

 “Open this book quickly.”

Qin Yao's ears moved slightly, and he clearly heard the sound of heavy footsteps. He raised his hand to close the door of time and space above him.


The moment Stephen opened the book, the door that had just been closed was blown away by a terrifying force, and Wanda, half covered in blood, appeared at the door.

“Cast spells with the help of Emperor Weishan’s book, quickly!” Qin Yao appeared behind Stephen and said loudly.

Stephen quickly put his hand on the book and recited a spell. Golden haloes of light suddenly appeared from his body, forming a barrier of haloes in front of them.

Wanda raised her hands high, and a ball of scarlet light gathered in her hands, and she threw it towards the barrier.


 At the moment of energy transfer, a deafening loud noise suddenly erupted.


Wanda’s eyes gradually turned scarlet, her long hair danced, and she tried her best to cast the magic in her body.

 “Papa pa pa pa.”

 In the void, rings began to explode one after another.

Qin Yao's eyes were focused, and he pushed Stephen's back with one hand, using the power of faith to bless him.

In this case, only the power of faith can help Stephen; if divine power is used, Stephen, as the container, will explode first.

 After a long time, the magic in Wanda's body was exhausted, and her red eyes gradually turned into blue.

Qin Yao flew up, suspended in the void, and cast his faith blessing on Wanda's body.

 A white pillar of faith suddenly appeared above Wanda's head, pouring down like a waterfall, cleaning the dark power in her body over and over again.

ten minutes later.

This beam of light gradually merged into Wanda's body, forming a layer of God's blessing that could resist the attacks of darkness.

"Why am I here?" Wanda's eyes gradually focused, and she looked at Qin Yao in mid-air, and then looked at the doctor and the **** the altar.

 “Victory?” America murmured.

This journey of running and escaping was truly thrilling.

 But for a few hours at night, the situation may be completely different.

"Still early."

Qin Yaofei came down and said, "It's just that the dark power in her body has been cleared away. The threat of the witch is still there."

"As long as we protect Wanda and don't give the Scarlet Witch a chance to cast the sleepwalking spell, can we avoid the threat?" America asked.

Qin Yao shook his head: "In our world, the Book of Darkness originated from Sithorn, the first demon countless years ago. He also had a name called Hades.

 Countless years ago, Hades mastered the method of traveling across multiple dimensions, that is, the multiverse, and this method must have been recorded in the Book of Darkness.

 The sleepwalking spell is just one of the easiest ways to achieve and has the least side effects.

If the Scarlet Witch is determined to pay a certain price, she may not be able to come to this universe directly. "    "In other words, you are from another universe, and in that universe, I became the Scarlet Witch because of the Book of Darkness, and now I want to come to our universe to rob you of your things? "Wanda seemed to understand, and then she concluded.

"It's not about robbing us, but robbing your family, to be precise, your two children." Qin Yao looked into her watery eyes and said, "Have you ever had a dream? In the dream, I killed my husband, had no children, and suffered from loneliness alone.”

"Yes!" Wanda nodded: "Every time I wake up from a dream and see my two children, I am glad that it was just a dream."

"That's not a dream, but you in our world." Qin Yao said: "When you experience her life through dreams, she also senses your happiness through dreams. Therefore, she wants to replace you, replace you , to be the mother of those two children.”

Wanda felt a chill in her heart and asked with a stern face: "Then why is she chasing you?"

Qin Yao pointed at America: "This child has the ability to travel through the multiverse. The Scarlet Witch wants to get this ability because if the child encounters any trouble again in the future, she can solve the problem through the multiverse. That is She said that stealing your identity is her first goal, and her second goal is America. "

Wanda felt herself getting cold all over and said, "You will help me, right?"

If she didn’t have two children, then she wouldn’t be afraid of the Scarlet Witch at all.

 But those two children were her weakness, and she was worried that the other would replace her and become the mother of the children.

"Of course, now only if we work together can we defeat the witch." Qin Yao said solemnly.

“This feeling of waiting for the horror to come is really uncomfortable.” America said: “Do we have any countermeasures?”

 Everyone was silent.

America licked her lips and said, "Then what's the way to deal with it?"

Stephen said: "If I could return to our world, I think I could summon other superheroes to deal with witches together..."

America was silent.

 She is still unable to master her own abilities, and there is no way she can lock onto that world, let alone take them back.

"We cannot place the decisive battle in our world." Qin Yao thought for a while and said seriously: "Otherwise, I don't know how many people will die in this battle... no, in this victory."

 “What do you mean?” Stephen was slightly startled and raised his eyes.

Qin Yao looked at America and said: "I will help you activate the power in your body. Let's continue traveling in the multiverse, looking for a collapsing world and designate it as the final battlefield.

 In this way, no matter how fierce the battle is, there will be no loss of life.

 The most important thing is that if we really can't defeat the Scarlet Witch, let her die with the world. "

Stephen couldn’t bear it: “Isn’t there a better way?”

 Until now, he still had hopes for the Scarlet Witch to wake up.

Qin Yao was more sensible and responded: "Then you can think of a better way."

Stephen: “…”

 If he has this solution, why bother asking?

America clenched her fists and said, "When will it start?"

Qin Yao raised his head and looked at Wanda: "Let's start from her house, take her and her two children, so that when we are wandering in the multiverse, the witch will use other methods to take away her body, and then plot against us. ”

 Four hours later.

Wanda took the three of them to her home. Two little boys immediately ran over. After seeing the blood all over her body, they stopped suddenly with panic on their faces.

 “Mom?” Not long after, the older boy called softly.

"It's okay, kids." Wanda said, "Let me introduce you to these three friends who my mother just met..."

Immediately, Wanda briefly introduced herself to both parties, then returned to the room, changed into clean clothes and came out.

"How can you help me stimulate my abilities?" At eight o'clock in the evening, everyone gathered together to have dinner, America asked Qin Yao.

Qin Yao waved to her and led her to the middle of the carpet: "Sit down."

America sat down obediently and looked up into his eyes.

Qin Yao stretched out a finger, touched the opponent's eyebrows, and sent streams of faith-like power into his body.

Gradually, America's eyes lit up with bright white light, and a five-star portal suddenly collapsed behind her.

Qin Yao quickly opened his eyebrows and glanced at the opposite universe through the door of the universe. Finally he shook his head and put away the power of faith: "This is an ordinary universe... America, how do you feel now?"

 “It feels...it feels good.” America said softly.

The feeling of being surrounded by the power of faith is like soaking in an indoor hot spring in the winter, so comfortable that you want to sing.

Qin Yao was silent for a moment and said, "Then continue."

 That night, they opened a total of 27 five-star portals to different dimensions, but could not find even one collapsing universe.

 At noon the next day.

 The two continued to work together, opening the door to the universe again and again, and peering into different worlds.


Suddenly, white lights appeared on Wanda, who was sitting on the mat and playing games with her two children, and her mind became dizzy.

"It's a witch." Qin Yao shouted: "Stephen, go help her and use the Book of Weishan Emperor."

Stephen nodded, came to Wanda with the Book of Emperor Weishan in hand, and placed one of Wanda's palms in the middle of the page.

Bursts of light were released from the book, covering the two of them, and Wanda's discomfort quickly faded away.

"The witch's patience is limited, it seems we have to speed up." Qin Yao said to America.

 America nodded heavily: “Come on!”

 Two days later.

 Late night.

With her eyes darkened, America once again opened a door to the universe. In an instant, an aura of destruction and dilapidation came from inside the door, making the living room feel like a dark wind was blowing.

“Found it!” Qin Yao said in a solemn voice.

America was shocked: "Then let's go there quickly."

Qin Yao nodded and turned to look at Wanda: "Go and call your children."

The efforts finally bore fruit, but Wanda hesitated and said: "Bring them to such a dangerous world, just in case..."

Qin Yao said calmly: "You can stay in this world with the children. We don't force you to take risks."

 Wanda: “…”

Stephen pursed his lips and said, "Wanda, believe us, the Scarlet Witch is more dangerous than the world we are going to.

 If she finds a way to come to this world in her true form, then you will definitely be the first to die.

You saw it when we left the Illuminati. She controlled you and could kill all the leaders of the Illuminati. How powerful do you think her true form would be? "

 Wanda was speechless again.

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