I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1084: The witch has arrived, making it easier to attack and defend

Stephen is back after all.

 In fact, he was not that willing to come back, or in other words, he was not that willing to put down his pride and admit defeat to the person who stole Christine's body.

 For this reason, he even thought about using the sleepwalking spell of the Book of Darkness to return to his own world, unite with other superheroes, and negotiate with Wanda.

 But looking at the destroying universe in front of him, he hesitated. After this hesitation, I could no longer make up my mind.

He was not untouched by the death methods of the Illuminati leaders. The terrible consequences of frequent use of the Book of Darkness made him even more frightened.

"Can the positive and negative Yin-Yang formation you just mentioned trap the Scarlet Witch?" In the flat floor, Stephen held the Book of Weishan Emperor in his left hand and the Book of Darkness in his right hand, and asked Qin Yao seriously road.

"have no idea."

Qin Yao said calmly: "I can only say give it a try. If you really can't get stuck, then you can only try your best."

Stephen took a long breath, strode to the other party, and handed over the two books at the same time: "Then give it a try."

Qin Yao glanced at these two books but didn't pick them up: "Is there something missing?"

 “What’s missing?” Stephen asked.

Qin Yao was silent, but Wanda guessed it.

But it was America who finally solved the mystery: "Sorry, Stephen."

Stephen: “…”

He really rarely apologizes. He may not get a chance to say sorry for three to five years. Even if he does, there are always ways to avoid apologizing.

 But at this moment, it seems there is no way to avoid it.

"I'm sorry..." After struggling for dozens of seconds, Stephen finally lowered his proud head.

"Based on reality, you have to apologize, and I have to forgive." Qin Yao picked up two magic books from his hand and said, "That's it, it doesn't matter."

“It’s okay, it’s okay. After the rain, the sky will be sunny.” America took the initiative to smooth things over.

"It's time to work." Qin Yao sat cross-legged and used his magic to stick the Book of Weishan Emperor to the roof and the Book of Darkness to the ground, channeling the power of black and white magic, causing it to spin into two The shapes of the fish are finally united in a kind of balance.

Yin and Yang fish are called Bagua, and this round black and **** looks more like a millstone.

Qin Yao's body slowly rose, and the black and white millstone automatically flew down to his body. The two parties seemed to merge into one at this moment.

In the eyes of Stephen, America, Wanda, and even the two children, the figure on the millstone suddenly appeared with a sacred aura, solemn appearance, and more and more like a legendary god.

 “Mom.” Tommy tugged on the corner of Wanda’s clothes and called softly.

 “What’s wrong?” Wanda asked in a low voice.

 “Can I learn this?” Tommy pointed at Qin Yao.

Wanda was silent for a moment and shook her head slightly.

 Being extraordinary does not come without a price. If possible, she hopes that her two children will live an ordinary and happy life.

 Time passed day by day.

It was always calm inside the Holy of Holies, without any ripples. It was so calm that Wanda could no longer tighten her emotions, and the two children were no longer afraid, and even asked to go home for a visit.

 But Qin Yao, Stephen, and America, the three survivors who had experienced the crazy pursuit of witches, did not dare to neglect them at all.

 The two books in the Holy of Holies are shining brightly all the time.

 Another three days.

Suddenly there was an earth-shattering roar outside the Holy of Holies. Stephen opened the window immediately and saw a big hole collapsed in the void outside. A monster that looked like an octopus but had no head and only one big eye was waving. He grabbed his tentacles and crawled out of the big hole.

 “It’s a beholder.” America exclaimed.

This person is the culprit who is chasing her.

 “And the Scarlet Witch.”

When the beholder completely appeared, Stephen also saw the crimson figure standing on the beholder.

 “Oops.” America said anxiously with a panicked look on her face: “The Beholder and the Scarlet Witch have cooperated, we...”

"Shut up." On the black and white millstone, Qin Yao slowly opened his eyes and said in a condensed voice.

The voice had a soothing power, and America regained some of her sanity, although she was still frightened.

 After a while, the beholder carried the witch to the Holy of Holies. The powerful momentum turned into waves of intimidation, blowing through the windows into everyone's hearts like a hurricane.

With the beholder, Scarlet Witch stared at the purple and red light shining on the outer wall of the Holy of Holies, and said in surprise: "Can the strongest black magic and the strongest white magic also achieve this kind of balance?"

Qin Yao said: "Witch, Billy and Tommy are both here with me."

A burst of red light suddenly appeared in the Scarlet Witch's eyes. Her gaze suddenly penetrated the wall and saw the two little boys hiding behind Wanda, her expression changed slightly.

 “You threaten me with them?”

"I'm not threatening you." Qin Yao said, "I'm just reminding you to be careful when you take action later, so as not to let the guy under you hurt the two children."

“That’s ridiculous.” A sneer came out of the beholder’s body, and its many tentacles lit up as his thoughts turned.

 “Wait.” Scarlet Witch said expressionlessly.

The beholder was stunned for a moment, and then said: "What are you waiting for? Witch, you are not really threatened by him, are you?"

Scarlet Witch said indifferently: "Those two children cannot afford to lose anything."

The beholder pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "This is equivalent to tying up your hands and feet and fighting them. What can you do to defeat them?

Just listen to me, don’t worry about the children, kill them first, and seize the Book of Darkness.

 At worst, you can use the Book of Darkness to lock in another world with these two children, and I will help you travel through it. "

Scarlet Witch shook her head and said stubbornly: "No."

The beholder was so angry that he could not speak. Then he became cruel and drove multiple tentacles to smash against the high building of the Holy of Holies.

From its perspective, since the Scarlet Witch's weakness was the two children, it smashed the building first and buried the two children.

In this way, in order to find flowers similar to these two children in the multiverse in the future, the other party can only work together with itself to kill these reptiles that prevent it from absorbing the power of the gate to the universe.


However, what it never expected was that before its tentacles hit the building, countless scarlet light blades fell from the sky, cutting off all the tentacles, and azure blood flowed all over the floor. .



The beholder gasped in pain, then screamed, its one eye quickly became bloodshot, and roared angrily: "Are you crazy?"

"Are you crazy?" Scarlet Witch's hands shone with scarlet light, and her body slowly flew up: "Didn't I say? You can't hurt those two children."

"Then how can I fight? Tell me, how can I fight?" the beholder roared. Scarlet Witch took a deep breath and shouted: "Wanda, bring Billy and Tommy out."

 In the Holy of Holies.

America grabbed Wanda's wrist and said sincerely: "Don't listen to her, this witch is very bad."

 Wanda: “…”

"Wanda." Scarlet Witch said again: "There will eventually be a battle between me and them. It is too dangerous for two children to stay in the middle of the battlefield. Take them out quickly. You don't want anything to happen to them, do you?"

Wanda hesitated a little, but when she glanced at Stephen, her shaken heart settled down again, and she shouted out the window: "I don't believe you."

Scarlet Witch's face turned cold: "You don't have to believe me, but can't you see the situation clearly?"

Wanda held the two children in her arms and responded: "I will protect them, even if it means death."

 “You don’t have this ability.” Scarlet Witch said unceremoniously.

Qin Yao thought for a while and said, "Witch, so what if you win, in the eyes of these two children, you will never be their mother."

Scarlet Witch said: "I will seal their memories from this time..."

"Use the Book of Darkness?" Qin Yao interrupted: "Isn't this a kind of harm?"

"No." Scarlet Witch shook her head: "In addition to the Book of Darkness, there must be many ways to seal or even eliminate memories in the multiverse."

Qin Yao: "But the question is, is this kind of love obtained through deception really what you want?"

Scarlet Witch was silent for a long time and whispered: "It's better to have something than nothing, and it's better to get something than to lose it."

Qin Yao sighed: "Wanda..."

 “I’m here.” Wanda in the room responded.

"I didn't call you." Qin Yao glanced at her, and then said to the Scarlet Witch outside the building: "Wake up, your will is controlled by the Book of Darkness. You are kind-hearted and will not do such a thing. ”

"No need to say any more." Scarlet Witch flew down to the window and said calmly: "If you think you can make me give up just by saying this, then you underestimate me."

"That's right." The beholder said excitedly, "I'll help you break this turtle shell."

 “You are not allowed to do anything.” Scarlet Witch said.

The beholder was stunned: "Huh?"

"Before I let you do it, you are not allowed to do it, otherwise, I will kill you first." Scarlet Witch said.

The Eye Demon was furious: "Obviously the problem can be solved by just pushing it over, but you insist on raising the difficulty level to **** level?"

Scarlet Witch didn't bother to tell him a second time. She raised her hand to activate a terrifying scarlet mana, condensed it into a beam of light, and hit the window hard.

In the room, Qin Yao stretched out his hand and a black and white millstone suddenly appeared outside the window, blocking the scarlet light beam.

The beam of light hit the center of the millstone, like wild waves crashing on the gate. In an instant, the sky and the earth lost color, and there was no sound for hundreds of miles.

The beholder was forced to squint his eyes under this strong light, and his sight could no longer penetrate the aurora and look into the interior of the tall building.

Such a high-intensity magic confrontation lasted for a full hour and forty minutes. After this time point, Qin Yao was the first to be unable to bear it anymore and called out: "Stephen, Wanda, give me a helping hand."

Stephen nodded and instilled the magic power in his body into the Book of Emperor Weishan above his head; Wanda hesitated for a moment, then her hands lit up with crimson light, instilling chaos magic into the Book of Darkness at her feet.

After receiving the magical support from the two of them, Qin Yao stabilized the situation again and fought against the Scarlet Witch.

 The sixth hour after the magic bombardment.

The magic power in Scarlet Witch's body gradually ran out, so she gradually stopped this head-on battle of attrition and quietly stared at the tall buildings ahead.

The beholder said softly: "I'll do it, you rest, trust me, I won't hurt those two children."

Scarlet Witch shook her head: "Wait."

"…" The beholder secretly hated him, but he couldn't turn his back on the spot. He could only wait silently and look for opportunities.

Scarlet Witch adjusted her breathing, turned her hands to summon a book of darkness, placed her right hand on the book's eyes, and slowly closed her eyes.

“Stephen, switch places with Wanda, quickly!” Qin Yao said loudly in the room when he saw this scene.

Stephen quickly came to the Book of Darkness, and Wanda flew up, raised her hand and pressed it on the Book of Weishan Emperor.

 The scarlet light appeared and faded in her eyes, faded and appeared again, and the cycle repeated.

Qin Yao breathed out gently, formed a seal with his hands, and a beam of faith flew out of his hand and penetrated into Wanda's body, helping her resist the attack of the sleepwalking curse.

Since then, the battle has continued in this less expensive but more dangerous way, and the situation has once again reached a stalemate.

Behind the Scarlet Witch, the beholder, who was unwilling to watch, rolled his eyes, quietly drilled his tentacles into the ground, and quickly rushed towards the foundation of the Holy of Holies.

Soon after, its eighteen tentacles held different support points of the Holy of Holies respectively, exerted force suddenly, lifted the entire Holy of Holies, and then dropped it severely without anyone reacting. Got out.


The huge Holy of Holies hit the ground hard and fell apart in an instant.

In the room, Qin Yao, Stephen, and Wanda vomited blood at the same time. America and the two children were even worse. They were all smashed to death in the rubble.

The witch who was struggling to grab Wanda's body was stunned. She looked at the child who was pressed under the broken wall, her face full of confusion.

 “Hahahaha, it worked.”

The beholder laughed loudly, and then said to the Scarlet Witch: "You block the three of them for me, and let me swallow America's energy while the remaining power is still there."

The Scarlet Witch woke up from a dream, turned around suddenly, and fired a stream of chaos magic at the beholder.

 “Boom, boom, boom…”

  One light group after another exploded on the beholder's body, making terrifying **** holes.

The beholder became furious and shouted: "Stop, stop, bitch, don't you want to be with the children in other universes?"

The Scarlet Witch's eyes completely turned scarlet, and her face was ferocious: "You deserve to die even more!"

A battle broke out between the two sides, with large swaths of blood mist exploding around the beholder's body. At the same time, the Scarlet Witch was knocked over by tentacles one after another.

  In ruins.

Stephen stared blankly at America's body, and Wanda stared at the bodies of the two children in ecstasy. Only Qin Yao looked normal and said through the message: "Don't be sad, I can resurrect them."

They both looked at him at the same time. Wanda turned into a red light and ran towards him at high speed. She held his arms tightly with both hands and her voice trembled with excitement: "Really?"


Qin Yao solemnly said: "Hurry up and help the witches, I will resurrect them now."

 “Help the witch?” Stephen, who breathed a sigh of relief, said in shock.

Qin Yao: "If you don't help the witch, how can you help the beholder? Don't be so dazed, go!" (End of this chapter)

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