I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1108: Bull Demon King's Boomerang

After delivering the hostages and speaking cruel words, Zhang Daoling left in the clouds without hesitation, without even giving Sun Wukong a chance to respond.

 Fortunately, Sun Wukong is now calm and no longer as violent as he was during the Monkey King period. He is not angry about this. Instead, he slowly comes to Xiaoyu, lowers his eyes and asks: "Are you okay?"

Xiaoyu shook her head and said nothing.

Sun Wukong turned around and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see Liu and his son."

 “Aren’t they no longer in Mount Emei?” Xiaoyu’s face was filled with astonishment.

Sun Wukong chuckled: "I was just teasing that old bastard."

 Xiaoyu: “…”

Not long after, the two demons came to the Sutra Cave one after another. They saw Qin Yao bringing agarwood and sending a fairy out of the cave.

 “Weaver Girl.” Sun Wukong called.

 “Holy Buddha.”

The handsome female fairy in a long purple dress and hair tied with a hosta saluted the monkey and said with a smile: "I've been bothering you for a while."

Sun Wukong waved his hand: "No Nao Nao, no Nao Nao, if it weren't for you, Xiaoyu wouldn't be able to come back."

Zhinu looked at Xiaoyu and smiled: "You are indeed a beauty. No wonder Chenxiang is so interested in you."

 Xiaoyu: “…”

Is this a kidnapping?

 Why do you look like you are a guest?

 “Mr. Liu, thank you for your hospitality.” Weaver Girl turned to look at Qin Yao, bowed and said.

"Fairy, walk slowly." Qin Yao returned the greeting with his hands in hand.

 After watching Weaver Girl take off, Xiaoyu finally couldn't bear it any longer and asked, "How come this doesn't look like a kidnapping to me?"

Chenxiang smiled and said: "No kidnapping, we invited Aunt Zhinu here on the Magpie Bridge."

 Xiaoyu: “…”

At this moment, the Heavenly Master's will hidden in her body suddenly went berserk, and instantly seized control of the body, raising his hand and hitting Chenxiang's chest with a palm.


Sun Wukong's expression changed, and he stretched out his hand to point at Xiaoyu. As the power of law flashed, the girl was immediately frozen in place.

 In this case, the Heavenly Master's will suddenly exploded in this body.

The violent mental energy quickly swept through the limbs and bones, causing Xiaoyu's body to tremble and spit out a stream of blood uncontrollably. Finally, her eyes turned white and she fell to the ground.


 Chen Xiang was shocked. He came to the other party like lightning, lifted her upper body from the ground, and touched her eyebrows with a finger, but she saw a shocking scene.

 I saw that all the meridians were broken, and an unknown number of bones were dislocated.

What's even more terrible is that not only the body is failing, but the soul has also been severely damaged.

"Holy Buddha, please save Xiaoyu, please save her." Chenxiang used magic power to hang her lifeless, turned to Sun Wukong and shouted.

Sun Wukong used his Fiery Eyes to look at the situation and said helplessly: "This kind of injury cannot be saved."

“Let’s repair her injuries first.” Qin Yao suddenly said: “Agarwood, carry Xiaoyu into the Scripture Cave.”

 “Okay, Dad.”

 Agarwood was overjoyed and set off quickly.

Sun Wukong looked at Qin Yao in surprise and said, "All her meridians have been destroyed. Her body cannot hold the alien power. If anything goes wrong, it will explode. What's more terrible is that her soul has also been injured and is on the verge of fragmentation. , if you try to save her with magical power, it is likely to hasten her death."

Qin Yao turned around and said: "I know, we can solve it one by one."

 Sun Wukong was very curious about his solution, so he followed him into the Buddhist Scripture Cave and even took the initiative to set up a layer of barrier to isolate himself from outside temptation.

 Agarwood carefully placed Xiaoyu on her mat, and then looked at her father expectantly.

 Qin Yao sat cross-legged in front of the mat, and gently placed the palm of his right hand on Xiaoyu's forehead. The power of faith gushes out like running water and continuously pours into the body of the banshee.

Under the nourishment of the white light containing endless vitality, the broken meridians in Xiaoyu's body healed quickly, and the broken parts grew rapidly like spring buds.

Sun Wukong, whose eyes were shining with a faint golden light, was stunned, and then he looked at Qin Yao with doubts in his eyes.

He has traveled across thousands of mountains and seas, and has seen a lot. He can see through the nature of this power at a glance.

He is not surprised that the power of faith can heal injuries. Buddhism itself is a master of the study of the power of faith, and its use of the power of faith is almost superb.

Generally speaking, the more temples and gods and Buddhas have more followers, the stronger the power of faith in the body will be, and the higher the strength and mana will be in the Three Realms.

But what he couldn't understand was why Liu Yanchang was able to mobilize so much power of faith!

Even if the Three Holy Mothers used this power of faith, he would not be so shocked!

  Could it be said that somewhere in the Three Realms, there are tens of millions of people who worship Liu Yanchang like a god, worshiping him day and night?

This is obviously impossible. If there were so many believers, he would have been famous in the three realms long ago, and he would not be known as the husband of the Three Holy Mothers.

  After a long time.

Qin Yao repaired the wounds on Xiaoyu's body, but was still unable to deal with the wounds on her soul.

Sun Wukong was right, Zhang Daoling was too sinister. Not only did he destroy Xiaoyu’s spiritual body, he also cut off the possibility of others saving her.

Hence, Xiaoyu’s soul is already full of Zhang Daoling’s alien power, and if the power of faith rushes in, this part of the power will be detonated, causing secondary damage to the soul that is already on the verge of being broken. Then it won’t be about saving people, but about killing people!

Sun Wukong pursed his lips and said slowly: "Now that her body has been repaired, she can try to use her body to nourish her soul."

 “What does it mean to nourish one’s soul with one’s body?” Chen Xiang asked.

Qin Yao: "Literally, it means using the body to feed the soul. Her soul can no longer accommodate even a trace of alien divine power, but it does not reject the divine power generated by her body."

Chen Xiang quickly said: "Then let's try it quickly!"

Qin Yao was silent, and Sun Wukong sighed and explained on his behalf: "This method requires a steady stream of soft and pure power to be poured into his body. The acquired power we have cultivated is not enough, it must be innate divine power. "

Chenxiang asked: "Is Laojun's elixir good?"

Sun Wukong shook his head: "The power in Laojun's elixir does not belong to innate divine power."

 Chen Xiang was stunned, and then suddenly thought of a treasure, and turned to look at Qin Yao.

Qin Yao nodded slightly and said: "The core power in the lotus lantern is the innate divine power."

 What is the core strength?

The core thing of the Lotus Lamp is the wick. In other words, after going round and round, the important task of waking up Xiaoyu now falls on this wick.

The problem is that once the lotus lamp loses its wick, it will become a useless lamp.

Once upon a time, the safety of their father and son depended on this magic lamp. Even now, when they leave Mount Emei, the lotus lantern is their source of confidence.

Chenxiang knew this very well, but she still knelt down in front of Qin Yao without any hesitation and kowtowed repeatedly: "Dad, please use the wick to save Xiaoyu, the child has already recognized her in this life..." Qin Yao sighed in his heart.

 Is this considered the powerful restorative power of fate?

Even though the plot has undergone earth-shaking changes, this wick will still fall into Xiaoyu's mouth?

 The difference is that in the original work, the wick was punched into Xiaoyu's mouth by the fox demon grandma, but in reality, the wick was used to keep Xiaoyu alive.

Sun Wukong scratched his ears and persuaded: "If Xiaoyu is revived with the wick, then Xiaoyu may be able to replace the role of the wick. In other words, as long as she is near the Lotus Lamp, she can use her divine power or blood to activate the Lotus. lamp."

Qin Yao said: "I know..."

Chen Xiang quickly said: "If dad is worried about not being able to explain to mother, I can set off to Huashan now to get mother's consent."


Qin Yao shook his head, turned his hands to summon the lotus lantern, and delivered it to Chen Xiang: "You come and wake her up."

 Lean less.

Qin Yao and Sun Wukong walked out of the Buddhist Scripture Cave together. Looking up, they saw the vastness of the stars, but they could not cover up the brilliance of the bright moon.

 “A little reluctant to give up?” Sun Wukong asked with a smile.

Qin Yao waved his hand: "No, I'm just feeling a little emotional. I once hesitated whether to swallow the wick myself, but in the end I restrained my desire with reason and kept it, but in the end I used it on Xiaoyu. If I hadn't If you control your desires, will Xiaoyu be hopeless? "

Sun Wukong paused for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know... the fate of mortals is written on the Yang Scroll of the Underworld, but the gods jumped out of the Three Realms and were not in the Five Elements, so their fate is unpredictable.

However, precisely because fate is unpredictable, life is extremely exciting. Otherwise, even if he is a god, he is just living according to the destiny written by heaven. Is this not a puppet on strings? "

Qin Yao suddenly felt enlightened and said with a smile: "Thank you, Holy Buddha, for enlightening me."

Sun Wukong laughed: "Even without me, you will definitely figure it out."

 The next day.


The cave tunnel blocked out the sunset light, but fortunately an oil lamp illuminated this small space.

Lying on the mat, Xiaoyu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes, only to see Chenxiang sitting cross-legged in front of her, and the next moment she felt the majestic and terrifying power in her body...

"You're awake." When she sat up, Chen Xiang opened her eyes, her face full of joy.

“What happened? Also, why do I have such terrifying power in my body?” Xiaoyu asked.

Chen Xiang said: "This is actually a matter...Zhang Daoling has hidden evil intentions, destroying your body and hurting your soul, in order to vent his anger. My father repaired your physical wounds with divine power, and I saved your soul with the wick of the lotus lamp. And these divine powers in your body are what remains of the wick."

 “Huh?” Xiaoyu opened her mouth wide, her face full of astonishment.

 “Don’t you believe what I said?” Chen Xiang asked.

 Xiaoyu waved her hands quickly: "No, I'm just too shocked."

 “What’s shocking?” Chen Xiang smiled.

Xiaoyu was silent for a moment, lowered her head and said, "What should I use to repay what I owe you and my son?"

Chen Xiang took the initiative to hold her hand and said sincerely: "You don't need to return it, because we are a family."

 Xiaoyu seemed to be injected with a warm current in her heart and said: "Agarwood, thank you."

 Agarwood shook her head and then said, "Xiaoyu, can you promise me something?"

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will promise you." Xiaoyu said.

Chen Xiang said seriously: "Don't dwell on the hatred of the past anymore, let yourself go."

Xiaoyu was slightly startled, glanced at the lotus lantern on the table, and said softly: "Okay!"

time flies.

 Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

 After swallowing six elixirs, Chen Xiang officially advanced from a human immortal to a divine being. This result directly showed Qin Yao that he was autistic.

  Although we clearly know that in the original work, the upgrade process of Agarwood is even more exaggerated. After swallowing the elixir, he will be second only to Erlang Shen.

But seeing him surpassing the realm that he had achieved after years of hard training and countless reincarnations in just over ten days, it is really difficult to explain to outsiders the complicated emotions he felt.

I can only say that compared with plug-ins and plot plug-ins, fireflies compete with the bright moon.

But having said that, if he had not reached the realm of gods, there would have been no chance of reincarnation in the world of "Lotus Lantern".

 For example, if there is a direct transition from the world of "Zongxie" to the world of "Baolian Lantern", the span difference cannot be justified.

If he has not become an immortal, he can probably only be like Liu Yanchang in the original work of "Lotus Lamp". After suffering so much, he waits for Agarwood to defy heaven and change his destiny and modify the rules of heaven...

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt relieved.

Although he failed to get the "plot hook", every step he took was not meaningless...

 “Liu Yanchang~~Liu Yanchang~~”

On this day, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was not dry, but a flower fairy rushed outside the Holy Buddha Cave with a stream of light and shouted loudly.

“Liu Yanchang is not here.” Sun Wukong, dressed in monk robes, walked out of the cave and raised his eyes and said.

 “The little immortal pays homage to the holy Buddha.”

Hua Fairy bowed and asked eagerly: "May I ask the Holy Buddha where Liu Yanchang is now?"

 “What do you want to see him for?” Sun Wukong asked bluntly.

Flower Fairy: "My fairy was captured by the Bull Demon King because of him. When the Bull Demon King left, he told Liu Yanchang to take the lotus lantern to Moyun Cave in Jilei Mountain to redeem people. If the lotus lantern is not seen, my family will The fairy will never see the light of day again."

At this moment, Sun Wukong even had the feeling of retrieving the path in his dream, and subconsciously asked: "Who is your fairy?"

“The Baihua Fairy from Suzhou Baihua City.” said the Flower Fairy.

Sun Wukong knew this and solemnly said: "You go back first, I will tell Liu Yanchang about this..."

“The lotus lantern is broken, how can we use it to save Aunt Baihua?” In the Sutra Cave, after listening to Sun Wukong’s narration, Chen Xiang asked anxiously.

 He was very fond of Aunt Baihua, who was dedicated to helping them, so he became anxious when he heard that the other party was in trouble.

Qin Yao also didn't expect that after the Bull Demon King's boomerang circled in such a big circle, it still hit him on the head.

At that time, after using the righteous way to drive away the Bull Demon King, he originally thought that the karma with the other party would end here. But now judging from the results, the old cow has been evil since he left. After the Demon Way issued a reward order to no avail, He actually set his sights on Baihua Fairy...

Fairy Baihua was kind to their father and son, but this time he suffered disaster because of them. No matter how rational and calm Qin Yao was, he couldn't say anything like sitting on the sidelines.

"We all know that the lotus lantern is useless, but the Bull Demon King doesn't know. What's more, Fairy Baihua must be rescued, but we must not follow the opponent's rhythm and go to the banquet alone..." Shao Qing, Qin Yao said seriously.

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