I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1115: Zhang Daoling: I am exhausted both mentally and physically.

 “You’re so good, why do you want to show the Queen Mother how awesome you are?”

Not long after, Laojun asked.

Sun Wukong: "She changes the rules of heaven at every turn, and when she changes the rules of heaven, she relies entirely on her own will, and does whatever she wants. In the end, the revised rules of heaven are inhumane, even anti-divine, and destroy nature. ”

"What does this have to do with you? Tianzhi has nothing to do with you." Laojun said.

Sun Wukong raised his head and said: "I hate evil as much as I hate it, and I can't bear to see it."

 Laojun laughed dumbly: "Have you not been trying to subjugate the mind since you became a Buddha? Why are you still like this?"

“My old grandson surrendered to the Heart Monkey, not his nature.” Sun Wukong said: “We can’t let the Queen Mother continue to do it so unscrupulously, so we must give her some color.”

 “What are you going to do with my diamond bracelet?” Laojun asked.

Sun Wukong: "Now Li Jing, Erlang Shen, Zhang Daoling and others are ordered to arrest the Liu family and his son, and they have invited the four heavenly kings to help. I want to use the diamond bracelet to collect the magic weapons of the four heavenly kings, and then throw them into Cuiyun Mountain."

 Laojun: “…”

  Human world.

 Cuiyun Mountain.

The Bull Demon King stood with everyone in front of the Bajiao Cave, looking at the billowing sea of ​​clouds outside the lotus lantern defense formation, and said with concern: "The four heavenly masters are here, and the four heavenly kings are also here, what are they waiting for? "

Qin Yao said: "There may be other heavyweight gods who have not yet come."

"Then let's just wait and do nothing," said the Bull Demon King.

Qin Yao said calmly: "Just be prepared to run away at any time."

 Gods and demons: “…”

I have to say, Mr. Liu (father) has a really good attitude!

 The next day.

Sun Wukong descended from the sky and hid in the void, silently waiting for the war to begin.

This wait lasted for more than half a month. Nezha has not yet arrived with his heavenly soldiers and generals, so everyone can only waste their time here.

 Fortunately, after another seven or eight days, a magnificent sea of ​​clouds finally drifted into the distant sky.

With the roar of drums, the heavenly soldiers and generals wearing silver armor and holding weapons finally appeared in the eyes of the gods.

 “Meet the father.”

 Leading the army to the presence of the gods, Nezha raised his hands and said.

"No need to be polite." Li Jing waved his hand, and then said to Erlang Shen and Zhang Daoling: "Then let's start the attack now?"

Zhang Daoling looked up at Mo Lihong and said: "Please hold up the Hunyuan Umbrella in advance, so that when we attack, the Iron Fan Princess will suddenly use the banana fan to disperse our army with the divine wind."


Dressed in golden armor and with a golden eagle mask on his face, King Dawen raised his hand and threw out a round umbrella. The umbrella became bigger and bigger as it rose. The emeralds, emerald seals, and emerald green hanging on the umbrella, Luminous pearls, dust-proof pearls, fire-proof pearls, water-proof pearls, coolness-reducing pearls, Jiuqu pearls, Yan-fixing pearls, and wind-fixing pearls all collided together and jingled, playing a beautiful piece of music. .

In Cuiyun Mountain, in front of the Banana Cave, Princess Iron Fan held a huge banana fan in both hands and tried to fan out the divine wind to the outside world. This wind was mighty and powerful, but when she came to the umbrella, she was stopped and then dissipated. invisible.

Even though she was mentally prepared for this, Princess Iron Fan's heart was still sinking.

They only had two treasures in total, and one of them was wasted!

Without the help of the treasure, given their strength, it would be impossible to resist the combined forces of Heaven and Dao Sect!

"Ha ha ha ha."

Mo Lihong stood on the clouds, laughing wildly: "Put some tofu in brine, and everything will fall. Princess Iron Fan, no matter how powerful the banana fan is, it will be useless when it encounters my Hunyuan Umbrella."

"No need to talk nonsense, attack with all your strength." Mo Liqing, the eldest of the four brothers, shouted, raising the Secret Qingyun Sword in his hand. The talismans on the sword shone brightly, and the words "Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire" were written on the long sword. As soon as it appeared, the black wind and fierce fire rolled down, overwhelmingly rushing towards the Baolian lamp defense cover.

Mo Li Hai and Mo Li Shou followed closely to drive the magic weapon, the jade pipa clanked, and the sound waves turned into substance. The heavy sword-like maces tore through the void with terrifying force.

Amidst the roars, the defensive light shield was constantly shaking and seemed to be in danger.

The four heavenly masters looked happy, and then threw magic flying swords, and attacked the defensive barrier with the four heavenly kings. The forced Qin Yao, Bull Demon King, Iron Fan Princess, Old Fox, Chenxiang and others had to come behind Xiaoyu and use their own Mana assists him, stabilizing the constantly cracking defensive light shield.

"it's time."

In the western sky, among the yellow clouds, Sun Wukong licked his lips, suddenly took out the diamond bracelet, and muttered something.

With the cooperation of magic power and spells, the diamond bracelet trembled slightly, and then the whole body glowed. A terrifying suction force suddenly appeared from the bracelet, and in an instant, the magic weapons in the hands of the four heavenly kings and the four heavenly masters were taken away. Attract it and put it into the bracelet.

Looking at the empty palms and the empty front, the Eight Great Gods were stunned and did not respond for a long time. He even thought he was in a dream.

If it wasn't in a dream, how could such a outrageous thing happen? !

Behind Iori, Li Jing and Erlang Shen looked at each other. Although they can't completely guess each other's emotions, they both feel a sense of gloating...

"who is it?"

At this time, Mo Liqing was the first to react, his eyes flashed with dazzling light, and he looked at the place where everyone's weapons disappeared, but he only saw a yellow cloud, and there were no other hairs at all!

"My magic weapon!!" Mo Lihong shouted: "Who is so bad as Killing Thousand Swordsmen? You have the courage to come out and fight with us. Why are you secretly collecting our magic weapon? Come out, come out~~"

Listening to his heartfelt roar, the other gods who were about to curse inexplicably calmed down. Ge Tianshi said: "Anger has no effect. Now let's speculate on who he is and what he is using to control him. Let’s take our magic weapon away. We don’t have to fight Cuiyun Mountain, but we must find our magic weapon.”

 In the current world view, how important is the magic weapon?

Take the plot of the original novel as an example: Agarwood, who is just starting out, relies on Zhu Bajie's magical power when he is still in a residual health state to use the Lotus Lamp to beat Erlang Shen who is in a full health state and vomit blood.

 Erlang God holds a lotus lantern and can make Sun Wukong vomit blood when he is in a state of complete victory.

  Agarwood + Bull Demon King + Zhu Bajie + Red Boy + Eight Princes besieged Erlang Shen, but Erlang Shen was easily beaten with a lotus lantern.

Similar to the worldview of Fengshen, in Fengshen, many Qi practitioners can block the gods in Xiqi camp by mastering a magic weapon, such as Sanxiao's Hunyuan Golden Dou and Yu Hua's Blood Transformation God. Knives and other treasures.

For the Eight Righteous Gods, the magic weapons they just lost were all their own natal magic weapons, and they were the ultimate killing weapons that they spent their entire lives cultivating.

If they lose this killing weapon, their deterrence will drop off a cliff. If they really fight monsters, they may not be able to defeat those famous peerless monsters...

Xu Tianshi said solemnly: "Although the person who received our magic weapon is unknown, there are only a handful of magic weapons in the world that can take away all our magic weapons at once. All I can think of are the treasured money and the pure glass bottle."

Mo Li Qingdao: "There is also Hunyuan Jindou."

Zhang Daoling pondered and said: "The wind and fire futon will also work. The old man used this treasure to collect the Hunyuan Golden Dou."

Sa Tianshi added: "There are also diamond bracelets and Qiankun bags." "Are there any more?" Mo Lishou asked.

The gods were silent for a moment, and Moli Qing said in a serious voice: "There are still many magic weapons that can collect magic weapons, but it is unlikely that many of our natal secret treasures can be collected at once."

 Zhang Daoling nodded slightly: "In this case, the scope of tracing is small. It is just Xiao Sheng, Guanshiyin, Sanxiao, Laojun, and the Two Sages of the West... Let's go and investigate together. I think we should gain something."

“Which, can I say a word?” Seeing them chatting enthusiastically on the battlefield, Nezha couldn’t help but speak.

 “You said it.” Moli Qing responded.

"Whether the other party comes in person or lends the magic weapon to others, if you just ask them like this, they will tell you frankly?" Nezha asked.

Iori remained silent, and no one could refute anything.

 In fact, they are deliberately avoiding this problem. In the final analysis, they are still unwilling to accept the consequences of the magic weapon being stolen.

“Zhang Tianshi, you invited us here, so you must take responsibility for this matter.” Mo Lihong shouted at Zhang Daoling.

 “Second brother!” Mo Liqing shouted: “Don’t be rude.”

Mo Lihong crossed her neck and said, "Brother, how could I be rude? Isn't what I said the truth?"

 Zhang Daoling smiled bitterly: "It's true. I'm going to ask a few powerful experts to understand the situation. If there are no clues in the end, I will ask the Jade Emperor to take out the Haotian Mirror and search for traces of the secret treasure."


 The other three heavenly masters said one after another.

"What do you mean, don't you want to go to Cuiyun Mountain?" Li Jing asked, holding the pagoda.

“King of Heaven, what time has it been? Why are we still attacking Cuiyun Mountain?” Mo Liqing waved his hand and then said, “I’ll take my leave.”

Zhang Daoling said helplessly: "Marshal Li, we will go ahead. Please cooperate with Erlang Shen to surround Cuiyun Mountain first. After we find the magic weapon, we will come back to help."

Li Jing sighed: "Okay, then I will wait for you to come back..."

 In a blink of an eye, night falls.

A woodcutter wearing a green cloth, disheveled hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, holding an ax, wandered to the foot of Cuiyun Mountain. As he was walking, he suddenly bumped into the protective cover of the Baolian lamp. He was so angry that he hit the ax hard. He slashed the transparent golden mask hard, attracting the attention of the gods and monsters on the mountain.

“A woodcutter suddenly appeared. Could it be a scam?” The Bull Demon King stared at the indignant man at the foot of the mountain with his round bull eyes.

“Xiaoyu, open the defensive cover and let him in.” Qin Yao stared at the ax for a while and suddenly said.

“Huh?” Xiaoyu, Princess Iron Fan, and even Chenxiang exclaimed at the same time.

 Qin Yao glanced at the two women, then slapped Chenxiang on the forehead, and lectured: "It's okay if they can't tell. You don't recognize the ax in the woodcutter's hand either?"

Chen Xiang was stunned for a moment, then quickly opened his Dharma Eyes and looked at the ax in the hand of the mortal at the foot of the mountain. He saw that the ax slowly changed its shape under the gaze of Dharma Eyes. It was the magic weapon that Sun Wukong took out from the Tushita Palace.

Hearing what Qin Yao said, Xiaoyu knew something in her heart. She raised her hand to cast a spell and opened a door in front of the woodcutter.

"Huh." The woodcutter looked surprised and strode into the door. The next moment, the originally transparent mask suddenly became no longer transparent. Li Jing, Yang Jian and others above the clouds could no longer see clearly what was going on inside the mountain.

 “Zhenjun, this woodcutter came here strangely.” Li Jing turned around and said.

Erlangshen nodded: "Yes, it's very strange."


 There will be no more.

They have not lost their magic weapon, and they are not active in the task of apprehending Liu and his son. Who cares what this strange woodcutter does?

 A few days later.

Zhang Daoling, who traveled all over the east and west but found nothing, had no choice but to come to Yaochi and ask to see the Jade Emperor.

In the Yaochi, the Jade Emperor was watching a group of fairies dancing, but his eyes were very empty. When he heard that Zhang Daoling asked for an audience, his eyes suddenly gathered light, and he said loudly: "Invite Zhang Daoling to attend."

 “I, Zhang Daoling, see your majesty.”

"Ping Shen." The Jade Emperor raised his hand, looked at the defeated ministers in front of him, and asked, "The Qing family doesn't look very good, but what trouble have they encountered?"

 When Zhang Daoling was mentioned, his heart was full of sorrow and he couldn't help complaining: "Your Majesty, I am suffering."

The Jade Emperor suppressed his laughter and asked with pretense of confusion: "What happened to the Qing family?"

Zhang Daoling: "I obeyed the holy order and fulfilled my duties with all my heart. In order to conquer Cuiyun Mountain as soon as possible, I first found the other three heavenly masters, and then invited the four heavenly kings to help. Everything is ready, just waiting to break the mountain.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the gods sacrificed their magic weapons, a strange suction force sucked away all the magic weapons of our eight gods. It was simply inexplicable.

 What makes me even more uncomfortable is that there is no place to look for him.

In the past two days, I have traveled east and west, just to look for clues, but either I was told that I didn’t know the situation, or I simply couldn’t see the powerful deity who possesses the magic weapon. The four heavenly kings were urging me every day. I am urged every day, which makes me exhausted mentally and physically..."

The Jade Emperor immediately looked at him with pity, and for a moment he didn't know how to evaluate him.

He stayed out of the situation and stood at a high place. On the contrary, he was more sober than the Queen Mother. It could even be said that he had a clear understanding of the situation.

As the righteous **** of heaven, Zhang Daoling has indeed fulfilled his responsibilities, at least he is infinitely better than Li Jing and Yang Jian. But just because he was so dedicated to his duties, he got into such a mess.

“So you came to me today because you want to use the Haotian Mirror to find out who stole your magic weapon?”

"Your Majesty is wise." Zhang Daoling bowed and said, "Your Majesty, please agree."

"You are loyal to the king, so I will not hesitate to help you."

As the Jade Emperor spoke, he summoned the Haotian Mirror with a flip of his hand. After inputting the magic power, he used the magical power of the Golden Mouth Jade Word: "Haotian Mirror, find out what kind of treasure it is. It contains the magic weapons of the four heavenly masters and the four heavenly kings."

The Haotian Mirror hung in the void between the monarch and his ministers. It trembled for a while under Zhang Daoling's earnest gaze, but then nothing was reflected.

The Jade Emperor narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that the magic weapon that contains your magic weapon is a saint's magic weapon."

The Haotian Mirror can penetrate the heavens, but it cannot find out everything about the saint.

The saint has already transcended and used his body to conform to the Tao. How can he leave traces of himself in the Tao of Heaven for others to check?

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