I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1129: End of volume: Let’s grow old together in this life!

The river demon has never thought about how to get together or separate.

He had been looking for the Imperial Preceptor for twenty years and waited for twenty years. However, the result of waiting was that the Imperial Preceptor changed his mind.

This outcome was more painful for him than killing him, so he broke out desperately!

Outside the barrier, the huge Wangchuan River stirred up waves under his control, and was crazily poured into the barrier through the barrier gate.

In the heavenly prison, Sun Wukong, who sensed something was wrong, started a fierce battle with the river demon himself. However, his physique was 50% better than anyone else's, so he was unable to end the battle in a short time. Even after Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing joined in, he was unable to subdue the river monster for a while.

"Are you okay?" Qin Yao jumped off the white dragon horse and reached out to support the pale king.

 “I’m fine, I’m just a little dizzy from being spun around.” The king responded.

"Great calamity, great calamity." The yellow paper appeared out of nowhere and shouted loudly: "The Forgotten River is pouring crazily into the daughter country. Countless countries are being submerged. At this rate, half a stick of incense will be lost at the latest. In time, the palace will be flooded.”

“Oops.” Sun Wukong’s complexion changed and he shouted at the river demon: “Are you going to use the entire daughter country to vent your anger?”

The river demon didn't answer, and its body suddenly turned into a huge water column, twisting everything in its path into pieces.

Sun Wukong's golden hoop swept through the water column, but passed directly through it. The next moment, the entire Tianlao was crumbling under the attack of the water column.

“Let’s go quickly.” Qin Yao grabbed the king’s arm and led her out of the prison quickly.


Not long after, the entire Tianlao building shattered under the impact of the water flow. The frightened yellow paper jumped directly onto Qin Yao, hiding in his monk's clothes and shivering.

"All this is because of you." The river demon stared at the bloodless Imperial Master not far away, his face full of tyrannical emotions, and suddenly the sky roared, and the endless torrent suddenly brought countless people of the Daughter Kingdom to surge wildly. Come.

 “No, no!” Looking at this scene, the Imperial Master shouted sternly.

Qin Yao's cheeks twitched, and he resisted the idea of ​​turning back time. He sat cross-legged and said, "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Xuanzang wants to see you! In any case, the subjects of the daughter country are innocent, and they should not die like this..."

 Instead of using time to go back and have his flaws discovered because this is not Xuanzang’s magical power, he, who is familiar with the plot, has a better idea!


In an instant, a huge white lotus emerged from the sea, freezing time and space. It also stopped the troubled river monsters, except that it did not restrict the people from the West and the king of the Daughter Kingdom.

"Xuan Zang, how did you know I'm here?" As a ray of white light descended, Guanyin, who looked like a middle-aged beautiful woman, appeared on the lotus platform.

 Qin Yao clasped his hands together, and his body emitted Buddha's light: "Because I am an extraterrestrial demon, I am particularly sensitive to Buddha, and I can faintly feel the breath of Bodhisattva."


The well-informed Guanshiyin was dumbfounded.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing were even more stunned with their eyes widened.

Qin Yao said: "Bodhisattva Enlightenment, I am a demon from outside the realm. One day I woke up and parasitized Xuanzang. At first, I was frightened and at a loss. Gradually, after I got used to it, I thought about taking one step at a time. As I walked, I came here step by step. Now, seeing the river demon causing chaos and the flood flooding my country, I felt pity and felt that no matter whose fault it was, these ordinary people were responsible. They shouldn't have to pay for their mistakes, so I summoned you."

 Avalokitesvara is still confused.

After a long time, she said with a complex expression: "Why did you blow yourself up? I'm not afraid of your ridicule. I didn't see that you were a demon. You can definitely carry Xuanzang's skin and continue walking."

Qin Yao said: "How unfair is this to Xuanzang?"

 Avalokitesvara: “…”

 Is this the way a demon should think?


 After waking up, she suddenly discovered the Buddha's light in Xuanzang's body.

"Are you sure you are an extraterrestrial demon?" Guanyin couldn't help but ask.

Qin Yao said: "The devil is just of my race, but I have never done anything evil, and I also have a compassionate heart. I stole Xuanzang's body, and during this period I couldn't help but steal his potential. This is too much. If it continues, my conscience will be troubled.”

 The devil has a conscience...

 This is really a long time coming.

Even Guanyin didn’t know how to evaluate this demon for a while.

“Bodhisattva, this poor monk doesn’t care about what he has done.” Suddenly, a voice came from Xuanzang’s body.

 “Xuan Zang?” Guan Shiyin asked.

"it's me."

In the ancestral orifice between Xuanzang's eyebrows, a soul in white shone brightly. He smiled and said: "He stole my body, but he did not dig deep into my soul to find out and destroy it. This shows that he is different from ordinary people." The devil is different. He didn't take the initiative to steal my body. Otherwise, the first thing he would do is replace it.

 Secondly, I saw everything he did. The only mistake he made was that he stole some of my spiritual power from my previous life. I don't need it in this life, so even if I gave it all to him, it wouldn't matter.

Finally, when he is willing to call you out for the people of this daughter's kingdom, he has already atone for the sin of theft. Therefore, the young monk begged the Bodhisattva not to harm his life. "

 Avalokitesvara was speechless for a moment.

After a full hundred breaths, she exhaled a long breath: "You, the sufferer, have already interceded for him, what else can I say?"

Hearing this, Qin Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This situation was not part of his original plan, but it was the result of his kindness.

If he had wanted to kill Xuanzang’s soul from the beginning, and Xuanzang didn’t have Stockholm Syndrome, how could he have interceded with him in the end?

"Please let the Bodhisattva cast a spell to extract me from Xuanzang's body." Not long after, Qin Yao bowed deeply.

Avalokitesvara nodded, a drop of water popped up from the flip of his hand, and went straight to Xuanzang's body.

In the blink of an eye, the water droplets hit Xuanzang's head, knocking a soul out backwards, but the next moment, the soul was sucked back by an inexplicable suction force.


Avalokitesvara looked surprised and tried again, but still could not successfully drive away the soul.

"I understand." Guanyin finally believed that this demon was not an active parasite.

 He has no strength to compete with himself.

 “What do you understand?” Qin Yao asked.

"Tiandao sent you here. Perhaps this is also one of Xuanzang's difficulties." Guanshiyin explained: "And it is the most dangerous one. Because Wukong can see other demons and monsters with his fiery eyes, but you are the only one. , he is completely unaware of it. If you are greedy while you are possessed, Xuanzang will be in real danger, and no one can save him."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 You can really figure it out.

But...I like it.

“What should we do now?” Zhen Xuanzang asked in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Avalokitesvara thought for a while and said, "I have a solution that is not a solution."

Xuanzang: "What can we do?"

 “You give birth to him.” Guanshiyin said.

 Qin Yao and Xuanzang: “Huh?”

Avalokitesvara: "There is ready-made birth spring water in the land of daughters. If you take a sip of this water, the essence of flesh and blood in your body will condense into a baby, and then let his soul enter the baby's body with a blank soul, and then he will be born by caesarean section."

 Two people: “…”

 This is outrageous.

The three disciples were also dumbfounded.

Qin Yao said: "How about you call Buddha and see if Buddha can pull me out?"

 “That’s fine.” Avalokitesvara nodded slightly and recited the mantra. Not long after, a golden Buddha shadow gradually solidified in the air, and a loud voice came out: "What's wrong, Avalokitesvara?"

Avalokitesvara bowed slightly and explained the cause and effect of the matter in detail.

 The Tathagata was stunned when he heard this outrageous plot.

 I didn’t even shake my head after hearing this, I was really stunned!

The incarnation of the magic power was confused in the Daughter Kingdom, and the real body was confused in the Dayei Temple. There was no words for a long time.

“Please, World Honored One, take action and drive the demon out of Xuanzang’s body.” Finally, Avalokitesvara expressed his request.

The Tathagata finally woke up because of these words. After being silent for a while, he said, "You demon, you still have Buddha nature."

Qin Yao said: "Thank you very much, Lord Buddha, for the compliment."

Tathagata made a seal with his hand and pointed his finger at Qin Yao.

The next moment, as a burst of Buddhist power hit Xuanzang, Qin Yao's soul was immediately knocked out and suspended in the air.

 “Thank you, Buddha.” Qin Yao saluted in mid-air.

Tathagata looked at him deeply and asked, "What is your name?"

 Chin Yao: "My name is Yao."

“Yao, are you willing to worship Buddhism?”

Tathagata said: "If you are willing, you can become my disciple."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing all looked at Qin Yao with envy.

 Being able to become a disciple of the Tathagata is a step to the sky.

You must know that in terms of Xuanzang’s seniority, these three brothers are all disciples and grandchildren of Tathagata.

"Thank you Lord Buddha for your love." Qin Yao did not answer directly. After responding, he turned to look at the king of his daughter's country: "Are you disappointed?"

The king shook his head, knowing what he was talking about, and smiled: "Don't be disappointed. It starts with appearance and is loyal to the soul."

Qin Yao smiled, turned around and bowed deeply to the Buddha: "The world is safe and sound, and it is worthy of the Tathagata and worthy of you. I know clearly how valuable the disciples of the Buddha are, but a girl is the most sincere and pure Emotion, I can’t live up to it.”

Hearing this, the king of the daughter country's eyes suddenly changed substantially when he looked at him.

 If the previous one can only be regarded as emotion, then the emotion at this moment is called love.

Tathagata said: "But she is only destined to live for a hundred years. This was already destined before you appeared. If you want to change your destiny for her, the law of heaven will destroy you together."

Qin Yao smiled slightly and said: "When the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win over countless others in the world. I think that the best relationship is not to last forever, but to stay together for a lifetime. In this life, I will grow old with her. All Americans are grateful.”

 “You are a foolish man and resentful of a woman.” The Tathagata shook his head, and his body suddenly turned into light and dispersed.

 “Thank you, Lord Buddha.” Qin Yao bowed deeply.

"A hundred years from now, if you see through the relationship and want to escape into Buddhism, you can come to Nanhai to find me at any time." Guanyin said with a smile.

 “Thank you Bodhisattva.” Qin Yao thanked him again.

Avalokitesvara nodded, turned his hands and took out a round fish tank, with the mouth of the tank facing down, and pointed it at the river monster.

 A suction force was immediately released from the fish tank, sucking the river demon and the endless torrent it brought into the fish tank, turning it into a tank of clear water and a whitebait.

 “Yao, see you later.” Guanshiyin said.

 “We’ll see you later.” Qin Yao said silently in his heart.

Shortly, as Guanyin left, the people swept by the flood lay down on the ground, and then stood up one after another with blank faces.

Xuanzang looked at the figure in front of him, stepped onto the white dragon horse, cupped his fists and said, "See you later."

"Thank you, if you hadn't helped me..." Qin Yao said.

Xuanzang waved his hand, with a smile on his face, and shook the reins slightly: "Drive."

“Master, wait for me.” The monkey flew up and shouted loudly.

"Okay, okay." Zhu Bajie looked at Qin Yao, then at the king of his daughter country, and said, "I will come to see you again in the future."

Qin Yao said: "I will introduce you to some good-looking girls then."

 “Really?” Zhu Bajie’s eyes lit up instantly.

 “Idiot, stop talking nonsense.” Sun Wukong suddenly turned his head and said.

 “Wait for me, wait for me to come back.” Zhu Ba Ring pointed at Qin Yao, and then chased him.

Sha Wujing stayed at the end and said to the two of them, "I'll leave Shasha to you two."

Qin Yao: "Don't worry...she should have grown into a girl by the time you come back."

Sha Wujing bowed deeply, then turned around and left.

“It’s finally over, it’s all just like a dream.” Watching their figures drifting away, the King of the Daughter Kingdom exhaled a long breath, and a bright smile bloomed on his small cheeks.

Qin Yao stretched out his palm towards her: "Let's go."

 Under the attention of countless women, including the national advisor, the king put his hand into his palm and followed him slowly away from the place.

“Your Majesty, where are you going?” the Imperial Preceptor asked worriedly.

 “Go to the palace! I’ll leave it to my mother to take care of the aftermath.” The king said without looking back.

National Division:"…"

“You really won’t regret choosing me and giving up the opportunity to become a Buddha?”

 Half a month later, on the wedding day, the king, who was wearing a red wedding dress, looked at the man in front of him and asked softly.

Qin Yao shook his head: "I can't become a Buddha."

 Practice Buddhist skills is one thing. If he really becomes a Buddha, it will not be easy to explain when he returns to the main world in the future...

The king didn't know what was going on, and he was moved in his heart: "Husband."

Qin Yao returned the greeting: "Madam."

 “You should address yourself as Your Majesty,” said a female official.

 “Get out,” the king said to her.

The spring night is short and the sun is rising. From now on, the king will not go to court early...

 Sixteen years later.

A girl with light blue skin squatted in the imperial garden, watching a nest of ants working together to transport supplies. When they finally delivered the apple core to the door of their house, they reached out and picked up the apple core. Looking at the ants spinning around, I couldn't help but burst into hearty laughter.

 “Shasha.” Suddenly, a voice came from outside the imperial garden.

“Uncle Yao.” The girl returned the core to the group of little ants, stood up from the ground suddenly, jumped on her feet and waved.

At the gate covered with morning glory, Qin Yao waved and said, "Come here quickly and introduce me to you."

Beside him, the heroic Arhat with blue skin and eyes like copper bells looked nervously ahead. A beautiful girl with lively steps gradually appeared in his field of vision~~

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