I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1134: Unfamiliar white-eyed wolf


The yellow talisman paper was pasted on the green-eyed Poison Man's forehead one by one, immediately severing the connection between Luo Rulie and the Poison Man.

When Luo Rulie saw this situation, a haze and a bit of chill suddenly appeared in his heart, and he flew up very decisively. Before leaving, he urged all the poisonous people to continue rushing towards the house.

Qin Yao walked out of the poisonous world and came to the courtyard. When he raised his hand, countless talismans flew out of his sleeves again, like falling flowers, falling from the sky and accurately landing on the forehead of each poisonous person. He instantly controlled these talismans. Poisonous body.

At the same time, a sword light rushed out from the door and chased Luo Rulie.

 “The interests and harms must be equalized.”

 Looking at the poisonous people crowding the yard, Jingtian rushed out of the room and praised them.

"This is nothing." Qin Yao was very indifferent and turned to Tang Kun and said: "Master Tang, please bring the five poisonous beasts out to save people."

Tang Kun's expression changed and he said, "What five poisonous beasts?"

Qin Yao didn't talk nonsense and looked intently into his eyes.

Thinking of the other party's magical qualities, Tang Kun said helplessly: "How do you know?"

Qin Yao said: "Maoshan Shu is able to read Qi and is good at reasoning."

 “It’s mysterious.”

Tang Kun sighed, and then said: "Everyone, please wait a moment, I'll be back soon."

After watching him leave, Jingtian quickly squeezed to Qin Yao's side and asked softly: "Biping, what are the five poisonous beasts?"

"The Five Poison Beast is a fairy beast that has the power to resolve all poisons. It can give birth to the Five Poison Pearls and can also turn into human form." Qin Yao explained simply.

 “What are the Five Poison Pearls?” Jingtian asked.

Qin Yao: "It is a magic weapon. After wearing it, it can be invulnerable to all poisons and can remove all toxins in the world."

“So, isn’t that my Tang Sect’s nemesis?” Xuejian said in shock.

"Whoosh." At this moment, a sword light suddenly fell from the sky and manifested into Xu Changqing's figure in the courtyard.

"Have you caught up with Luo Rulie?" Qin Yao ignored Tang Xuejian and looked at Xu Changqing and asked.

Xu Changqing shook his head, with a look of shame on his face: "I lost the chase..."

Qin Yao's face paused slightly, but he didn't accuse anything: "It seems that his life should not be cut off now."

Xu Changqing looked around and felt a headache when he saw the poisonous people in the yard: "It's all my fault for missing Luo Rulie, otherwise these people should have been saved."

"They can be saved now." Jingtian said, "Master Tang Bao has already gone to find the five poisonous beasts. When the five poisonous beasts come, all these poisonous people can return to normal."

 “Five poisonous beasts?” Xu Changqing looked surprised.

“Hey, you don’t know what the five poisonous beasts are, do you?” Jingtian asked.

Xu Changqing: "I know, but I didn't expect that the Five Poison Beasts, which can detoxify all kinds of poisons, would be in the Tang Sect, which is unique in the world for its poison skills."

 Sedum: “…”

"Why hasn't your grandpa come back yet?" After a while, Jingtian asked Tang Xuejian nonchalantly.

Tang Xue was annoyed when she saw him, and waved her hand: "I have been standing here all the time. You don't know, how could I know?"

"Wait?" Qin Yao suddenly felt something was wrong and asked, "Where is Tang Yi? Who has seen Tang Yi?"

 Xue Jian and others quickly turned their heads, but no trace of Tang Yi was found.

Qin Yao took a deep breath and said to Xuejian: "Do you know where Baidu Tower is?"

 Xuejian also realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately said: "I know, I will take you there right now."

In the blink of an eye, Tang Xuejian led everyone trotting to a small building, pointed at the wide open black wooden door and said, "This is the Baidu Building."

Qin Yao walked in quickly and looked around. He saw countless bottles and jars placed in the building, and each jar had a note with the name of the poison written on it.

 “What are we doing here?” Jingtian asked.

Qin Yao lowered his gaze and soon saw a large black vat in the corner. He ducked over, opened the lid, held the ring in the vat with both hands, and pulled it gently, and a wooden frame on the nearby wall automatically moved aside. It moved away, revealing a secret door.

 “Secret passage!” Jingtian shouted.

 “Don’t shout, I saw it.” Tang Xuejian shouted softly.

“Go and take a look.” Qin Yao said, and quickly led everyone into the secret door, passed through a twisting and secret passage, and soon came to a passage full of green light.

“What is this?” Tang Xuejian murmured.

“It’s electric current.” Xu Changqing said in one breath that the essence of the mechanism was revealed.

Qin Yao waved his sleeves, and a stream of magic power swept across the front, immediately scattering all the green light: "Let's go."

Everyone continued to move forward and soon came to a treasure house. When Tang Xue saw Grandpa Worry, she quickly ran into the treasure house, but did not find anyone.

 “No one!” she turned around and said.

Qin Yao stopped on the floor in front of the treasure house, stamped his feet lightly, and listened to the voice and said: "This place is empty."


 Xu Changqing immediately drew out the sword behind him and pointed at the floor below: "I'll split it."

“There’s no need to be so violent.” Qin Yao shot out a stream of immortal energy with a snap of his fingers, covering the ground. Along with the sound of gears turning, a large circular hole soon opened in the ground.

 “I’ll go down first.” Xu Changqing jumped in with his sword in hand.

Qin Yao, Xuejian, Jingtian and Maomao followed closely behind.

"Dong dong dong..." As several landing sounds were heard, and with the help of the light shining on a pool, everyone took a look and saw Tang Kun lying in front of the pool.

“Grandpa.” Tang Xuejian rushed over immediately and knelt down beside the old man.

Xu Changqing's face condensed, he raised his hand to cast a spell, then retracted his left arm, stretched out his right arm, pointed the sword finger of his right hand at the old man's cheek, and a spiritual light flew out from his fingertips.

 Under the influence of this spiritual light, Tang Kun's eyelids moved slightly and he slowly opened his eyes.

“Grandpa, are you okay?” When Xu Changqing put away his sword, Xuejian quickly helped Tang Kun up.

Tang Kun looked around with anxiety on his face: "Where's that **** Tang Yi?"

“He is not here.” Qin Yao said, “Master Tang Fort, what happened?”

Tang Kun clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "That **** followed me here. After I awakened the Five Poison Beasts, he attacked me from behind and then forcibly took the Five Poison Beasts away."

 Everyone: “…”

“How could the second uncle do such a thing?” Tang Xuejian murmured.

"It's all my fault." Tang Kun was full of regret: "I should have thought of it earlier. How could a few words change Tang Yi's distorted mind for decades? We were all deceived by him. He never thought about it at all. I sincerely regret it, but I was helpless and didn’t dare to fall out with us.”

Xu Changqing immediately turned to look at Qin Yao and asked, "Dao Zhang He, can you still track Tang Yi like you tracked Luo Rulie?"

“Is there anything from Tang Yi here?” Qin Yao asked.

“There is none here.” Tang Kun said, “This is also his first time here.”

Qin Yao immediately looked at Tang Xuejian and said, "Take me to Tang Yi's residence quickly."

After a while, a group of people rushed to Tang Yi's residence. Qin Yao used his spiritual consciousness to sense it, shook his head and said: "He probably hasn't lived here for a long time. There is no trace of him in this room!"

Xu Changqing cast the spell with his eyes closed, and then opened his eyes suddenly: "He hasn't been here for at least three months, otherwise I wouldn't be able to recall the past scenes here." "What should I do? There are still so many things in Tangjiabao. Where's the poisonous green-eyed man?" Tang Xuejian murmured.

Qin Yao sighed and said, "I'll do it."

 “Are you coming?” everyone said in unison.

Qin Yao nodded and said, "I have the power to exorcise demons and purify poisons."

 Everyone: “…”

 Is there anything else you don’t know how to do?

But when they thought about the more than 500 spells the other party had mentioned before, they were immediately relieved.

Perhaps this ability is also among the five hundred spells?

In the blink of an eye, a group of people arrived at the gathering place of green-eyed poisonous people. Qin Yao walked past a famous poisonous person and released the power of Taoism to remove toxins from their bodies.

Under the purification of the power of faith, the pupils of a famous poisonous person gradually returned to normal color. After a while, they woke up from the confusion one after another, and the scene was noisy.

 “Quiet, everyone, please be quiet.”

Jingtian jumped out and shouted: "Don't disturb my friend's rescue."

 Under his constant shouting, everyone gradually became quiet.

Working from dusk to late at night, Qin Yao managed to purify these green-eyed poisonous people, and then said to the people who were watching him: "There are still a group of green-eyed poisonous people over there in the Thunderbolt Hall. There may be poisonous human mother bodies inside. I Go and purify them so as not to leave any hidden dangers."

 “I’ll go with you.” Jingtian said immediately.

"No need." Qin Yao waved his hand and summoned a dimensional gate directly in front of him: "I'll come as soon as I go."

Watching the dimensional door disappear into the courtyard, Jingtian couldn't help but sigh: "It's so good to know magic~"

“Not all spells have this ability.” Xu Changqing also expressed emotion.

“Don’t you know how to do this kind of magic from one place to another?” Jingtian asked.

Xu Changqing smiled bitterly and said: "Of course not! If I could, I wouldn't have said that I would fly back with your sword at that time. In fact, let alone me, there should be no one in the entire Shu Mountain who can."

 “Is it so powerful?” Jingtian asked in shock.

 In his heart, the Shushan Sword Immortal is a first-class existence among gods. But now this white tofu says that he can't even be a god?

Xu Changqing nodded solemnly: "It's so powerful! To be honest, I'm a little doubtful now whether your brother is a disciple of Maoshan. This magic doesn't seem to be from Maoshan."

 “What kind of sect is that like?” Jingtian asked.

Xu Changqing shook his head: "I don't know, all kinds of methods are unheard of."

Listening to the conversation between them, and then looking at the bewildered ordinary people in the courtyard, Tang Kun thought about it, quietly pulled Xuejian aside, and asked: "Xuejian, what do you think of He Shaoxia?"

 “It’s amazing, it’s amazing.” Tang Xuejian said.

Tang Kun further asked: "What if you find such a husband in the future?"

Tang Xuejian: "Ah?"

"Ah, what?" Tang Kun said, "You can take a good look at him. If you feel good about him and you like him very much, grandpa will ask for your hand in marriage personally."

Tang Xuejian: “…”

  Just, quite suddenly.

 That night, three quarters past noon.

Qin Yao finally teleported back to Tangjiabao through the dimensional gate. The moment he stepped in, he found that the Tang family's grandsons, Jingtian and others were still guarding where they were, but the cured people were gone.

"Thank you for your hard work, Shaoxia He." After being pushed by his grandfather, Tang Xuejian strode to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao shook his head: "It's not hard."

Tang Xuejian suddenly didn't know what to say, and quickly looked at Tang Kun for help.

Tang Kun was speechless.

 Why are you looking at me?

Can I fall in love for you?

Qin Yao had no idea that Mr. Tang had his mind set on him, and said: "Luo Rulie ran away, Tang Yi ran away, and the poisonous mother's body was also purified by me. With me here, if there is no accident, there will be no death in a short time." No matter how poisonous it is, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.”

Hearing this, everyone was really relieved. Xu Changqing immediately asked: "Fellow Daoist He, may I ask you what the name of the spell for purifying toxins is?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "That is not a spell, but a magical power. You can also understand it as a secret skill."

Hearing the word "secret skill", Xu Changqing quickly handed over his hand and apologized: "I took the liberty."

Qin Yao smiled and said, "It doesn't matter."

Xu Changqing also laughed and said seriously: "The poisonous incident has come to an end for the time being, and Lord Tang's thirst syndrome has healed. It's time for Changqing to return to Shushan to resume his life."

Tang Kun said hurriedly: "It's getting late today. Shall Xu Shaoxia go back to the mountain tomorrow?"

Xu Changqing waved his hand: "No, for us monks, there is no difference between day and night. We will see you later, Lord Tangbao, fellow Taoist He, and all my new friends."

 “See you later.”

  Everybody said in unison.

 The next day.

Qin Yao, Jingtian, and Maomao bid farewell to the Lord of Tang Castle and walked out of Tang Castle. Before they had gone far, they heard someone shouting something behind them.

 “Wait for me, wait for me…”

At the gate of Tangjiabao, Tang Xue walked out quickly and chased after the three people.

 “What else do you have to do?” Jingtian asked.

"From today onwards, I will start to practice in the world of martial arts." Tang Xuejian said with his neck raised.

 “Then what?” Jingtian didn’t quite understand what she meant.

Tang Xuejian smiled and said: "The first stop of my journey in the world, I choose to visit Yong'an."

 Sedum: “…”


Jianghu, Yongandang, what is the relationship between the two?

at the same time.

 In the Shu Mountains.

Xu Changqing, carrying an immortal sword on his back and walking like the wind, stepped into a large hall and saluted an old Taoist priest in a green robe with a thin face and white beard and hair, saying, "Changqing pays homage to the master."

"No need to be polite." The old Taoist priest smiled and asked, "Have you completed both tasks?"

 Xu Changqing nodded: "It's all done."

"Well done." The old Taoist priest praised: "Especially the poisonous people, because the virus will be transmitted through bites and scratches, this incident may even evolve into a catastrophe in the world. You can nip the catastrophe in the bud. It shows your own ability.”

Xu Changqing's cheeks turned slightly red, and he shook his head and said, "Return to Master, I am not the one who solves the problem of poisonous people."

The old Taoist priest was slightly startled and said in surprise: "If it's not you, then who is it?"

He Biping's appearance quickly flashed through Xu Changqing's mind, and he said slowly: "It's a mysterious monk who I can't see through at all, and he calls himself a disciple of Maoshan!" (End of this chapter)

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