I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1141: Eliminate hidden dangers in advance at the minimum cost

The innkeeper, who was wearing a purple-brown gown, tied his hair with a ribbon, and had two black beards on his upper lips, smiled slightly and said: "It is true that all the rooms have been booked, it's just that no one has checked in. A few guests still went. Check it out somewhere else.”

Jingtian frowned and said, "Show me the booking record."

The innkeeper didn't care about his rude request and handed over an account book very politely.

Jingtian quickly flipped through the account book and found that the columns were full of names, and there was nothing unusual at all.

“Brother Jing, stop looking, let’s go.” Xu Changqing said.

"I'm offended." Jingtian put down the account book and walked out of the inn with everyone.

 Subsequently, they went to two inns one after another, but they encountered the same situation. In both cases, there were countless empty rooms, but the inns were completely full.

 “There’s something wrong with you!”

Standing in front of the counter of the third store, Jingtian said to the little old man in black behind the counter.

The little old man looked at himself and then at Jingtian: "I wonder what the young master is talking about?"

Jingtian banged the demon-suppressing sword on the counter and threatened: "Be honest, why don't you let people in? If you don't explain clearly, we will force you to stay."

The little old man was helpless: "Sir, how can you force someone to stay in an inn?"

“Miss, go choose a room.” Jingtian said to Xuejian.

 “Hey, okay.” Xuejian knew exactly what he meant and was very cooperative.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute.” Seeing that the heroine was about to go upstairs, the little old man said quickly: “I’ll tell you the truth, can you please stop living here?”

 “You say it first.” Jingtian said seriously.

The little old man took a long breath and said: "It's not that we don't want to entertain foreigners like you, but on the night of the fifteenth of last month, several people died suddenly in the inn. These days are also full moon nights. Therefore, no inn dares to accommodate guests."

“Sudden death, what happened?” Xu Changqing asked quickly.

Little old man: "Who knows, the government has been investigating. It has been a month, but there is no news at all."

"It's an evildoer who is causing trouble. If there are no monks in the government, no matter how long we check, we won't be able to find out the news." Qin Yao said with certainty.

The little old man shuddered: "Now that you know, leave Anning Village as soon as possible, don't lose your life in confusion here."

Qin Yao turned around and came to the opponent, raised his right hand slightly, palm facing up, and suddenly a white light ball emerged. The next moment, the light ball followed his thoughts and turned into countless small lightsabers, flying above his palm like fish. With.

 “This…this?” The little old man’s eyes widened.

Qin Yao smiled and turned his hands to put away the power of faith: "To be honest, we are all sword immortals, and we came here specifically to eliminate demons."

The little old man quickly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "Greetings to the Sword Immortal Master, paying homage to the Sword Immortal Master."

Qin Yao helped him up and ordered: "Go and help us arrange five upper rooms. It's okay if the monster doesn't come in these two days. If it comes, we will take it away."


The little old man was overjoyed and said quickly: "Five of you, come with me. I will give you the best room in our store. I only hope that you can really accept the monster and relieve the panic in the village..."

 Lean less.

The little old man not only kept his promise and prepared five upper rooms for them, he also asked the cook to use his special skills and prepare a table full of dishes, and insisted on inviting the sword fairy masters to dinner.

That night.

The five of them sat together in the brightly lit shop lobby. Sedum held the chopsticks and put a piece of hot beef into his mouth. He felt instantly comfortable and said with emotion: "This is why I want to be a swordsman." , No matter where I go, there are people worshiping and offering sacrifices.”

Xuejian complained: "That's all you pursue. Who becomes a swordsman just to earn a living?"

“Your eldest lady has never suffered, and has no idea how sad it is for the people at the bottom. When eating becomes a problem, being able to eat everywhere is simply a dream.” Jingtian replied.

“Brother Jing, Miss Tang, can’t you two talk calmly and calmly?” Xu Changqing asked doubtfully.

  The two looked at each other and said in unison: "No."

Qin Yao: "Hey, you have a clear mind."

 “No.” The two said at the same time again.

At this time, Qin Yao suddenly found that the cuffs of his sleeves moved. With a change of thought, he shook the five poisonous beasts out of his sleeves.

After appearing, the Five Poison Beast first glanced at the dishes on the table, then sniffed and looked up at Tang Xuejian.

Qin Yao said slowly: "If you like to stay with her, you can follow her in the future..."

He doesn't particularly care about things like the Five Poison Beasts and Five Poison Pearls, which can neither enhance his own cultivation nor have much effect on him.

 That's why I could say this calmly and prepare to release the Five Poison Beasts back to Tang Xuejian.

But after the Five Poisonous Beast tilted its head and thought for a moment, it actually flapped its wings and flew back to him, sat down on his shoulder, and shook its head repeatedly. The meaning was very obvious.

 Chin Yao: “…”

 What made the five poisonous beasts give up recognizing Tang Xuejian as their master?

 After a moment of leaning, an answer automatically appeared in his mind: the power of faith.

At that time, in order to inquire about the whereabouts of Tang Kun, he instilled a lot of power of faith into the Five Poison Beasts, and the other party obviously enjoyed the nourishment of this power.

Thinking of this, he slowly raised his right hand, and a small ball of faith gradually condensed in his palm.

Seeing this white ball of light, the Five Poisonous Beast's eyes suddenly lit up, just like a cat seeing a cat strip. It rushed over and tried to open its mouth wide to swallow the ball of light.

 “It’s so cute.” Tang Xue said with stars in her eyes.

"What's the point of thinking it's cute? It won't follow you." Sedum said humbly.

Tang Xuejian was furious: "Why do you talk so much?"

 “You care about me?” Jingtian made a face.

"I'm full." Just when Tang Xuejian was about to retaliate, Xu Changqing suddenly stood up and said seriously: "You eat slowly, I will look for traces of the monster."

Qin Yao put down his chopsticks and said, "I'll go with you."


Jingtian suddenly stood up and said, "You two are good at martial arts and are gone. What should we do?"

Qin Yao smiled and said: "As long as the demon-suppressing sword is still on you, the demons will not dare to approach you."

Jingtian blinked and subconsciously turned to look at Nightshade.

Solanum nigrum:"???"

 Look at what I’m doing, I’m not a monster!

  After a while.

Qin Yao, Long Kui, and Xu Changqing walked out of the inn together, but they saw the bright moon in the night sky and the buzzing of insects around them.

"When I was a child, my favorite thing was to listen to the chirping of insects at night with Brother Wang. For some reason, the chirping of insects during the day made me feel very noisy, but the chirping of insects at night made me feel very peaceful." Walking on the cold and quiet streets, Nightshade said softly.

Qin Yao said: "Maybe I need to go to work during the day."

 “What is going to work?” Solanum asked in confusion.

Qin Yao thought for a while and said with a smile: "Just busy, busy with all kinds of things. Busy with life, busy with trivial matters. When the work is done, it will be dark, and it will start over and over again, which is very annoying."

Solanum nigrum nodded: "That's true. I used to go to palace school every day, but now..." Speaking of this, she couldn't help but sigh.

 There is no going back.

The two were chatting casually, but Xu Changqing was not idle at all. He kept pouring spiritual energy into the demon-hunting disk, driving the compass to search for monsters.

Shaoqing and Xu Changqing led them to a tavern, but inside the tavern, a handsome young woman wearing a pink dress, a white gauze cover, and a big red flower tied on her head stopped her. In front of a middle-aged man wearing round jade accessories and a Sichuan brocade gown, he said sincerely: "Brother Liu, you must have heard that my husband was seriously ill not long ago..."

"Really? Is there such a thing?" Brother Liu looked surprised.

The face of the handsome young woman froze, and then she said: "Yes! You and my husband are close friends. If it weren't for my husband, you wouldn't be where you are today, so I hope I can borrow some money from you..."

Brother Liu raised his hand and said: "Brother Gao's kindness, I, Liu, will bear it in mind, but... I have no money."

The handsome young woman glanced at his package, and Brother Liu quickly changed his words: "Don't even think about taking advantage of this money. This is my capital for doing business."

“Didn’t he just say that he had no money?” Nightshade whispered outside the door.

"Shhh." Qin Yao raised a finger: "Stop talking and keep listening."

The handsome young woman prayed: "Brother Liu, please help me. My husband is really in danger, but I don't have money to buy him medicine..."

"I told you that I have no money." Brother Liu waved his hands repeatedly: "When he dies, you tell me and I will go and pay homage to him."

“That’s too much.” Nightshade couldn’t hold it back and secretly clenched her fists.

The five poisonous beasts following Qin Yao seemed to feel the same way, and rushed in with a hiss, knocking Brother Liu off his back.

"Ding dong..." As the baggage on his shoulders fell away, a piece of silver suddenly fell out.

 “Don’t move.” Brother Liu ignored the pain on his body and said to the handsome young woman.

 The young woman had no choice but to sigh deeply.

Brother Liu didn't dare to stay here any longer. He hurriedly picked up the money and hurried out of the restaurant.

Outside the door, Xu Changqing also sighed and said: "There is so much suffering in the world."

While he was still sighing, Qin Yao walked directly into the tavern.

“Hello, sir, what would you like to eat?” Seeing someone coming in, the owner of the tavern immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

 “I’m looking for her.” Qin Yao pointed at the young woman and said.

  Tavern owner: “…”

 “Looking for me?” The young woman looked stunned.

"How much does it cost for your husband's treatment?" Qin Yao was too lazy to talk nonsense and asked directly.

 Young woman: “…”


“Didn’t you hear, how much does it cost?” Qin Yao frowned.

The young woman hesitated and said: "It probably requires three hundred taels of silver..."

Qin Yao nodded, dug inside his sleeves, and actually took out two gold nuggets and handed them to the other party: "Take the gold and go rescue your husband."

Young woman: “?!”


 Have you met a living Bodhisattva?

"This this…"

Not long after, the young woman woke up, grabbed the corners of her clothes with both hands, bit her lip and said, "What do you want me to do?"

Qin Yao: "Just be a good person."

 Everyone: “…”

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you go quickly?" Seeing her dumbfounded, Qin Yao shouted softly.

The young woman took a deep breath, caught the heavy gold nugget with both hands, bowed and saluted: "I have thousands of jade branches, I dare to ask my benefactor's name."

“What’s the point of asking about your name? I’m not asking you to repay me. Go quickly, go quickly.” Qin Yao waved his hand.

 Young woman: “…”

 Such a unique benefactor is truly speechless.

"If there is a chance, I will hold the ring knot grass in my body to repay this kindness." Wan Yuzhi held the gold nugget in his arms, knelt down towards Qin Yao, kowtowed three times sincerely, and then strode away. .

Seeing her leaving with the gold, the tavern owner just woke up from a dream and hurriedly knelt on the ground, crying and crying: "Good man, Bodhisattva, I am in trouble too!

Having a wife and eight sons, both of them are elderly, and the whole family relies on my small restaurant to survive. My life is worse than death.

I beg you to be merciful and compassionate, and give me a piece of gold as well. "

Qin Yao looked at him in surprise and asked doubtfully: "The family conditions are not good, why do you have so many children?"


"That is not what I want to have..." After a moment, he said hesitantly.

"You control the lower body, can the child jump out on its own?" Qin Yao asked again.


 “Inexplicable.” Qin Yao shrugged, turned around and walked out of the tavern.

 The bosses have colorful faces, mostly green and red...

“Taoist Priest, why did you only help the woman and not the man?” Solanum asked in confusion after leaving the restaurant.

Qin Yao said: "Because that woman is a monster."

Solanum nigrum: “What?”

“By the way, I was so absorbed in watching that I forgot to collect the demon.” Xu Changqing patted his forehead.

"Don't accept it, she is also a pitiful monster." Qin Yao said to Long Kui: "Of course, I gave her the gold not because she was pitiful, but because I saw her perseverance. As a monster who can transform, Her husband was seriously ill, but she did not rely on witchcraft to obtain gold and silver. Instead, she asked others to borrow money. This persistence is worth the gold I gave her..."


 There is another more important reason that he cannot tell the two of them.

 In the original work, in order to save her husband, Wan Yuzhi focused on seizing the Earth Spirit Pearl, which caused a lot of trouble for the protagonist group.

Qin Yao didn't want to see this trouble happen as promised. If two pieces of gold could cut off this trouble in advance, it wouldn't be considered a bad thing, and it would be worth the money.

  After all, he is a man who has been a sea king. To him, gold, silver and jewelry are no different from weeds on the roadside. He dare not say how much he wants, but they still take up a lot of space in his storage bracelet.

 Lean less.

When the three of them were chatting and laughing, they returned to the Settle Inn. Inside the tavern, the woman in purple gauze who had secretly spied on Xu Changqing slowly walked down the stairs and looked at the direction they left, frowning.

This little Taoist priest’s good intentions ruined her good deeds! (End of chapter)

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