I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1156: Goodbye Luo Rulie

Chapter 1156 Goodbye Luo Rulie

Dong Zhuangnian's thoughts were racing, he took out a magic sword from his hand, and said to the heavy building: "Strong man, I'm here to help you."

 Qin Yao summoned the magic sword, teleported to the opponent, and said calmly: "Don't bother Priest Dong. This strong man seems to be able to defeat the evil sword immortal. Oh no, he is a fake evil sword immortal."

He didn't expect that Priest Dong didn't know Chonglou, but it was a good thing that he didn't know him, so as to save him a lot of talking in the future.

"If you're not afraid of ten thousand, you're afraid of the worst. Catching the Evil Sword Immortal is a big deal, so get out of the way." Dong Zhuangnian pointed at Qin Yao and shouted sternly.

Qin Yao said coldly: "It is precisely because capturing the Evil Sword Immortal is such a big deal that we cannot let you cause trouble. There is no one else here, Priest Dong, don't think that I don't know what you want to do."

Priest Dong raised his sword eyebrows and took action first. When he waved the magic sword in his hand, it turned into an extremely terrifying dragon. It opened its teeth and claws and swallowed mountains and rivers. It opened its **** mouth and swallowed Qin Yao straight.

In an instant, a red light suddenly flew out from the magic sword, revealing the figure of Nightshade in red.

She quickly drew her bow and fired arrows. Seven consecutive arrows struck a certain position on the dragon's head, instantly destroying the dragon's magic form and reappearing in the form of a magic sword.

Qin Yao smiled slightly, his body turned into a hurricane, waving the gleaming red magic sword, and struck at Priest Dong.

“Can’t I deal with you without taking your life? Damn it, I’ve wanted to whip you for a long time.”


Priest Dong did not dare to move his body, but he still refused to accept it. The anger in his eyes was about to turn into a real flame: "Why bother, I am the righteous **** of heaven, you dare to kill me?"

"I have no grudges against you, why do you want to suppress me?" At the same time, the black magic sword scolded while contending with Chonglou.

A surge of blood rushed straight into his throat, and Priest Dong forcefully swallowed it back. As a result, it caused a series of coughs, which affected the wound on his chest. He was suddenly covered in pain and sweating profusely.

The red nightshade responded, then turned into a red light and fell directly into the magic sword.


Qin Yao's body is like a ghost, and the magic sword in his hand is designed to attack the opponent's weak points.


Chonglou activated the demonic energy, and the two wrist blades were like the divine sword of punishment, striking at the demonic sword in a staggered manner.

Priest Dong felt his wrist go numb, and his arm could no longer keep up with his thoughts. The next moment, a dark red magic sword rushed over and penetrated his chest forcefully, locking him in place.

The wrist blades staggered and cut on the magic sword again. The black light on the magic sword suddenly trembled, and then dimmed a lot.

As he spoke, he grabbed Priest Dong's chin and forced his head to look towards another battlefield. He saw that Chonglou was like a blacksmith, turning his wrist blade like a hammer, hitting the black magic sword one after another. , abruptly broke up the continuous brilliance on this magic sword.

As he spoke, he raised his hand and slapped Priest Dong again on the other cheek. Seeing that cheek swelled up like a steamed bun, he felt much better. "Yes, it's much more symmetrical now."

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to give up and insisted on knocking him down, he could only keep transmitting messages to Priest Dong:

 “Hurry up, come and help me, I can’t bear it anymore.”


 “Cough cough cough.”


"Look, if you just stay here, nothing will happen." Qin Yao said indifferently, holding the hilt of the sword in his right hand.

"I have practiced hard for 30,000 years, how can you compete with me in just a few decades? Die!"

At this time, Demon Zhenglou put away his wrist blade, stepped on the black-robed man's chest with one foot, and raised his eyes to look at Qin Yao: "He can't do it. He fell down as soon as my bones stretched out. I didn't feel good. I’m not happy, when will I be able to do what you promised me?”

Being so disturbed by him, Priest Dong was unconsciously distracted, and a fiery red arrow hit his sword-holding wrist.

 “Stop talking nonsense, what annoys your opponent the most is when they chatter like a fly during the fight.”

Zhonglou nodded slightly, and suddenly spread out two black wings behind him: "Remember what you said, in three months, I will come to Yuzhou to find Feipeng again."

Qin Yao said: "At most three months."


"You just said it yourself that he is the Evil Sword Immortal. Then I will take him to the heaven and let the Emperor of Heaven take a good look at the honor of the Evil Sword Immortal." Qin Yao said.

Qin Yao was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy anymore. He turned to the red nightshade and said, "You should look at him with the magic sword. If he makes any move, you will directly destroy his cultivation."

Qin Yao turned his hand and slapped him on the face, a slap that contained divine power, which instantly swollen one of the other man's cheeks.


Not long after, a red arrow took advantage of his unpreparedness and landed in front of his lower abdominal dantian.

After another critical hit, the black magic sword suddenly transformed back into a human figure and fell from the air to the ground. His whole body was twitching continuously, as if he was suffering from some kind of severe pain.

Priest Dong held the magic sword in both hands, constantly colliding with the hurricane of sword blades in front of him. His arms and even his whole body were trembling, and his momentum was not weak at all.

Priest Dong saw all this and swung his sword to block this cunning attack. But the problem was that there was an archer next to him who was constantly drawing his bow and shooting arrows. The angle of this archer's attack was even more cunning, which made him jump. The more you fight, the more timid you become.

Not long after, he kept drinking loudly, and his body was radiating bursts of brilliance.

Qin Yao slapped him again and sneered: "My face is torn, what's wrong with hitting you twice? Besides, you haven't figured out the situation yet."

"Severely injuring your colleagues and beating up the righteous god, do you know what the crime is?" Priest Dong roared with a stern tone.

At such a close distance, he had no room to block or even dodge. He could only squat down and let the arrow hit his chest to avoid the sea of ​​energy in his Dantian...

 “Boom, boom, boom…”


Looking at the twitching black-robed man, Priest Dong felt scared for the first time. He suppressed the fear and anger in his heart and begged like a dog: "Forget it, Priest He, forget it. It is better to dissolve enemies than to marry them." , How about ending the conflict between us? The water is too deep. If you continue, even if you prove that you are right, it will not do any good. "

Qin Yao waved his hand and watched him fly high, then he ducked in front of the man in black robe, leaned over and picked him up, and pulled off the hat that covered his face, revealing a very familiar face.

"Oh it's you."

“It’s me.”

Luo Rulie's face was as red as blood, and his eyes were even more bloodshot and red: "He Biping, do you know who your real enemy is?"

Qin Yao raised his hand and threw out a talisman, and slapped it on his mouth: "How dare you, the defeated dog, bark in front of me?"

 He couldn't let Luo Rulie tell the truth, otherwise, there would be no room for maneuver between him and the Emperor of Heaven.

 Lean less.

Qin Yao formed a seal with his hands and opened a dimensional door leading to the Well of Gods and Demons. Then he held Dong Zhuangnian in his left hand and Luo Rulie in his right hand, leading them through time and space to the Well of Gods and Demons. , return to heaven through the Well of Gods and Demons.

 “Meet the priest.”

Not long after, when he walked out of the Well of Gods and Demons, the guards guarding the place bowed and saluted.

Qin Yao nodded slightly, it was difficult to use the Dimension Gate in this God Realm, so he stepped on the fairy clouds, carried the two guilty people, and rushed to the Heavenly Palace as quickly as possible.

  Half an hour later.

Qin Yao rode a cloud and landed in front of the Immortal Palace, and said to Mu Yang who was guarding the palace gate: "I have brought the fake evil sword immortal who is causing trouble in the world. Please tell the general to the Emperor of Heaven quickly." Mu Yang glanced at his chest Priest Dong, who still had the magic sword stuck in his body, suddenly trembled: "Yes, Priest, please wait a moment."

 Not long.

Mu Yang flew back in a hurry, cupped his fists and said, "Priest He, the Emperor of Heaven is in the Lingxiao Palace."

 “Thank you.” Qin Yao said with a smile.

This time Mu Yang no longer needed to lead the way with the heavenly soldiers. Qin Yao carried a disaster in one hand, rode the clouds and the wind, and went straight to Lingxiao Palace.

“My lord, the priest of Tianji Province, why should I pay homage to your majesty?” Qin Yao said loudly when he came outside the temple.

The Emperor of Heaven sat in the center of the dragon chair and said calmly: "No need to be polite, come in."

 “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Qin Yao stood up straight and dragged the two of them into the bright and clean palace.

"Your Majesty, why should I impeach you for colluding with monsters, dealing with colleagues, and even deceiving the emperor?" The moment he saw the Emperor of Heaven, Priest Dong, who originally did not dare to open his mouth, said quickly.

The Emperor of Heaven glanced at him and said, "Why Biping? What is going on?"

Hearing this, Qin Yao was determined and pointed at Luo Rulie: "Reporting to your majesty, this beast's name is Luo Rulie. He is the leader of an evil sect in the city of Yuzhou in the human world. He once developed poisonous people and tried to turn the entire world into a world of poisonous people. Rule the world.

After his conspiracy was exposed by us, he fled without a trace. Now, under the guise of the Evil Sword Immortal, he is wreaking havoc in Yuzhou City and killing people wantonly.

 The most important thing is that his spell cultivation has grown tremendously in a short period of time, and someone must be helping him. In other words, there must be someone behind the scenes. "

The Emperor of Heaven said quietly: "Who do you think is behind this?"

Qin Yao turned his finger and pointed at Priest Dong: "Who else can there be? It must be this beast."

  When we first entered the palace to pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven, he looked down upon us. Later, he even used us as a stepping stone to seek credit, and wanted to step on us to get promoted and make a fortune.

When I was in Yuzhou City, I wanted to suppress Luo Rulie, but he repeatedly blocked me. This shows that he is the biggest mastermind behind the scenes. "

The Emperor of Heaven nodded silently and turned to look at Priest Dong: "Dong Zhuangnian, can you plead guilty?"

Priest Dong’s heart trembled and he almost lost his mind.

The Emperor of Heaven asks whether you can plead guilty, not whether you have committed the crime, so that you can determine the other party's tendency.

After pondering for a moment, Dong Zhuangnian swallowed the bitterness and knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, I am confused. I plead guilty. All of this was planned by me. Please take your Majesty's consideration for your hard work and hard work. , please spare me this time.”

The Jade Emperor sighed and pointed at him: "What do you want me to say about you? You are so stupid! From now on, don't be a priest anymore. Go home and reflect."

Dong Zhuangnian kowtowed heavily: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Qin Yao’s mouth twitched.

This Emperor of Heaven is really indifferent.

So many people died in the world because of the "fake evil sword immortal", but Dong Zhuangnian's final fate was just to go home and reflect.

  What the hell…

"There is also this fake evil swordsman." The Emperor of Heaven immediately looked at Luo Rulie and said coldly: "Come here, cast him into the animal realm, and he will never be reincarnated."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 The principal criminal should go home and reflect, and the accomplices should not be reincarnated. Brother, you have something to say in judging the case.

Shao Qing, when Dong Zhuangnian turned around and left, and a priest came into the palace and dragged Luo Rulie away, the Emperor of Heaven looked at Qin Yao and said pleasantly: "He Qing exposed Dong Zhuangnian's conspiracy and brought the fake evil swordsman to his own person. He was captured and brought to justice. What reward do you want?"

Qin Yao was silent for a moment, bowed and saluted: "I want to make up for my fault."

 “You want to make up for your mistakes?” The Emperor of Heaven asked in surprise: “What’s your fault?”

Qin Yao said: "There are two major faults. The first one is that I was granted the title as a clone, and I am still practicing in Tianchi. Although no one asks about this, I am suspected of deceiving Heaven.

The second mistake was that I knew I was no match for the fake Evil Sword Immortal, so I went to the Demon Realm privately. On the pretext of welcoming back General Feipeng, I invited Demon Zunzhenglou to defeat the False Evil Sword Immortal, so that I could take them to heaven to perform the rituals. . "

The Emperor of Heaven was still acting just now, but now that he heard the other party shaking off all his trump cards, he was really surprised, and asked with a strange expression: "If you don't say anything about this kind of thing, no one in the world knows about it, why do you still tell the truth? Tell me?"

Qin Yao said: "I have a heart of reverence and a heart of respect."

Emperor of Heaven: “…”

This answer was extremely brilliant and even made him feel a little happy.

After pondering for a moment, the Emperor of Heaven said calmly: "Do you have a way to welcome Feipeng back?"

Qin Yao smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, how can I tell you what I can do? This is purely to deceive Chonglou. If your Majesty takes pity on my hard work and can help me to separate Sedum and Feipeng, then I will be very grateful."

The Emperor of Heaven was stunned: "Tear off the sedum and sedum?"

Qin Yao nodded and said, "That's right. My thoughts are different from those of the world. I think who is who. The soul is just a container, and memory is the key.

Sedum doesn’t have Feipeng’s memories of countless years, so he can only be Sedum.

But if we extract Feipeng’s countless years of memories and inject them into a new soul container, wouldn’t Feipeng and Sedum be able to coexist? "

The Emperor of Heaven was really stunned. After reacting, he looked at Qin Yao with deep meaning: "This is really a...crazy idea."

 The world's people, and even he, the Emperor of Heaven, believe that the body is the container and the soul is the origin.

 As a result, the guy in front of him regarded the soul as a container, directly challenging the inherent understanding of the world.

Qin Yao said seriously: "Please have mercy on the Emperor of Heaven and separate Feipeng from Jingtian's soul."

The Emperor of Heaven paused for a moment and took a long breath: "That's all, because of your merits, I will agree to this."

Qin Yao bowed his head to the ground and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

 The Emperor of Heaven waved his hand: "Go and welcome back your true self."

"Yes, I will leave." Qin Yao stood up and said.

 After a long time.

 Qin Yao rode a cloud to the Tianchi, plunged into the Tianchi with a fierce body, and ran all the way, and finally found his body deep in the Tianchi, and the two bodies merged into one.

 Three days later.

Golden chains of time suddenly flew out of his body, arrayed on the seabed, clanking and shining.

 The ancestral orifice of the physical body and the sea of ​​soul consciousness.

 Eight caves in the sky erupted like eight volcanoes, divine power soared into the sky, and the earth shook and the mountains shook...

 (End of this chapter)

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