I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1161: Xia Zixun: What are you doing?

 Chin Yao: “…”

At this moment, he couldn't help but think that it would be great if his relationship with Xia Zixun could be interchangeable like red and blue nightshade.

Facing the male protagonist who is being licked as a licking dog, the key is that his soul is still a strong and strong man, which is very confusing.

 “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Seeing that Xia Zixun was silent and just staring at him, Bai Zihua asked in confusion.

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just a little distracted... Where are you going?"

"The leader said that the Seven Kills Faction is ready to move, intending to gather the artifacts from ten directions, open the Void Cave, and release the power of the ancient times. Currently, the Seven Kills Faction has gathered in Shushan, and it must be up to something evil. The leader asked me to go down the mountain to practice, and take a look. One time." Bai Zihua explained.

“So, we can still travel together.” Qin Yao said, unable to help but sigh in his heart at the ingenuity of the parasitic period.

But if it were just three to five days later, the fate of Bai Zihua and Hua Qiangu would have played out as in the original work.

"Traveling together?" Bai Zihua asked in surprise: "You want to go to Shushan too?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said, "No, I want to go to Lianhua Village."

"That village that was sealed by the head of Qingwei?" Bai Zihua obviously knew about this village and told him straight away.

Qin Yao said: "That's right. I had a dream during my lunch break during the day. The dream showed that there was a little girl in that village who had a relationship with me as a master and disciple."

 Bai Zihua: “…”

This kind of dream is really absurd.

But the word absurd is perfectly suitable and blameless when used in dreams.

"Then come here. I can wield a sword faster than you can ride a cloud. I will take you there." After a moment, Bai Zihua waved.

Qin Yao was not polite to him, he looked calmly at the opponent's sword: "You can go."

 Bai Zihua flew with his sword and headed straight for Lotus Village. While flying, he kept looking at his friend next to him with his peripheral vision, always feeling that the other person was a little strange.

“Why do you always look at me?” Qin Yao suddenly asked.

Bai Zihua was a little embarrassed and quickly explained: "I feel that your temperament is not the same as before..."

Qin Yao said: "Maybe it's because he has figured out some things."

 Bai Zihua looked curious: "What's going on?"

 “If you can’t hold the sand, just throw it away.” Qin Yao said.

 Xia Zixun: “…”

 Bai Zihua: “???”

“Don’t you understand?” Qin Yao asked.

Bai Zihua nodded blankly.

Qin Yao said: "You will understand later."

"Hey, Qin, what are you doing?" Xia Zixun was going crazy and shouted loudly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Qin Yao said: "You don't understand either?"

 Xia Zixun: “…”

In a rather strange atmosphere, Bai Zihua came to a rather dilapidated and backward village with his sword, and said softly: "We're here."

Qin Yao flew up on the clouds, cupped his hands and said: "Thank you very much, please continue on your way."

Bai Zihua nodded silently and flew away with his sword in the sky.

Qin Yao stood on the fairy cloud, watching the sword light go away quickly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

They say everything is difficult at the beginning, but now it’s not particularly difficult if you have no intention of doing calculations.

 At least, because of his intervention, the plot of Bai Zihua rescuing Hua Qiangu from the medical clinic will not be repeated again...

 “Bang, bang, bang.”

 The next day, the third watch.

 A huge monster with a dark body, two horns on its head, eyes as red as blood, a face like a dragon's head, some human-like limbs, and nails on its hands like cold blades, suddenly came into Qin Yao's sight, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps.

 “I’ve finally waited for you.”

On the clouds, Qin Yao stood up suddenly, raised his hand to summon the magic sword, and quietly looked down at the monster below breaking into the Lotus Village.

 “Doctor Zhang, Doctor Zhang.”

In a medical clinic in the village, a little girl with a bamboo hat, a linen gown, and pretty features burst into the hall door. When she saw the figure sitting at the square table, she quickly called out and greeted her.

 But the doctor seemed to be asleep, sitting quietly at the table and saying nothing.

“Doctor Zhang, I am Xiaogu, and my father suddenly fell ill..."

 After arriving at the table, Hua Qiangu reached out and touched Dr. Zhang's shoulder, but the touch knocked him down. A face with bleeding from all the orifices suddenly came into view of the girl.

"Ah!!" Hua Qiangu was startled. The lantern flew out of his hand uncontrollably, and he even stepped back with his feet.

The cry was obviously not very loud, but it gave guidance to the monster wandering in the village in the silent night. The monster immediately changed its direction and headed straight for the medical center.

In the hospital, Hua Qiangu ran out of the main hall in a panic. Suddenly, she felt a bad wind coming. When she looked up, she saw an extremely terrifying claw clawing at her.

At this moment, her body seemed to be frozen, and her legs were shaking so much, let alone running away.


In the thin line between life and death, a golden rune chain suddenly flew out of the void, tied the girl's waist, and pulled her up in the air.

 “Huh.” The beast’s claws grabbed the place where the girl was standing just now with a gorilla wind, and the five fingers were pressed together, but they only caught a ball of air.

On the other side, Hua Qiangu, who was flying back at a high speed, suddenly felt that he had bumped into someone's arms. Looking back, he saw a gentle and beautiful woman looking up at the monster in front of her, holding her shoulder with one hand, and faintly smelling the fragrance. Tangy.


The monster suddenly raised its head, opened its mouth wide in the direction of the two of them, and roared, and a stinking gorilla wind rushed over.

Qin Yao took Hua Qiangu to avoid the orangry wind, and raised his sword to stab the monster.


The monster quickly moved its claws and struck the magic sword head-on. As a result, eight of its ten nails were cut off in an instant. It was so frightened that it turned around and ran away.

Qin Yao stood on the fairy cloud with Hua Qiangu, held the sword secret in his hand, wielded the magic sword, and quickly pursued the monster.


The demon sword arrived first and pierced the monster's head with its sharp sword.

The humanoid monster suddenly froze on the spot, and then fell to the ground. Its huge body directly smashed a house. Fortunately, there was no one in the room, and no innocent people were killed.


 After solving the monster, the magic sword turned into a red light and quickly returned to Qin Yao's hand. The red light on the sword gradually became restrained and turned into a blue sword body again.

"Are you an immortal?" Hua Qiangu woke up from a dream and quickly left Qin Yao's arms. "Yes." Qin Yao nodded, controlled the fairy cloud, and took her from mid-air to the ground.

When the fairy clouds dispersed, Hua Qiangu finally remembered the purpose of his trip and subconsciously ran to the main hall of the medical center. As soon as his short legs crossed the main hall door, he suddenly realized: The immortal is here, what else do you need for medicine?

As this thought flashed through his mind, Hua Qiangu immediately turned back and went out. He knelt down in front of Qin Yao and kowtowed heavily: "Please immortal, please save my father. He is sick now and is in danger..."

Qin Yao said: "Take me to your house to see you."

Hua Qiangu was overjoyed and quickly stood up, turned around and ran away.

Qin Yao shrunk an inch, fell behind him, and soon came to a courtyard.


Hua Qiangu pushed open a door with both hands and rushed to the bed. She turned to Qin Yao who followed him in and said, "Immortal, this is my father. Please show him quickly."

Just when Qin Yao was about to cast a spell, two Yin Chai, one black and one white, suddenly appeared. The Yin Chai in white saluted and said, "Greetings to the Immortal."

“Immortal, what are you looking at?” Hua Qiangu asked.

Qin Yao touched her head, and as wisps of mana poured into her body, Hua Qiangu suddenly saw the impermanence of black and white.

 “You are…my father…”

Bai Wuchang sighed: "Yes, your father's life span has expired."

Hua Qiangu’s eyes suddenly widened, tears glistening in them, and a surge of courage emerged from the bottom of her heart for no reason, blocking the black and white impermanence: “Don’t take away my dad, I won’t allow you to take away my dad.”

Bai Wuchang glanced at Qin Yao on the side at the same time, and Bai Wuchang said: "Children, please don't hinder us from carrying out our official duties."

Hua Qiangu was terrified in her heart, and her body was even more trembling. She repeated: "Don't take my dad away, don't take my dad away."

Bai Wuchang turned his head and winked at Hei Wuchang. The latter immediately understood, silently stepped forward, and opened the small bones.

Hua Qiangu, a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, could not resist the evil. In despair, she had no choice but to look at her savior and cry out: "I beg you, immortal, please save my father. "

Bai Wuchang said: "Child, don't make things difficult for others. If you don't become an immortal, your life and death will be determined by yourself. This is determined in the book of life and death. If this immortal helps you, it will interfere with yin and yang, which is a serious crime."

 Hua Qiangu is speechless.

Qin Yao sighed, summoned a basket of gold ingots with a flip of his hand, and delivered it to Bai Wuchang: "Yinza, can you let the father and daughter say goodbye?"

Bai Wuchang glanced at the basket of gold ingots, hesitated again and again, and finally stepped forward to take it: "I would like to have a good relationship with the Immortal."

After saying this, he took Hei Wuchang out of the room and stood guard on both sides of the door like a door god.

Qin Yao closed the door, turned around and extracted the soul of Hua Xiucai, and asked, "Have you heard everything?"

Hua Xiucai got off the bed and knelt on the ground: "I heard it, thank you so much."

Qin Yao held him up with both hands, and then he conjured up several gold ingots and delivered them to the other party: "Bring more money, take care of it when you get down, talk sweeter, and stammer more to the judge, you will definitely be able to invest in it in the next life." Good tire."

Hua Xiucai took the gold ingot with trembling hands. He glanced at his dazed daughter and suddenly knelt down again: "I beg the immortal to show mercy and accept my daughter and let her be a maid or maid for you."

As he spoke, he kept touching his head to the ground, but because it was a soul body, no matter how hard he knocked, he could not make a sound.

Hua Qiangu’s eyes were full of tears and she said, “Dad, let me go with you.”

 Father and daughter have been dependent on each other for these years. Apart from her biological father, she really has no relatives in this world.

  With no relatives or closeness, naturally there is no care. It is better to leave with the other person, and maybe you can be happier in the next life...

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Hua Xiucai glared at her and scolded her, "Kneel down here quickly."

Hua Qiangu did not dare to disobey his father, so he ran to the opposite side of Qin Yao and knelt in a row with his father.

Qin Yao sighed at Hua Xiucai's deep love for his daughter and helped her up again, saying: "Meeting her is fate, so I might as well accept her."

 At this point, he turned to look at Hua Qiangu and asked, "My child, are you willing to worship me as your teacher?"

Hua Xiucai originally only wanted to make his daughter a slave, but when he saw the immortal suddenly talking about the title of master and apprentice, he was overjoyed and shouted to Hua Qiangu: "Why don't you kowtow to your master quickly?"

 “Bang bang bang.”

Hua Qiangu obeyed his father's order, hit his head on the floor, and knocked three times. When he raised his head, his forehead was red: "Master."

Qin Yao nodded and turned to look at Hua Xiucai: "Next, you two, father and daughter, should say goodbye properly."

"Yes, Immortal." Hua Xiucai said with great respect.

Qin Yao strode to the door of the room, stretched out his hand to open the wooden door, and said to Black and White Wuchang: "Brothers, come here, I'll treat you to a drink."

The three of them immediately came to the center of the courtyard. Qin Yao used magic to create a stone table and three stone benches. He also took out a pot of fine wine from the space and poured wine for the two Yin Chai himself, with a friendly attitude.

Black and White Wuchang had not seen such a kind-hearted Immortal for many years. He was also very fond of him and toasted him repeatedly, enjoying himself.

At the same time, in Xia Zixun's consciousness, his true self asked in confusion: "Didn't you say you wanted to reverse your fate? Why didn't you stop the evil spirits from taking away this person named Hua?"

Qin Yao secretly said: "I want to reverse fate, but I don't want to reverse everyone's fate and make everything a mess, let alone cause unnecessary trouble for myself."

 Xia Zixun was thoughtful.

 Inside the house.

After Hua Xiucai heard Hua Qiangu tell her about her encounter with the master, she said seriously to her: "Your father and I have lived a very hard life, and death may be a relief for me.

 With the money your master gave me, I can have a good career in the next life.

She first saved you and then me, and her kindness to our Hua family is as deep as the ocean. Xiaogu, from now on, you have to treat her like you treat me. After I leave, she will be your only relative in this life, do you understand? "

Hua Qiangu didn’t know whether to be happy or sad at what her father said, and she froze for a moment.

"Did you hear that?" Hua Xiucai waved his hand in front of her and asked worriedly.

“I heard it, I heard it.” Hua Qiangu replied quickly.

Hua Xiucai looked into her eyes and asked, "Can you do it?"

Hua Qiangu promised: "Yes! I will definitely listen to Master. I won't do anything she doesn't want me to do."

"That's good, that's good." Hua Xiucai finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a sincere smile on his face.

At the end of the day, he also found a support for his daughter, and God treated him well.

 In fact, although the old scholar is not good at taking exams, he is still a smart person.

He knew that what he said to Hua Qiangu would be heard by the gods outside. Therefore, it seemed that what he said was for Hua Qiangu to express his position, but in fact, he was speaking to his daughter and her master.

I just hope that this immortal can be kind to Xiaogu and save her from suffering in the future...

"Shangxian, you can't drink any more, it's almost time." At the fourth watch, Bai Wuchang put down his wine glass and said to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

 “You’re welcome.”

Bai Wuchang returned the greeting, and then took his brother, opened the door, and took Hua Xiucai out of the yard.

"Xiao Gu, you must listen to your master." Before leaving, Hua Xiucai warned him again.

With tears in her eyes, Hua Qiangu waved her hands vigorously: "Don't worry, I will be obedient. Dad, have a good journey~~" (End of Chapter)

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