I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 118: The teachings of the old master (please subscribe)

Chapter 118 The Old Master’s Teachings (Please subscribe)

Qin Yao licked his dry lips, nodded and said, "I understand, Master."

Chen Qingyan smiled slightly: "The ancestors in the underworld are very optimistic about you, and I am also very optimistic about you.

I hope you can carry the banner of your generation in Waimaozhong in the future.

 No matter how fierce the internal fighting is, it is not a skill. Representing Maoshan and competing with hundreds of major sects and establishing Maoshan's reputation is a skill! "

 Chin Yao raised his hands and said yes.

Chen Qingyan suppressed his smile and looked at the sea of ​​clouds through the sparse bamboo leaves: "Although there are no ten sects in the world of spiritual practice, in people's hearts, many sects are still divided into three, six, and nine levels. With Shushan Compared with many famous sects such as Taishan Sect, Tianshi Sect, Taiyi Sect, etc., I am not trying to belittle myself, our Maoshan Sect is indeed inferior.”

Qin Yao was silent about this.

He understood that this fault was not caused by contemporary people, but actually involved the three realms of heaven, earth and man, dating back to the founding father.

Although Patriarch Sanmao is excellent, he may not have an advantage compared with Patriarch Changmei of Shushan Sect and Zhang Daoling of Tianshi Sect, let alone the Taishan Sect and Taiyi Sect with larger backgrounds.

It is true that there are people in the sky in Maoshan and people on the ground. But who among these great sects is not?

“I heard that you found the gold and silver whisk?” Seeing his silence, the old master stopped mentioning these heavy topics and a smile appeared on his face again.

Qin Yao exhaled a breath of turbidity, nodded and said: "It mainly relies on the help of one hundred thousand yaksha, otherwise it would not be possible at all."

“Can you elaborate?” Chen Qingyan asked curiously.

Qin Yao licked his lips and then started from the beginning. When he talked about what he saw and heard in the Evil Cultivation Village, he paused for a moment, thought for a moment, and finally told the story about the magic wand.

 Chen Qingyan listened to him quietly, and then asked: "Do you still remember how to get to that place? It's okay if you don't know. Now that you know, there is absolutely no reason to leave the ancestor's bones outside."

Qin Yao shook his head: "At that time, I was sitting on Xiaozhuo's magic weapon. Because my speed was too fast, I couldn't see with my eyes and I didn't know the route clearly."

“You should remember which direction you went and how long it took you, right?” Chen Qingyan asked again.

 “Remember this.”

Chen Qingyan took out two golden talisman papers from his pocket, handed one to Qin Yao, turned over his hand and put the other one in the middle of his chest.

 “Swish, swish, swish…”

A golden ray of light flew out from the talisman paper, surrounded his body, and condensed into two golden wings on his back. The wings trembled slightly, and actually drove him to fly.

"Let's go, take me to the place where you started, find the right direction, and let's see if we can find it and pick up the ancestor's remains."

Looking at the old master hanging in the air, Qin Yao's eyes flashed with something strange.

 Flying Talisman!

Talisman cultivators whose cultivation level is lower than the realm of Heavenly Master cannot draw it!

I just don’t know whether the master drew this talisman himself or whether he got it by chance.

If it's the former, the opponent's cultivation level may not be lower than those of the ancestors in Neimao.

It has to be said that the magic walking talisman and the flying talisman are not the same concept at all. The old man and the young man who flew in the air rushed from Maoshan to Fucheng in a short time and hung above the department store.

To avoid being seen and causing unnecessary commotion, neither of them had the intention to go down.

"In which direction?" Chen Qingyan took out a bronze compass with the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams engraved on it from his arms, and looked at Qin Yaodao with great energy.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand and pointed to the southeast: "This direction."

 “Let’s go.” Chen Qingyan flapped his wings and took the lead to fly towards the southeast.

Qin Yao glanced down at the building, followed closely...

 At midnight.

 The moon is dark and the wind is high. Chen Qingyan held the compass in his hand, muttered something in his mouth, and kept adjusting the direction according to the pointer on the compass.

Qin Yao didn’t know how the compass worked, but when he got close to the headmaster, he faintly heard what kind of ancestor he was talking about...


 He ​​raised his head and looked forward, and suddenly he became energetic: "Master, we're here, it's the valley in front of us."

Chen Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief silently, folded the compass with both hands, and bowed to the void.

Qin Yao was completely confused and secretly speculated: Could it be that he was worshiping a certain ancestor and thanking him for his guidance?

Just as they were thinking, the two of them descended from the clouds and stepped into the gloomy valley filled with putrid smell.


 In the darkness, venomous snakes opened their colorful pupils, smelling the smell of strangers, and rushed towards them quickly.

 Like the waves of the sea of ​​snakes.

The last time Qin Yao came here, he was accompanied by a hundred thousand yakshas. The snakes were frightened and did not dare to come forward. The feeling was not profound. This time I came back, without the intimidation of the yakshas, ​​and I finally had a deep understanding of the dangers of this place.

 Ordinary monks really shouldn’t get involved easily!

Just when the snakes were about to move and attack, Chen Qingyan suddenly released a powerful aura from his body, forcing the snakes to lower their heads and freeze in place!

"Master, considering your strength, you should be able to enter Neimao a long time ago, right?" Qin Yao couldn't help his curiosity and asked softly.

“Someone has to shoulder the responsibility.” Chen Qingyan said seriously.

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Why do you feel that he is trying to criticize me?

Shao Qing, the two of them came to the end of the valley together. Chen Qingyan lowered his head and glanced at the fragments of the scary dolls on the ground, and the anger flashed across his face: "Qin Yao, do you know how these dolls are made?"

Qin Yao thought for a moment: "Use resentment?"

 “Made with ghost babies!”

Chen Qingyan clenched the snow-white whisk in his hand and said: "Kill the child formed in the woman's body using a secret method and cultivate it into a ghost baby. Then, when the woman is about to give birth, kill her and use the mother's blood to make the ghost baby grow. Finally, Throwing it into a cloth doll is simply insane! This is evil and inhumane, and sometimes even more demonic.”

Qin Yao said in a deep voice: "This kind of evil cultivator can no longer be called a human being!"

"After releasing the resentful souls of those evil cultivators later, you can kill them one by one. Killing them will help you accumulate bad virtues." Chen Qingyan said in a low voice as he walked towards the village ancestral hall.

Qin Yao paused for a moment, then quickly followed up: "Thank you, Master."

 He ​​knew that for a monk of Chen Qingyan's level, it was far easier to kill evil spirits by himself than to give him the opportunity to kill evil spirits.

 In other words, Chen Qingyan was protecting him and giving him his virtue for free!

“Burn their corpses first to prevent the resentful spirits from appearing later and turning into living corpses after entering the corpses.” After entering the ancestral hall, Chen Qingyan ordered.

“Should we burn it here or move it out?”

 “Move out.” Chen Qingyan said: “Their resentful spirits are suppressed here and cannot leave the ancestral hall gate.”

Qin Yao nodded. Just as he was about to move, something suddenly happened in his heart. He ran over and opened the door completely. Then he returned to the corpses and kicked all the shriveled corpses out one by one.

Probably because the force on his feet was too heavy, the mummy was almost broken apart by his kicks, and the bones bearing the force were covered with cracks.

Not far away, looking at Qin Yao who was kicking a ball, the corners of Chen Qingyan's mouth raised slightly.

 He admired this bastard's way of doing things.

Looks a lot like him when he was young...

 (End of this chapter)

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