I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1184: You can only give, not take!

“Master, wipe your saliva.” Little Tai Bing took out an ice silk handkerchief from his inner pocket and handed it to Tai Yi.

Taiyi didn't answer it. He raised his hand and wiped it on his lips. He smiled and said, "Let's go, Bing'er. Master will take you to see your uncle."

Tai Bing nodded and silently tucked the ice silk handkerchief back into his chest.

“Junior brother, junior brother.” After entering the door, Taiyi’s eyes were like lightning, he scanned the whole place, and soon found Qin Yao’s figure in the crowd.

The guests and hosts present looked around together. After seeing the fat man's true appearance, Li Jing frowned slightly. Mrs. Yin stood up directly and shouted softly: "What are you doing here?"

The band playing the sheng and the piano suddenly stopped, and the people who were talking eagerly also shut up.

The originally lively and lively atmosphere suddenly became deserted, as if the pause button had been forcibly pressed.

Taiyi was very thick-skinned, rubbed his palms together and said with a smile: "Mrs. Yin, I'm here to see my junior brother."

Qin Yao took a deep look at the little kid next to Taiyi, stood up and said, "Mrs. Yin, please give Pindao some face and let them sit next to me."

After Qin Yao spoke, Mrs. Yin put away her angry look and said to the housekeeper not far away: "Go get two more tables and put them next to Taoist Master Shen."

"Yes, madam." The housekeeper bowed deeply and trotted out of the front yard.

“Thank you, thank you so much.” Taiyi chuckled and led little Taibing to Qin Yao. He stretched out his hand and patted the child on the back of the head: “Quick, meet my uncle.”

Tai Bing saluted solemnly and said, "Tai Bing pays homage to my uncle."

"Good boy." Qin Yao looked at the other party with a smile and praised him warmly.

“Hello, my name is Nezha.” Suddenly, Nezha rushed over like a flame and stretched out his palm towards Tai Bing.

Tai Bing was stunned for a moment, not really understanding the handshake ceremony.

Qin Yao grabbed Nezha's small wrist, lifted it to Taiyi, and shouted softly: "Nezha, don't be big or small, come and see your uncle."

 “Yes, Master.”

Nezha responded, and after Qin Yao let go of his wrist, he bowed deeply to Taiyi: "Meet my uncle."

Then, without waiting for Taiyi to respond, he stood up straight, stretched out his hand and said, "Uncle, today is Zhaer's 100-day banquet, what gifts have you prepared!"

Taiyi blinked and looked at Qin Yao.

Qin Yao smiled and said, "Senior brother, you shouldn't have come empty-handed, right?"

 ‘Another miscalculation! ’

Taiyi was very upset. In front of so many people, he couldn't feel for the treasure in his crotch, so he had to turn over his hands and take out the map of mountains and rivers. He reached into the picture, grabbed two wheels with steaming flames, and handed them over. forward.

“My dear, this is the hot fire wheel that my uncle has prepared for you as a gift. If you step on this wheel, you can go up to the sky and the sea, and soar through the void without wasting any of your aura. Do you like it or not?”

Nezha picked up the Hot Wheels, studied it for a while, and then jumped into the sky on two wheels. He let out bursts of exclamations and the speed became faster and faster.

“Chief Immortal, the table and food are here.” Just as everyone was staring at the sky, the housekeeper led six people to Qin Yao and bowed.

Qin Yao nodded and said, "Let's set the table."

 “Eat, eat.”

Suppressing his heartache and not looking at Hot Wheels, Taiyi focused all his attention on the food and pushed his little apprentice to sit down on his knees.

“Hey!” In mid-air, Nezha swooped down on the Hot Wheels, stopped suddenly in front of Tai Bing, and sincerely invited: “Shall we play together?”

Tai Bing slowly picked up the dishes and shook his head: "No need, you can play. I don't like the feeling of flying around."

“Then what do you like?” Nezha landed on the ground and raised his hand to put away the Hot Wheels.

Tai Bing said: "I like to eat quietly."

 “It’s boring.” Nezha waved his hand, rushed towards Mrs. Yin, got into her arms and played around.

 “Zhaer, be honest.” Li Jing shouted softly.

Nezha laughed heartily, ran from Mrs. Yin's arms to him, climbed onto his neck with his bare hands, and shouted that he wanted to ride the big horse.

Seeing the helpless look on the majestic-looking general's face, but allowing the child to crawl onto his neck, Tai Bing couldn't help but have a flash of disappointment in his eyes. He turned to look at the master who was eating and drinking, and said through a message: "Master, how can I Where are my parents?"

Taiyi grabbed the palm of his elbow, hesitated for a moment, and asked privately: "Why are you looking for them? No matter what you want, as long as it is within the scope of Master's ability, Master can satisfy you."

Tai Bing said: "I just want to ask them why they abandoned me and whether they have any difficulties."

Taiyi was silent.

 In fact, he has never given up investigating Tai Bing's life experience over the years. Unfortunately, Tai Bing is like water without roots, and no corresponding cause and effect can be found at all.

More than half an hour later, the people who had eaten and drank enough had left one after another. Nezha, who was not as tall as a normal person's legs, jumped up to Tai Bing like a little monkey, looked into his eyes and said, "Aren't you happy?"

Tai Bing shook his head: "I'm not unhappy."

"That's not right." Nezha said seriously, "I can clearly feel that you are very sad now."

Tai Bing looked slightly startled.

Nezha thought for a while, then took the initiative to reach out and hold the other person's palm, pulled him to the pile of gifts, and said sincerely: "I will be very happy every time I receive a gift. Don't be unhappy. I have these gifts." , take your pick.”

 “Why?” Tai Bing couldn’t help but ask.

Nezha said with a smile: "Because we are brothers from the same school."

   Tai Bing: “…”

 Is it because of this?

“Choose quickly, choose quickly, take whatever you like.” Nezha urged.

Tai Bing was silent for a moment and took a jade bracelet from a pile of gifts: "That's it."

Not far away, Taiyi looked at this loving interaction, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said casually: "Junior Brother Shen, your apprentice taught well."

Qin Yao said: "The spiritual beads taught by my senior brother are better, and they are humble and polite."

“It’s just that their personalities are different, their character is the same.” Taiyi said modestly.

Qin Yao chuckled and said: "Senior brother, you might as well live in Chentangguan so that they can get close to each other."

Taiyi was silent.

“Master, Master, who is the senior brother and who is the junior brother between me and Tai Bing?” Before he could speak, Nezha suddenly ran over dragging Tai Bing Feng Feng Huo Huo.

Qin Yao said seriously: "You entered the school before Tai Bing, so of course he is your brother. As a senior brother, you must take good care of this junior brother, do you understand?"


Nezha's ugly little face suddenly burst into a big smile, and he turned around happily and said, "Junior brother, why don't you call me senior brother quickly?"

Tai Bing looked at Tai Yi out of habit, and when he saw Tai Yi nodding towards him, he softly said: "Senior brother..."

"Hey..." Nezha said with a long voice and said with a smile: "Senior brother is here, I will protect you from now on."

 “Cover?” Tai Bing looked confused.

“It means to protect you.” Nezha explained.

Tai Bing: “Thank you, senior brother.”

“Okay, Nezha, you take Tai Bing out to play, and I’ll take your uncle to find a house.” Qin Yao ordered.

 Perhaps because of Taiyi's poor performance in front of Li Jing and his wife, both of them had a bad impression of him.

Under such circumstances, even Qin Yao could not keep Taiyi in Li's house and make the couple upset for no reason.

“Okay, okay.” Nezha said with a smile on his face: “Junior brother, come with me, I will take you to surf in the East China Sea~~”

 Lean less.

The two children came to the East Sea hand in hand. Nezha dug out a wooden board from somewhere on the beach, threw it into the sea, turned around and asked, "Are you ready?" Tai Bing nodded, with a serious look on his face.

Nezha immediately flew up with him and landed on the wooden board. The next moment, the wooden board carrying the two people rushed out like an arrow, splitting the water and waves, and galloping on the sea at top speed.

 “Bing’er, Bing’er…”

When the small splash of water hit his face, Tai Bing vaguely heard calls.

“Senior brother, did you hear that?” Tai Bing asked.

Nezha turned around and asked, "What did you hear?"

“Someone is calling my name.” Tai Bing said honestly.

Nezha listened intently, and then said, "No one calls your name. Are you hallucinating?"

“Pfft.” At this moment, a four-legged sea monster with a green body suddenly emerged from the sea level and sprayed hard at them, causing countless colorful bubbles to fly.

“This monster is so fun!” After discovering the bubble, Nezha’s eyes instantly lit up and he reached out to grab it.


 When a bubble exploded in his hand, a burst of magic appeared and directly petrified one of his arms.

 “Not good, I’ve been tricked.”

Nezha yelled and had no time to react. He could only open his arms to completely protect Tai Bing.

He remembered what his master said, he is a senior brother and he must protect his junior brother!

 “Pop, pop, pop.” Bubbles exploded on Nezha’s body, turning his entire body to stone in the blink of an eye.


After petrifying Nezha, the green sea monster plunged into the sea and was about to disappear.

 “Stop.” Tai Bing hugged Nezha, fell into the deep sea, and quickly pursued him.

But after chasing him, the sea monster suddenly disappeared. Instead, he came to a huge stone pillar, where he saw countless iron chains and giant dragons connected together.

"Bing'er!" On the stone pillar, the Dragon King of the East China Sea called out sincerely.

Looking at the huge dragon head coming slowly, Tai Bing quickly hid the petrified senior brother behind him and asked in a solemn voice: "Who are you?"

 “I am your biological father.”

"Impossible!" Tai Bing said: "You are a dragon and I am a human. We are of different races. How can you be my father?"

“You are also a dragon, but you have been sealed with a demonic aspect.” The Dragon King said.

Tai Bing: “I don’t believe it.”

 The Dragon King summoned a demon mirror, holding the handle of the mirror with one hand, and pointed the mirror at Tai Bing's face: "Look."

Tai Bing looked up and saw two dragon horns on his head in the mirror, giving him an awe-inspiring aura.

 “This is false!” Tai Bing said loudly.

“The jade pendant you carry with you is the key to unlocking the demonic power and appearance.” The Dragon King said.

Tai Bing’s face stiffened, and then he pulled out a jade pendant necklace from his collar.

 “You can try it by dripping blood on the jade pendant.” The Dragon King said.

Tai Bing hesitated again and again, and finally bit his finger and rubbed it on the jade pendant. Then the jade pendant turned into a blue light and poured into his body.


Tai Bing suddenly felt a huge force in his body, and his whole body screamed up to the sky uncontrollably.

After a long time, when this power was completely dissipated in his body and integrated into every corner of his body, he suddenly felt itchy on the top of his head. He reached out and touched it, and two dragon horns suddenly appeared on top of his head...

 “Do you believe it now?” asked the Dragon King.

Tai Bing was stunned and speechless.

 “Click.” Suddenly, a crisp sound woke him up.

Tai Bing looked up and saw that the Dragon King had pulled out a scale from his body, and blood was flowing out from the wound.

“What are you doing?” Tai Bing murmured.

“I want to give my son a meeting gift.” The Dragon King said, looking around.

“Kakaka…” Wherever he looked, all the giant dragons that suppressed the demon clan dug out a piece of armor on themselves.

The armor pieces of tens of thousands of giant dragons gathered together and soon condensed into a set of almost transparent armor in front of Tai Bing.

“Son, this is the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, which is composed of the scales of ten thousand dragons from the East China Sea. It is indestructible.” The Dragon King explained.

Tai Bing trembled all over and waved his hands quickly: "No, no, I can't have it. I just ask the Dragon King to unblock my senior brother, I have no other thoughts."

"It's easy to unseal it." The Dragon King took out an empty bottle, filled it with some of his own blood, and pushed it to Tai Bing: "Use my blood to wipe his body, and then he can unseal it."

Tai Bing hurriedly took the bottle, and immediately took the petrified Nezha and left in a hurry...

 Not long.

He took Nezha to the beach. After seeing the sun, strands of blue light flew out of his body and condensed into a jade pendant around his neck.

Tai Bing quickly reached out to touch the top of his head, only to find that his dragon horns had also disappeared.

Without having time to think about it, he quickly opened the porcelain bottle, poured the dragon's blood into his hand, and unsealed Nezha.

 “Hey, how did I unblock it?”

 After recovering, Nezha jumped up from the beach and asked doubtfully.

Tai Bing quietly put away the dragon blood porcelain bottle and said, "I used my magic power to unseal it for you."

“What about the sea monster? Have you caught him?” Nezha asked.

Tai Bing shook his head: "No..."

Nezha said angrily: "Sooner or later I will catch him and turn him into stone to avenge today!"

 Late night.

With his hands behind his back and his long hair flying, Qin Yao fell straight from the sea into the deep sea and appeared on the rock in front of the stone pillar.

 “Taoist Master, I saw my son.” said the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Qin Yao said: "How was your chat?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea sighed: "He doesn't seem to want to accept the fact that he is a dragon, and Wanlongjia didn't accept it either."

Qin Yao nodded: "Don't blame him, it's human nature."

  The Dragon King asked: “What shall we do next?”

“Don’t do anything.” Qin Yao said, “Just wait silently for Tai Bing to come to you.”

"Will he come?" The Dragon King expressed doubts: "As I said just now, he is very resistant to the identity of the dragon clan."

"Don't worry, he will come." Qin Yao said: "But there is one thing, I need to inform you in advance."

 Dragon King of East China Sea: “What?”

Qin Yao said seriously: "You can recognize him, but you can't put the heavy responsibility of rescuing the Dragon Clan on his young shoulders. In other words, as a father, you can only give, not take."

 Dragon King of the East China Sea: “…” (End of this chapter)

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