I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1190: Chao Ge, King Zhou!

Because the flow of time in heaven and the human world is different, it was already night and dawn in the human world while the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were talking.

Haunted by the morning sun, Qin Yao brought Uncle Jiu into the Li Mansion and introduced him to everyone solemnly.

Hearing that this man with a majestic face was actually the Dragon King of the East China Sea, everyone had different expressions, especially the expressions of the master and disciple Tai Yi and Tai Bing who were the most complex.

"Senior Brother Jiang, you have the important responsibility of supporting the country and enthroning the gods on behalf of heaven. You are bound to be in danger in the future, so let the Dragon King stay by your side as a long-term follower and protect you personally." After introducing everyone to Uncle Jiu, Qin Yao suddenly said to Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya stunned for a moment, and immediately waved his hand: "No, the dragon king is the heavenly court, how can I be my long follow?"

Qin Yao said seriously: "He is called the Righteous God of Heaven, but in fact he is just the head of a prison. If Senior Brother Jiang does not accept him, he will have no choice but to return to that prison. So, he is not condescending. You are not taking advantage of him, but you are helping each other and achieving each other.”

 Jiang Ziya was silent.

 During his silence, Uncle Jiu cupped his hands and said, "Dao Zhang Jiang, please give me a chance."

Due to Shen Gongbao's kindness and a moment of soft-heartedness, Jiang Ziya sighed and said, "That's fine, you can just stay with me from now on."

Uncle Jiu immediately laughed and said sincerely: "Thank you, Taoist Master."

 With the endorsement of the Kunlun Golden Immortal and the Man of Destiny, the risk of him leaving his post without permission was minimized.

“Junior Brother Shen, it’s time for us to set off.” Jiang Ziya looked at Qin Yao and said leisurely.

Qin Yao nodded slightly and said, "Nezha, please spend more time with your parents in Chentangguan, and then come to Chaoge to find us after a while."

Nezha really wanted to follow them now, but he turned around and looked at his mother who was full of reluctance, and finally agreed.

"General Li, Mrs. Yin, let's take our leave first." Qin Yao said again.

“Everyone, go slowly and have a pleasant journey.” Li Jing clasped his fists and said softly.

“Master, when I go to Chaoge, where can I find you?” Nezha suddenly ran to Qin Yao and asked with his head held high.

Qin Yao ruffled his hair and said with a smile: "If we don't become famous in Chaoge by then, wouldn't it be a big failure? And once we have a reputation, it will be easy to find out our address."

Nezha nodded and waved: "Master, uncles, goodbye..."

 “We are waiting for you at Chaoge.”

Qin Yao waved his hand, and then a black cloud formed under his feet, carrying everyone and quickly disappeared into the blue sky and white clouds.

 The next day.

The black clouds came outside Chaoge City. Jiang Ziya suddenly raised his right hand and pointed in one direction: "It's difficult to live in Wangcheng. I have a good friend in Songjiazhuang on the outskirts of the city. We can stay with him temporarily."

Qin Yao controlled the black clouds and flew in the direction of his finger. Soon he came to a village and landed on the top of the clouds.

Jiang Ziya took two quick steps, climbed up the stone steps, stood in front of the open door of the village and shouted: "Song member is outside, Song member is outside..."

In the main hall, the rich man, who was dressed in rich clothes and with an honest face, heard the call. He immediately stood up from the pear wood chair and said to his son who was standing in front of him with his hands hanging down: "Son, come with your father quickly." Welcome Taoist Master Jiang.”

“This Taoist Master Jiang is the fortune teller you always talk about?” Mr. Song followed out the door and asked curiously.

Song Yuanwai nodded and said: "Exactly, if it weren't for this noble man's advice, our Song family would have been in ruins long ago. You and I, father and son, don't know where to drink the northwest wind now, so I'll see you later Mr. Jiang, you must be respectful."

 “Yes, father.” Mr. Song responded.

Shaoqing, Song Yuanwai brought his son to the outside of the manor. After seeing the leader Jiang Ziya, a smile suddenly appeared on his face and he cupped his hands and said: "Taoist Jiang, after seeing each other for many years, I want to kill someone in Song Dynasty."

 “Song member, outside.” Jiang Shang smiled slightly and said, “How are you doing recently?”

“Okay, okay, the house is full of wives and concubines, happy and healthy.” Song Yuanwai said: “Where are you, Taoist Priest? Have you ever married a wife and had children?”

 Jiang Shang shook his head: "That's not true."

Song Yuanwai was moved in his heart and said, "But you haven't met the woman you like?"

“Let’s not mention this anymore.” Jiang Shang waved his hand, pointed at the people behind him and said, “Commissioner, let me introduce these friends of mine to you.”


Since then, their group has settled down in Songjiazhuang. No one except Qin Yao knows that as soon as Jiang Ziya settled in this village, the red luan star moved, and the marriage line was quietly formed.

As expected, on the next day, Song Yuanwai brought an old lady who was nearly seventy years old, blocked Jiang Ziya in the courtyard who was about to go out, and said with a smile: "Master Jiang, what do you think of this mother-in-law?"

 Jiang Ziya was stunned: "Huh?"

Song Yuanwai explained: "When you get old, you still need to have a companion. Otherwise, being alone at night will make you feel miserable. Don't look at how old Ma is, but she is still a virgin. She has never allowed anyone in her life. , I guess I am waiting for your fate.”

 Jiang Ziya: “…”

In a pavilion not far away, Qin Yao, who was sitting opposite Uncle Jiu, said softly: "This member of the Song Dynasty is also confused. Jiang Ziya is older, but there is no need to introduce an old woman to him, right?

 Find someone in his thirties, even with a girl, and the situation will be better than this. If Jiang Ziya can be made happy, he will definitely be able to act like a **** when he becomes a **** in the future. "

Uncle Jiu said: "Maybe he wants to find someone like this, but it's not easy to find him. After all, Jiang Ziya is already over 70 years old, and outsiders don't know that he is a god. Why would a young woman be willing to marry such an old man?"

“How old are you this year?” While Jiang Ziya was confused, Ma took the initiative to ask.

Jiang Ziya said: "Two out of seventy."

Ma said: "You are four years older than me, and I am sixty-eight. But it doesn't matter. I don't think you are old, and you don't think I am too old."

 Jiang Ziya was very embarrassed: "Well...I never thought about getting married."

"You don't like me?" Ma said bluntly.

Jiang Ziya took care of the other person's face and waved his hand: "That's not the case, it's just that I don't have such a plan."

"I won't have it in the future, but I can have it now." Ma said, turning to look at Song Yuanwai: "I'm quite satisfied with his appearance, and I'll leave the rest to you."

With a smile on his face, Song Yuanwai said: "You go back first, and I will try to persuade him."

Subsequently, under the constant persuasion of Song Yuanwai, Jiang Ziya gradually came up with the idea of ​​​​getting married.

So Song Yuan chose an auspicious day and personally presided over the wedding of Jiang Ziya and Ma. Qin Yao and others drank the wedding wine and joined the family.

Now that he has a wife, Jiang Ziya couldn't explain his mood, but he was probably a little happy.

What he didn't expect was that Ma's true nature was revealed on the second day after the marriage. He had no ability, but asked Jiang Ziya to make progress and preferably have a good job so that they could take care of themselves in the future.

They can't let Song Yuanwai provide for them in their old age. That would be too embarrassing. Jiang Ziya was so urged by her that she had no choice but to ask her fellow apprentices for help. Qin Yao said that problems that could be solved with money were not problems, and he immediately took out one thousand taels of silver and wanted to give it to Jiang Ziya.

But how could Jiang Ziya accept it with good heart and peace of mind, so he lent Qin Yao twenty taels of silver and even wrote an IOU.

  When Ma knew about this, Ma felt bad.

Someone refused to give me a thousand taels, but ended up borrowing 20 taels. What kind of stupid behavior is this?

In anger, she scolded Jiang Ziya, furiously outputting. The name of husband and wife became the reason for her to vent as much as she wanted.

Jiang Ziya was a man of destiny and the quasi-leader of the gods appointed by Yuanshi Tianzun, but he was scolded by a short-sighted old lady and could not hold his head up. His cowardly appearance made Qin Yao amazed.

 Don’t understand.

 But I was greatly shocked.

Faced with the pressure from Ma, Jiang Ziya rented a shop and opened a noodle restaurant with the twenty taels of silver given by Qin Yao.

It’s just that his skill at making noodles is definitely not superb, and he doesn’t have any outstanding marinades. Therefore, there were only a few people trying the noodle shop on the day it opened. However, after three days of opening, it reached the level of being crowded, which caused Ma to quarrel with him. endlessly.

Qin Yao really couldn’t stand it anymore.

This mentality is like aversion to stupidity, which may be called aversion to losing money syndrome.

He suggested divorcing Ma, saying that the two of them were naturally incompatible, but this suggestion was declined by Jiang Ziya.

So, he had no choice but to suggest Jiang Ziya to change the noodle shop into a fortune-telling parlor. Then with the help of him and Taiyi, he directly packaged Jiang Ziya into iron-mouthed, straight-cut, golden-mouthed words. Many people who did not believe in evil came to try it, and eventually they all fell in love with him. In front of Jiang Ziya's hanging stall.

With the fortune-telling parlor becoming more and more popular, Ma finally changed his attitude towards Jiang Ziya, fully displaying the fickleness of women...

“Junior brother, should we go see Di Xin?”

 Finally, when Jiang Ziya took care of his housework, Taiyi felt relieved and found him immediately.

 Under normal circumstances, they should go find Di Xin after they settle down. As a result, Song Yuanwai was going to marry Jiang Ziya the next day. As a senior brother, he couldn't delay his junior brother's happiness, right?

I thought Jiang Ziya could go to the palace after getting married, but unexpectedly, a family dispute arose again. I haven’t even sorted out my housework, so how can I have the energy to do big things?

This back and forth delayed him for more than half a month, and he really couldn't hold it any longer.

 “Let’s go today.” Jiang Ziya was very embarrassed. If Shen Gongbao hadn’t pointed out the direction for him, he wouldn’t have been able to handle the household chores for half a month.

Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief and immediately called Qin Yao and others over. They all came to the outside of the palace together and were waiting for the guards to report. They saw two young men holding long swords and killing each other in the palace with blood all over their bodies. come out.

“What’s going on?” Taiyi asked in shock.

 Qin Yao's mind moved slightly, and he pulled out a hair. With a flick, the hair immediately flew up and attached to the head of one of the young men.

After the two teenagers broke through, they quickly rushed onto the street, and then a general wearing armor and with a simple and majestic face led people to chase them out. In the blink of an eye, they both disappeared into the street together.

“Everyone, your Majesty has invited you.” At this time, a chamberlain came from the palace and said calmly.

Taiyi chuckled, cupped his hands and said, "May I ask, sir, those two young men just now..."

The chamberlain looked up at him and said coldly: "Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask."

  Taiyi: “…”

Soon after, everyone followed the eunuchs straight to the depths of the palace. As they walked, a strong pressure gradually appeared. When they stopped in front of a palace with the eunuchs, the pressure had reached an exaggerated level. degree.

Qin Yao was okay, but Jiang Shang, Taiyi, and Taibing all felt as if the immortal energy in their bodies had been frozen and couldn't function at all.

“Your Majesty, the Qi Master from Kunlun Mountain has brought you here.” The chamberlain shouted loudly.

 “Let them in.” A thick and majestic voice came from the palace. Just this voice made it difficult for Tai Bing, a dragon, to breathe.

“Everyone, the king has summoned you, please go in by yourselves.” The chamberlain turned around and said.

At the moment, Jiang Shang took the lead, and everyone walked in through the door. When they looked up, they saw a middle-aged man wearing twelve crowns, a white shirt inside, and a black royal robe outside. He had a dark complexion, a black beard, and a domineering middle-aged man. The king sat in the center of the dragon chair, and the powerful power of the king made all the immortals put away their arrogance.

Beside her, there sat a beautiful lady who was as beautiful as a flower. The various amorous feelings carried between her eyebrows and eyes were like soul-eating poison, which made people fall in love with her just one look at her.

However, Qin Yao only glanced at the woman and then focused on Di Xin.

 At this moment, he finally understood what it means to be a human king.

The human king is the king of the human race, and the human race is the ruler of the human world. In terms of status, the human king is equal to the emperor of heaven. One governs the earth and the other governs the sky. The emperor of heaven cannot be called the co-lord of the three realms at this time.

In most works on the subject of deification, King Zhou is just a symbol of tyranny. Only in this work, King Zhou's personal combat power is worthy of the title of human king.

He clearly remembered that in the original work, when Yang Jian and Li Daozong rescued Ji Fa, he wanted to assassinate King Zhou. Under the eyes of God, he was unstoppable, but he was slapped away by King Zhou with his sleeve.

It is a pity that the general trend is not in Shang Dynasty but in Zhou Dynasty. Under a shocking conspiracy, there has been no king in the world since King Zhou, only the emperor.

  天子, son of heaven.

Who is Tian? Tian is the Emperor of Heaven!

 The King of Humans has never had a sound since then!

"Why did you come to see the lonely king?" Di Xin looked at the three Taoists and a child in front of him quietly, his tone indifferent.

If these people had come to see him at another time, they might have gotten a smile from him, but they came at the wrong time, and the two unfilial sons rushed out of the palace without any warning, making the royal family a laughing stock in the world.


 To be punished.

"Your Majesty, we are here to assist the Yin Shang Dynasty on the orders of Yuanshi Tianzun." Jiang Shang saluted.

"What skills do you have that can assist the lonely king?" Emperor Xin asked quietly.

Jiang Shang took out a brand new book from his sleeves, raised his hands, and said loudly: "This is a civil and military strategy written by a poor Taoist. Please read it."

Di Xin turned his head and glanced at a chamberlain, who quickly walked to Jiang Shang, took Tao Lue, and presented it to Di Xin.

“Taoist Priest, why do you keep staring at me?”

Just as Di Xin was about to read Tao Lue, the beautiful woman on the side suddenly asked Taiyi.

Di Xin frowned slightly and followed the woman's gaze to Taiyi, waiting for his response... (End of this chapter)

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