I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1194: Yangyi catastrophe

 This day.

Uncle Jiu was humming a tune and wandering on the street. When he passed an intersection, he suddenly saw a soldier standing in front of the bulletin board, chanting something loudly.

But by the time he walked over to join in the fun, the soldier had already finished reading the announcement, pushed aside the crowd, and disappeared at the end of the long street.

“Brother, what did the officer read just now?” Uncle Jiu glanced at the characters on the notice, but didn’t quite understand it, so he reached out and grabbed a passerby who wanted to leave, and asked with a smile.

"He said that the benevolent Empress Daji in the harem proposed to the king the blessing of using snakes to offset taxes. Every household that can donate four snakes to the palace will be exempted from taxes for four months. This is a blessing. What a great thing, my wife is such a good person.”

Uncle Jiu’s face turned serious, and he asked subconsciously: “Do you know why the queen wants so many snakes?”

 “Why do you care so much? The only real thing is to catch the snake and exempt it from taxes.” The passerby waved his sleeves and left quickly.

Uncle Jiu was silent for a moment, then went outside the city, released his consciousness, and searched like a carpet.

Soon, he caught four snakes in the ancient temple on the barren mountain, held seven inches of them and coiled them around his arm, then turned around and returned to the city.

  When he brought the snake to the palace, he saw a man carrying various bamboo baskets, led by soldiers, entering the palace. Apparently he was here to deliver the snake.

“Brother, you came here with a snake coiled up like this, you are really fierce.” A young man dressed in a short-sleeved shirt came up to him and exclaimed sincerely.

Uncle Jiu chuckled and said, "I caught it in the wild, but I couldn't find the cage."

The two came to the door while chatting. A man sitting behind a long table held a writing brush and raised his eyes and said: "Please tell me your name, place of origin, and home address."

Uncle Jiu gave Lin Jiu’s name and the address of Song Yuan’s home, and was then led in by the soldiers until he came to a deep pit.

Looking around, the bottom of the deep pit has been filled with snakes of various colors. A timid person would probably feel numb in the scalp and chill in the heart just by looking at them.

Uncle Jiu raised his hand and threw the four snakes on his arms into the pit. Then he blended in with the crowd and put an invisibility charm on himself. He hid his body and separated from the crowd. After walking around the palace, he learned about these ten thousand snakes. He couldn't help but be frightened by Daji's viciousness.

 After half a stick of incense.

He quickly returned to the fortune-telling parlor, closed the door, and told Qin Yao and others what he saw and heard.

“Daji has made a move. The purpose of Ten Thousand Snakes is to control us and rescue the Jade-faced Pipa Spirit.” After listening to the story, Qin Yao said with great certainty.

Uncle Jiu nodded slightly: "I think so too."

Taiyi looked at Qin Yao and then at Jiang Shang: "The other party is sure that we will have compassion, and they are using compassion to force us to compromise."

Jiang Shang said clearly: "No matter what, the seventy-two palace ladies must be saved. If we sit back and watch them being killed, how can we face our conscience?"

"We must save him. The question is how." Uncle Jiu said.

Tai Bing stood up with a loud sound and said in a solemn voice: "I will go to the palace and bring out the seventy-two maids."

Qin Yao said: "How do you know if Daji has laid a dragnet and is waiting for you to get into it?"

Tai Bing’s expression froze, and he sat down angrily.

Jiang Shangdao: "Junior Brother Shen, do you have any countermeasures?"

Qin Yao thought for a while and said, "The conflict has shifted."

A flash of light flashed in Uncle Jiu's mind, and he said: "I understand, as long as we break the jade pipa, go with the fragments of the pipa, and seal Daji's mouth in advance, then Daji can only change from teasing us to making things difficult for us. , and we just need to get through the other side’s difficulties.”

 Jiang Shang said decisively: "I'll do it. Please also ask Junior Brother Shen to give me the jade pipa."

 “I’ll give it to you tomorrow.” Qin Yao said without thinking.

Daji was by no means an easy fool, so he never thought of making a fake one to deceive the other party.

In this case, since you are determined to give up the jade-faced pipa as a magical weapon, you should naturally squeeze out all the nutrients from the other party just like sugar cane, and then return the residue to Daji.

That night.

At Song Yuan's home on the outskirts of the city, it was quiet at night, except for the howling wind and the chirping of cicadas.

 In the east wing, an oil lamp dispelled the darkness and illuminated the figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed...

 “Don’t kill me, don’t kill me!”

In his sea of ​​consciousness, in the center of the Zhuxian Platform, beneath the Zhuxian Sword and the Twelfth Grade Fire Red Lotus, a woman's face appeared on the jade pipa held by Qin Yao's spirit, and she shouted in panic.

Qin Yao's soul raised the jade pipa, and with a thought, the red lotus of karma suddenly emitted a red light, which was forced into the pipa. In an instant, countless karma condensed into scenes of tragic scenes, flashing above the pipa like a slide. Pass.

“You kill people, eat your heart, massacre villages, act unscrupulously and wantonly, causing all kinds of evil and overwhelming karma. If I don’t kill you today, I don’t know how many people will be killed because of you in the future. To me, isn’t it like letting the tiger go back to the mountain?”

"You are also a demon. You should know that when humans prey on beasts, they often kill them all, skin them and eat their flesh. What I do is the same as what humans do to beasts. It makes no sense that humans can do the first grade of junior high school, but we demons can't do the fifteenth grade, right? "Jade Pipa shouted.

"Who told you that I am a demon?" Qin Yao asked.

"When you brought me here, I clearly felt a wave of demonic energy in you. You can't hide it from me." Yu Pipa said.

 Qin Yao waved, and the twelfth-grade red lotus shrank rapidly and landed on the jade pipa: "I'm sorry, you feel wrong."

Jade Pipa's souls were all gone. At the critical moment of life and death, in order to survive, she didn't care about anything else. She shouted: "I came to Chaoge on the order of Empress Nuwa to overthrow the Yin and Shang Dynasties. If you kill me, you will offend the empress."

"You monster, shut up." Qin Yao said seriously: "Don't slander Nuwa."

After saying this, the Karma Red Lotus released a soul-stirring suction force, continuously pulling out the spiritual energy from the Jade Pipa and integrating it into the lotus platform.

Jade Pipa didn't expect that even Nuwa and Empress were unable to move it out. As her thoughts were racing, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the Zhuxian Sword in the void, and a light flashed through her heart: "Shangxian, I am willing to be the weapon spirit of your divine sword. Even I’m a sword slave, I just ask you to spare my life.”

"You are not worthy." Qin Yao stretched out his hand and the suction power of the red lotus suddenly expanded more than a hundred times, and countless spiritual energy turned into light spots and continued to float into the interior of the lotus platform.

 “Kakaka…” With the crazy loss of spiritual energy, cracks quickly appeared on the originally smooth Pipa, which was as smooth as a mirror surface, full of a sense of fragmentation.


Pipa Jing howled miserably and cursed with endless resentment: "You deliberately sabotaged Empress Nuwa's plan to destroy business, and you will definitely be liquidated by the empress in the future. On behalf of the Xuanyuan Tomb, I curse you. If you die, you will disappear, and you will never be reincarnated."

  【Warning, warning, you have been attacked by Jade Faced Pipa's deadly counterattack and curse, and the system protection wall has automatically intercepted it for you. 】

 A moment later, when the jade lute shattered, a line of characters suddenly flashed in front of Qin Yao's eyes.

“The protective wall is awesome!” Qin Yao praised happily. The system has been shielding mental attacks for a long time. It was initially shielded from Dong Xiaoyu’s mental attacks, and then successively blocked the mental attacks from Jing Nian Zen Sect Ji Wen, Maoshan Evil Qian Kai, Big Black Buddha Mother and other evil Buddhas and demons. .

It can be said that as long as the system is with him, Qin Yao is not afraid of this kind of mental attack at all, only afraid of suppression by high-level strength.

After being surprised, Qin Yao returned the lotus platform to the Zhuxian Sword. Looking at the Zhuxian Sword like a ray of white light, thinking about Jade-faced Pipa's idea about the Zhuxian Sword, he suddenly had an idea, and he moved the magic sword. Summoning to the sea of ​​consciousness, he said in a solemn voice: "Langui, come out and have a chat."

Roads of red light quickly flew out of the magic sword, condensing into a beautiful girl dressed in red in front of it.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Yao pointed to the Zhuxian Sword above the Yehuo Honglian and said, "Are you interested in changing your sword? The Demonic Sword can no longer keep up with my strength."

Red nightshade turned to look at the Zhuxian Sword and said softly: "Hey, what do you think?"

Before she finished speaking, one of her eyes turned blue, and half of her body also turned blue, which was extremely weird.

 “I don’t care, but I have to keep the magic sword.”

 “Okay, let’s change houses, so as not to be idle.” Red Nightshade said.

Qin Yao said: "What I need to tell you in advance is that once you become the weapon spirit of the Zhuxian Sword, you will share life and death with me from now on. To put it more bluntly, as the magic sword weapon spirit, if I die, you will not Die, but as the weapon spirit of the Zhuxian Sword, if I die, you will not survive. "

The red nightshade smiled and said: "After following you and witnessing reincarnation, I think you should be able to live longer than us. It is impossible for us to live longer than you."

 Chin Yao: “…”

Why doesn’t this sound like a good thing?

Soon after, with the cooperation of Long Kui, Qin Yao successfully used the power of faith to separate them from the magic sword and send them into the Zhuxian Sword...

Just when Qin Yao thought it was over, an accident happened. The Zhuxian Sword suddenly fell down and touched the Karma Red Lotus. The next moment, the power in the red lotus poured into it continuously, and then passed through Zhuxian The sword poured into Nightshade's soul.


Solanum nigrum, who was also defenseless against this, could not withstand this force at all. The screams of the red nightshade and the blue nightshade sounded almost at the same time, like a cuckoo weeping blood, with a shrill sound.

"Grass, what's going on?" Qin Yao woke up from a dream and quickly cast a spell to separate the Zhuxian Sword and the Yehuo Red Lotus. However, even after they were separated, there was still a steady stream of power poured into Long Kui's soul through the Zhuxian Sword.

Just when Qin Yao was about to seal them, after a high-pitched scream, Nightshade's soul body split open and turned into two groups of light, one blue and one red. Then, under the nourishment of the Zhuxian Sword, the red and blue light turned into two groups one after another. In human form, it appears above the lotus platform like a lotus flower.

 Chin Yao: “???”

Red nightshade and blue nightshade also fell into a daze, then turned to look at each other, looking at each other speechlessly.

Qin Yao finally reacted, looked at the Yehuo Red Lotus, then at the Zhuxian Sword, and finally looked at the beautiful girls who were like twins, scratched his head and said, "Should I congratulate you?"

"We should indeed be congratulated." Red Nightshade took the lead in retracting her gaze and smiled slightly: "Congratulations on making a right decision."

 “Thank you.” Nightshade in blue said to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao was silent for a moment and suddenly asked, "How about you guys go out for a walk together?"

Red nightshade said: "Go out, little...Lan."

The blue nightshade nodded silently and said, "Should I call you Sister Hong?"

 Qin Yao waved his hand and brought the two girls from the Kingdom of God to the real world. He smiled and said, "Sister Hong and Sister Lan, these two titles fit your image quite well."

Since the birth of the red nightshade, the blue nightshade has been protecting the blue nightshade like a sister. The blue nightshade is more like a younger sister because of its pitiful temperament.

"It doesn't sound good." Nightshade in red was not satisfied with the name Hong Sister. After thinking for a moment, she suggested: "Let's each choose a word from the name Nightshade. You call me Sister Long, and I call you Sister Kui. "

 Long Jie, Kui Mei, in her opinion, are much better than naming them by the color of their clothes.

“Okay.” Blue-clothed Nightshade had no objection to this and said with a smile: “Together, we are Nightshade.”

Sister Long nodded slightly and turned to Qin Yao: "What do you think?"

"I think your proposal is good, better than mine." Qin Yao responded.

A rare smile appeared on Sister Long's face, and she took the initiative to extend her right hand to Sister Kui: "Let's go out for a walk."

"Be careful, don't hit the immortal's gun, and let others take you two away." Qin Yao reminded.

The two women agreed at the same time, and then walked through the walls and went straight to the street...

 Three hours later.

 The night is over and the day is dawning.

The two women dressed in red and blue returned to the Song family manor hand in hand. When Taiyi, who was sitting under the pavilion in the courtyard, saw their figures, he stood up suddenly, pointed at Sister Long and said: "You, you, you, you..."

 “What’s wrong with her, Master?” Opposite her, Tai Bing asked curiously.

“She was the one who snatched the magic pill from my hand and put it on Nezha’s reincarnation disk, causing me to lose my position as the Golden Immortal of Kunlun.”

Sister Long glanced at him, and then led Sister Kui through the wooden door and entered Qin Yao's room.

Tai Bing stretched out his hand to support Tai Yi's arm and sat him down: "Master, it's all in the past. Didn't you reconcile with Master Shen? Don't mention the past anymore."

  Taiyi: “…”


 When did I reconcile with Shen Gongbao?

 Si Shi Moment.

Qin Yao, Taiyi, Jiang Shang, and Taibing came to the palace together. In the name of paying homage to Concubine Su, they asked the guards guarding the palace gate to report.

The guards could not go directly to Su Daji, so they reported the matter to the Internal Affairs Bureau. The Internal Affairs Bureau did not dare to neglect anything about Daji, so they sent a special person to report it as soon as possible.

In this way, the news came to Zhanjuan. Zhanjuan immediately found Daji feeding the little rabbit in the imperial garden. She bowed and said: "Empress, the fish has been baited..."

Daji threw the remaining half of the carrot in her hand directly into the cage, watched the three white rabbits fighting for food, and said calmly: "Let the chamberlain take them to the Ten Thousand Snakes Pit, and you go and kill those seventy-two scoundrels. The maid was transferred from the cold palace and taken to the direction of Wan Shekeng. This time, Xiaoyu must be rescued from their hands!" (End of this chapter)

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