I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1198: About the plan of the True Dragon Emperor

 The three dragon kings were all startled, and their eyes showed a hint of the emotion of seeing a ghost.

In their impression, the Dragon King of the East China Sea belongs to the kind of stubborn person who would rather die and go all the way to darkness than admit his mistakes.

 What is it that makes him lower his proud head?

“Is Heaven ready to kill the donkey?” After a long time, the female Dragon King asked.

Uncle Jiu shook his head and pointed at Qin Yao: "Let him tell you."

 “Who are you?” asked the purple dragon.

Qin Yao smiled slightly and said: "Let me introduce myself. I am a direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun, and Shen Gongbao, the special envoy of the gods."

 Hearing the words Yuanshi Tianzun, Sanlong's expression changed.

 Saints are divine beings that are out of reach for them.

Looking at the three dragons with flashing eyes, Qin Yao said again: "Why are you imprisoned?"

“Isn’t it because of our good big brother?” The female dragon king raised her eyes and looked at Uncle Jiu, saying with resentment.

Qin Yao shook his head and said, "Before I appeared, what was the difference between him and you?"

 Female Dragon King: “…”

 There is really no difference.

The jailer was also imprisoned in purgatory.

 “That’s what he brought upon himself.” The red dragon roared in a low voice.

Qin Yao sighed and said, "Haven't you ever thought about what would happen to you if he didn't seal you?

 At that time, in the eyes of heaven, the dragon was a complete monster, and killing it was the way of heaven.

If the Dragon King of the East China Sea leads you to fight to the end, the final result will definitely be the annihilation of the entire Dragon Clan of the Four Seas.

 If you have any doubts about my words, then you might as well recall what the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea has experienced over the past thousand years. Heaven's treatment of heroes is so chilling, let alone its treatment of enemies? "

 Three Dragon Kings: “…”

 Can it still be explained in this way?

"So, if he hadn't taken action against you, you wouldn't be alive now."

Qin Yao closed the coffin and concluded: "How come you can't even turn this corner? Yes, you have been sealed, but have you encountered any war in these years? Apart from the Dragon Clan who died of old age, have any of you been killed by outsiders? "

 Three Dragon Kings: “…”

"Dragon King of the East China Sea, please say something." Qin Yao turned around and said without fear of being left alone.

Uncle Jiu opened his mouth and said in a solemn voice: "I will just say one thing. Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin were once the overlords of the human world. But now, the combined numbers of the Phoenix and Qilin clans are not even as large as mine." The Dragon Clan Royal Family. Among the three clans, the Dragon Clan is the largest. Have you not thought about the reason for this? "

 The three dragons fell into deep thought.

Qin Yao struck while the iron was hot: "Even if we don't talk about the great efforts of the three clans in the past, I would like to ask the three of you, among the races that are also named monsters, is there any clan that can be bigger than the dragon clan system now?"

Hearing this, Sanlong was really confused.

 Because they are all facts, they are irrefutable.

At the same time, the soul of the East China Sea Dragon King in the dragon body was also confused.

 He really didn't think of this back then, he just wanted to be recruited.

 Perhaps...I remembered it wrong?

I have also thought about this. Is it just for the sake of the continuation of the destiny of the ethnic group that I did something wrong?

 In fact, this is the so-called montage lie.

 All the words are true, but taken together they are not true.

 For the Dragon King of the Four Seas, this kind of language expression is really a dimensionality reduction blow.

“What do you mean by telling us this?” The female dragon king rose slowly and came to Qin Yao, looking at him from close range.

Qin Yao's heart suddenly moved, and his head suddenly turned into a leopard's head, which shocked the female dragon king.

 “I am also a demon.”

Qin Yao said solemnly: "I have worked hard for countless years, risking my life time and time again, and narrowly escaped death, and I have just risen from a humble leopard spirit to the rank of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun.

 But even after reaching such a high position, I found that I still couldn't change some gods' prejudices against me.

This stereotype is like a big mountain, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to move it. But I have come to the end of my personal achievements. Unless I become a saint, what road is left for me?

Therefore, I want to unite the demon clan, lead the demon clan out of the haze, and then use the power of the entire clan to move this mountain away, so that the demon clan can enjoy equal rights with humans and immortals, and no longer be the party to be discriminated against.

The Dragon Clan is the first person I choose to unite with.

There are not many opportunities for any creature to change its destiny in this life. Don't wait until you miss it. In the end, you will find that you have no chance to make a comeback. The mistakes you committed can never be made up for. Endless regrets and regrets are like ants gnawing at your soul. It makes you miserable all the time... "

 All the dragon kings from all over the world were stunned.

 I was shocked by these words.

Not long after, Qin Yao shook his head, and the leopard head returned to its human head: "I have finished speaking, you have the final say how to choose."

Three dragons were silent.

 Long silence.

 The silence was filled with endless thoughts.

I don’t know how long it took, but the purple dragon slowly came to Qin Yao and lowered his head.

The red dragon's eyes flickered for a moment, then finally bowed.

Only the female Dragon King still didn't know what she was insisting on, and asked: "Why should I believe you? I mean, why should I believe that you can do it?"

Qin Yao stretched out his hand and pointed to the third prince and fourth prince who were signing the contract, and said: "Including the Dragon King of the East China Sea, I have rescued five members of the East China Sea royal family. Some seals will slowly collapse until they are broken if a hole is broken."

 The female Dragon King looked at the two giant dragons next to Bigan and Huang Feihu, silent.

Within the body of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the soul of the Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly said: "Taoist Master Lin, can you temporarily let me use your body?"

Uncle Jiu was surprised and said, "What do you want to do?"

 “Give them a channel to vent.” The Dragon King of the East China Sea said.

Uncle Jiu was silent for a moment and said, "Okay."

Soon, the Dragon King took control of his body again and slowly came to the female Dragon King: "I know, you are still complaining about me. Including the two of them, a thousand years of resentment will not be easily eliminated with two words.

 I will stay here, and all the dragons who have a grudge against me can come and bite me.

But after biting it, I hope we can put aside our prejudices and work together to achieve freedom.

Having been imprisoned for so many years, is there anything more valuable to us than freedom? "

Looking at his sincere eyes, the female dragon king was silent for a moment, then suddenly opened her mouth wide and bit the opponent's body fiercely.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea let out a muffled groan, and blood suddenly poured out of the female dragon's mouth, shining with a faint golden light.

Later, the Purple Dragon King and the Red Dragon King also surrounded them and bit the East China Sea Dragon King fiercely. After they retreated, the Dragon King signaled to open the blockade on the other three clans' royal families, and giant dragons rushed out one after another, biting like poisonous snakes. in his body.


 The Dragon King of the East China Sea was bitten with many scars, and his injuries were extremely horrific.    But from this moment on, the four sea dragon clans were reunited. Qin Yao also had the power to mobilize the dragon clan from all over the world...

 A few hours later.

On the rocks at the bottom of the Panlong Pillar, Bigan and Huang Feihu opened their eyes almost at the same time. The first thing they noticed was not the energy in their bodies, but that they seemed to be in water. They were so frightened that they quickly climbed up from the ground.

 After standing up, they were surprised to find that they could breathe even under water?

"It must be a dream, otherwise how could there be nothing strange underwater?" Huang Feihu murmured.

 He never remembered that he had the ability to breathe underwater.

"It's not a dream, I cast a spell on you so that you can breathe freely underwater." Qin Yao suddenly said.

This Wen Yiwu immediately followed the sound, and Bigan took the lead in greeting: "Taoist Master Shen."

Qin Yao nodded slightly and said, "Do you still remember what happened?"

Huang Feihu: "I only remember entering the palace with Ya Xiang, and under the control of the Xuanyuan clan, I transferred the essence to Daji, and then I fainted."

Qin Yao pointed at the young dragon beside them and said: "You two have suffered a serious loss of energy and are in danger. It was the two dragon princes who saved you by signing a contract."

The two of them looked in the direction of his finger. Bigan asked in confusion: "What does it mean to conclude a contract?"

Qin Yao said: "You can understand it as a symbiotic contract. After the contract was established, they shared their vitality with you. Didn't you realize that your energy is many times more powerful than before?"

After what he said, the two of them discovered the matter.

 “It’s a great kindness that I will never forget.” Huang Feihu took the lead and said to the Fourth Prince Long beside him.

 “Do we have anything we can give in return?” Bigan then asked.

Qin Yao said: "The best reward is to take them away from here and live well. As long as you can live well, they will become better because of your improvement."

Bigan looked confused and said: "What does it mean to rise step by step?"

Qin Yao explained: "A great catastrophe is about to come. Both of you are the best among men, and there is a high probability that you will be named a god."

  But there are also explanations for canonizing the gods, which can be divided into two types: physical sanctification and ghost enshrinement. Those who become saints in the physical body are Yang gods, one level above them, and are not controlled by the list of gods.

 Yin souls who enter the list are Yin gods, one level lower, and are restricted by the list of gods.

 So, I hope you are all living well. "

 Both of them were stunned.

The impact of this kind of news on two mortals is simply unimaginable.

Seeing their stunned expressions, Qin Yao realized that he could say no more, so he opened a dimensional door leading to their homes in front of the two of them: "Nothing else, take your partners home." Bar."

 “Thank you, Taoist Master.” Bigan saluted.

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "I will return to Jiang Ziya's fortune-telling parlor soon. If you have any questions, you can go to see me there at any time..."

 The next day.

Since the human world has no "slowness" in time for heaven, the Queen Mother soon received the news that another dragon clan was leaving from Haiyaksha, who was guarding the dragon clan's magic circle.

Qin Yao can block the conversation with the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, but he cannot block the seal of the Dragon Clan.

 There are two dragons missing from the two workstations, and these two dragons are of the blood of the Dragon King. This cannot be concealed at all.

The Queen Mother had originally accepted the departure of the eldest prince and the second prince of Donghai under the Jade Emperor's persuasion, but this repeated approach still made her uncontrollably angry.

  She had endured it the first two times, but this time, she was not going to endure it.

But going to the Jade Emperor about this issue would definitely lead to no results, so she secretly instructed Haiyaksha to release the purgatory demons to punish the Dragon King of the East China Sea for neglecting his duties.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yao and others had already predicted her approach, and the other three sea royal families who were quietly released were staring at the undersea purgatory...

It should be noted that the seal of the East China Sea Dragon Clan is only for the East China Sea Dragon Clan. Every dragon born will be sensed, so the Dragon King of the East China Sea hid Tai Bing as his trump card.

 But other members of the Sanhai royal family were not under surveillance. Haiyaksha was not aware of this at all. As soon as he made some changes, he was arrested by other Sanhai inspectors. Without trial or in-depth investigation, he was directly executed on the spot.

 The Queen Mother waited and waited, but could not wait for a response. In desperation, she had no choice but to send her confidant maid Guo Mixiang to sneak into the East China Sea to investigate.


Guo Mixiang has also lost contact.

 Subsequently, the Queen Mother found the Jade Emperor immediately, reported the matter to him, and asked the Jade Emperor to use the Haotian Mirror to check the whereabouts of Guo Mixiang.

In the Lingxiao Hall, the Jade Emperor sitting on the bench looked helpless.

 He really couldn’t understand why the Queen Mother insisted on staring at the Dragon Clan.

 It’s just a dragon clan, why should we care about it? !

  But what should be said, what should be said, he has already said it last time, and it is not his style to talk the words like a wheel.

After thinking for a moment, the Jade Emperor said seriously: "I can use the Haotian Mirror to help you find a maid, but you have to promise me that if the other party is still alive, don't do this. This is different from the fact that there are countless major things to do. If you do it, you just stare at the ants in the corner and it will be as absurd as garbage."

 The Queen Mother was speechless, but a little aggrieved.

She couldn't explain why she had to seal off the Dragon Clan like this, but she always felt that this place would become a source of trouble. If she didn't nip the trouble in the bud, she would regret it in the future.

 But in order to find the maid, she agreed to the Jade Emperor's request.

Soon, under the search of Haotian Mirror, the Queen Mother saw her maid in a small fishing village.

At this moment, I saw that she was dressed as a fisherman girl, leading a group of children to play the game of eagle catching chicks, with a bright and natural smile.

The Queen Mother immediately realized that Guo Mixiang’s intelligence had been sealed, and she burst into anger: "The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea is so bold, how dare..."

 “Your Majesty,” the Jade Emperor called out helplessly.

 The Queen Mother: “…”

Shortly after.

 A team of heavenly soldiers and generals descended to earth and brought Guo Mixiang, whose memory had been sealed, back to heaven.

The Queen Mother also stopped paying close attention to matters in the East China Sea because of her promise to the Jade Emperor, giving the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas some breathing space.

at the same time.

The four princes who received Emperor Xin's edict took their guards and rushed all the way to King Chaoge City and entered the palace to have an audience...

 Jiang Ziya Fortune Telling Shop.

 Outside the gate.

 Qin Yao was bathing in the afterglow of the setting sun, looking towards the Yin and Shang Palace, silently waiting for the end of the audience.

If nothing unexpected happens, during this meeting, among the four major princes, Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu and Nanbohou E Chongyu will all be killed. Only Xibohou Jichang and Beibohou Chonghou Hu are left, who were recommended by the ministers to save them.

  From this, Ji Chang, the Lord of Destiny in the world, will usher in seven years of imprisonment, with countless dangers.

And his one hundredth son, Lei Zhenzi, came to save his old father from fire and water after seven years.

 In the intervening seven years, let the Dragon Clan protect this old man. This can also be used to establish a good relationship between the Dragon Clan and the Emperor, so that in the future, the word "True Dragon" will be added in front of the name of the Emperor! (End of chapter)

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