I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1218: Jie Jiao Wai Sect Senior Brother

 Two days later.

Seven people, Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjing, Yun Zhongzi, Wei Liusun, Master Puxian, Taoist Cihang, and Master Lingbao came with their disciples. They used the method of first exploring the formation and then breaking it. After sacrificing five In the case of disciples, he broke through five formations in a row, killed the five heavenly kings, and took back the apricot yellow flag captured by Dong Tianjun.

In the end, only Yao Tianjun's Downfall Formation and Zhang Tianjun's Red Sand Formation are still standing outside Xiqi City. If this trend continues, it may be difficult to escape the massacre.

Everyone in Chanjiao was well aware of this, so they prepared to continue sending people to explore the formations and make persistent efforts to conquer the remaining two formations as soon as possible.

Seeing this scene, Wen Zhong urged the two heavenly kings to retreat to Sishui Pass with their formations and integrate them with the defensive formations at Sishui Pass. He also ordered Zhang Guifang, Yu Hua and other generals to guard the city gate and prepare to kill them at any time. "Consumables" for exploring the array.

With this operation, he successfully slowed down the Chanjiao Golden Immortal's rhythm of breaking the formation, making the most powerful Jin Immortal, Zhenliu Sun, hate him until his teeth started to itch.

Just because according to the established plan, it would be his turn to escape from the gods' killing calamity next time. Unexpectedly, the disciples and disciples he used to "sacrifice" were all ready, but the duck he was about to get flew away. He was about to cry without tears. , no reason.

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He tried to instigate a counterattack, but was directly rejected by the Antarctic Immortal.

With the protection of the Sishui Pass Array and the help of the immortal generals of the Shang Army, the detection array lost its effect. When the detection array lost its effect, the killings of the gods became terrifying.

The Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun are the mainstay of the entire Chanjiao. He feels heartbroken if one of them is missing, and he has no way to explain to his master.

 It’s late.

In the Sishui Pass, Wen Zhong hosted a banquet for Hongsha Array Master Tianjun and Yao Tianjun, the downtrodden array master. After three glasses of wine were served to the seven heavenly monarchs who died in the battle, the old master sighed slightly and said with tears: "Yes. I’m sorry for the seven brothers who died!”

Zhang Tianjun sighed: "The sage once clearly issued a decree and ordered the Jiejiao group of immortals not to go down the mountain at will and participate in the affairs of the world. We didn't take it seriously. We held on to our magical powers and didn't listen to the holy words. We deserved this fate."

Wen Zhong's sadness was not an act, and he said with a heart as sharp as a knife: "Brother Zhang Dao, Brother Yao, Chanjiao has found a way to break the Ten Jue Formation. You can't stay any longer, lest you fall into the trap like those seven brothers." "

Yao Tianjun said solemnly: "If I can't see the Kunlun Golden Immortal's calamity, I will never be able to get over this hurdle in my life."

Zhang Tianjun said: "That's right, revenge! I heard that the Kunlun Golden Immortal has so many people that I'm afraid you can't do anything to them if you invite ordinary people here. I suggest you go to Mount Emei's Luofu Cave to invite Brother Zhao, so as not to have my teacher brother again. So he died."

 “Yes, please invite Brother Zhao.”

Yao Tianjun shouted softly: "Brother Zhao Dao has great supernatural powers and is the best among the outer disciples of Jiejiao. He will definitely be able to defeat the enemy..."

 At the head of Xiqi City.

 “Senior Brother, I’ll stop him.” The True Lord of Morality was about to turn into a rainbow and rush toward Sishui Pass.

"Wait a minute." The Antarctic Immortal said: "How do you know that this is not a plan to lure the crane out of the mountain? Our task is to protect Xiqi, just do our job well."

 The True Lord of Moral Dao did not dare to disobey the other party, so he obediently dissipated the magic power in his body, and the mysterious light on his body dissipated.

 In the crowd.

Qin Yao thought to himself: If nothing unexpected happens, the person Wen Zhong invited this time is Zhao Gongming, the most powerful among the three generations of disciples of Jiejiao. He can take this opportunity to return the Holy Mother of Golden Light to him. This fairy always leaves behind Being around yourself may not be a good thing...

 Half an hour later.

 Qin Yao sat cross-legged on a futon in the city gate building, his consciousness immersed in the Zhuxian Platform, looking at the female fairy in white who was bound by countless chains of time laws.

“Our Lady of Golden Light, the Ten Ultimate Formations have been broken into eight formations. Among the eight formations, except for me, who spared no effort on you, everyone else tried their best to kill the formation leader and completed their respective divine killings.”

Hearing this, the rather handsome female fairy in white trembled, and a trace of sadness appeared on her face: "I regret that I shouldn't have left the mountain."

"It's useless to regret. The dead are dead, and the living must live. It's better to think about what to do next." Qin Yao said.

Our Lady of Golden Light bit her lip and said, "I don't understand what you mean."

Qin Yao said to himself: "Wen Zhong went to ask for help again. If nothing else happens, he will invite a powerful immortal this time. From now on, I will take you to the top of the city to rob the opponent. Take your chance. After you get out of trouble, you'd better not stay in the business camp, otherwise you may still be in danger of your life..."

Our Lady of Golden Light looked slightly startled and murmured, "Why are you doing this?"

"It can only be understood, not expressed in words." Qin Yao said: "Remember what I said. If you are faced with disaster again, you will never meet someone like me who is willing to let you go."

Our Lady of Golden Light: “…”

 The next day.

When all the immortals gathered from their respective mansions on the city gate tower, they saw 'Shen Gongbao' sitting at the long table in the city gate tower. Standing next to him was the golden Virgin Mary with a beautiful and exquisite face in a white dress. She couldn't help but pause. .

 “Go and pour tea for my senior brothers.” Under the attention of all the immortals, Qin Yao stood up and ordered to Our Lady of Golden Light.

Although the Golden Light Virgin remained unresponsive, she obediently followed her words.

 “Puppet Talisman?” Taiyi said subconsciously.

 “There is no talisman.” said the Antarctic Immortal.

"How could she be obedient without the talisman?" Taiyi looked confused.

The Antarctic Immortal looked deeply at Qin Yao and said, "This is what Junior Brother Shen used."

"I don't know if this method is both end-to-end. I am in Xiqi and my heart is in Yin." Wei Liusun said angrily: "If so, it will not be difficult to make Jie Jiao Tianjun obedient."

Qin Yao said calmly: "Wen Zhong went to ask for reinforcements again. Among the twelve golden immortals in Kunlun, I am the weakest and the lowest. What's the problem with carrying this amulet with me?"

There is no problem with the logic, but as long as you are determined to find faults, you can pick out bones from the eggs. Therefore, fearing Liu Sun said again: "You have always had an ambiguous relationship with the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Even if the Shang army has strong reinforcements, it will not matter." Will he attack you first?"

"Do you know what the Immortal Killing Tribulation is? If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense, it will make you look embarrassed." Qin Yao said unceremoniously.

 “Presumptuous.” Zhen Liusun was so angry that he shouted angrily: “Is this how you talk to your senior brother?”

“Can you please stop being so angry? It’s very annoying to jump out like a clown again and again.” Qin Yao waved his hand with an irritated face.

And his behavior greatly stimulated Wei Liusun's sensitive self-esteem, making him uncontrollable. He summoned a black iron rod with a flip of his hand and hit Qin Yao's head in the air: "Kunlun Gold There should be no scum like you in the immortal world, I will clean up the house today."


The Antarctic Immortal used his crutch to block the black iron rod and said in a serious voice: "You two give me a stop. The enemy is facing us, and there are internal strifes again and again. Isn't it nice to watch?"

"Elder brother, it's not that I want to fight internally, but I get annoyed when I see this goblin, and I can't control my temper when I'm upset. How about you let him leave? Given his strength, he can stay here. , and it won’t play a key role,” Fearful Sun said seriously.

Qin Yao said calmly: "You say I'm a waste? I broke the golden light array. What's your record? Tell me about it?"

Fearing Liusun: "..." A moment later, just as he took a deep breath and prepared to confront the other party, the Antarctic Immortal shouted with a trace of anger: "Shut up, everyone, the grudge between you two will be over after this." Calculate them one by one after the disaster."

Subsequently, the fearful grandson walked away, but Qin Yao sat peacefully in the city gate tower, drinking tea poured by the Golden Lady, and looking at the clouds rolling in the sky.

Antarctic Immortal couldn't help but glance at him and asked: "Junior brother brought out all the amulets, but can you guess who Wen Zhong will invite?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "There are too many powerful Jiejiao people. How can you guess this? But what is certain is that this reinforcement must be stronger than Shi Tianjun, otherwise Wen Zhong would have no need to invite him."

Antarctic Immortal: “…”

What is the difference between saying this and not saying it?

 In the blink of an eye, two days later.

That day, the weather was gloomy. As soon as the immortals of Chanjiao arrived at the city gate tower, they felt uneasy and uneasy, and had an inexplicable intuition that a storm was about to come.

“Heavens and humans are sensing...” Taiyi murmured, “Something big will happen today.”

"As long as we work together, we can ensure that Xiqi is safe." The Antarctic Immortal said solemnly.

“What senior brother said is absolutely true,” Jiang Ziya said quickly.

Leaning a little, the wind fills the building, the drizzle falls, and the moisture between the sky and the earth continues to rise.

A majestic linen-clad immortal with a round face and black beard, with fierce eyes, holding a silver whip and riding a black tiger, came out of the rain.

The amazing thing is that even though he clearly didn't use any Gang Qi shield, the rain seemed to be channeled, dripping around his body, and not a single raindrop dared to fall on his head.

Wen Zhong followed behind him on Mo Qilin, using a transparent immortal energy shield to avoid the rain and moisture. He raised his finger and pointed at Xiqi City and said, "Brother Zhao Dao, this is where it is..."

 Actually, according to his seniority, he should call Zhao Gongming his uncle.

However, Jiejiao is different from Chanjiao, which focuses on teaching without distinction.

However, anyone who has listened to the lectures of Master Tongtian and regards himself as his disciple can be counted as an outside disciple of Jiejiao. Only the inner disciples are the inheritors of the Jiejiao tradition.

Chao Gongming had a great opportunity on Sanxian Island before listening to the lectures of the leader of Tongtian Cult. He joined the Jie Cult in the middle and was regarded as an outer sect disciple and the first person in the outer sect.

 In the outer sect, seniority is not so strict. What you call depends on the strength and status of the other person. Most people face powerful outer sect disciples and are collectively called Taoist brothers...

 This is the case for Wen Zhong and Zhao Gongming. The former admires the latter's strength, while the latter is in awe of the other's identity as a disciple of the Golden Spirit Mother.

As for power in the world, it is nothing to a powerful person like Zhao Gongming...

Back to the main story, after Wen Zhong pointed at Xiqi City, Zhao Gongming took the silver whip and drove the black tiger closer, shouting: "Antarctic Immortal, are you in charge here?"

The Antarctic Immortal nodded slowly: "Exactly, may I ask your Excellency?"

“Listen up, I am Zhao Gongming from Luofu Cave in Mount Emei.”

“It turns out to be Brother Zhao Dao.” The Antarctic Immortal smiled and said, “I don’t know what you have to say?”

 “Smile, you still have the nerve to smile.”

Unexpectedly, Zhao Gongming opened his mouth and cursed: "The lotus flowers are white and the lotus roots are green. The three sects are originally one family. You, the Kunlun Golden Immortal, want to survive the catastrophe of immortal killing. Why do you kill my disciples of the Jie Jiao? Is there anyone else in the world besides my disciples of the Jie Jiao? Are there no other immortals who want you to fight in the same room?"

The Antarctic Immortal could no longer laugh and said in a solemn voice: "Brother Taoist, I'm afraid you don't know about Emperor Xinti's obscene poems that insulted Nuwa. The Yin Shang Dynasty has exhausted its energy, but those dead Jie Jiao disciples don't know the fate of the day and insist on supporting the Shang Dynasty. Who can blame him for destroying the Zhou Dynasty and causing death?"

"Fart." Zhao Gongming didn't give him any face, and angrily said: "I ask you why you insist on killing my Jie Jiao disciples, what are you talking about about destiny? Even though everyone is their own master, it's okay if they are defeated, why kill them? kill?"

 The Antarctic Immortal is speechless.

Hin Liusun stood up and roared: "You understand, we are not the ones provoking Jie Jiao on our own initiative, it is us who are provoking Jie Jiao on our own initiative."

"What kind of green onion are you, short and black?" Zhao Gongming followed the sound, his face full of disgust.

 Afraid of leaving grandchildren: “…”

Black and short?

 Triple critical hits.

Fearing that Sun's cheeks were congested rapidly, and a yellow orange rope was angry, and he went straight to Zhao Gongming.

What he never expected was that when Zhao Gongming came to the front of Zhao Gongming, the rope that used to be invincible in the face of gods, demons and ghosts was caught in his palm, and then his control was cut off.

 “What is this? A belt?”

Zhao Gongming tied the immortal rope around his waist and looked down: "A bit ugly, black and short, that's fine with you."

Zhao Gongming flew up and rushed towards the opponent's figure, but what everyone didn't expect was that in just three rounds, Wei Liusun was slapped on the chest by a silver whip, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of immortal blood, and turned around to escape. , but was entangled in the silver whip.

 “Don’t be arrogant.”

The True Monarch of Morality gave a loud shout, flew out of the city with the seven-animal fan in hand, and slapped the black tiger fiercely. Suddenly, the fire in the air, the fire in the stone, the fire in the wood, the fire in Samadhi, and the fire in the world merged together and turned into fire. The stream flows straight towards Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming didn't raise his eyes to see the flames at all, but still caught Ke Liusun and whipped him violently. Under the silver whip, the immortal body of Ke Liusun was beaten to pieces, and he was dripping with blood and was dying.

 “Come together.” The Antarctic Immortal ordered.

The other golden immortals rushed out together, each holding weapons, and joined the battlefield. However, Zhao Gongming took out twenty-four orbs in his hands, controlled the orbs to fly all over the sky, and beat all the golden immortals to flee, wiped away their faces, and finally only He was able to do his best to protect the seriously injured fearful Sun and return to Xiqi City.

Jiang Ziya quickly waved the apricot-yellow flag and waved out golden lotuses to protect the entire city, looking at the Taoist in the air with fear on his face.

 This was the first time he had seen such a fierce Taoist.

 “This flag is quite interesting!”

Zhao Gongming stared at the apricot yellow flag for a while, grinned, and the next moment, twenty-four Dinghai Pearls roared towards the thousands of golden lotuses.

 Inside the city gate tower.

Looking at these terrifying orbs, Qin Yao's eyes quickly flashed with brilliance.

 Twenty-four Dinghai Pearls were, according to legend, refined into twenty-four heavens by the twenty-five men named Ran Deng, and became the foundation for each other's enlightenment.

If Zhao Gongming’s downfall is inevitable, then why not take advantage of Ran Deng? Why not take advantage of me? (End of chapter)

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